Index to La Confederate Soldiers
service records
These are the records compiled by Andrew Booth with a few minor corrections. Click below on page that should have the name you are looking for. Once the page of records is open, either scroll to the desired name, or click EDIT on the tool bar then click FIND ON THIS PAGE and type in the name desired. The click FIND NEXT.
aaron-allhuson b01                                              allian-asenheimer b02                                  ash-balzer b03
bamberg-bazeon b04                                          beach-berquier b05                                       berri-bnatt b06
boadas-bouny b07                                               bouran-brazzile b08                                      breackanridge-brouzat b09
browder-broquoi b10                                          burat-byron b11                                        cabady-carpietteb12                                          carr-chapus b13                                                   charbonet-clisham b14                                  clock-comwell b15
cona-corvisart b16                                              cos-crozier b17                                                cruanes-dary b18
dash-delaney b19                                                delang-dodard b20                                       dodart-duco b21
ducoing-dyson b22                                             eadan-ezelle b23                                           faab-first b24
firth-foret b25                                                     forey-fyret b26                                                 g_-george b27
georges-gora b28                                                 gorahy-grillier b29                                         grillon-Hamilton b30
hamin-hauchez b31                                             hauck-henry b32                                            hensell-Hogan b33
hogans-hyver b34                                               ibara-jeter b35                                                jett-juville b36
kaana-king b37                                                    kingdom-lafyette b38                                    lagaerinque-lanze b39
laosa-lazzarini b40                                              lea-leedom b41                                               leeds-leutheauser b42
leva-lisso b43                                                       list-louis b44                                                   louivet-maiera b45
maifeux-martell b46                                          martelli-Mazola b47                                       meacham-michell b48
michelot-mobile b49                                           mobley-moore b50                                        moorehead-morzele b51
mosby-Murphy b52                                           murr-McCarthy b53                                      mccartney-mcdonald b54
mcdonall-mckay b55                                          mckean-mcyees b56                                      naba-nines b57
nihill-ogden b58                                                  Ogdon_g - ozle b59                                         pa-pegues b60
peicker-pheland b61                                          phelps-pons b62                                              ponselin-pruch b63
prudat-qurol b64                                                raab-reed b65                                                 reede-Richards b66
richardson-robery b67                                       robes-rouchon b68                                         roucka-s_-saunders b69
saunderson-scott b70                                         scotthorne-shepherd b71                              sheppard-sims b72
simson-smith_m b73                                           smith_n-squires b74                              squyres-stirly b75                                                stirning-szymauski b76                                      t_-Thomas b77                                                thomasee-trestler b78
trevino-uzer b79                                                 vable-vyle b80                                                 w_-warren b81
warrick-western b82                                          westfall-Williams b83                                     williams_j-wonner b84
wood-zylks b85

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