Return to Booth's Index

Kingdom, William, Pvt. Co. F, 21st (Patton's) La. Inf. En. June 12, 1861, New Orleans, La.

Present on Roll to June 30, 1861.

Kingery, D. H., Pvt. Co. F, 28th (Thomas') La. Inf. En. April 19, 1862, New Orleans, La. Present

on Rolls to Oct., 1862. Roll for Oct. 31, 1862, to Feb. 28, 1863, Died Vicksburg, Miss.

(Hospl.), Jan. 22, 1863.

Kingler, Jacob, Pvt. Co. F, Miles' Legion La. Vols. En. April 18, 1862, New Orleans, La. Present

on Roll to June 30, 1862.

Kinglowe, Fred, Pvt. Co. A, 19th Tex. Inf. Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled at Shreveport.

La., June 7, 1865. Res. Baton Rouge, La.

Kingman, E. J., Pvt. Capt. Le Gardeur Jr.'s Co. (Orleans Grd. Batty.) La. Lt. Arty. On Roll of

Prisoners of War, Paroled Greensboro, N. C., April 26, 1865.

Page 572

Kingmann, William, _ Co. C, 4th Regt. 2nd Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered

into the service of the State of Louisiana.

Kingrey, Abraham J., Pvt. Co. G, 8th La. Inf. Appears on List not dated of Minden Blues who came

down from Aikens Landing, Red River, to New Orleans, La., on Str. Eleanor. Arrived June 14,

1861. En. June 23, 1861, New Orleans, La. Present on all Rolls to Dec., 1861. Roll for Dec. 31,

1861, to April 30, 1862, Absent. Re-enlisted and mustered in by Maj. Christy at Camp Carondelet.

Rolls from June 30, 1862, to May 14, 1863, Absent, taken prisoner at Huntsville, Ala., April 10,

1863. Roll for May 14 to Aug. 11, 1863, Absent without leave since April, 1862. Roll for Aug. 11

to 31, 1863, Deserted April, 1862. Born Minden, La., single.

Kingry, J. J., Pvt. Co. K, 16th La. Inf. En. Sept. 29, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on Rolls to

Oct., 1863. Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1864, Absent, sent to Hospl. from camp near Dalton, Jan. 25,

1864, order of Dr. Ware. Rolls from March, 1864. to Aug. 31, 1864. Present. Federal Rolls of

Prisoners of War show him captured near Nashville, Tenn., Dec. 17, 1864. Recd. at Military

Prison. Louisville, Ky., Jan. 5, 1865. Forwd. to Camp Chase, Ohio, Jan. 6, 1865. Paroled at Camp

Chase, Ohio. Transfd. to Pt. Lookout, Md., Feb. 17, 1865, for exchange.

Kingsbury, F., Corpl. Schwartz's Co. Bragg's Battn. La. Mil. Appears on Roll not dated.

Kingsbury, Perry, Pvt. Co. A, 16th Battn. La. Inf. (Confed. Grds. Response Battn.). En. March 8,

New Orleans, La. Present on Roll to June 9, 1862. Roll for July and Aug., 1862, Discharged July

25, reason of over age.

Kingsley, M. E., Pvt. _. On Roll of Prisoners of War, Paroled in Office of Commisary of

Prisoners, May 17, 1865, New Orleans, La.

Kingsley, Mat, Pvt. Sergt. Co. C, 4th La. Inf. En. May 25, 1861. Camp Moore, La. Present on all

Rolls to Dec., 1862. Appears on Register of Prisoners of War, Captured at Jackson, La., May 24,

1863. On List not dated of Confed. prisoners sent down May 26. Received May 29, 1863.

Kingsmill, Robert, Pvt. Co. G. 1st Regt. 3rd Brig 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll for March 5, 1862,

ordered into the service of the State of Louisiana. On List dated New Orleans, La., April 8,


Kingston, H. A., Capt. Co. G, 1st Regt. 2nd Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. Appears on List not dated,

ordered into the service of the State of Louisiana. On List not dated of persons refusing to

serve in Militia, Oct., 1861.

Kingston, John, Pvt. Co. K, 6th La. Inf. En. June 4, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Roll dated June 4,

1861, Absent on leave. Present on Roll for July and Aug., 1861. Roll for Sept. and Oct., 1861,

Absent without leave Oct. 29 to Nov. 3, 1861. Roll for May and June. 1862, Present. Present or

absent not stated on Roll for July and Aug., 1862. Roll for Sept. and Oct., 1862, Absent, sick,

in Winchester. Rolls from Nov., 1862, to April, 1863, state Present. Rolls from May, 1863, to

Aug., 1863, Absent, wounded at Battle of Fredericksburg, May 4, 1863. Present on Roll for Sept.

and Oct., 1863. Roll for Nov. and Dec., 1863. Absent on furlough for 30 days from Nov. 18, 1863.

Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1864, Absent without leave. Present on Roll for March and April. 1864.

Roll for May 1 to Aug. 31, 1864, Died. Record copied from Memorial Hall, New Orleans, La., by

the War Dept., Washington, D. C., May, 1903, born England, occupation barkeeper, Res. New

Orleans, La., age when enlisted 21, single. Died May 9 from wounds Recd. in Battle of


Kingston, T. J., Pvt. Continental Cadets La. Mil. Roll not dated shows him Present on parade,

Nov. 23, 1861.

Kingston, Theo., Pvt. Co. C, 1st (Nelligan's) La. Inf. Roll dated June 30, 1861 (only Roll on

file), shows him En. April 30, 1861, New Orleans, La. Present.

Kingston, Theo., _ New Co. C, 1st Special Battn. (Rightor's) La. Inf. Roll for July and Aug.,

1861 (only Roll on file), shows him discharged.

Kink, R. A., Conscript, Unassigned. Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled Shreveport, La., June 7,

1865. Res. Prairie Co., Ark.

Kinke, Schawle, Pvt. Co. G, 1st La. Hvy. Arty. (Regulars). En. May 14, 1861, New Orleans, La.

Present on all Rolls to Oct., 1862. Rolls from Nov., 1862, to Feb., 1863, Absent on extra duty

as shoemaker. Present on Roll for March and April, 1863. Rolls from June 30, 1863, to Dec.,

1863, Absent without leave. Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1864, Absent, refused parole at Vicksburg,

supposed to have been sent North as a prisoner of war. Rolls from March, 1864, to Oct., 1864,

Absent, prisoner of war, North. Roll for March and April, 1865, Absent, prisoner of war, North,

since fall of Vicksburg. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War show him captured at Vicksburg,

Miss., July 4, 1863. Refused to sign parole. Sent to Memphis. Tenn., July 18, 1863. Recd. at

Gratiot St. Military Prison, St. Louis, Mo., July 26, 1863. Forwd. to Camp Morton, Ind., Aug. 1,

1863. Enlisted in U. S. service, 7th Cav., Aug. _, 1863.

Kinkhead, J. H., 1st Lt. Alexander Regt. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Yellow

Bayou, May 18, 1864. Paroled New Orleans, La., Jan. 4, 1864 (as on Federal Roll).

Kinler, A., Pvt. Capt. Cagnolatti's Co. Cav. (Chasseurs of Jefferson) La. Mil. On Roll not

dated, ordered into the service of the State of Louisiana.

Kinley, Sam., Pvt. Co. A, 6th La. Cav. En. May 15, 1862, Shreveport, La. Present on Roll to Aug.

31, 1862.

Kinman, J., Pvt. Co. E, 3rd Regt. 3rd Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into

the service of the State of Louisiana.

Kinnear, Simon, Pvt. Corpl. Co. D, 10th La. Inf. En. July 22, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on

all Rolls to Feb., 1862. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War show him captured at Gettysburg, Pa.,

July 5, 1863. Recd. at De Camp Gen. Hospl., David's Island, New York Harbor, July 17 to 24,

1863. Paroled at De Camp Gen. Hospl. Recd. at City Pt., Va., Sept. 8, 1863, and exchanged. Roll

for Jan. and Feb., 1864. Present. Furloughed and reported for duty, Feb. 8, 1864. Appears on a

Register of Oaths and Deserters, Pro. Mar. Gen., Washington, D. C., Recd. March 19, 1864. Sent

from Army of the Potomac. Taken Oath of Allegiance. Furnished with work on Govt. works. Born

Ireland, occupation laborer, Res. New Orleans, La., age when enlisted 25, single.

Kinnebrew, Eugene A., Pvt. Co. D, 28th (Gray's) La. Inf. En. Jan. 18, 1863, Homer, La.

Kinnebrew, J. D., Pvt. Co. I, 2nd La. Inf. En. May 9, 1861, New Orleans, La. Present on all

Rolls to June, 1862. Roll for July and Aug., 1862, Absent, sick.

Kinnebrew, L., Pvt. Co. H, 17th La. Inf. En. Oct. 12, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on all Rolls

to Feb., 1863. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War show him captured and paroled at Vicksburg,

Miss., July 4, 1863.

Kinnemeyer, F., Pvt. Co. K, 2nd Regt. 3rd Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On List dated March 5, 1862,

ordered into the service of the State of Louisiana.

Page 573

Kinnes, Edgar, Pvt. Co. A, 7th La. Vols. On Roll of Prisoners of War, Paroled at Winchester,

Va., April 20-24, 1865.

Kinney, Daniel, Pvt. Capt. Brennan's Co. (Co. A, Shamrock Grds.) La. Mil. List dated New

Orleans, La., Nov. 27, 1861, Present on parade.

Kinney, David, Pvt. Capt. Brennan's Co. (Co. A, Shamrock Grds.) La. Mil. List dated New Orleans,

La., Nov. 27, 1861, Present on parade.

Kinney, Dennis, Pvt. Co. B, 14th La. Inf. En. June 3, 1861, New Orleans, La. Present on Rolls to

April, 1862. Roll for May and June, 1862, Absent, wounded. Roll for July and Aug., 1862, Absent

without leave. Roll for Sept. and Oct., 1862, Absent on wounded furlough. Rolls from Nov. 1,

1862, to Feb., 1863, Absent, wounded, in Hospl. Rolls from March, 1863, to Dec., 1863, state

Present. Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1864, Deserted to the enemy, Jan. 24, 1864, and stoppage of pay

for loss of Ordnance Stores -$18.61. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War show him captured at

Rapidan, Va., Jan. 24, 1864. Recd. at Old Capitol Prison, Washington, D. C., Jan. 27, 1864.

Released on Amnesty Oath, March 12, 1864. Deserter. Sent to New York, March 14, 1864. Res. New

York, N. Y., complexion dark, hair brown, eyes blue, height 5 ft. 5 in., born Ireland.

occupation laborer, Res. New Orleans. La., age when enlisted 31, single.

Kinney, Elder H., Pvt. Co. E, 11th La. Inf. En. Aug. 13, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Roll to Oct. 31,

1861, Present, with remarks: Detailed as teamster, Sept. 8.

Kinney, F. P., Pvt. Co. A, 2nd La. Inf. En. May 11, 1861, New Orleans, La., for twelve months,

unless sooner discharged.

Kinney, James, Pvt. Sergt. Co. G, 20th La. Inf. En. Dec. 21, 1861, Camp Lewis. Present on Rolls

to Feb., 1862. Apptd. Corpl., "Feb. 18, 1862" Jan. 24, 1862 (words in quotations cancelled on

Roll). Rolls from March, 1862, to June, 1862, Present. Roll for June 30 to Oct. 31, 1862,

Deserted on march through Kentucky. Dropped Sept. 28, 1862. Appears on a receipt dated on board

Str. Dacotah, near Vicksburg, Oct. 18, 1862, given to Maj. N. G. Watts, Agt. to Capt. H. M.

Lazelle, U. S. A. Agt. for Exchange of Prisoners, Recd. Oct. 18, 1862, who had heretofore been


Kinney, James, Pvt. Co. A, 21st La. Inf. (Kennedy's). En. July 9, 1861, New Orleans, La. Present

on Roll to Oct. 31, 1861.

Kinney, John, Pvt. Capt. Co. A, 3rd La. Inf. En. May 17, 1861, New Orleans, La. Present on

Rolls to Oct., 1861. Present or absent not stated on Roll for Nov. and Dec., 1861. Roll for May

and June, 1862. Present. Assigned to command (Capt.), May 8, 1862. by Division Commander. Eight

days pay due as Private. Present on Roll for July and Aug., 1862. Roll for Sept. and Oct., 1862,

Absent, wounded at Battle of Iuka. Sept. 19. Appears on a Receipt dated on board Str. Dacotah,

near Vicksburg, Miss., Oct. 18, 1862, given by Maj. N. G. Watts, Agt., to Capt. H. M. Lazelle,

U. S. A. Agt. for Exchange of Prisoners of War, Recd. Oct. 18, 1862, who had heretofore been

paroled. Rolls from Nov., 1862, to Feb., 1863, state Present.

Kinney, John, _ Co. B, 13th La. Inf. En. Aug. 16, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Roll for June 30 to Oct.

31, 1862. Present. Transfd. from 11th La. Regt. Rolls from Jan., 1863. to Oct. 31, 1863, state

Present. Roll for Nov. and Dec., 1863, Absent, missing in action, Battle of Missionary Ridge,

Nov. 25, 1863. Rolls from Jan., 1864, to Feb. 28, 1865, Absent, prisoner at Missionary Ridge,

Nov. 25, 1863.

Kinney, John, Pvt. Co. A, 21st (Patton's) La. Inf. En. June 19, 1861, New Orleans, La. Present

on all Rolls to April, 1862.

Kinney, John, _ Co. -, Beauregard Battn. La. Mil. On List not dated of absentees from review

Nov. 23, 1861. Absent without leave.

Kinney, John I., Pvt. Co. E, 7th La. Inf. En. June 7, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on all Rolls

to Feb., 1864. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War show him captured at Spottsylvania C. H., May

11, 1864. Sent to Belle Plains, Va., May 18, 1864. Recd. at Elmira, N. Y., Aug. 15, 1864, from

Pt. Lookout, Md. Released on Oath of Allegiance to United States, May 29, 1865. Res. New

Orleans, La., complexion fair, hair dark, eyes blue, height 5 ft. 8 1/2 in., born Kentucky,

occupation machinist, Res. New Orleans, La., age when enlisted 23, single.

Kinney, M. J. (on Federal Rolls as Kennedy, M.), Pvt. 4th Co. Battn. Washington Arty. La. En.

March 12, 1862, New Orleans, La. Present or absent not stated on Rolls to June, 1862. Roll for

July and Aug., 1862, Present. Roll for Sept. and Oct., 1862, Absent on sick furlough since Oct.

21, 1862. Rolls from Nov., 1862, to April, 1863, state Present. Rolls from July, 1863, to Dec.,

1863, Absent, missing, since July 20, 1863. Supposed to be in the hands of the enemy. Rolls from

Jan., 1864, to June, 1864. Absent, in hands of the enemy, since July 20, 1863. Roll for July and

Aug., 1864, Missing in action (July 3, 1862), and dropped from Rolls, Aug. 31, 1864. Federal

Rolls of Prisoners of War show him captured at Hagertown, Md., July 26, 1863. Recd. at

Harrisburg, Pa., July 28, 1863, from Pro. Mar. at Chambersburg, Pa., July 28, 1863. Forwd. to

Philadelphia, Pa., July 29, 1863. On Rolls of Prisoners of War at Fort Delaware, Del., who

desire to take the Oath of Allegiance Dec. _, 1864. Released on Oath of Allegiance to United

States May 4, 1865. Res. New Orleans, La., complexion light, hair dark, eyes gray, height 5 ft.

6 in., born Ireland, occupation engraver, Res. New Orleans, La., age when enlisted 19, single.

Kinney, Patrick, Pvt. Co. F, Jeff Davis Regt. La. Inf. List dated New Orleans. La., Nov. 23,

1861, states Present.

Kinney, Patrick, Pvt. Co. D, 4th La. Inf. En. May 28, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Roll to Oct. 31,

1861, Given up to civil authorities at Ocean Springs, Miss., Sept. 2, 1861.

Kinney, Patrick, Pvt. Co. L, 11th La. Inf. En. New Orleans, La., _, 1861. Present on Roll for

July 21 to Oct. 31, 1861.

Kinney, Patrick, Pvt. Co. F, 13th and 20th La. Inf. Appears on Hospl. Register, Admitted Jan.

10, 1863, to U. S. A. No. 3 Gen. Hospl., Nashville, Tenn. Remarks: Gone to 109 Colledge St.,

Cocekerells. On Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War show him captured at Stone's River or

Murfreesboro, Tenn., Feb. 27, 1863. Sent from Military Prison, Louisville, Ky., to Camp Butler,

Ill., March 11, 1863.

Kinney, Patrick, Pvt. Co. -, 14th La. Inf. En. June 25, 1861. New Orleans, La. Present on Rolls

to Aug., 1861.

Kinney, W., Pvt. Co. C, Ogden's La. Cav. On Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled at Gainesville,

Ala., May 12, 1865. Res. New Orleans, La.

Kinney, William, 1st Sergt. Capt. Co. F, 3rd La. Inf. En. May 17, 1861, New Orleans, La. Present

on all Rolls to Dec., 1861. Roll for May and June, 1862, Present. Elected Capt., May 16, 1862.

Was 1st Sergt. to that time. Present on Roll for July and Aug., 1862. Rolls from Sept., 1862, to

Dec., 1862, Absent on detached service. Present on Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1863. Federal Rolls

of Prisoners of War show him captured and paroled at Vicksburg, Miss., July 4, 1863. On List

dated Hdqrs. Allen's Brigade, Shreveport, La., March 29, 1864, Reported in camp for exchange at

Natchitoches, La., before April 1, 1864.

Page 574

Kinney, William, Pvt. Co. L, 11th La. Inf. Roll for July 20 to Oct. 31, 1861 (only Roll on

file), shows him En. New Orleans, La., _, 1861. Present.

Kinny, William, Pvt. Co. D, 3rd (Wingfield's) La. Cav. En. Aug. 1, 1862. Livingston. Present on

Roll dated Sept. 19, 1862. Present or absent not stated on Roll not dated.

Kinord, Daniel C., Pvt. Co. C, 31st La. Inf. Roll for April 21, 1862, to April 21, 1865 (only

Roll on file) shows him En. April 21, 186-, Delhi, Carroll Par., La., for three years or the


Kinsela, Thomas, Pvt. Co. A, 21st (Patton's) La. Inf. En. June 19, 1861, New Orleans, La.

Present on all Rolls to Nov., 1861. Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1862, Present; has since been

discharged. Roll for March and April, 1862, Discharged March 8, 1862, order of Maj. Gen. Lovell,

on Post Surgeon's certificate.

Kinsella, Robert, Sergt. Co. E, 1st Regt. 3rd Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. Roll for March 5, 1862, to

_, ordered into the service of the State of Louisiana. Remarks: Officiated under former

organization and proved a good officer.

Kinsella, William C., Pvt. Co. D, 21st (Patton's) La. Inf. En. June 18, 1861, New Orleans. La.

Present on Rolls to Feb., 1862. Roll for March and April, 1862, Deserted at Milneberg, La.,

April 26, 1862.

Kinsey, Absalom, Pvt. Co. F, 11th Battn. La. Inf. En. June 20, 1862, Harrisonburg, La. Present

on Rolls to Oct., 1862.

Kinsley, Alfred, Pvt. Corpl. Co. B, 14th La. Inf. En. June 3, 1861. New Orleans, La. Present on

all Rolls to June, 1862. Roll for July and Aug., 1862, Absent, paroled prisoner. Roll for Sept.

and Oct., 1862, Present. Appears on List not dated of Prisoners of War. Paroled by the U. S.

Govt. Recd. at Aikens Landing, Va., Sept. 7, 1862. Exchanged Sept. 21, 1862. Roll for Nov. and

Dec., 1862, Present. Promoted 2nd Corpl. from 4th Corpl., Dec. 1. Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1863,

Absent without leave. Roll for March and April, 1863, Absent, missing. Roll of Prisoners of War

show him captured at Fredericksburg, Va., May 3, 1863. Paroled at Hdqrs. of the Army of the

Potomac. Forwd. to Washington, D. C., May 4, 1863. Sent to City Pt., Va., for exchange, May 10,

1863. Recd. at City Point. Va., May 13 1863, and exchanged. Roll to July 31, 1863, Absent in

Hospl., wounded at Gettysburg, Pa. Roll for July and Aug., 1863, Absent in Hospl.,

Charlottesville, Va. Present on Roll for Sept. and Oct., 1863. Roll for Nov. and Dec., 1863,

Present. Detailed in Q. M. Dept. Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1864, Present. Re-enlisted for the War,

Feb. 21, 1864. Absent without leave from Jan. 16 till Feb. 3, 1864. Roll for April 30 to Aug.

31, 1864, Present, under arrest Oct. 21, 1864. Roll for Sept. and Oct., 1864, dated Feb. 26,

1865, Present. Born Louisiana, occupation laborer, Res. New Orleans, La., age when enlisted 18,


Kinsley, James, Pvt. Corpl. Co. G, 13th La. Inf. En. June 5, 1861, Wax Bayou. Present on all

Rolls to April, 1863. Roll for July 1 to Oct. 31, 1863. Deserted at Jackson.

Kinsley, John, Pvt. Co. F, 1st La. Hvy. Arty. (Regulars). En. March 13, 1861, New Orleans, La.

Present on Rolls to Aug., 1861.

Kinslow, J., Pvt. Co. H, 5th La. Inf. En. June 4, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Roll to June 30, 1861.

Transfd. to Washington Arty. at Camp Edirfield, June 27, 1861.

Kinslow, Joseph, Musician, Bugler, 3rd Co. Battn. Washington Arty. La. En. June 26, 1861.

Richmond, Va. Present on Roll for July and Aug., 1861. Roll for Sept. and Oct., 1861, Absent on

duty with 2nd Co. at Fairfax. Present on Roll for Nov. and Dec., 1861. Roll for Jan. and Feb.,

1862, Absent without leave. Present on all Rolls March, 1862, to Dec., 1863. Roll for Jan. and

Feb., 1864, Absent on furlough for 30 days from Oct. 20, 1864. Roll for March and April, 1864,

Present. Returned to Co., April 23, 1864, from absent without leave since March 23, 1864. One

month's pay stopped. Rolls from May, 1864, to Oct., 1864, state Present. Roll for Jan. and Feb.,

1865, Absent without leave, Richmond. Va., Feb. 6. 1865. Appears on a Report of Paroles of

Prisoners of War, given by Col. D. M. Evans, 20th N. Y. Cav., April 21, 1865.

Kintano, Ravmond, Pvt. Co. D, 27th La. Inf. En. March 8, 1862, Iberville Par., La. Present on

all Rolls to Dec., 1862.

Kintzinger, Michel, Pvt. Co. I. 21st (Patton's) La. Inf. En. June 13, 1861, New Orleans, La.

Present on Roll dated July 29, 1861.

Kiona, John, Pvt. Co. D. 13th and 20th La. Inf. Appears on Register of Prisoners of War, Dept.

of the Cumberland, Captured Stone's River. Forwd. to Nashville, Tenn., Feb. 1.

Kioway, Auguste (also Kigaway, Auguste T.), Pvt. Co. I, 1st La. Hvy. Arty. (Regulars). En. May

24, 1861, New Orleans, La. Present on all Rolls to Oct., 1862. Roll for Nov. and Dec., 1862,

Present. Lane Corpl. Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1863, Present. Appointed Corpl., Jan. 1, 1863.

Present on Roll for March and April, 1863. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War show him captured

at Vicksburg, Miss., July 4, 1863. Refused to sign parole. Sent to Memphis, Tenn., July 18,

1863. Rolls from Oct., 1863, to Dec., 1863, Absent without leave since fall of Vicksburg.

Supposed to have gone to Louisiana. Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1864, Dropped from the Roll, order

No. _, from Dept. Hdqrs.

Kiper, J. R. B., Sergt. Co. B, 2nd Battn. La. Hvy. Arty. On Rolls of Prisoners of War of divers

companies and regiments, unattached, C. S. Army. Paroled at Monroe, La., June 17, 1865. Res.

Catahoula Par., La.

Kiper, Jacob R. B., Pvt. Co. E, 11th Battn. La. Inf. En. May 5, 1862, Harrisonburg, La. Present

on Rolls to Oct., 1863.

Kipes, George J., Pvt. Co. A. 31st La. Inf. Roll for April 12, 1862, to April 12, 1865, dated

April 12, 1862, shows him En. April 12, 1862, Monroe, La., for the War.

Kipp, A. P., Sergt. Co. I, Crescent Regt. La. Inf. On Roll dated March 8, 1862, ordered into the

service of the State of Louisiana.

Kippheller, Louis, Pvt. Co. E, 1st Regt. 3rd Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll for March 5, 1862.

to _, ordered into the service of the State of Louisiana.

Kirboe, George E., Pvt. Co. K, 19th La. Inf. En. Dec. 15, 1861. New Orleans, La. Present on Roll

to Dec. 31, 1861. Roll for May and June, 1862, Discharged from the service, June 20, 1862.

Kirby, Abraham, Pvt. Co. B, 9th Battn. La. Inf. En. May 15, 1862, Camp Moore, La. Roll for Sept.

and Oct., 1862, Present, sick, taken prisoner at Battle of Baton Rouge, subsequently escaped and

returned to Co.

Kirby, Austin, Pvt. Co. -, 15th Battn. Sharp Shooters (Weatherly's) La. Federal Rolls of

Prisoners of War show him captured at Lick Creek, Ark., April 27, 1863. Recd. at Military

Prison, Alton, Ill., May 7, 1863. Paroled at Alton Military Prison, Alton. Ill., until

exchanged. Recd. at City Pt., Va., June 21, 1863, and exchanged.

Kirby, C., Pvt. Co. B, 9th La. Inf. En. July 7, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on all Rolls to

June 30, 1862. Roll for July 1 to Oct. 31, 1862, Killed in battle, Aug. 28, 1862. Born

Alexandria, La., occupation farmer, Res. Cheneyville, La., age when enlisted 20, single.

Kirby, Daniel, Pvt. Co. E, 9th La. Inf. En. Milliken's Bend. Feb. 29, 186-. Roll for June 30 to

Oct. 31, 1862, Absent without

Page 575

leave. Roll for Nov. and Dec., 1862, Absent, supposed to have deserted Aug. 26, 1862, near

Manassas. Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1863, Absent, sick, at Richmond. Roll for March and April,

1863, Deserted near Manassas, Aug. 28, 1862.

Kirby, G., Pvt. Co. G, 9th La. Inf. En. March 15, 1862, Amite Springs. Roll for May and June,

1862. Absent, sick. Present or absent not stated on Rolls from June 30, 1862, to Dec., 1862.

Rolls from Jan., 1863, to April, 1863. Absent without leave. Roll for May and June, 1863, Died

at Lynchburg, May 2, 1862. Born Louisiana, occupation farmer, Res. Livingston. age when enlisted

23, married.

Kirby, G. E., Pvt. Co. K, 6th La. Cav. On Rolls of Prisoners of War of detachments of regiments

in C. S. Army, Paroled at Natchitoches, La., June 12, 1865. Res. Rapides Par., La.

Kirby, J. W., Pvt. Co. C, 9th Mo. Inf. Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled Shreveport, La., June

8, 1865. Res. Columbia Co., Ark.

Kirby, James, Pvt. Co. E, 9th La. Inf. Record copied from Memorial Hall, New Orleans, La., by

the War Dept., Washington, D. C., June, 1903, En. April _, 1862, Virginia, for the War. Born

Ireland, occupation laborer, Res. Madison, La., age when enlisted 26, single.

Kirby, James M., Pvt. Co. D, 15th Battn. (Harrison's) La. Cav.

Kirby, James W., Pvt. Co. B, 7th La. Inf. En. June 7, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Roll for Feb. 28 to

June 30, 1862, Present, with remarks: Captured at Port Republic, June 9, 1862. Rolls from Jan.,

1863, to Aug. 31, 1864, state Present. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War show him captured at

Spottsylvania C. H., May 12, 1864. Recd. at Belle Plains, Va., May 18, 1864. Transfd. to Elmira,

N. Y., Aug. 15, 1864, from Pt. Lookout, Md. Died Oct. 10, 1864. Born Louisiana, occupation

student, Res. Baton Rouge, La., age when enlisted 18, single.

Kirby, John, Pvt. Old Co. A, 5th La. Inf. En. May 7, 1861, New Orleans, La.

Kirby, John, Pvt. Co. C, 7th La. Inf. En. June 7, 1861. Camp Moore, La. Present on all Rolls to

Feb., 1864. Roll for April 30 to Aug. 31, 1864, Absent, sick. Roll for Sept. and Oct., 1864,

states Present. Register of Prisoners of War show him captured at Petersburg, Pa., April 3,

1865. Recd. at Hart's Island, April 7, 1865, from City Pt., Va. Released on Oath of Allegiance

June 14, 1865. Res. Orleans Par., La., complexion dark, hair dark, eyes hazel, height 5 ft. 6

1/2 in., born Ireland, occupation laborer, Res. New Orleans, La., age when enlisted 50, single.

Kirby, John, Pvt. Co. L, 11th La. Inf. En. New Orleans, La., _, 186-. Roll to Oct. 31, 1861,

Deserted at New Orleans, La., July _. 1861.

Kirby, John, Pvt. Co. G, Miles' Legion La. Vols. En. April 18, 1862, Natchez, Miss. Present on

Roll to June 30, 1862. Appears on List dated Dept. of the Gulf, Office of Provost Sheriff, New

Orleans, July 21, 1863, of prisoners who have taken the Oath and desire transportation to New


Kirby, Joseph, Pvt. Cos. G and B, 1st La. Hvy. Arty. (Regulars). Roll for March and April, 1865

(No. 1). Transfd. to Co. B, 1st La. Arty., S. O. No. 34, Hdqrs. 1st La. Arty., March 19, 1865.

Roll for March and April, 1865 (No. 2), Deserted from McDowell's Landing, April 20, 1865.

Kirby, L., Pvt. Co. G, 9th La. Inf. En. March 15, 1862. Amite Springs. La. Roll for May and

June, 1862, Absent. sick. Present or absent not stated on Rolls from June 30, 1862, to Dec.,

1862, Rolls from Jan., 1863, to April, 1863, Absent without leave. Roll for May and June, 1863,

Died at Lynchburg, May 6, 1862. Born Louisiana, occupation farmer, Res. Livingston, La., age

when enlisted 25, married.

Kirby, Mary E. (Mrs.), Citizen, Baton Rouge. La. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured

Baton Rouge, La., Oct. _, 1864. Transfd. to St. Louis, Mo., from Alton, Ill., July 1, 1865.

Sentenced to be confined during the War.

Kirby, Patrick, Pvt. Co. C, 7th La. Inf. En. June 7, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on all Rolls

to Oct., 1861. Roll for Nov. and Dec., 1861, Present. Elected 2nd Lt., Nov. 26, 1861. Record

copied from Memorial Hall, New Orleans, La., by the War Dept., Washington, D. C., May, 1903,

born Ireland. occupation P. M., Res. New Orleans, La., age when enlisted 27, single. Promoted to

Lt., Co. C. and resigned.

Kirby, Samuel, Pvt. Co. G, 9th La. Inf. En. March 15, 1862. Amite Springs, La. Roll for May and

June, 1862, Died at Stannardsville, May 11. Born Louisiana. occupation farmer, Res. Livingston.

La., age when enlisted 27, married.

Kirby, W. D., Pvt. Co. A, 16th La. Inf. En. Feb. 3, 1862, New Orleans. La. Roll for June 30 to

Oct. 31, 1862, Absent. Present on Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1863. Roll for May and June, 1863,

Deserted June 25, 1863.

Kirby, William, Pvt. Cos. B and D, 1st La. Cav. En. Sept. 5, 1861, Baton Ronge, La. Present on

Rolls May, 1862, to Dec. 1863. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War show him captured at Clinton,

La., Nov. 16, 1864. Recd. at New Orleans, La., Nov. 23, 1864. Transfd. to Ship Island, Miss.,

Dec. 13, 1864. Forwd. to Vicksburg. Miss., May 1, 1865, for exchange. Paroled at Camp Townsend,

May 6, 1865.

Kirby, William (also Kerby, William), Pvt. Co. I, 7th La. Inf. En. Camp Moore, La., June 7,

1861. Present or absent not stated on Rolls to Aug., 1861. Present on Rolls Sept., 1861, to

Feb., 1862. Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1863, Absent, wounded. Roll for March and April. 1863,

Present. Rolls from May, 1863, to June, 1863, Absent, wounded. Roll for Sept. and Oct., 1863,

Absent, detailed in Hospl. at Richmond. Rolls from Nov., 1863, to Feb., 1864, Absent. wounded.

Roll for May 1 to Aug. 31, 1864, Present. Born Ireland, occupation laborer, Res. New Orleans,

La., age when enlisted 27, single.

Kirby, William, Pvt. Co. E, 16th La. Inf. En. Sept. 29, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Roll for Nov. and

Dec., 1861, Deserted Dec. 2.

Kirchners, _, Pvt. 3rd Co. 2nd Regt. French Brig. La. Mil. On Roll not dated. ordered into the

service of the City of New Orleans.

Kirhst, J., Pvt. Co. A, Orleans Fire Regt. La. Mil. On List dated New Orleans, La., Nov. 27,

1861, Present on parade.

Kirk, Augustus, Pvt. Co. H, 5th La. Inf. En. June 4, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present or absent not

stated on Rolls to Aug., 1861. Roll for Sept. and Oct., 1861, Discharged in Williamsburg, Oct.

15, for disability, and final statement given.

Kirk, B. T., Pvt. Co. E, 2nd La. Inf. En. May 9, 1861, Camp Moore. Roll to June 30, 1861, Absent

on detached service with Gen. Magruder. Rolls from July, 1861, to April, 1862, state Present.

Roll for May and June, 1862, Present. Transfd. to Washington Arty., May 3, 1862.

Kirk, B. T., Pvt. 2nd Co. Battn. Washington Arty. La. En. May 10, 1861, New Orleans, La. Roll

for May and June, 1862. Present. Re-enlisted and Transfd. from 2nd Regt. La. Vols., May 1, 1862.

Rolls from July, 1862, to Dec., 1862, state Present. Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1863, Absent

without leave since Feb. 13, 1863. Present on Roll for March and April, 1863. Rolls from May,

1863, to Aug., 1863, Absent, wounded at Fredericksburg, Va., May 3, 1863. Rolls

Page 576

from Sept., 1863, to Feb., 1865, state Present. Born Maryland, occupation planter, Res. New

Orleans, La., age when enlisted 25, single.

Kirk, Espy, Pvt. Co. B, Maddox's Regt. La. Reserve Corps. On Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled

at Natchitoches, La., June _, 1865. Res. Natchitoches, La.

Kirk, H. N., Pvt. Co. E, 2nd La. Cav. En. Sept. 10, 1862, Camp Moore, La. Present on Rolls Jan.,

1863, to Aug., 1863. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War show him captured at Natchitoches, La.,

March 21, 1864. Recd. at New Orleans, La., March 26, 1864. On Rolls of Prisoners of War, dated

Office of Commsy. of Prisoners, Dept. of the Gulf, New Orleans, La., July 7, 1864, Transfd. from

New Orleans, La., and exchanged at Red River Landing, July 22, 1864.

Kirk, H. N., Pvt. Co. E, 2nd La. Inf. En. May 9, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on Rolls to Oct.,

1861. Roll for Nov. and Dec., 1861, Absent, sick, at Williamsburg. Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1862,

Discharged and paid, disability, Jan. 30, 1862.

Kirk, J., Pvt. Co. G, 19th La. Inf. En. Dec. 11, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on Roll to Dec.

31, 1861. Roll for May and June, 1862, dated Aug. 22, 1863, Died at Corinth, Miss., May 10,


Kirk, J. Benjamin, Sergt. Pvt. Co. E, F. and S., 2nd La. Inf. En. May 9, 1861, Camp Walker, La.

Roll to June 30, 1861, Promoted Sergt., May 28, 1864. Rolls from July, 1861, to Oct., 1861,

state Present. Roll for Nov. and Dec., 1861, Absent on furlough, 30 days, from Dec. 3, 1861.

Present on Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1862. Roll for May and June, 1862, Discharged June 27, 1862.

Final account rendered to that date. Roll for July and Aug., 1862, Absent, wounded, in Richmond

Hospl. Wounded at Malvern Hill, July 1. Absent since that time. Roll for Sept. and Oct., 1862,

Absent, in Hospl. at Richmond. Roll for Nov. and Dec., 1862, Absent. wounded, on furlough for 90

days from Oct. 10, to visit in Louisiana. Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1863, Absent without leave

from Jan. 15, 1863, in Louisiana. Rolls from March, 1863, to June, 1863, Absent on furlough to

Louisiana. Rolls from July, 1863. to Oct., 1863, Absent. wounded, in Louisiana since July _,


Kirk, J. J., Pvt. Co. I. 4th Regt. La. Engineers. On Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled at

Natchitoches, La., June 9, 1865. Res. Sabine Par., La.

Kirk, James, Pvt. Co. L, 11th La. Inf. En. New Orleans, La., _, 186-. Deserted at Memphis,

Tenn., July 21, 1861.

Kirk, John A., Pvt. Co. A, 14th (Austin's) Battn. La. Shp. Shooters. En. Jan. 1, 1862.

Alexandria, La. Roll for July and Aug., 1862, Present, with remarks: Was a Surgeon, 11th La., to

Aug. 21, 1862. Roll for Sept. and Oct., 1862, Present.

Kirk, M. J., Sergt. Co. E, Fire Battn. La. Mil. Roll dated New Orleans, La., Nov. 23, 1861,

Present on parade.

Kirk, P. S., Pvt. Co. D, Pelican Regt. La. Inf. Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled Meridian,

Miss., May 12, 1865. Res. Point Monterey, Tex.

Kirk, Peter, Pvt. Co. G, 19th La. Inf. En. Dec. 11, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on Roll to

Dec. 31, 1861. Roll for May and June, 1862, Present. Apptd. 4th Corpl., May 8, and returned to

ranks July 8. Rolls from July, 1862, to April, 1865, all state Present. On Rolls of Prisoners of

War, Paroled at Meridian, Miss., May 13, 1865. Res. Monterey Par., Tex.

Kirk, Robert S., Capt. Kirk's Co. Continental Regt. La. Mil. On Roll dated Nov. 23, 1861,

Present on parade. On Report dated New Orleans, La., Dec. 28, 1861, as Commander of Company.

Kirk, Samuel O., 2nd Lt. 1st Lt. Co. K, 6th La. Inf. En. June 4, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present

on Roll for July and Aug., 1861. Roll for Sept. and Oct., 1861, Absent, sick, at Richmond, Va.

Roll for May and June. 1862. Absent without leave. Recapitulation of Roll for July and Aug.,

1862, shows 2nd Lt., absent with leave. Roll for Sept. and Oct., 1862, Absent, detailed on

Provost Grd. at Winchester, Va. Roll for Nov. and Dec., 1862, Absent on detached service.

Promoted 1st Lt., Nov. 7, 1862, by promotion of 1st Lt. G. P. Ring to Capt. Co. K. Roll for Jan.

and Feb., 1863, Absent, sick, at Richmond. Rolls from March, 1863, to Dec., 1863, Absent on

detached service in Passport Office, Richmond, Va. Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1864, Honorably

discharged Jan. 19, 1864. Record copied from Memorial Hall, New Orleans, La., by the War Dept.,

Washington, D. C., May, 1903, born New York, Res. New Orleans, La. Resigned, 1863; has not been

fit for active field service.

Kirk, T. C., Pvt. Co. E, 2nd La. Cav. On Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled at Natchitoches,

La., June 7, 1865. Res. Pointe Coupee Par., La.

Kirk, W., Pvt. Co. C, 13th La. Inf. En. Camp Moore, La., Sept. 11, 1861, for the War. On List

dated May 23, 1862, Mortally wounded at Shiloh.

Kirk, William, Pvt. Co. E, 2nd La. Inf. En. May 9, 1861, Camp Walker, La. Roll to June 30, 1861,

Absent, under Gen. Magruder, detached service. Rolls from July, 1861, to Oct., 1861, state

Present. Roll for Nov. and Dec., 1861, Absent as nurse. Rolls from Jan., 1862, to April, 1862,

state Present. Present or absent not stated on Roll for May and June, 1862. Roll for July and

Aug., 1862, Discharged by reason of being a native of Maryland.

Kirk, William, Pvt. 2nd Co. Battn. Washington Arty. La. Arty. En. March 2, 1863, Jackson, Miss.

Present on all Rolls March. 1863, to June, 1864. Roll for July and Aug., 1864, Transfd. to

Maryland line July 26, 1864. Born Maryland, occupation clerk, Res. New Orleans, La., age when

enlisted 22, single.

Kirke, A. M., Pvt. Co. D, 16th Tex. Cav. (Dismounted). Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled at

Shreveport, La., June 17, 1865. Res. Caddo Par., La.

Kirke, W. E., Pvt. Pointe Coupee Arty. La. En. Aug. 17, 1863, Mobile, Ala. Roll for March and

April, 1864, Present. Roll dated Aug. 31, 1864, Present.

Kirkham, J., Pvt. Co. C, Tex. Batty. (Burnett's). Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled at

Port Hudson, La., July _, 1863.

Kirkham, William, _ Co. -, Conscript La. Appears on Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled at

Natchitoches, La., June 12, 1865. Res. Sabine Par., La.

Kirkhopper, C., Pvt. Co. G, 19th La. Inf. En. Dec. 11, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on Rolls to

June, 1862. Rolls from July, 1862, to Oct., 1862, Present on extra duty in Regtl. Hospl., but

since discharged, Nov. 8, 1862 (so on Roll). Roll for Nov. and Dec., 1862, Discharged, order of

Gen. Fornley, Nov. 8, 1862.

Kirklan, W. D., Pvt. Co. C, 1st Regt. La. Legion. Appears on List dated Hdqrs. Centre 14th Army

Corps, Dept. of the Cumberland. Gallatin, Tenn., Nov. 18, 1862. Paroled at Camp Dick Robinson,

Ky., Oct. 25, 1862.

Kirkland, D. A., Pvt. Co. G, 22nd (Cons.) La. Inf. En. Sept. 30, 1861, Camp Moore, La., Roll for

Jan. and Feb., 1864, states Present. Roll for Sept. and Oct., 1864, Present., with remarks:

Absent without leave from Sept. 15 to Oct. 6, 1864. Roll dated April 30, 1864, Present. Detailed

as teamster since March 11, 1864. Rolls from May,

Page 577

1864, to Aug., 1864, Present. On Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled at Meridian, Miss., May 12,

1865. Res. Harrisonburg, La.

Kirkland, D. D., Pvt. Co. F, 31st La. Inf. En. May 4, 1863, Jackson, Miss. Present on Rolls to

Feb., 1863. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War show him captured and paroled at Vicksburg, Miss.,

July 4, 1863.

Kirkland, Daniel Coats, Pvt. Co. F, 28th (Gray's) La. Inf. En. May 5, 1862, Vernon, La. Roll for

Jan. and Feb., 1863. Absent, furloughed Nov. 4, 1862, from Monroe, La., for 30 days, disabled.

Roll for July and Aug., 1863, Absent without leave.

Kirkland, David A., Pvt. Co. A, 17th La. Inf. En. Sept. 30, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on all

Rolls to June 30, 1862. Roll for July and Aug., 1862, Present, with remarks: sick, Miss. Springs

Hospl. Rolls Sept., 1862, to Dec., 1862, Absent, sick, at Clinton Hospl., Miss., since July 31,

1862. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1863, Present.

Kirkland, F. P., Pvt. Co. F, 17th La. Inf. En. Sept. 30, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on Roll

to Oct. 31, 1861. Roll for Nov. and Dec., 1861, Died Dec. 19, 1861.

Kirkland, J. D., 2nd Lt. Co. I, 3rd (Wingfield's) La. Cav. Appears on Roster dated Feb. 1, 1864.

Note: The above represent those present; the balance being prisoners. Remarks: March, 1863.

Appears on Register of Prisoners of War. Roster dated Camp near Norwood, June 15, 1864, Elected

2nd Lt., April 28, 1863.

Kirkland, J. M., 2nd Corpl., Co. A, Miles' Legion La. Vols. En. Sept. 1, 1862, Baton Rouge, La.

Rolls from Nov., 1862, to Dec. 31, 1863, Absent, taken prisoner May 2, 1863. Federal Rolls of

Prisoners of War, Captured Comite River, May 2, 1863. Paroled at Grant's Island, off Mobile,

Ala., May 30, 1863.

Kirkland, J. T., Pvt. Ritter's Batty. Rolls of Prisoners of War. Paroled at Meridian. Miss., May

13, 1865. Res. Jonesboro, Ga.

Kirkland, Jos., Pvt. Co. I, 27th La. Inf. En. March 24, 1862, New Orleans, La. Present on Roll

to May 1, 1862. Roll for May and June, 1862, Discharged Aug. 23, 1862, and final statement

given. Regtl. Return for Aug., 1862, dated Aug. 23, Camp Norwood. Discharged on account of


Kirkland, Louis, Pvt. Cos. C and H. 4th La. Inf. En. Sept. 25, 1862, Port Hudson, La. Roll for

Nov. and Dec., 1862. Absent, sick, in Hospl. at Clinton, La. Rolls from Dec. 31, 1862, to June,

1863, Absent, left sick at Port Hudson. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, dated May 15, 1863,

show him captured near West Baton Rouge, La., May 13, 1863 (captured at home). Paroled at

Grant's Island, off Mobile, Ala., May 30, 1863. Roll for July and Aug., 1863, Taken prisoner at

Port Hudson, in Parole Camp at Demopolis, Ala. Rolls from Sept., 1863, to Dec., 1863, Absent,

left sick at Port Hudson, taken prisoner. Present on Roll May 1 to Sept. 1, 1864. Federal Rolls

of Prisoners of War show him captured at Nashville, Tenn., Dec. 16, 1864. Recd. at Military

Prison, Louisville, Ky., from Nashville, Tenn., Jan. 2, 1865. Forwd. to Camp Chase, Ohio, Jan.

6, 1865. Paroled at Camp Chase, Ohio, and Transfd. to Pt. Lookout, Md., Feb. 17, 1865, for

exchange. On Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured at mouth of Red River, La., April 5, 1865.

Recd. at New Orleans, La., April 7, 1865. Paroled at New Orleans, La., May 17, 1865.

Kirkland, Love G., Pvt. Co. E, 4th La. Cav. On Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled at Monroe,

La., June 6, 1865. Res. Vienna, La.

Kirkland, N., Pvt. Co. F, 31st La. Inf. En. Sept. 22, 1862, Jackson, Miss. Roll Jan. and Feb.,

1863, Present. Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled Alexandria, La., June 5, 1865. Res. Rapides

Par., La.

Kirkland, W., Pvt. Co. I, 3rd (Harrison's) La. Cav. On Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled at

Gainesville. Ala., May 12, 1865. Res. New Orleans, La.

Kirkland, W. G., Sergt. Co. C, 11th Miss. Regt. Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled at Meridian,

Miss., May 10, 1865. Res. Enterprise, Miss.

Kirkland, W. H., Pvt. Co. D, 31st La. Inf. En. May 3, 1862, Natchez, Miss. Present on Rolls to

Dec., 1862. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War show him captured and paroled at Vicksburg, Miss.,

July 4, 1863. On List dated Hdqrs. Allen's Brigade, Shreveport, La., March 29, 1864, Reported in

camp for exchange at Vienna, La., before April 1, 1864. On Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled at

Alexandria, La., June 26, 1865. Res. Catahoula Par., La.

Kirkland, William, Pvt. Co. A, Miles' Legion La. Vols. En. March 1, 1863. Redwood, La., or Baton

Rouge, La. Rolls from May 1, 1863, to Dec. 31, 1863, Absent, taken prisoner May 2, 1863. Federal

Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Comite River, May 2, 1863. Paroled at Grant's Island, off

Mobile, Ala., May 30, 1863.

Kirkland, Wilson C., Pvt. Co. I, 28th (Gray's) La. Inf. En. May 11, 1862, Monroe, La. Appears on

Roll for July and Aug., 1863.

Kirkman, Benjamin, Pvt. Sergt. Co. K, 10th La. Inf. En. July 22, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present

on all Rolls to Feb., 1862. Promoted 5th Sergt., Feb. 5, 1862. Rolls from Jan., 1864, to Aug.

31, 1864, Absent, disabled and detailed in 2nd Auditor's Office, Richmond, Va. Born Texas,

occupation farmer, Res. St. Antonio, Tex., age when enlisted 20, single. Amputation of left leg;


Kirkman, Gerrid W., Pvt. Co. A, 1st La. Cav. Appears on an Appraisement Roll dated Hdqrs. 1st

La. Cav., Jacksboro, Tenn., July 19, 1863, Horse valuation, $400.00. Remarks: 1 bay horse.

Kirkpatrick, Alexander M., Pvt. Co. D, Cons. Regt. La. Inf. En. May 14, 1862, Many, La. Roll for

Jan. and Feb., 1864, Absent, detached Provost Grd. at Alexandria, Feb. 13, 1864. On Rolls of

Prisoners of War, Paroled at Natchitoches, La., June 20, 1865. Res. Sabine Par., La.

Kirkpatrick, Alexander M., Pvt. Co. E, 11th Battn. La. Inf. En. May 15, 1862, Many, La. Present

on all Rolls to April, 1863.

Kirkpatrick, Charles, _ Co. A, 4th Regt. 2nd Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered

into the service of the State of Louisiana.

Kirkpatrick, Hugh T., Sergt. Co. G, 12th La. Inf. En. March 4, 1862, Claiborne Par., La. Rolls

from Dec., 1862, to June, 1863, state Present. Rolls from Aug., 1863, to Dec., 1863, Absent on

furlough since Aug. 7, 1863, Gen. Order No. 14. Gen. Johnston, sick, Rolls from May, 1864, to

Aug., 1864, state Present.

Kirkpatrick, J. E., Pvt. Co. D, 2nd La. Cav. Roll for July and Aug., 1863 (only Roll on file),

shows him En. Moundsville, for the War. Present.

Kirkpatrick, J. E. S., Pvt. Cos. C and D. 17th La. Inf. En. Sept. 30, 1861, Camp Moore, La.

Present on all Rolls to June, 1862. Roll for July and Aug., 1862, Absent. Temporarily Transfd.

to C. S. Gun Boat Ark, July 23, 1862. Absent without leave since her destruction.

Kirkpatrick, J. H., Pvt. Co. K, (Allston's) 1st La. Reserve Corps. Rolls of Prisoners of War,

Paroled Shreveport, La., June 8, 1865. Res. Caddo Par., La.

Kirkpatrick, J. H. S., _ Co. B, 1st Battn. Trans-Miss. Cav. On Rolls of Prisoners of War,

Paroled at Natchitoches, La., June 6, 1865. Res. _.

Kirkpatrick, James M., Pvt. Co. G, 12th La. Inf. En. March 8, 1862, Claiborne Par., La. Roll for

Nov. and Dec., 1862, Present. Roll for March and April, 1863, Present. Roll for May and June,

1863, Absent, sent to

Page 578

Canton, Miss. Hospl., sick, June 28, 1863. Rolls July, 1863, to Dec., 1863, Present. Roll May

and June, 1864, Absent, sent to Hospl., sick, June 24, 1864. Roll for July and Aug., 1864,

Present. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Nashville, Tenn., Dec. 16, 1864. Forwd. to

Military Prison, Louisville, Ky., Dec. 22, 1864. Transfd. to Camp Chase, Ohio, Jan. 4, 1865.

Paroled Camp Chase, Ohio, _, 1865. Exchanged Point Lookout, Md., Feb. 17, 1865.

Kirkpatrick, Joseph, Pvt. 1st Co. Battn. Washington Arty. La. Appears on Register of Refugees

and Rebel Deserters, Provost Marshal Gen., Washington, D. C., Recd. June 15, 1865.

Transportation furnished to New York City.

Kirkpatrick, Jos. M., Pvt. Co. G, 13th La. Inf. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War show him

captured at Nashville, Tenn., Dec. 16, 1864. Recd. at Military Prison, Louisville, Ky., Jan. 5,


Kirkpatrick, M., Pvt. Co. B, Confed. Grds. Regt. La. Mil. En. March 8, 1862, New Orleans, La.

Roll to April 30, 1862 (Roll No. 1), Transfd. to Co. D, this Regt. Roll to April 30, 1862 (Roll

No. 2), Present.

Kirkpatrick, R. B., Pvt. Co. I, 2nd La. Inf. En. May 9, 1861, New Orleans, La. Present on Rolls

to Oct., 1861. Roll for Nov. and Dec., 1861, Died Dec. 15, 1861.

Kirkpatrick, S., Pvt. Co. F, 4th La. Cav. On Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled at _, June _,

1865. Res. Claiborne Par., La.

Kirkpatrick, Samuel, Pvt. Co. G, 12th La. Inf. En. March 15, 1862, Claiborne Par., La. Roll for

Nov. and Dec., 1862, Absent, sent to Hospl., Oxford, Miss., Nov. 30, 1862. On List not dated of

prisoners captured and paroled at Confed. Hospl., at Oxford, Miss., Dec. 23, 1862. Rolls from

March, 1863, to June, 1863, Absent, sent to Oxford Hospl., Miss., sick, Nov. 30, 1862, and there

taken prisoner. Rolls from July 30, 1863, to Oct., 1863, Absent, left at Oxford Hospl., Miss.,

sick, Nov. 30, 1862. Roll for Nov. and Dec., 1863, Transfd. to Col. Caper's Cav. in the Trans-

Miss. Dept., order of Gen. Johnston, Dec. 13, 1863.

Kirkpatrick, T. J., Pvt. Co. F, 13th Battn. La. (Partisan Rangers). En. Aug. 1, 1862, Homer, La.

Present on Rolls Jan., 1863, to June 30, 1863.

Kirkpatrick, T. N., 1st Sergt. 4th Mo. Inf. Co. B. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured

Blackley, Ala., April 9, 1865. Paroled New Orleans, La., May 17, 1865.

Kirkpatrick, Thomas J., Pvt. Co. D, 28th (Gray's) La. Inf. En. May 14, 1862, Monroe, La.

Kirkpatrick, W. A., 1st Sergt. Lt. Co. C, 17th La. Inf. En. Sept. 29, 1861, Camp Moore, La.

Present on Rolls to Nov., 1861. Roll for Nov. and Dec., 1861, Present, with remarks: Absent on

furlough commencing Dec. 29, 1861, and ending Jan. 19, 1862. Rolls from March, 1862, to June,

1862, Present, promoted from 1st Sergt. to 1st Lt., May 23, 1862. Roll for July and Aug., 1862,

Present. Recapitulation of Roll for Sept. and Oct., 1862, Absent with leave. Roll for Nov. and

Dec., 1862, Recapitulation shows 1st Lt., present, sick. Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1863, Absent,

sick, at City Hospl., Feb. 27, 1863. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War show him captured and

paroled at Vicksburg, Miss., July 4, 1863.

Kirkpatrick, W. S., Pvt. Co. D, 7th Mo. Cav. Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled Shreveport, La.,

June 7, 1865. Res. Bolinger Co., Mo.

Kirkwood, George, Pvt. Co. F, 20th La. Inf. En. Dec. 21, 1861, Camp Lewis, La. Present on all

Rolls to April, 1862. Roll for May and June, 1862, Deserted May 24, 1862.

Kirkwood, J., 2nd Corpl. Co. C, Confed. Grds. Regt. La. Mil. En. March 8, 1862, New Orleans, La.

Present on Roll to May 1, 1862.

Kirkwood, J. A., Pvt. Co. E, 3rd La. Inf. En. May 17, 1861, New Orleans, La. Present on all

Rolls to June, 1862. Roll for July and Aug., 1862, Died July 14, 1862, at Pineville, Miss.

Kirkwood, John, Pvt. Co. C, Ogden's La. Cav. On Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled at

Gainesville, Ala., May 12, 1865. Res. East Baton Rouge, La.

Kirn, Ch., Pvt. Co. A, Orleans Fire Regt. La. Mil. On List dated New Orleans, La., Nov. 27,

1861. Present on parade.

Kirsch, Carl, Pvt. Co. D, 4th Regt. European Brig. La. Mil. Roll dated New Orleans, La., April

2, 1862, for active service within the city and city limits. Nationality. Nassau.

Kirsch, John, Pvt. Co. A, Old Co. B, 20th La. Inf. En. Dec. 21, 1861, Camp Lewis, La. Present on

Roll to Jan. 1, 1862. Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1862, Present. Transfd. to Co. B. Regtl. Return

for March, 1862, Transfd.

Kirschbaum, Peter, Pvt. Co. D, 15th La. Inf. En. Aug. 23, 1861, New Orleans, La. Roll for May 1

to Oct. 31, 1862, Absent, wounded at Manassas. Rolls from Nov., 1862, to April, 1863, state

Present. Rolls from May, 1863, to Aug., 1863, Absent, missing, since May 3, 1863. Roll for Sept.

and Oct., 1863, Deserted Sept. 7, 1863. Born Germany, occupation shoemaker, Res. New Orleans,

La., age when enlisted 30, married.

Kirschenheuter, F. J., Pvt. Co. C, Cres. Regt. La. Inf. En. May 10, 1862, Corinth, Miss. Roll

for May and June, 1862, Absent, substitute for S. A. Kernan, May 10, 1862. Detached to Pioneer

Corps, May 16, 1862. Roll for July and Aug., 1862, Present. Transfd. from Cres. Regt. to 18th

Regt. La. Inf. Rolls from Nov., 1862, to Feb., 1863, Present, Chief Commsy. Cook. Rolls from

May, 1863, to Aug., 1863, Absent, sick, at Hospl., Cloutierville. Also appears on Rolls of Co.

C, Cons. Cres. Regt. La. Inf., Pvt. Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1864, Absent, sick, at Taylor

Hospl., sent there Feb. 11, 1864. Appears on Register of C. S. A. Gen. Hospl., Shreveport, La.,

Admitted April 6, 1864. Transfd. to Jefferson Texas Hospl., April 9, 1864.

Kirschenheuter, John F., Jr. 2nd Lt. Co. A, 20th La. Inf. En. Dec. 21, 1861, Camp Lewis. Present

on Rolls to Feb., 1862. Roll for March and April, 1862, Discharged from the service of the C.

S., April 15, 1862. Roster dated March, 1865, Commsd. and elected Dec. 21, 1861, 2nd Lt.

Resigned April 15, 1862. H. C. Miller Successor.

Kirschner, Jean, _ Frois Co. 3rd Regt. European Brig. (Garde Francaise) La. Mil. Roll not dated

shows him absent.

Kirschner, M., Pvt. Co. B, 4th Regt. European Brig. La. Mil. On Roll not dated for active

service within the limits of the City. Subject of Russia.

Kirschroth, Jacob (also borne on Rolls as Hirschiath, J.), Pvt. Co. B, Confed. States Zouave

Battn. La. En. April 4, 1861, New Orleans. La. Present or absent not stated on Rolls to Aug.,


Kirshbaum, John, Pvt. Co. G, 4th Regt. 3rd Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered

into service of the State of Louisiana.

Kirvin, Enoch H. (also Kirven, Enoch H.), 1st Sergt. 1st Lt. Co. H, 19th La. Inf. En. Dec. 11,

1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on all Rolls to Oct., 1863. Roll for Nov. and Dec., 1863, Absent,

with leave, since Dec. 29, 1863, order of Gen. Hardee. Roll for Jan. 1, to April 30, 1864,

Present. Roll for May 1 to Aug. 31, 1864, Absent, at Hospl. Wounded in action July 28, 1864,

near Atlanta, Ga. Roll for Sept. 1, 1864, to Feb. 28, 1865. Absent, promoted 1st Lt., May -,

1864. Now absent with leave since Jan.

Page 579

26, 1865. On Roll of Prisoners of War, Paroled _, May 10, 1865. Age 26, eyes blue, hair auburn,

complexion fair, height 5 ft. 11 1/2 in., Res. Mansfield, La.

Kirwin, John, Sergt. Co. E, 1st (Nelligan's) La. Inf. En. April 25, 1861. New Orleans, La.

Present on Rolls to Aug., 1861. Roll for Sept. and Oct., 1861, Discharged by substitute, Sept.

25, 1861. Received pay to date of Sergt.

Kirwin, John, Pvt. Co. D, 14th La. Inf. En. June 22, 1861, New Orleans, La. Present or absent

not stated on Roll to June 30, 1861.

Kirwin, Michael (also Kerwin, Michael), Pvt. Co. K, 6th La. Inf. En. June 4. 1861, Camp Moore,

La. Roll for July and Aug., 1861, Absent, sick, at Culpepper, Va. Roll for Sept. and Oct., 1861,

Absent without leave from Oct. 29 to Nov. 3, 1861. Roll for May and June, 1862, Absent, sick.

Present or absent not stated on Roll for July and Aug., 1862. Rolls from Sept., 1862. to April,

1863, state Present. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, show him Captured at Fredicksburg, Va.,

May 3, 1863. Forwd. to Washington, D. C., May 4, 1863, Transfd. to Fort Delaware, Del., May 7,

1863. Paroled at Fort Delaware. Recd. at City Point, Va., May 23, 1863, and exchanged. Roll for

May and June, 1863, Killed at Winchester, Va., June 13, 1863. Born Ireland, occupation laborer,

Res. New Orleans, La., age when enlisted 20, single.

Kisby, D., Pvt. Co. C, 4th Regt. 1st Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into

service of the State of Louisiana.

Kiser, Peter, Pvt. Cos. B & A, 20th La. Inf. En. June 15, 1861, New Orleans, La. Present on all

Rolls to Aug., 1862. Roll for Sept. and Oct., 1862, Absent, sick, at City Hospl. Roll for Nov.

and Dec., 1862. Transfd. to Co. B, Nov. 28, 1862, Absent, sick in City Hospl., Vicksburg.

Present on Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1863. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, show him Captured

and paroled at Vicksburg, Miss., July 4, 1863. Rolls from Sept., 1863, to Dec., 1863, state


Kishaw, Pat, Pvt. Co. K, 1st Regt. La. Inf. Appears on Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured at

Jonesboro, Ga., Jan. 3, 1863. Sent to Camp Douglas, Ill. Paroled at Camp Douglas, Ill. Recd. at

City Point, Va., April 4, 1863, and exchanged.

Kisinger, T. H., Pvt. Co. A, 6th La. Cav. Roll for Sept. and Oct., 1862 (only Roll on file),

Discharged Sept. 13, 1862. Reason of physical disability.

Kissam, B., Sergt. Pvt. Co. F, 25th La. Inf. En. March 17, 1862. Vidalia. La. Roll for May and

June, 1862, Absent, sick. Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1863, Absent, not heard from since May 28.

Supposed dead. Roll for May and June, 1863, Died, date unknown.

Kissane, John P., Corpl. 1st Sergt. Co. G, 16th La. Inf. En. Sept. 29, 1861, Camp Moore, La.

Present on all Rolls to Feb., 1864, from time of enlistment. Roll for March and April, 1864,

Absent on 30 day furlough, since April 6, 1864. Roll for May 1 to Aug. 31, 1864, Present. Roll

for April 20 to 30, 1865, Deserted at Mobile, Ala., April 11, 1865.

Kissenger, A., Pvt. Co. A. 4th Regt. European Brig. La. Mil. On Roll dated New Orleans, La.,

April 2, 1862, for service within the limits of the City of New Orleans. Subject of Bavaria.

Kissinger, John, Pvt. Co. C, Fire Battn. La. Mil. On Roll dated New Orleans, La., Nov. 23, 1861,

Present on review.

Kist, Joseph, _ Co. F, 4th Regt. 2nd Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into

service of the State of Louisiana.

Kister, F., Pvt. Co. A, 3rd Regt. 3rd Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into

service of the State of Louisiana.

Kisters, F., _ Co. B, 1st Regt. 2nd Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll for Feb. 26, 1862, to _,

ordered into service of the State of Louisiana.

Kistler, -, _ 12th Co. 1st Regt. French Brig. La. Mil. Roll not dated, shows him absent at

review, Nov. 23, 1861.

Kistner, Benno, Pvt. Co. C, 25th La. Inf. En. March 18, 1862, Monterey, La. Present on Roll

dated April 2, 1862. Roll for May and June, 1862, Absent, detailed to visit the sick with Capt.

Aycock. Rolls from Nov., 1862, to Feb., 1863, Absent, paroled and sick in Hospl. at Dalton, Ga.

Rolls from May, 1863, to Aug. 31, 1864, Absent. in Hospl. at Mossey Creek, Tenn., sent there by

order of Dr. Wilkinson, Oct. 25, 1862. Rolls from Sept. 1, 1864, to April, 1865, Absent, sick,

order of Dr. Wilkison, date not known.

Kitchen, Andrew, _ Co. G, 1st Regt. 2nd Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into

service of the State of Louisiana.

Kitchen, B. F., Pvt. Co. E, 2nd La. Inf. En. May 9, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Roll to June 30, 1861,

Absent, sick, with leave. Roll for July and Aug., 1861, Absent, Cook in Williamsburg. Present on

Roll for Sept. and Oct., 1861. Roll for Nov. and Dec., 1861. Absent, sick in Richmond. Rolls

from Jan., 1862, to April, 1862, Absent, sick, in Hospl., Williamsburg. Roll for May and June,

1862, Discharged May 17, and paid up to date.

Kitchen, G. B., Pvt. Co. E, 1st La. Hvy. Arty. (Regulars). En. Aug. 2, 1862, Morehouse Par., La.

Present on all Rolls Dec., 1862, to April, 1863. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, show him

Captured and paroled at Vicksburg, Miss., July 4, 1863. Roll to Oct. 31, 1863, Absent without

leave. Went to La. after capture of Vicksburg.

Kitchen, Isaac, Pvt. Co. F, 4th La. Inf. En. June 26, 1861, Camp Davis. Present on Rolls to Dec.

31, 1861.

Kitchen, J. C., Pvt. Co. I, Williams Mo. Cav. Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled Shreveport,

La., June 15, 1865. Res. Sheridan Co., Mo.

Kitchen, P. S., _ Cres. Cadets La. Mil. On Roll dated New Orleans. Sept. 26, 1861.

Kitchen, Palmer S., Pvt. Corpl. Co. B. Cres. Regt. La. Inf. En. March 5, 1862, New Orleans, La.

Present on Roll for May and June, 1862. Roll for July and Aug., 1862. Present. Transfd. from

Cres. Regt. to 18th La. Inf., at Tupelo, July 28, 1862. Rolls from July, 1862, to Aug., 1863,

state Present. Also appears on Rolls of Co. C, Cons. Cres Regt. La. Inf. Pvt. Roll for Jan. and

Feb. 1864, Absent, detailed clerk to Court Martial, Alexandria, Feb. 27, 1864, order of Col

Grays. On Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled at Shreveport, La., June 7, 1865. Res. New Orleans,


Kitchen, Robert H., Pvt. 3rd Co. Battn. Wash Arty. La. En. June 1, 1862, Mobile, Ala Roll for

April 16 to June 2, 1863, Present Roll for July and Aug., 1863, Absent, sick Richmond, Va., June

19, 1863. Rolls from Sept., 1863, to Feb., 1865, state Present Paroled at Appomattox Court

House, Va. April 9, 1865. Born. La., occupation clerk Res. New Orleans, La., age when enlisted

19, single.

Kitchen, William, Pvt. Sergt. Cos. F and B, 4th La. Inf. En. May 25, 1861, Camp Moore, La.

Present on all Rolls to Oct., 1863. Apptd. 2nd Sergt., Oct. 1, 1863. Roll for Nov. and Dec.,

1863, Absent, sick, at Mobile, Ala. Roll for May 1 to Aug. 31, 1864. Dropped July 1, 1864, for

Desertion for remaining several months absent without leave.

Kitchen, William H., Pvt. 3rd Co. Battn. Wash. Arty. La. En. June 1, 1863. Mobile. Ala. Present

on all Rolls to Oct., 1864. Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1865, Absent, sick, Jackson, Miss., since

Dec. 13, 1864. On Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled at Appomattox Court House, Va., April 10,

1865. Born La. occupation clerk, Res. New Orleans, La., age when enlisted 30, single.

Page 580

Kitchens, A. J., Pvt. Cos. B and G, 1st La. Hvy. Arty. (Regulars). Rolls for March and April,

1865, No. 1, shows him En. _. Transfd. to Co. B, 1st La. Arty., S. O. No. 34, Hdqrs. 1st La.

Arty., March 19, 1865. Roll for March and April, 1865, No. 2, Deserted from Meridian, April 21,


Kitchens, H. H., Pvt. Co. D, 18th Battn. Louisiana (Partisan Rangers). En. Aug. 13, 1862,

Monroe, La. Rolls from Nov., 1862, to April 30, 1863, Absent with leave.

Kitchens, Samuel, Pvt. Co. D, 14th Ark. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled Port Hudson,

La., July 15, 1863.

Kitchland, T. J., Pvt. Co. A, 17th La. Inf. Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled Alexandria, La.,

June 26, 1865. Res. Catahoula Par., La.

Kitenill, Gardiner, Pvt. Co. A, 2nd La. Cav. On Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured at

Alexandria, La., March 21, 1864. Admitted May 18, 1864, to St. Louis U. S. A. Gen. Hospl., New

Orleans, La. Released from Hospl., June 4, 1864. Transfd. to Pro. Sheriff. Age 16.

Kitt, Jacob, Pvt. Capt. Castellanos Batty. La. Arty. Roll for May and June, 1862 (only Roll on

file), shows him En. Jan. 23, 1862, New Orleans, La., for the War, Present.

Kitt, Thomas, Pvt. Co. G, 3rd (Harrison's) La. Cav. On Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled

Shreveport, La., June 8, 1865. Res. Caddo Par., La.

Kitteridge, I. R. E., Lt. Co. -, Assumption Regt. La. Mil. On List of Prisoners of War, Captured

at Labadieville, La., Oct. 27, 1862. Paroled at Thibodaux, La., Nov. 28, 1862.

Kitterlin, D. J., Pvt. Corpl. Co. A, 14th (Austin's) Battn. La. Shp. Shooters. En. Jan. 1, 1862,

Alexandria, La. Roll for July and Aug., 1862, Present, with remarks: Was a Corpl. in 11th La. to

Aug. 21, 1862. Rolls from Sept., 1862, to April, 1863, state Present.

Kitterling, John, Pvt. Co. D, 3rd (Harrison's) La. Cav.

Kittleberger, John, Pvt. Continental Regt. La. Mil. Lang's Co. On Roll not dated.

Kittrell, G., Pvt. Co. E, 4th La. Inf. On Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured at Spanish Fort,

Ala., April 8, 1865. Recd. at Ship Island, Miss., April 10, 1865.

Kittrell, G., Pvt. Co. E, 4th Battn. La. Inf. En. May 10, 1862, Washington Co., Ga. Roll for

Aug. 31, 1864, to Feb. 28, 1865, states Present. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, show him

Captured at Spanish Fort, April 8, 1865. Transfd. from Ship Island, Miss., to Vicksburg, Miss.,

May 1, 1865. Duplicate Roll (which is incomplete) bears the following endorsement: Hdqrs. Exc.

of Prisoners, Camp Townsend, May 6, 1865. Recd. the Prisoners on parole described upon this

Roll. On Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled at Meridian, Miss., May 10, 1865. Res. Washington

Co., Ga.

Kittrell, James, Pvt. Co. A, 2nd La. Cav. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Roll dated New

Orleans, La., May 31, 1864, shows him Captured at Natchitoches, La., March 21, 1864. Remarks:

Conscript. Wants to take the Oath. Admitted June 8, 1864, to St. Louis U. S. A. Gen. Hospl., New

Orleans, La. On Furlough, June 10, 1864. Remarks. Paroled indefinitely. Admitted July 20, 1864,

to St. Louis U. S. A. Gen. Hospl., New Orleans, La. Released from Hospl., July 21, 1864. Age 18


Kittrell, T. R., Pvt. Co. A, 2nd La. Cav. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, show him Captured

at Natchitoches, La., March 21, 1864. Recd. at New Orleans, La., March 26, 1864. On Roll of

Prisoners of War, Roll dated Office of Commsy. of Prisoners Dept. of the Gulf, New Orleans, La.,

July 7, 1864. Transfd. from New Orleans. La., and exchanged at Red River Landing, La., July 22,


Kitts, L., Pvt. Co. A, 16th La. Inf. Roll for June 30 to Oct. 31, 1862. Died.

Kitts, T. E., Sergt. Co. G, 19th La. Inf. En. Dec. 11, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on Roll to

Dec. 31, 1861. Roll for May and June, 1862, dated Aug. 22, 1862, Discharged at Tupelo, July 2,

1862, on Surgeon's Certificate.

Kitzinger, Ate, Pvt. 6th Co. 3rd Regt. European Brig. (Garde Francaise) La. Mil. Roll not dated

shows him Present.

Kiven, Wm., Pvt. Co. H, 1st Ala. Reserves. Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled Meridian, Miss.,

May 16, 1865. Res. Wicox Co., Ala.

Klaber, Charles, _, Co. K, Chalmette Regt. La. Mil. Report dated New Orleans, La., Nov. 27,

1861, Absent without excuse at review, Nov. 27, 1861.

Klaber, J., _, Co. K, Chalmette Regt. La. Mil. Roll not dated shows him Absent without cause.

Klaiber, -, _, Co. A, 2nd Regt. 2nd Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll dated Feb. 27, 1862, ordered

into service of the State of Louisiana.

Klaiber, Chas., Pvt. Co. F, Cres. Regt. La. Inf. En. March 8, 1862, New Orleans, La. Present on

Roll to June, 1862.

Klaiden, A. E., 1st Lt. 16th Texas Vols. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Fort De

Russey, March 14, 1864. Paroled New Orleans, La., Jan. 4, 1864.

Klar, James, Jr., _ Watson Batty. La. Arty. On Petition dated Missouri, Oct. 13, 1861.

Klarr, J., _, Co. B, Fire Battn. La. Mil. On Roll dated New Orleans, La., Nov. 23, 1861,

Present, on parade.

Klaus, Fred, Pvt. Co. F, Orleans Fire Regt. La. Mil. On Roll dated New Orleans, La., Nov. 23,


Klavehn, W. A., Pvt. Co. D, 1st Special Battn. (Rightor's) La. Inf. En. April 20, 1861, New

Orleans, La. Roll to May 31, 1861, Left sick at Montgomery. Rolls from May 31, 1861, to Aug.,

1861, Present.

Kleas, John, Pvt. Co. G, Cres. Regt. La. Inf. En. March 8, 1862, New Orleans, La. Roll for May

and June, 1862, Absent, detached as Teamster.

Kleepart, P., Pvt. Co. -, 20th La. Inf. Appears on a list dated Cario, Ill., Oct. 25, 1862, of

Prisoners leaving Cario, Ill., Oct. 25, 1862, en route to Vicksburg, Miss., for exchange.

Exchanged from Str. Emerald, Nov. 1, 1862.

Kleiber, Bu., Pvt. Co. G, St. James Regt. La. Mil. On List not dated.

Kleiber, Cheodule, Pvt. Capt. Lecoul's Co. 30th La. Inf. On Roll dated New Orleans, La., March

25, 1862, for three months from this date and six months longer if necessary within the State.

Kleiber, Cl., Pvt. Co. G, St. James Regt. La. Mil. On List not dated.

Kleiber, Cledamont, Pvt. Capt. Lecoul's Co. 30th La. Inf. On Roll dated New Orleans, La., March

20, 1862, for three months from this dated and six months longer if necessary to serve within

the State.

Kleiber, Fk., Pvt. Co. G, St. James Regt. La. Mil. On List not dated.

Kleiber, Fs., Pvt. Co. G, St. James Regt. La. Mil. On List not dated.

Kleiber, Francois, Pvt. Capt. Lecoul's Co. 30th La. Inf. On Roll dated New Orleans, La., March

20, 1862, for three months from this date and six months longer if necessary to serve within the


Kleiber, Frederick, Pvt. Capt. Lecoul's Co. 30th La. Inf. On Roll dated New Orleans, La., March

20, 1862, for three months from this dated and six months longer if necessary within the State.

Kleiber, Joseph, Pvt. Co. G, St. James Regt. La. Mil. On List not dated.

Kleibush, Peter, Pvt. Co. I, 11th La. Inf. En. Aug. 11, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on Roll to

Oct. 31, 1861.

Kleibush, Peter, Pvt. Co. F, 20th Regt. La. Inf. En. Aug. 18, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on

all Rolls from Nov., 1862, to Oct. 31, 1863. Rolls from Nov., 1863, to Aug. 31,

Page 581

1864, Absent, captured at Missionary Ridge, Nov. 25, 1863. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War,

show him Captured at Missionary Ridge, Nov. 25, 1863. Sent to Military Prison, Louisville, Ky.,

from Nashville, Tenn., Dec. 8, 1863. Forwd. to Rock Island, Ill., Dec. 9, 1863. Released May 15,

1865, under order of May 9, 1865. Res. Bayou Sara, La.

Klein, Ch., _, Co. I, 1st Regt. 2nd Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll dated Feb. 27, 1862, to _,

ordered into service of the State of Louisiana.

Klein, Eny, Pvt. Gaudet's Co. St. James Regt. La. Mil. On List not dated.

Klein, Eugene, Pvt. Co. E, St. James Regt. La. Mil. On Roll not dated.

Klein, Francis, Pvt. Co. H, 15th La. Inf. En. July 2, 1861, New Orleans, La., for the War.

Klein, George F., Pvt. Co. E, 5th La. Inf. En. June 4, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present or absent

not stated on Rolls to Aug., 1861. Rolls from Sept., 1861, to Feb., 1862, state Present. Rolls

from July, 1862, to Oct., 1862, Absent, detailed as Clerk to Capt. Mayo, A. C. S., 1st Brigade

(Semmes 2nd Div. McLaws.) Roll for Nov. and Dec., 1862, Absent without leave. Rolls from Jan.,

1863, to Dec., 1863, Absent, detached service Commsy. Dept., Mobile, La. Rolls from Jan., 1864,

to April, 1864, Absent without leave. Roll for May 1 to Aug. 31, 1864, Absent, detailed in Ala.

Records lost. On Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled at Greensboro, N. C., May 1, 1865. Born New

Orleans, La., occupation clerk, Res. New Orleans, La., age when enlisted 23, single.

Klein, Ignace, Pvt. Co. E, 13th La. Inf. En. June -, 1861, New Orleans, La., for the War.

Klein, Isaac, Corpl. Frois Co. 3rd Regt. European Brig. (Garde Francaise) La. Mil. Appears on

Roll not dated.

Klein, J., Pvt. Co. E, Fire Battn. La. Mil. On Roll dated New Orleans, La., Nov. 23, 1861,

Present at review.

Klein, Jacob, Pvt. Co. D, 27th La. Inf. En. March 8, 1862, Iberville Par., La. Present on Rolls

to Dec., 1862.

Klein, John, Sergt. Pvt. Cos. C and H, 1st La. Hvy. Arty. (Regulars). En. March 8, 1861, New

Orleans, La. Present on all Rolls to Aug., 1861. Roll for Sept. and Oct., 1861. Present. Apptd.

1st Sergt., Sept. 1, 1861. Rolls from Nov. 1861, to Feb., 1862, state Present. Reduced from 1st

Sergt. to 4th Sergt., Jan. 25, 1862. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, show him Captured and

paroled at Vicksburg, Miss., July 4, 1863.

Klein, John, Pvt. Co. G, Confed. Grds. Regt. La. Mil. En. March 8, 1862, New Orleans, La. Roll

to April 30, 1862, Absent, left Company without leave since April 26, 1862.

Klein, John, Pvt. Co. I, 4th Regt. 1st Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into

service of the State of Louisiana.

Klein, M., _, Co. G, Fire Battn. La. Mil. On Roll dated New Orleans, La., Nov. 23, 1861, Present

on parade.

Klein, Mic., Pvt. Co. C, Fire Battn. La. Mil. On Roll dated New Orleans, La., Nov. 23, 1861,

Present on parade.

Klein, Ph., Pvt. Co. C, Fire Battn. La. Mil. Roll dated New Orleans, La., Nov. 23, 1861. Present

on review.

Kleinbach, _, Pvt. Co. I, Orleans Grds. Regt. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into service

of the State of Louisiana.

Kleiner, Jos., _, Co. -, 1st Regt. 2nd Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On List dated New Orleans, La.,

April 8, 1862, ordered into service of the State of Louisiana.

Kleinkopt, _, _, Co. A, 2nd Regt. 2nd Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll dated Feb. 27, 1862,

ordered into service of the State of Louisiana.

Kleinpeter, Alfred, Pvt. Co. F, 3rd (Wingfield's) La. Cav. En. Camp Moore, La., _, 1862. Present

or absent not stated on Roll dated Sept. 19, 1862. Present or absent not stated on Roll not

dated. On List of Prisoners of War, Paroled at Port Hudson, La., July -, 1863. On Rolls of

Prisoners of War, Paroled at Gainesville, Ala., May 12, 1865. Res. East Baton Rouge Par., La.

Kleinpeter, D. A., Pvt. Co. D, 7th La. _. Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled Citronelle, Ala.,

May 4, 1865. Res. Baton Rouge, La.

Kleinpeter, Ed. L., Corpl. Pvt. 4th La. Inf. Co. C. En. May 25, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Roll to

Aug. 31, 1861, Present. Resigned office Aug. 9, 1861. Rolls from Sept., 1861, to Dec., 1861,

state Present. Roll for Nov. and Dec., 1862, states Present. Rolls of Prisoners of War, show him

Captured and paroled at Port Hudson, La., July -, 1863.

Kleinpeter, George A., Corpl. Pvt. Co. B, 7th La. Inf. En. Camp Moore., La., June 7, 1861,

Present or absent not stated on Rolls to Aug., 1861. Recapitulation of Roll for Sept. and Oct.,

1861, Present for duty. Promoted from Corpl. to 5th Sergt., Sept. 17, 1861. Rolls Nov., 1861, to

Feb., 1863, Present. Rolls April, 1863, to Aug. 31, 1864, Absent. detailed as courier for Gen.

Early. On Rolls of Prisoners of War, of divers companies and regiments (detached) C. S. A.,

Paroled Meridian, Miss., May 9, 1865. Res. Baton Rouge, La., occupation farmer, born _, La., age

when enlisted 18, single.

Kleinpeter, Henry, _, Co. G, Fire Battn. La. Mil. On List dated Parish of Jefferson. Dec. 11,


Kleinpeter, J. S., Pvt. Cos. I and E, 30th La. La. Inf. En. March 12, 1862. Plaquemine, La. Roll

to Aug. 31, 1862, Discharged at Camp Port Hudson, Aug. 30, by furnishing a proper Substitute.

Kleinpeter, James C., Jr. 2nd Lt. Lt. Co. I, 2nd La. Cav. En. Sept. 1, 1862, New Roads, La. Roll

for Nov. and Dec., 1862, Sick, furlough granted by Lt. Col. Herbert, for 30 days, Dec. 20, 1862.

Present on Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1863.

Kleinpeter, John C., 1st Sergt. Capt. Co. 11th La. Inf. En. Aug. 19, 1861, Camp Moore, La.

Present on Roll to Oct. 31, 1861. On Roll not dated of Prisoners of War, Paroled at Baton Rouge,

La., June 30, 1865.

Kleinpeter, P. A., Pvt. Co. F, 3rd La. Cav. Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled Gainesville,

Ala., May 12, 1865. Res. East Baton Rouge, La.

Kleinpeter, P. G., Pvt. Co. I, 2nd La. Cav. En. Sept. 1, 1862, New Roads. La. Present on Roll

for Jan. and Feb., 1863. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, show him Captured at Pt. Coupee

Par., La., March 30, 1864. Recd. at New Orleans, La., April 5, 1864. Admitted April 6, 1864, to

St. Louis U. S. A. Gen. Hospl., New Orleans, La. Transfd. to Prison, April 14, 1864. Age 20.

Admitted June 14, 1864, to St. Louis U. S. A. Gen. Hospl., New Orleans, La. Furloughed June 26,

1864. Age 20. On Roll dated, Office of Commsy. of Prisoners of War Dept. of the Gulf, New

Orleans, La., July 7, 1864. Transfd. from New Orleans, La., and exchanged at Red River Landing,

July 22, 1864.

Kleinpeter, W. C., Pvt. Co. B, 9th Battn. La. Inf. En. May 15, 1862, Camp Moore, La. Roll for

Sept. and Oct., 1862, Present. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled Port Hudson, La., July

-, 1863.

Kleinpeter, William B., Pvt. Co. B, 7th La. Inf. En. June 7, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present or

absent not stated on Rolls to Oct., 1861. Present on Roll for Nov. and Dec., 1861. Present or

absent not stated on Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1862. Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1863, Absent, sick in

Charlottesville. Roll for April 1 to May 1, 1863, Present. Rolls from May, 1863, to Aug. 31,

1864, Present, detailed on Signal Corps. On List not dated, of Prisoners of War, Paroled at

Winchester, Va., April 22, 1865. Born Ja., occupation farmer, Res. Baton Rouge, La., age when

enlisted 22, single.

Page 582

Kleinpetre, L., Pvt. Co. G, 30th La. Inf. En. March 12, 1862, Plaquemine, La. Present on Rolls

to Oct., 1862. Roll for Nov. and Dec., 1862, Absent, sick, in Hospl., Jackson, La. Present on

Roll for May and June, 1863. Rolls from July, 1863, to Oct., 1863, Absent, sick, in Hospl., at

Mobile, Ala.

Kleinshmitt, Charles, Pvt. Co. C, 4th Regt. 3rd Brig. Div. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered

into service of the State of Louisiana.

Kleinsork, F., Pvt. Co. B, Confed. States Zouave Battn. La. En. April 4, 1861, New Orleans, La.

Roll to Aug. 31, 1861, Sick at Bagley's Mills. Regtl. Return for Feb., 1862, Sick, Bigler's Mill


Kleinstein, Bernard, _, Co. -, 1st Regt. 2nd Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On List dated New Orleans,

La., April 8, 1862, ordered into service of the State of Louisiana.

Kleitter, J., Pvt. Co. H, 21st (Patton's) La. Inf. En. June 6, 1861, New Orleans, La. Present on

Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1862.

Klem, Georges, Pvt. 5th Co. 6th Regt. European Brig. (Italian Grds. Battn.) La. Mil. Appears on

Roll dated New Orleans, April 2, 1862.

Klemeyer, J. D., Corpl. Co. A, 4th Regt. European Brig. La. Mil. On Roll dated New Orleans, La.

April 2, 1862, for service within the City and the City limits. Subject of Hanover.

Klenge, George, Pvt. Cos. G and K, 1st La. Hvy. Arty. (Regulars). En. March 27, 1861, New

Orleans, La. Present on all Rolls to Feb., 1862.

Kleppe, Charles, Pvt. Co. G, 6th La. Inf. En. June 4, 1861, Camp Moore, La. A record copied from

Memorial Hall, New Orleans, La., by the War Dept., Washington, D. C., May, 1903, born Baden,

occupation laborer, Res. New Orleans, La., single. Deserted at Knoxville en route to Va., in


Kleppin, John, Pvt. Co. D, 4th Regt. European Brig. La. Mil. On Roll dated New Orleans, La.,

April 2, 1862, for active service within the city and city limits. Subject of Prussia.

Kliber, Theodule, Pvt. Co. F, St. James Regt. La. Mil. On Roll not dated.

Klienhart, Albert, Pvt. Co. H, 3rd Regt. 1st Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered

into service of the State of Louisiana.

Klienlogel, G., Pvt. Co. F, 3rd Regt. 3rd Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll dated March 5, 1862,

ordered into service of the State of Louisiana.

Klimar, William, Pvt. Co. A, 3rd Regt. 1st Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered

into service of the State of Louisiana.

Klinder, A., Pvt. Capt. Dreux's Cav. Co. A, La. En. March 10, 1863, New Orleans, La. Present on

Roll dated June 30, 1864. On Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled at Meridian, Miss., May 10,

1865. Res. New Orleans, La.

Klinder, Christian A., Pvt. Co. B, 16th Battn. La. Inf. (Confed. Grds. Response Battn.) En.

March 10, 1862, New Orleans, La. Present on Roll to April 30, 1862.

Kline, _, Pvt. Wood's Regt. Cav. Appears on Roll not dated. Endorsement shows Recd. A. & I. G.

O., Sept. 5, 1861.

Kline, B. F., Pvt. Co. B, 14th (Austin's) Battn. La. Shp. Shooters. En. Aug. 11, 1861, Camp

Moore, La. Present on Roll for Sept. and Oct., 1862. Roll for March and April, 1863, Absent, in

confinement at Bridgeport, Ala. Sentenced to 12 months hard labor and pay stopped. Rolls from

Nov., 1863, to Feb., 1864, Absent, in arrest, 12 months imprisonment by Gen. Court Martial,

approved by (illegible). Roll for March and April, 1864, Deserted. Sentence 12 months labor on

fortifications. Sentence then expired, not heard from.

Kline, Benj., Pvt. West's Batty. Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled Shreveport, La., June 13,

1865. Res. Napoleon, Ark.

Kline, Frank, Corpl. Sergt. Co. C, 13th La. Inf. En. Sept. 11, 1861, Camp Moore, La., for the

War. Roll for June 30 to Oct. 31, 1862, Present: Promoted 1st Sergt., Aug. 26. Present on Roll

for Nov. and Dec., 1862. Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1863, Present, made 2nd Sergt., Jan. 4, 1863.

Present on Roll for March and April, 1863. Roll for June 30 to Oct. 31, 1863, Present. Promoted

Sergt., Sept. 15, and to 1st Sergt., Oct. 1, 1863. Roll for Nov. and Dec., 1863, Absent, sick.

Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1864, Present. Roll for March and April, 1864, Transfd. to Navy, order

Secty. of War, April 12, 1864.

Kline, George, Pvt. Co. A, 7th La. Inf. En. June 7, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present or absent not

stated on Rolls to Dec., 1861. Present on Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1862. A record copied from

Memorial Hall, New Orleans, La., by the War Dept., Washington, D. C., May, 1903, born Md.,

occupation tinsmith, Res. New Orleans, La., age when enlisted 23, single. Killed Sept. 17, 1862.

Kline, Geo. N., Pvt. Co. H, 2nd Mo. Regt. Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled Meridian, Miss.,

May 10, 1865. Res. Miami, Mo.

Kline, Jacob, Pvt. Co. I, 13th La. Inf. En. Sept. 11, 1861, for the War at Camp Moore, La.

Kline, N., Pvt. Wood's Regt. Cav. En. Aug. 29, 1861, Memphis, Tenn. Age 45 years.

Kline, N., Pvt. Bondurant's Co. 15th Battn. (Harrison) La. Cav.

Kline, P., Pvt. Co. B, 2nd Regt. 3rd Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. Roll for March 5, 1862, to _, shows

him ordered into service of the State of Louisiana.

Klinepetre, Charles N., Sergt. Co. A, 1st La. Cav. En. Aug. 26, 1861, Camp Schlatre. Roll for

May 1, to Aug. 31, 1862, Present, promoted to 2nd Sergt., July 15, 1862. Rolls from Sept. 1,

1862, to Feb., 1863, state present. Roll for March 1 to June 30, 1863, Absent, near London,

recruiting horses. Present on Roll for Nov. and Dec., 1863. Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1864, Absent

on 30 days furlough, dated Jan. 29, 1864.

Klinepetre, De Kalb, Pvt. Co. A, 1st La. Cav. En. Aug. 26, 1861, Camp Schlatre. Roll for May 1,

to Aug. 31, 1862, Died near Moulton, Ala., June -, 1862.

Klinert, George, Pvt. Co. C, 3rd Regt. 3rd Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll dated March 5, 1862,

ordered into service of the State of La.

Kling, Bernard, Pvt. Co. E, 28th (Thomas') Regt. La. Inf. En. May 5, 1862, Camp Moore, La.

Present on Rolls to Feb. 28, 1863. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War show him captured and

paroled at Vicksburg, Miss., July 4, 1863. Recd. at New Orleans, La., Oct. 15, 1864. Transfd. to

Ship Island, Miss., Oct. 20, 1864. Forwd. to Ft. Columbus, N. Y. Harbor, Nov. 16, 1864. Recd. at

Elmira, N. Y., Nov. 20, 1864. Paroled at Elmira, N. Y., Feb. 9, 1865. Sent to James River for

exchange. Recd. at Boulwares and Cox Wharf, James River, Va., Feb. 20 to 21, 1865, and

exchanged. On Roll not dated of Prisoners of War, Captured in Hospl. at Richmond, Va., April 3,

1865. Escaped from Hospl., April 24, 1865.

Kling, Cyrille, Pvt. Co. E, 28th (Thomas') Regt. La. Inf. En. April 3, 1862, Ascension Par., La.

Present on all Rolls to Feb., 1863. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War show him captured at

Vicksburg, Miss., July 4, 1863. On Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured at Hampton's Ferry, Oct.

12, 1864. Recd. at New Orleans, La., Oct. 15, 1864. Transfd. to Ship Island, Oct. 20, 1864.

Forwd. to Fort Columbus, N. Y. Harbor, Nov. 19, 1864. Sent to Elmira, N. Y., Nov. 20, 1864.

Paroled at Elmira, N. Y., Feb. 25, 1865. Sent to James River for exchange.

Kling, Gabriel, Pvt. Capt. Landry's Co. (Donaldsonville Arty.) La. Arty. En. Sept. 13, 1861,

Donaldsonville, La. Present on all Rolls to Dec., 1864. Appears on list without

Page 583

caption, date or certificate signed by R. Prosper Landry, Capt. Comdg. Donaldsonville Arty. This

list was an inclosure in a letter from the A. G. O., Washington, D. C., to Brevt. Brig. Gen.

Hoffman Commsy. Genl. of Prisoners, dated June 19, 1865, of which the following is an extract: I

transmit herewith the Rolls of Prisoners of War of the men of Lee's and Johnson's armies, 1124

(O. C. G. P.) June 20, 1865.

Kling, Gaspare, - Co. G, 4th Regt. 2nd Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into

the service of the State of La.

Kling, Jacob, Pvt. Co. K, 14th La. Inf. En. June 12, 1861, New Orleans, La. Present on all Rolls

to Feb., 1862. Roll for March and April, 1862, shows him present with remarks: Died in Richmond,

Va., April 27, 1862, from wounds recd. at Wynne's Mill on picket duty, April 15, 1862. Roll for

May and June, 1862, Killed in battle June 30, 1862. A record copied from Memorial Hall, New

Orleans, La., by the War Dept., Washington, D. C., June, 1903, Born Germany, occupation laborer.

Res. New Orleans, La., age when enlisted 22, single, killed in battle at Cold Harbor.

Kling, Joachim, Pvt. Co. A, Ogden's La. Cav. On Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled at

Gainesville, Ala., May 12, 1865. Res. Ascension Par., La.

Kling, Joachim, Pvt. Co. E, 28th (Thomas') Regt. La. Inf. En. May 5, 1862, Camp Moore, La.

Present on all Rolls to Feb., 1863. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War show him captured and

paroled at Vicksburg, Miss., July 4, 1863.

Klingbile, G., Pvt. Co. F, Fire Battn. La. Mil. Present on Roll dated Nov. 23, 1861, New

Orleans, La.

Klingenberg, W., Pvt. Co. - 2nd La. Inf. Appears on a report dated Office Pro. Marshal, Capitol

Bldg., Richmond, Va., May 15, 1865, of paroles given Prisoners of War, by D. M. Evans, Col. 20th

N. Y. Cav., May 5, 1865.

Klinger, W., Sergt. Cos. B, and C, 4th Regt. European Brig. La. Mil. On Roll dated New Orleans,

La., April 2, 1862, for service within the city and limits of New Orleans. Subject of Baden.

Klinick, Auguste, Pvt. Co. D, 28th (Thomas') Regt. La. Inf. En. April 24, 1862, New Orleans, La.

Roll to Aug. 31, 1862, Deserted at New Orleans, La., April 25.

Kliper, Henry, Corpl. Co. D, 3rd Regt. 1st Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered

into service of the State of La.

Klipfel, Louis, Pvt. New Co. B, 20th La. Inf. En. July 18, 1861, New Orleans, La. Roll from Feb.

28, 1862, to April, 1864, state present. Roll for May 1 to Aug. 31, 1864, Killed in engagement

of July 28, 1864, near Atlanta. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War show him captured near

Atlanta, Ga., July 28, 1864. Recd. at Military Prison, Louisville, Ky., from Nashville, Tenn.,

Oct. 28, 1864. Forwd. to Camp Douglas, Ill., Oct. 29, 1864. Appears on Roll of Prisoners of War

at Camp Douglas, applying for Oath of Allegiance, Jan. -, 1865. Remarks: Claims to have been

loyal, was conscripted, was captured and desired to take the Oath of Allegiance to the U. S. and

become a loyal citizen. En. in U. S. Vols., April 1, 1865.

Klipfel, Louis, Pvt. Co. C, 21st (Kennedy's) La. Inf. En. July 18, 1861, New Orleans, La.

Present on Roll to Oct. 31, 1861.

Klont, Edward, Lt. 6th La. -. Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled Richmond, Va., May 15, 1865.

Kloort, Edw., Lt. Co. 6th La. Inf.

Klopfer, John, Pvt. Sergt. Co. G, 6th La. Inf. En. June 4, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on

Rolls to Aug., 1862. Roll for Sept. and Oct., 1862, Present. Promoted Sergt., Sept. 1, 1862,

vice John Weis, killed. Rolls from Nov., 1862, to June, 1863, Present, on daily duty as Commsy.

Sergt. Rolls from July, 1863, to April, 1864, state present. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War

show him captured at Spottsylvania C. H., May 5, 1864. Sent to Belle Plains, Va., May 18, 1864.

Recd. at Elmira, N. Y., July 28, 1864, from Pt. Lookout, Md. On Rolls of Prisoners of War at

Elmira, N. Y., desirous of taking the Oath of Allegiance to the U. S., Sept. 15, 1864. Remarks:

Gave himself up voluntarily. Had tried to desert the Rebel Army several times before, but had

been thwarted, is a native of Germany. Was at New Orleans, La., at the outbreak of the War, out

of employment and destitute. En. for one year, after which was conscripted against his will.

Made application several times to take the Oath of Allegiance at Pt. Lookout, Md. Released on

Oath of Allegiance to U. S. at Elmira, N. Y., Nov. 4, 1864. Res. New Orleans, La., complexion

dark, hair dark, eyes black, height 5 ft. 6 in., born Waterbury, occupation laborer, single.

Klophan, Hy., Pvt. Co. D, 8th Battn. La. Hvy. Arty. En. Feb. 24, 1862, New Orleans. La. Present

or absent not stated on Roll to April 25, 1862.

Klopman, Leon, Pvt. Co. H, Cres. Regt. La. Inf. En. March 5, 1862, New Orleans, La. Present on

Roll for May and June, 1862.

Kloppenberg, H. W., Pvt. Co. D, Confed. Grds. Regt. La. Mil. En. March 8, 1862, New Orleans, La.

Present on Roll to April 30, 1862.

Kloppenburg, Frank W., Capt. Co. K, 3rd Regt. 1st Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll not dated,

ordered into service of the State of Louisiana.

Klos, S., _ Co. D, 4th Regt. 2nd Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into service

of the State of Louisiana.

Klostermann, William, Pvt. Co. F, Old Co. B, 20th La. Inf. En. Dec. 21, 1861, Camp Lewis.

Present on Roll to Dec. 31, 1861. Present on Rolls to Feb., 1862. Transfd. to Co. B, Regtl.

Return for March, 1862, Transfd.

Kloter, John B., Pvt. Co. C, 31st La. Inf. En. April 21, 1862, Delhi, La. Present on Roll for

Jan. and Feb., 1863. On Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled at Selma, Ala., June -, 1865. Res.

Selma, Ala.

Klotz, Abraham, Pvt. Capt. Landry's Co. (Donaldsonville Arty.) La. Arty. En. Sept. 13, 1861,

Donaldsonville, La. Present on all Rolls to Dec., 1864. Appears on list without caption date or

certificate signed by R. Prosper Landry Capt., Comdg. Donaldsonville Arty. This list was an

inclosure in a letter from the A. G. O., Washington, D. C., to Brevt. Brig. Gen. Hoffman,

Commsy. Genl. of Prisoners, dated June 19, 1865, of which the following is an extract: I

transmit herewith the Rolls of the Prisoners of War of the men of Lee's and Johnson's armies,

1124 (O. C. G. P.) June 20, 1865. On Roll of Prisoners of War, Paroled _, Va., 1865.

Klotz, Bernard, Pvt. Co. F, 1st (Nelligan's) La. Inf. En. April 24, 1861, New Orleans, La.

Present on all Rolls to Oct. 31, 1862. Roll to Jan. 1, 1863. Absent, without leave, Rolls from

Jan., 1863, to Dec., 1863, state present. Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1864, Present, re-enlisted for

the War, Feb. 21, 1864. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War show him captured at Wilderness, Va.,

May 12, 1864. Transfd. to Belle Plains, Va., May 18, 1864. Forwd. to Pt. Lookout, Md. Paroled

and transfd. for exchange, Feb. 10, 1865. Recd. at Coxes Landing, James River, Va., Feb. 14 and

15, 1865, and exchanged. Captured near High Bridge, Va., April 6, 1865. Recd.

Page 584

at Newport News, Va., from City Pt., Va., April 14, 1865. Released on Oath of Allegiance, June

16, 1865. Res. New Orleans, La., complexion dark, hair dark, eyes hazel, height 5 ft. 7 in.,

born France, occupation baker, Res. New Orleans, La., age when enlisted 17, single.

Klotz, Frank, Pvt. Co. B, 21st (Patton's) La. Inf. En. Nov. 25, 1862, Camp Moore, for the War.

Present on Rolls to Feb., 1863. Rolls from Sept., 1863, to Dec., 1863, Absent, refused to be


Klues, H., _ Co. F, 4th Regt. European Brig. La. Mil. On Roll not dated for active service

within the limits of the City. Nationality Lubeck.

Klug, J., _ Co. H, 1st Regt. 3rd Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll dated March 5, 1862, ordered

into service of the State of La.

Klugman, Jacob, Pvt. Co. C, 4th Regt. 3rd Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered

into service of the State of La.

Klump, Herman, Pvt. Old Co. C, 20th La. Inf. En. Dec. 21, 1861, Camp Lewis. Present on Roll to

Jan. 1, 1862. Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1862, Present, transfd. to Co. B, March 1, 1862. Would not

re-enlist during the War.

Klump, Simon, Pvt. Co. H, 4th Regt. 1st Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into

service of the State of La.

Klumpp, Frank, Musician (Band) 13th and 20th La. Inf. Roll for Nov. and Dec., 1862 (only Roll on

file), shows him enlisted Dec. 21, 1861, Camp Lewis, Present. Also appears on Rolls of Old Co.

B, (Band) Pvt. Musician 20th La. Inf. En. Dec. 21, 1861, Camp Lewis. Roll for Dec. 21, 1861, to

May 1, 1862, Present, transfd. to Regtl. Band, Jan. 25, 1862. Rolls from May, 1862, to April,

1863, state present. Roll for July 1, to Oct. 31, 1863, Deserted at evacuation of Jackson, July

16, 1863. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, captured at Jackson, Miss., July 17, 1863. Recd. at

Camp Morton, Ind., Aug. 7, 1863. En. in U. S. service, Aug. -, 1863.

Klumpp, Fred, Pvt. Co. D, Fire Battn. La. Mil. Report dated City of Jefferson, Nov. 26, 1861,

Absent, on account of sickness.

Klunder, John, Pvt. Co. B, Miles Legion La. Vols. En. March 10, 1862, St. Tammany, La. Roll May

and June, 1862, Present. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled Port Hudson, La., July -,


Klute, William, Pvt. Co. G, 4th Regt. 3rd Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered

into service of the State of La.

Klyner, S., Pvt. Capt. Bouanchaud's Batty. Lt. Arty. Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled

Meridian, Miss., May 11, 1865. Res. St. Jas. Par., La.

Knabe, Henry, Pvt. Co. D, 20th La. Inf. En. Dec. 21, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on Rolls

Dec., 1861, to Feb., 1862. Roll for March and April, 1862, Missing since battle of Shiloh.

Regtl. Return for May and June, 1862, dated July 11, 1862, Absent, without leave.

Knap, William, Pvt. Pointe Coupee Arty. La. En. Sept. 2, 1862, Abbeville, La. Roll for March and

April, 1864, and Roll dated Aug. 31, 1864, Absent, left sick at Port Hudson, April 5 or 6, 1863.

Now in Pt. Coupee Par., La.

Knapp, A., - Co. B, 1st Regt. 3rd Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll dated March 5, 1862, to _,

ordered into service of the State of Louisiana.

Knapp, Chauncy, Pvt. Co. A, 2nd La. Inf. En. May 11, 1861, New Orleans, La. Present or absent

not stated on Rolls to Aug., 1861. Present on Roll for Sept. and Oct., 1861, Rolls from Nov.,

1861, to April, 1862, Present or absent not stated. Present on Roll for May and June, 1862. Roll

for July and Aug., 1862, Killed in battle.

Knapp, George, Pvt. Co. A, 15th La. Inf. En. June 30, 1861, New Orleans, La. Present on Roll for

Sept. and Oct., 1861. Roll for May 1 to Oct. 31, 1862, Deserted July 30, 1862.

Knapp, Henry, Pvt. Co. F, 1st La. Cav. On Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled at Alexandria, La.,

July 3 to 10, 1865. Res. Catahoula Par., La.

Knapp, Philip, Sergt. Pvt. Cos. G, and C, 6th La. Inf. En. June 4, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present

on all Rolls to June, 1863. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War show him captured at South Mt.,

July 4, 1863. Sent to Fort McHenry, July 8, 1863. Paroled at Fort McHenry, Md., transfd. to Fort

Delaware, Del., July 9, 1863. Released on Oath of Allegiance to U. S., May -, 1865. Res. New

Orleans, La., complexion dark, hair light, eyes hazel, height 6 ft., born Baden, occupation

moulder, single.

Knapp, Thomas, Pvt. Co. A, Cres. Regt. La. Inf. En. Nov. 8, 1862, Camp Pratt. Roll for Nov. and

Dec., 1862, Present, detailed at Regt. Hospl. Present on Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1863. Roll for

May and June, 1863, Absent, on sick furlough. Present on Roll for July and Aug., 1863. Also

appears on Rolls of Co. C, Cons. Cres. Regt. La. Inf. Pvt. Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1864,

Present, sick in camp. On Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled at Alexandria. La., June 13, 1865.

Res. Rapides Par., La.

Knapp, William, Pvt. Co. B, 16th Battn. La. Inf. (Confed. Grds. Response Battn.) En. Oct. 1,

1862, Camp Pratt. Present on Roll to Oct. 31, 1862. Rolls from Dec., 1862, to Feb., 1863,

Absent, sent to Central Hospl., at New Iberia, Dec. 28, 1862. Roll for March and April, 1863,

Died at Center Hospl., New Iberia, March 4, 1863.

Knapps, William, Pvt. Co. C. Barnes La. Cav. Vol. On Roll not dated of Prisoners of War, Paroled

Provost Marshal's Office, Baton Rouge, La., June 30, 1865.

Knaps, Henry, Capt. Capt. Knap's Co. (Fausse River Grds.) La. Mil. On Roll dated March 9, 1862,

ordered into service of the State of Louisiana.

Knaps, W., Pvt. Co. K, 2nd La. Cav. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War show him captured at

Natchitoches, La., March 21, 1864. Recd. at New Orleans, La., March 26, 1864. On Roll dated

Office of Commsy. of Prisoners, Dept. of the Gulf, New Orleans, La., July 7, 1864. Transfd. from

New Orleans, La., and exchanged at Red River Landing, July 22, 1864.

Knaps, William, Pvt. Knap's Co. (Fausse River Grds.) La. Mil. On Roll dated March 9, 1862,

ordered into service of the State of Louisiana.

Knaus, George L., Pvt. Co. E, 1st La. Cav. On Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War as Knam, Geo.

L., captured at Cowan. Tenn., Aug. 21, 1863. Sent to Military Prison, Louisville, Ky. Discharged

Aug. 26, 1863. En. in the Federal Army.

Knealy, Michael, Pvt. Co. D, 21st (Patton's) La. Inf. En. June 18, 1861, New Orleans, La.

Present on all Rolls to October, 1862. Rolls from Nov., 1862, to Feb., 1863, Absent, City

Hospl., Vicksburg, Miss. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War show him captured and paroled at

Vicksburg, Miss., July 4, 1863. Rolls from Oct. 31, 1863, to Dec., 1863, Absent, without leave,

failed to report to Parole Camp.

Knee, Thomas, Pvt. Capt. Burrowes Co. British Grd. Battn. La. Mil. Roll not dated, present at

review, April 2, _.

Knees, William, Pvt. Co. K, Cres. Regt. La. Inf. En. March 11, 1862, New Orleans, La. Roll for

May and June, 1862, Absent, sick in Hospl.

Page 585

Kneese, E., C. B.-Continental Cadets La. Mil. Roll not dated shows him present on parade, Nov.

23, 1861.

Kneese, Ed., Pvt. Co. F, Cres. Regt. La. Inf. En. March 8, 1862, New Orleans, La. Present on

Roll for May and June, 1862.

Kneper, H. W., Pvt. Co. E, 4th Regt. European Brig. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, for active

service within the limits of the City. Subject of Hanover.

Knepper, Henry, Pvt. Lang's Co. Continental Regt. La. Mil. On Roll not dated.

Kneupfer, H., Pvt. Co. F, Confed. Grds. Regt. La. Mil. En. March 8, 1862, New Orleans, La.

Present on Roll to April 30, 1862.

Knicely, Samuel H., Pvt. Co. F, 9th La. Inf. En. July 7, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on all

Rolls to Dec., 1861. Roll to July 1, 1862, Present or absent not stated. Roll for June 30, to

Nov. 1, 1862, Absent, sick. Rolls from Nov., 1862, to Aug., 1864, state present. Paroled at

Appomattox Court House, Va., April 10, 1865. A record copied from Memorial Hall, New Orleans,

La., by the War Dept., Washington, D. C., June, 1903, Born Va., occupation engineer, Res.

Mansfield, age when enlisted 48, single. Detailed in Medical Dept.

Kniffen, Gilbert B., Pvt. Co. F, (Nelligan's) La. Inf. En. April 24, 1861, New Orleans, La.

Rolls to Oct., 1861, state present. Rolls from Nov., 1861, to Jan. 1, 1863, Absent, sick, in

Gen. Hospl. Rolls from Jan. 1, 1863, to Aug., 1864, Absent, in Hospl., at Petersburg. Detailed,

unfit for Field Service. Born New York, occupation carpenter, Res. New Orleans, La., age when

enlisted 24, married.

Knight, A. C., Pvt. Co. G, 2nd La. Cav. On Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled at Alexandria,

La., June 3, 1865. Res. Terrebonne Par., La., complexion light, hair black, height 5 ft. 8 in.,

age 21 years, eyes grey.

Knight, Alcide C., Pvt. Sergt. Co. E, 1st Special Battn. (Rightor's) La. Inf. En. April 16,

1861, Houma, La. Present on all Rolls to Feb., 1862.

Knight, Alfred G., Pvt. Sergt. 2nd Co. Battn. Wash. Arty. La. En. May 26, 1861, New Orleans, La.

Present on all Rolls to June, 1862. Roll for July and Aug., 1862, Present, promoted from Pvt.,

July 20, 1862, to Corpl. Rolls from Sept., 1862, to Dec., 1863, state present. Roll for Jan. and

Feb., 1864, Absent, on furlough. Rolls from March, 1864, to Feb., 1865, state present. Born

England, occupation merchant, Res. New Orleans, La., age when enlisted 40, single.

Knight, Benjamin F., Pvt. Co. B, 28th (Gray's) La. Inf. En. May 11, 1862, Monroe, La.

Knight, Calvin, Pvt. Co. A, 3rd (Wingfield's) La. Cav. En. May 13, 1862, Camp Moore, La. Present

or absent not stated on Roll not dated.

Knight, D. R., Pvt. Co. D, 2nd La. Cav. On Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled at Natchitoches,

La., June 13, 1865. Res. St. Martin Par., La.

Knight, D. R., Pvt. Co. B, 1st (Nelligan's) La. Inf. En. Aug. 2, 1861, New Orleans, La. Rolls

from Nov., 1861, to April, 1862, state present. Roll for May and June, 1862, Absent, at Gen.

Hospl. Roll to Sept. 1, 1862, Absent, on furlough, sick. Rolls from Jan., 1863, to March 1,

1864, Present, Regtl. Teamster. Roll to Aug. 31, 1864, Absent, wounded. On Rolls of Prisoners of

War, Paroled at Alexandria, La., June 26, 1865. Res. Rapides Par., La. A record copied from

Memorial Hall, New Orleans, La., by the War Dept., Washington, D. C., May, 1903, Born Ga.,

occupation farmer, Res. Huddleston P. O., age when enlisted 25, married. Retired Nov., 1864, of

wounds recd. at Spottsylvania, May 12, 1864.

Knight, E. W., - Co. C, 6th La. Cav. Appears on list dated March 12, 1862.

Knight, E. W. (also borne on Rolls as Knight, E. M.), Pvt. Co. K, Cres. Regt. La. Inf. En. Jan.

8, 1863, Bossier Par., La. Present on Rolls to Feb., 1863. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War

show him captured at Butte a la Rose, April 20, 1863. Sent to New Orleans to be exchanged.

Paroled below Port Hudson, La., May 11, 1863.

Knight, Edward, Pvt. Cos. I, and A, 14th La. Inf. En. May 20, 1861, Camp Martin, La. Present on

Rolls to June, 1862. Rolls from July, 1862, to Oct., 1862, Absent, sick at Hospl. Rolls from

Nov., 1862, to Dec., 1863, state present. Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1864, Present, re-enlisted for

the War, Feb. 21, 1864. Roll for Sept. and Oct., 1864, dated Feb. 26, 1865, Present. On Rolls of

Prisoners of War, Paroled at Appomattox Court House, Va., April 10, 1865, age 21, eyes dark,

hair light, complexion fair, height 5 ft. 7 in., Res. Carroll Par., La., born Miss., occupation

farmer, age when enlisted 21, single.

Knight, Edwards, Pvt. Co. H, 2nd La. Cav. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War show him captured

near Bayou Maringan, June 18, 1864. Exchanged near Vicksburg, Miss., July 23, 1864. On Rolls of

Prisoners of War, Paroled at Alexandria, La., June 4, 1865. Res. St. Mary Par., La.

Knight, F., Pvt. Co. C, 13th La. Inf. En. Sept. 11, 1861, Camp Moore, for the War.

Knight, F. D., Pvt. Co. I, Cons. Cres. Regt. La. Inf. En. July 4, 1862, Alexandria, La. Roll for

Jan. and Feb., 1864, Detailed as Overseer for 60 days, order Maj. Gen. Taylor, Feb. 12, 1864.

Knight, George, Pvt. Corpl. Co. G, 2nd La. Cav. En. June 2, 1862, Alexandria, La. Roll for Jan.

and Feb., 1863, Absent, sick in enemy's lines. Appears on Register of Prisoners of War, at New

Orleans, La., recd. Jan. 25, 1863. Released Jan. 26, 1863, order of Maj. Porter. Appears on a

Register of Prisoners of War, dated April 3, 1863, Captured at Lafourche, La., March 10, 1863.

Remarks: Paroled and sent to the enemy's lines, April 4, 1863. Roll for July and Aug., 1863,

states present.

Knight, George, Pvt. Co. A, 3rd (Wingfield's) La. Cav. En. May 13, 1862, Camp Moore, La. Present

or absent not stated on Roll not dated. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled at Port

Hudson, La., July -, 1863.

Knight, George, Pvt. Corpl. Co. E, 1st Special Battn. (Rightor's) La. Inf. En. April 16, 1861,

Houma, La. Present on Rolls to Feb., 1862.

Knight, George, Pvt. Co. G, 13th La. Inf. En. March 1, 1862, Franklin. Present on all Rolls to

April, 1863. Roll for July 1 to Oct. 31, 1863, Deserted at Jackson, Federal Rolls of Prisoners

of War, show him captured at Jackson, Miss., July -, 1863. Sent to Snyder's Bluff, Miss., July

30, 1863. Transfd. to Camp Morton, Ind., Aug. 7, 1863. Recd. at Fort Delaware, Del., March 19,

1864. Paroled and forwd. to City Pt., Va., for exchange March 7, 1865. Recd. at Boulware's and

Cox's Wharves, Va., March 10, to 12, 1865, and exchanged.

Knight, George, Pvt. Co. - Terrebonne Regt. La. Mil. On list of Prisoners of War, Captured at

Labadieville, Oct. 27, 1862, paroled at Thibodaux, La., Nov. 10, 1862.

Knight, Henry, Pvt. Cos. H, and I, 13th La. Inf. En. Camp Moore, La., Sept. 11, 1861, for the

War. Roll for June 30 to Oct. 31, 1862, Missing on march. Roll for Nov. and Dec., 1862, Killed

in battle Dec. 31, 1862. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, show him captured at Stone's River

or Murfreesboro, Tenn., Dec. 31, 1862. Recd. at Gratiot Str. Military Prison, St. Louis, Mo.,

Jan. 21, 1863. Released on Oath of Renunciation and Allegiance, Feb. 7, 1863.

Page 586

Knight, J., Pvt. Co. H, 2nd La. Cav. On Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled at Alexandria, La.,

June 4, 1865. Res. St. Mary Par., La.

Knight, J., Corpl. Sergt. Co. B, 26th La. Inf. En. March 27, 1862, St. Mary Par., La. Present on

Roll dated Oct. 31, 1862. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, show him captured and paroled at

Vicksburg, Miss., July 4, 1863. On list dated Hdqrs. U. S. Forces, Lafourche Dist., Thibodaux,

La., Feb. 23, 1864, of Paroled Prisoners in Lafourche Dist.

Knight, J. A., Pvt. Co. K, 2nd La. Inf. En. May 11, 1861, New Orleans, La. Present on all Rolls

to Oct., 1861. Roll for Nov. and Dec., 1861, Absent, on detached service at Young's Mills, Nov.

4, 1861. Rolls from Jan., 1862, to June, 1862, Present. Rolls from July, 1862, to Oct., 1862,

Absent, wounded, in hands of the enemy. Roll for Nov. and Dec., 1862, Absent, wounded, in Hospl.

at Richmond. Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1863, Absent, wounded, in Hospl., at Danville, Va. Roll for

March and April, 1863, Absent, detailed on guard at Guineas Station. Roll for May and June,

1863, Absent, detailed to Grd. Division Ordnance Train. Rolls from July, 1863, to Dec., 1863,

state present. Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1864, Present, re-enlisted for the War. Federal Rolls of

Prisoners of War, show him captured at Wilderness, Va., May 12, 1864, sent to Belle Plains, Va.,

May 18, 1864. Recd. at Elmira, N. Y., Aug. 17, 1864, from Pt. Lookout, Md. Paroled at Elmira, N.

Y., Feb. 9, 1865. Sent to James River for exchange. Recd. at Boulwares and Cox Wharf, James

River, Va., and exchanged. Paroled May 24, 1865, at Talledaga, by Brvt. Brig. Gen. M. H.

Chrysler, Comdg. U. S. Forces.

Knight, James, Pvt. Co. A, 3rd (Wingfield's) La. Cav. En. May 13, 1862, Camp Moore, La. Present

on Roll not dated.

Knight, James, Pvt. Co. A, 13th Battn. La. (Partisan Rangers). En. Feb. 2, 1863, Lester. Present

on Rolls to April, 1863.

Knight, John, Capt. Co. H, Cres. Regt. La. Inf. On Roll dated March 5, 1862, En. at New Orleans,

La., for 90 days, ordered into service of the State.

Knight, John, Capt. Co. E, Beauregard Battn. La. Mil. Appears on Report dated October, 1861.

Knight, John J., Pvt. Co. -, Lafourche Regt. La. Mil. On list of Prisoners of War, captured at

Labadieville, La., Oct. 27, 1862. Paroled at Thibodeaux, La., Nov. 19, 1862.

Knight, John M., Sergt. Co. H, 26th La. Inf. En. March 21, 1862, Terrebonne Par., La. Present on

Roll for Sept. and Oct., 1862. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, show him captured and paroled

at Vicksburg, Miss., July 4, 1863. On list dated Hdqrs. U. S. Forces, Lafourche Dist.,

Thibodaux, La., Feb. 23, 1864, of Paroled Prisoners in Lafourche Dist. On list of Prisoners

recd. at New Orleans, La., June 9, 1864, from Thibodaux, La., who are recommended to be sent

outside of the lines. On Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled at Shreveport, La., June 20, 1865.

Res. Terrebonne Par., La.

Knight, Joseph, Pvt. Vinson's Co. Scouts Louisiana. On Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled at

Franklin, La., June 10, 1865. Res. Pattersonville, La.

Knight, Joseph, Pvt. Cons. Cres. Regt. La. Inf. En. Aug. 9, 1862, St. Martins. Present on Roll

for Jan. and Feb., 1864. Took Oath of Allegiance at New Orleans, La., Sept. 22, 1864. Res.

Assumption Par., La. Complexion dark, hair dark, eyes hazel, height 5 ft. 9 1/2 in. Remarks:

Deserted and gave himself up to Gunboat 50 at mouth of Red River, Aug. 20, 1864.

Knight, Joseph, Pvt. Capt. King's Batty. La. Arty.

Knight, Joseph J., Pvt. Co. D, 9th La. Inf. En. July 7, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Roll to Aug. 31,

1861, Died at Camp Bienville, Va., Aug. 21, pneumonia. Born South Carolina, occupation farmer,

Res. Benton, age when enlisted 34, single.

Knight, Joshua B., Pvt. Co. H, 26th Regt. La. Inf. En. March 21, 1862, Terrebonne Par., La.

Present on Roll for Sept. and Oct., 1862. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War show him captured

and paroled at Vicksburg, Miss., July 4, 1863. On list dated Hdqrs. U. S. Forces, Lafourche

Dist., Thibodaux, La., Feb. 23, 1864, of Paroled Prisoners in Lafourche Dist. On list of

Prisoners of War recd. at New Orleans, La., June 9, 1864, from Thibodaux, La., who are

recommended to be sent outside the lines. On Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled at Shreveport,

La., June 20, 1865, Res. Terrebonne Par., La.

Knight, L. D., Pvt. Co. H, 2nd La. Cav. En. Sept. 1, 1862, Napoleonville, La. On Rolls of

Prisoners of War, Captured at Bayou Teche, La., Sept. 2, 1863, Recd. at New Orleans, La., Oct.

14, 1863. Sent to New Iberia, La., Dec. 21, 1863, for exchange. On Rolls of Prisoners of War,

Captured near Natchitoches, La., March 21, 1864. Recd. at New Orleans, La., March 26, 1864.

Admitted June 13, 1864, to St. Louis U. S. A. Gen. Hospl., New Orleans, La. Sent to G. H., June

17, 1864. Remarks: Prisoner of War. Transfd. Pro. Sheriff, (Hos. No. 2963, La. Regt. No. 16,

dropped, shows retd. to Btty., June 17, 1864. Not sent to G. H.) On Rolls of Prisoners of War,

at New Orleans, La. dated Office of Commsy. of Prisoners Dept. of the Gulf, New Orleans, La.,

July 7, 1864. Transfd. from New Orleans, La., and exchanged at Red River Landing, July 22, 1864.

On Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled at Alexandria, La., June 4, 1865. Res. Assumption Par.,


Knight, L. T., Pvt. Co. B, 2nd La. Inf. En. May 9, 1861, New Orleans, La. Present on Roll to

June 30, 1861. Roll for July and Aug., 1861, Died May 15, in Williamsburg Hospl., typhoid fever.

Knight, N. P., Sergt. Co. K, 9th La. Inf. En. July 7, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on all Rolls

to Dec., 1861. Roll dated Feb. 12, 1862, Died Jan. 10, Camp Carondelet, Va.

Knight, Peter, Corpl. 2nd Lt. Cos. B, and K, 22nd and 23rd La. Inf. En. Dec. 23, 1861, New

Orleans, La. Present on all Rolls to April, 1862. Roster dated Enterprise, Miss., Nov., 1863,

Elected 2nd Lt., May 25, 1861. Dropped May 30, 1862. Successor Samuel Barnes.

Knight, Reuben, Pvt. Co. C, 1st (Nelligan's) La. Inf. En. May 27, 1861, New Orleans, La. Roll to

May 31, 1861, Present, ordered to proceed to Richmond, May 27, 1861, per dispatch from the Hon.

the Secty. of War, C. S. Army (L. P. Walker). Present on Rolls from Sept., 1861, to Dec., 1861.

Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1862, Absent, on furlough for 20 days, time expired Feb. 23, 1862. Roll

for March and April, 1862, Present, under 18 years of age. Applied for discharge, 16 years on

June 3, 1861. Present on Roll for May and June 1862. Rolls from Aug. 31, 1862, to June, 1863,

Absent, without leave.

Knight, Richard, Pvt. Co. B, 2nd La. Inf. En. May 9, 1861, New Orleans, La. Present on Rolls to

Oct., 1861. Rolls from Nov., 1861, to Feb., 1862, Absent, on detached service at Young's Mills

as Engineer, since Oct. 5, 1861. Rolls from March, 1862, to June, 1862, State present. Roll for

Sept. and Aug., 1862, Discharged according to Conscript Act.

Page 587

Knight, S., 4th Corpl. 26th La. Inf. Co. K. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured and

Paroled Vicksburg, Miss., July 4, 1863.

Knight, T. H., Pvt. Co. A, 1st Regt. La. Hvy. Arty. (Regulars). Roll for March and April, 1865

(only Roll on file), shows him En. Aug. 1, 1863, Salem, Miss., with remarks: Deserted from Camp

near Cuba Station, April 25.

Knight, T. S., Pvt. Co. K, 6th La. Cav. On Rolls of Prisoners of War of detachments of different

Commands of C. S. Army, paroled at Alexandria, La., June 13, 1865. Res. Rapides Par., La.

Knight, Thomas B., Pvt. Co. E, 1st Special Battn. (Rightor's) La. Inf. En. April 16, 1861,

Houma, La. Present on Rolls to Feb., 1862.

Knight, Thos. B., Corpl. Sergt. Co. K, 26th La. Inf. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, show him

captured and paroled at Vicksburg, Miss., July 4, 1863. On list dated U. S. Forces Lafourche

Dist., Thibodaux, La., Feb. 23, 1864, of Paroled Prisoners in Lafourche Dist. On list of

Prisoners of War recd. at New Orleans, La., June 9, 1864, from Thibodaux, La., who are

recommended to be sent outside the lines. Exchanged at Red River Landing, Oct. 23, 1864. On

Rolls of Prisoners of War, paroled at Franklin, La., June 10, 1865. Res. Terrebonne Par., La.

Knight, Timothy, Pvt. Old Co. G, 4th La. Inf. En. May 25, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on Rolls

to Dec., 1861.

Knight, W., Pvt. 2nd Fld. Battery La. Light Arty. En. March 1, 1862, Avoyelles Par., La. Present

on Roll to April 30, 1862. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled Port Hudson, La., July -,

1863. Roll dated Feb. 29, 1864, Present.

Knight, William, Pvt. Co C, 1st (Nelligan's) La. Inf. En. May 27, 1861, New Orleans, La. Roll to

May 31, 1861, Present, ordered to proceed to Richmond, May 27, 1861, per dispatch from the Hon.

Secty. of War, C. S. Army (L. P. Walker). Rolls from Sept., 1861, to Feb., 1862, state present.

Roll for March and April, 1862, Present, under 18 years old. Applied for discharge, 17 years on

Oct. 11, 1861. Rolls from May, 1862, to Feb., 1863, Absent, wounded at Malvern Hill, July 1,

1862. Rolls from March, 1863, to June, 1863, Absent, without leave.

Knight, William, Pvt. Co. F, 15th La. Inf. En. June 21, 1862, New Orleans, La. Roll to Oct. 31,

1862, Absent, sick, in Hospl., at Richmond, since May 30. Rolls from Nov., 1862, to Feb., 1863,

state present. Rolls from March, 1863, to June, 1863, Absent, wounded May 3, 1863. Roll for July

and Aug., 1863, Died from effects of wound recd., May 3, 1863.

Knight, William O., Pvt. Corpl. Co. H, 26th La. Inf. En. March 21, 1862, Terrebonne, La. Present

on Roll for Sept. and Oct., 1862. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War show him captured and

paroled at Vicksburg, Miss., July 4, 1863. On list dated Hdqrs. U. S. Forces, Lafourche Dist.,

Thibodaux, La., Feb. 23, 1864, of paroled prisoners in Lafourche Dist. On List of prisoners

recd. at New Orleans, La., June 9, 1864, from Thibodaux, La., who are recommended to be sent

outside the lines. On Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled at Franklin, La., June 14, 1865. Res.

Terrebonne Par., La.

Knight, Z., Pvt. Co. H, 3rd La. Inf. En. May 17, 1861, New Orleans, La. Present on all Rolls to

June, 1862. Roll for July and Aug., 1862. Died at Camp near Pineville, Miss., July 17, 1862.

Knighten, J. O., Pvt. McNeelys Texas Cav. Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled _, June -, 1865.

Res. Benton, Miss.

Knighton, D. C., Pvt. Co. H, 6th La. Cav. On Roll of Prisoners of War of furloughed and detailed

men C. S. Army, paroled at Shreveport, La., June 13, 1865. Res. Bienville Par., La.

Knighton, David, Pvt. Co. C, 19th La. Inf. En. Dec. 11, 1861, Camp Moore, La.

Knighton, J. H., Pvt. New Co. G, 4th La. Inf. En. July 29, 1861, Camp Neafus. Roll to Aug. 31,

1861, Present, with remark: Absent, on leave. Rolls from Sept., 1861, to Dec., 1861, Present.

Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1862, Present or absent not stated.

Knighton, John B., Pvt. Co. B, 4th La. Inf. En. May 29, 1862, Clinton, La. Rolls from Nov.,

1862, to June, 1863, State present. Roll for July and Aug., 1863, Absent, sick. Sent to Marion

Ala. Hospl., July 17, 1863. Rolls from Sept., 1863, to Aug. 31, 1864, Present. Federal Rolls of

Prisoners of War, show him captured near Franklin, Tenn., Dec. 17, 1864. Recd. Military Prison,

Louisville, Ky., from Nashville, Tenn., Dec. 20, 1864. Forwd. to Camp Douglas, Ill., Dec. 22,

1864. Released on Oath of Allegiance, June 12, 1864. Res. E. Feliciana Par., La., complexion

light, hair dark, eyes blue, height 5 ft. 8 in.

Knighton, P. D., Pvt. 27th La. Inf. Co. H. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured and

Paroled Vicksburg, Miss., July 4, 1863.

Knille, W. M., Pvt. Co. F, 9th La. Inf. On list not dated of Prisoners of War, Paroled by the U.

S. Govt. Recd. at Aikens Landing, Va., Sept. 7, 1862. Exchanged Sept. 15, 1862.

Knippenberg, F., Pvt. Co. A, 7th La. Inf. En. June 7, 1861, Camp Moore, La., for the War. A

record copied from Memorial Hall, New Orleans, La., by the War Dept., Washington, D. C., May,

1903, Born Germany, occupation carpenter, Res. New Orleans, La., age when enlisted 24, single.

Died of wounds, June -, 1862.

Knippenberg, Henry, Musician Pvt. Co. A, 7th La. Inf. En. June 7, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present

or absent not stated on Rolls to Dec., 1861. Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1862, Present. Rolls from

Jan., 1863, to April, 1863, Absent, wounded at Port Republic, not yet reported. Roll for May and

June, 1863, Died Oct., 1862, from wounds recd. at Port Republic. Born Germany, occupation

carpenter. Res. New Orleans, La. Age when enlisted 27, single.

Knipper, Ant., Pvt. Co. F, 3rd Regt. 1st Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into

service of the State of La.

Knipper, Henry, Pvt. Co. F, Fire Battn. La. Mil. Present on Roll dated New Orleans, La., Nov.

23, 1861.

Knippers, Henry, Pvt. Co. I, 4th La. Inf. En. May 19, 1862, Edwards Depot. Rolls from Nov.,

1862, to Aug. 31, 1864, state present. Roll for Aug. 31, 1864, to Feb. 28, 1865, Absent,

wounded, absent in consequence, Aug. 31, 1864.

Knippers, L. W., Pvt. Co. I, 4th La. Inf. En. May 19, 1862, Edwards Depot. Present on all Rolls

to Dec., 1863. Roll for March 1. to Aug. 31, 1864, Present. Roll for Aug. 31, 1864, to Feb. 28,

1865, Absent, with leave 30 days furlough, under Gen. Order No. 1, dated Feb. 1.

Knippers, Lewis, Pvt. Co. B, 17th La. Inf. En. Nov. 25, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on Rolls

to April, 1862.

Knippers, T. B., Pvt. Co. I, 4th La. Inf. En. May 10, 1862. Edwards Depot. Roll for Nov. and

Dec., 1862, Absent, sent to Hospl., sick. Present on Rolls Dec. 31, 1862, to Aug. 31, 1864. Roll

for Aug. 31, 1864, to Feb. 28, 1865, Killed Aug. 31, at Jonesboro.

Knipschild, F., _ Co. F, 4th Regt. European Brig. La. Mil. On Roll not dated for active

Page 588

service within the limits of the City, subject of Prussia.

Knipschild, Herman, _ Co. F, 4th Regt. European Brig. La. Mil. On Roll not dated for active

service within the limits of the City, subject of Prussia.

Knittel, Louis, Pvt. Cos. C, and B, Confed. States Zouave Battn. La. En. April 8, 1861, New

Orleans, La. Present on Rolls to Aug., 1861. Regtl. Returns for Jan. and Feb., 1862. Left for

New Orleans, La., Jan. 31, 1862, on 45 days furlough.

Knobbe, Albert, Pvt. Co. F, 20th La. Inf. En. Dec. 21, 1861. Camp Lewis. Present on Rolls to

April, 1862. Roll for May and June, 1862, Absent, sent to Gen. Hospl. Regtl. Return for May and

June, 1862, dated July 11, 1862, Absent, with leave.

Knobloch, Adolphe, Bugler Musician, Band Co. H, 30th La. Inf. En. March 19, 1862, Thibodaux, La.

Present on Rolls to Dec., 1862. Roll to Dec. 31, 1862, transfd. to Regtl. Rand. Rolls from May,

1863, to April 30, 1865, state present. Roll of Prisoners of War show him paroled at Meridian,

Miss., May 14, 1865. Res. Lafouche Par., La.

Knoblooh, W. T., Pvt. Co. I, 26th La. Inf. En. March 15, 1862, Thibodaux, La. Present on Roll

for Sept. and Oct., 1862. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War show him captured and paroled at

Vicksburg, Miss., July 4, 1863.

Knoblock, Victor, Pvt. Co. G, 18th La. Inf. En. Oct. 5, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on all

Rolls to Feb., 1862. Roll for May and June, 1862, Absent, wounded at Shiloh, April 6, Furloughed

30 days April 15, Roll for July and Aug., 1862, Present. Was absent on furlough, rejoined Aug.

24. Rolls from Jan., 1863, to Aug., 1863, Absent, detailed from Co. Dec. 18, 1862, (blacksmith)

order of Gen. Hdqrs. Also appears on Rolls of Co. F, Cons. 18th Regt. and Yellow Jacket Battn.

La. Inf. Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1864. Absent, sick, at Hospl., Dec. 8, 1863. Heard from him

lately, unwell, has his descriptive list. Appears on a Register of C. S. A. Gen. Hospl.,

Shreveport, La., admitted March 29, 1864. Returned to duty April 8, 1864. On Rolls of Prisoners

of War, Paroled at Natchitoches, La., June 6, 1865. Res. Lafourche Par., La.

Knoch, John, Pvt. Co. C, 4th Regt. European Brig. La. Mil. On Roll dated New Orleans, La., April

2, 1862, for active service within the city and limits of New Orleans. Subject of Hanover.

Knochbaum, J. M., Pvt. Co. G, 4th Regt. 3rd Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On list dated New Orleans,

La., March 17, 1862, detailed for Sanitary duty, for service in the State of La.

Knockaert, Eug, _ Co. 3rd Regt. European Brig. (Garde Francaise) La. Mil. Roll dated New

Orleans, La., April 2, 1862. shows him present at review. Remarks: Honorary Member.

Knodt, _, Pvt. Co. F, 2nd Regt. 3rd Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll dated March 6, 1862, ordered

into service of the State of Louisiana.

Knol, Jules, Pvt. Co. I, 2nd Regt. 2nd Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. Roll dated Feb. 27, 1862, ordered

into service of the State of Louisiana. Appears on list not dated of the Sanitary Corps.

Knoll, A. J., Pvt. Co. B, 2nd La. Cav. On Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled at Natchitoches,

La., June 10, 1865. Res. Natchitoches Par., La.

Knoll, Alex, Pvt. 11th La. Vols. Co. E. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Bayou Teche,

La., April 16, 1863. Paroled below Port Hudson, La., May 11, 1863.

Knoll, J., Pvt. Co. - Reserve Corps La. On Rolls of Prisoners of War of detachments of different

commands C. S. A. paroled Alexandria, La., June 9, 1865. Res. Rapides Par., La.

Knoll, J. L. (also on Rolls as Knoll, John; Knoll, Leo.), Pvt. Co. C, and D, 22nd and 23rd La.

Inf. En. Sept. 11, 1861, New Orleans, La. On List not dated of Paroled Prisoners who wish to be

exchanged. Exch, from Str. Louis d'Or near Baton Rouge, La., Oct. 9, 1862. On Register of

Prisoners of War, Captured New Orleans, La., Oct. 21, 1862. Remark: At New Orleans, on sick

furlough. On list not dated of Paroled Prisoner who wish to be exchanged, exchanged from Str.

Frolic, near Baton Rouge, La., Feb. 23, 1863. Rolls to June 30, 1863, Present. Federal Rolls of

Prisoners of War, Captured and Paroled, Vicksburg, Miss., July 4, 1863. On List dated

Enterprise, Miss., Oct. 13, 1863, Present, in parole camp. On list not dated of Prisoners of

War, forwd. to Richmond for exchange, Oct. 19, 1863. Roll dated Dec. 31, 1863, Present. Also on

Rolls of Co. D, 22nd (Cons.) La. Inf. Pvt. Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1864, Present. Roll for March

and April, 1864, Absent, detached duty. Rolls May, 1864, to April, 1865, Present. Rolls of

Prisoners of War, Paroled Meridian. Miss., May 12, 1865. Res. New Orleans, La.

Knop, Christian, 1st Lt. Lamg's Co. Continental Regt. La. Mil. On Roll not dated.

Knopf, A.,Trumpeter Squadron Guides d'Orleans La. Mil. Appears on Roll not dated.

Knopf, C.,Trumpeter, Squadron Guides d'Orleans La. Mil. Report dated New Orleans, La., Nov. 26,

1861, shows him present.

Knopp, G., - Co. - 2nd Regt. 2nd Brig 1st Div. La. Mil. On list not dated of the Sanatary Corps,

ordered into the service of the State of Louisiana.

Knorpp, _, - Co. A, 2nd Regt. 2nd Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On list dated Feb. 27, 1862, ordered

into service of the State of Louisiana.

Knorr, Joseph, Pvt. 6th Co. 1st Regt. French Brig. La. Mil. Appears on Roll not dated, ordered

into service of the State of Louisiana to serve within the limits of the City of New Orleans,


Knotsch, H., Pvt. Co. F, Confed. Grds. Regt. La. Mil. En. March 8, 1862, New Orleans, La. Roll

to April 30, 1862, Absent, with leave, sick.

Knott, Andrew J., Pvt. Co. A, 12th La. Inf. Roll dated June 28, 1862 (only Roll on file), shows

him En. Camp Moore, La., Aug. 13, 1861, Present.

Knott, J. C., Major F, and S, 12th La. Inf. Appears on list not dated.

Knott, John O., Pvt. Co. E, 2nd La. Cav. On Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled at Natchitoches,

La., June 10, 1865. Res. Natchitoches Par., La.

Knott, L. O., Pvt. Co. K, Confed. Grds. Regt. La. Mil. En. March 8, 1862, New Orleans, La.

Present on Roll to April 30, 1862.

Knotts, A. K., Pvt. Co. C, 8th La. Cav. On Rolls of Prisoners of War of detachments in C. S.

Army paroled at Natchitoches, La., June 10, 1865. Res. Natchitoches Par., La.

Knotts, A. K., Pvt. Co. E, 27th Regt. La. Inf. En. April 23, 1862, Sparta. Present on all Rolls

to Dec., 1862. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, show him captured and paroled at Vicksburg,

Miss., July 4, 1863.

Knotzsch, W.,O. S. Co. F, 4th Regt. European Brig. La. Mil. On Roll not dated for active service

within the limits of the City. Subject of Prussia.

Knouf, C., - Co. A, 1st Regt. 2nd Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On list not dated, ordered into

service of the State of La. Remarks: Refused to serve in the Mil., Oct. -, 1861. Unwilling to

attend drill.

Page 589

Knoutz, P., Pvt. Co. K, 6th La. Cav. On Rolls of Prisoners of War of detachments Regiments in C.

S. Army paroled at Natchitoches, La., June 14, 1865. Res. Sabine Par., La.

Knowd, Michael, Corpl. Sergt. Co. F, 21st (Patton's) La. Inf. En. June 12, 1861, New Orleans,

La. Present on Roll to Feb., 1862.

Knowler, George, Capt. Borge's Co. (Garnet Rangers) La. Mil. Report dated Nov. 27, 1861, Absent,

on review, Nov. 27, 1861.

Knowles, Alexander R., Pvt. Co. B, 12th La. Inf. En. March 8, 1863, Vienna, La. Present on Rolls

to June. 1863. Roll for July and Aug., 1863, Present, detailed Teamster, Aug. 27, order of Col.

Scott. Rolls from Oct., 1863, to Dec., 1863, Absent, sick, at Lauderdale Springs, Miss., since

Oct. 1, 1863. Roll for May and June, 1864, Absent, furloughed from Montgomery Hospl., for 60

days, about April 15, 1864. Roll for July and Aug., 1864, Absent, on Surgeon's Certificate.

Paroled at Tallahassee, Florida, May 18, 1865.

Knowles, Bartholomew, Pvt. Co. C, 21st (Patton's) La. Inf. En. June 16, 1861, New Orleans, La.

Present on all Rolls to Feb., 1863. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War show him captured and

paroled at Vicksburg, Miss., July 4, 1863. Rolls from Sept., 1863, to Dec., 1863, Absent,

without leave, since Aug. 26, 1863.

Knowles, George L., Sergt. Pvt. Co. H, 12th La. Inf. En. Aug. 13, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Roll to

Oct. 31, 1861, Absent, on furlough, home for 30 days, Oct. 26, to Nov. 26, on account of

sickness. Roll for July and Aug., 1862, Present. Joined by transfer, from Capt. Davis' Co. H,

12th La. Regt., order Col. Scott. Rolls from Nov., 1862, to April, 1863, state present. Roll for

May and June, 1863, Absent, at Vicksburg, since May 12, 1863. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War

show him captured and paroled at Vicksburg, Miss., July 4, 1863. Rolls from Aug., 1863, to Dec.,

1863, Absent, captured and paroled at Vicksburg, Miss., July 4, 1863. Rolls from May, 1864, to

Aug., 1864. Absent, now in Trans. Miss. Dept.

Knowles, Thomas C., Pvt. Co. I, 28th (Gray's) La. Inf. En. May 11, 1862, Monroe, La. Roll for

July and Aug., 1863, Detached on Signal Corps. Appears as P. C. Knowles on Rolls of Prisoners of

War, paroled at _, June -, 1865. Res. Bienville Par., La.

Knowlton, Charles, 1st Sergt. Co. C, 1st (Nelligan's) La. Inf. En. April 26, 1861, New Orleans,

La. Present on Roll dated June 30, 1861.

Knowlton, Charles, 1st Sergt. New Co. C, 1st Special Battn. (Rightor's) La. Inf. En. April 28,

1861, New Orleans, La. Present on Roll for July and Aug., 1861. Roll for Feb. 10 to 28, 1862,

Absent, on furlough, seven days, from Feb. 24, 1862.

Knowlton, Charles, 1st Lt. Capt. Co. B, 10th La. Inf. On list not dated of Confed. Prisoners

captured and paroled in Maryland and exchanged, Nov. 8, 1862, at Aikens, Va. Roll for Dec. 31,

1863, to March 1, 1864, Absent, wounded at Payne's Farm, resection of knee joint, disabled. A

Record copied from Memorial Hall, New Orleans, La., by the War Dept., Washington, D. C., June,

1903, Apptd. 1st Lt. July -, 1862, Capt. Oct. -, 1862. Retired on account of wounds, Richmond,

Va., born New York, occupation clerk, Res. New Orleans, La., age when enlisted 24, single,

Resction of the Cap of the Knee.

Knowlton, G. P., Pvt. Co. C, 2nd La. Inf. En. May 11, 1861, New Orleans, La. Roll to June 30,

1861, Absent, on detached service, under Gen. Magruder. Rolls from July, 1861, to April, 1862,

state present. Roll for May and June, 1862, Absent, sick. Rolls from July, 1862, to Feb., 1864,

Absent, without leave. Roll for May 1 to Aug. 31, 1864, Absent, sent to Richmond, April, 1862,

since then not heard from.

Knowlton, R., Pvt. 6th La. - Co. I. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Fishers Hill,

Va., Sept. 22, 1864. Forwd. to Aikens Landing, Va., from Pt. Lookout, Md., Feb. 10, 1865, and


Knox, Andrew E., 2nd Lt. 1st Lt. Co. H, 7th La. Inf. En. June 7, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present

on all Rolls to Feb., 1862. Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1863, Absent, sick, wounded. Federal Rolls

of Prisoners of War show him captured at Tallahatchie River, Miss., March 21, 1863. Sent to

Helena, Ark., March 22, 1863, age 25, height 5 ft. 7 in., eyes grey, hair light, complexion

light. Forwd. to Gratiot Str., Military Prison, St. Louis, Mo., April 8, 1863. Paroled and

transfd. to Fort Delaware, Del., April 25, 1863. Recd. at City Pt., Va., May 4, 1863, and

exchanged. Roll for May and June, 1863, Absent, sick. Roll for July and Aug., 1863, Absent,

detailed. Present on Roll for Sept. and Oct., 1863. Rolls of Prisoners of War show him captured

at Ruppahannock Station, Va., Nov. 7, 1863. Recd. at Old Capitol Prison, Washington, D. C., Nov.

8, 1863. Transfd. to Johnson's Island, Ohio, Nov. 11, 1863. Released on Oath, June 13, 1865. A

record copied from Memorial Hall, New Orleans, La., by the War Dept., May, 1903, Born La.,

occupation merchant, Res. New Orleans, La., age when enlisted 22, single. Elected 2nd Lt., May

19, 1861, 1st Lt., in Aug., 1862.

Knox, B. J., Conscript, Unassigned. Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled Shreveport. La., June 21,

1865. Res. Harrison Co., Texas.

Knox, B. P., Corpl. Pvt. Co. C, 13th Battn. La. (Partisan Rangers). En. Bastrop, La., Dec. 1,

1862. Roll for Nov. and Dec., 1862. Killed by the enemy, Providence, La., Feb., 1863. Roll for

Jan. 1 to April 30, 1863, Shot by enemy, Feb. 1, 1863.

Knox, G. C., Pvt. Co. B, 1st Special Battn. (Rightor's) La. Inf. En. New Orleans, La., April 15,

1861, New Orleans, La. Roll to May 31, 1861, Absent, with leave. Roll to June 30, 1861, Present.

Roll for July and Aug., 1861, Absent, on sick furlough, with family in Nashville, Tenn. Appears

on Regtl. Return for Jan., 1862.

Knox, G. W., Pvt. Co. D, Cres. Regt. La. Inf. En. Sept. 12, 1862, Claiborne Par., La. Rolls from

Jan., 1863, to June, 1863, state present. Roll for July and Aug., 1863, Present. Detailed on

extra duty as Regtl. Wagon Driver. Also appears on Rolls of Co. G, Cons. Cres. Regt. La. Inf.

Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1864. states present. Appears on Rolls of Prisoners of War, of

furloughed and detailed men paroled at Shreveport, La., June 16, 1865. Res. Rapides Par., La.

Knox, Geo. C., 1st Lt. 3rd La. Cav. Official Rolls of Paroled Officers paroled Shreveport, La.,

June 7, 1865.

Knox, George C., 1st Lt. Co. E, 15th Battn. (Harrison's) La. Cav.

Knox, Hugh R., Pvt. Co. E, 31st La. Inf. En. May 1, 1862, Monroe, La. Present on Roll for Jan.

and Feb., 1863. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War show him captured and paroled at Vicksburg,

Miss., July 4, 1863. On Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled at _, June -, 1865. Res. Claiborne

Par., La.

Knox, J. N., 2nd Sergt. Co. B, 28th (Thomas') Regt. La. Inf. En. March 29, 1862, New Orleans,

La. Roll to Aug. 31, 1862, Present. Camp Hospl. Roll for Sept. and Oct., 1862, Died in City

Hospl., Sept. 27, 1862.

Knox, Jas., Corpl. Co. F, Ogden's La. Cav. Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled Gainesville, Ala.,

May 12, 1865. Res. East Feliciana Par., La.

Page 590

Knox, James (also Knox, John D.), Pvt. Co. D, 14th La. Inf. En. June 22, 1861, New Orleans, La.

Present on all Rolls to April, 1862. Rolls from May, 1862, to Oct., 1862, Deserted. A Record

copied from Memorial Hall, New Orleans, La., by the War Dept., Washington, D. C., June, 1903,

Born Indiana, occupation laborer. Res. New Orleans, La., age when enlisted 25, single. deserted

June, 1862, joined Cav.

Knox, James A., Pvt. Co. E, 3rd (Harrison's) La. Cav. On Roll of Prisoners of War, Paroled at

Monroe, La., June 13, 1865. Res. Spring Hill, Ark.

Knox, John, Pvt. Co. C, 5th La. Cav. Appears on Rolls of Prisoners of War belonging to the Rebel

Army in custody of Provost Marshal, Memphis, Tenn., recd. Feb. 12, 1865, from Gains Landing.

Sent to Vicksburg, Miss., March 28, 1865. Recd. at Vicksburg, Miss., March 31, 1865. Exchanged

near Vicksburg, Miss., April 3, 1865.

Knox, John, Pvt. Co. C, 20th La. Inf. En. Dec. 21, 1861, Camp Lewis. Present on Rolls to Feb.,

1862. Roll for March and April, 1862, Killed in action at Shiloh.

Knox, John, Pvt. Co. A, 27th La. Inf. En. March 29, 1862, Camp Moore, La. Present on all Rolls

to Dec., 1862.

Knox, John A., Pvt. 4th Co. -, Battn. Wash. Arty. La.

Knox, John F., Pvt. Co. A, 2nd La. Cav. En. June 15, 1863, Camp Bisland. Roll for July and Aug.,

1863, Absent, on sick furlough. Rolls of Prisoners of War show him paroled at Washington, La.,

June 10, 1865. Res. St. Landry Par., La.

Knox, L., Pvt. Co. A, Cons. Cres. Regt. La. Inf. Appears on Rolls of Prisoners of War of

furloughed and detailed men paroled at Shreveport, La., June 7, 1865. Res. Shreveport, La.

Knox, M. W., Pvt. 1st La. Inf. Co. C. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Elk River,

Tenn., July 3, 1863. Sent to Military Prison, Louisville, Ky. Took Oath, sent North, Sept. 13,

1863. Deserter.

Knox, N. L., Pvt. Co. K, 3rd La. Inf. En. May 17, 1861, New Orleans, La. Present on Roll to June

30, 1861. Roll dated Aug. 31, 1861, Absent, sick, in Mt. Vernon, Miss. Roll for Sept. and Oct.,

1861, Died in Mt. Vernon, Miss., Sept. 19, 1861, of typhoid fever.

Knox, Robt. H., Pvt. 2nd Co. Battn. Wash. Arty. La. En. March 23, 1863, Montgomery, Ala. Present

on Rolls to Dec., 1863. Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1864, Absent, without leave. Rolls from March,

1864, to June, 1864, state present. Roll for July and Aug., 1864, Absent, sick, in Petersburg.

Duplicate Roll for Sept. and Oct., 1864, shows him present, with remarks: Promoted since last

muster. A Record copied from Memorial Hall, New Orleans, La., by the War Dept., Washington, D.

C., May, 1903, Born Alabama, occupation student. Res. Montgomery, Ala., age when enlisted 17,

single. Apptd. Cadet P. A. C. S., Nov. 24, 1864, by Secty. of War.

Knox, Robert J., Pvt. Co. A, 4th La. Cav. On Roll of Prisoners of War of divers companies and

Regiments unattached C. S. Army, paroled at Monroe, La., June 10, 1865. Res. Morehouse Par., La.

Knox, S. C., Pvt. Co. B, 3rd Regt. 3rd Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll dated March 5, 1862,

ordered into service of the State of Louisiana.

Knox, S. G., Pvt. Co. A, 13th Battn. La. (Partisan Rangers). En. Oct. 11, 1862, Providence, La.

Present on all Rolls to April, 1863.

Knox, S. G., Pvt. Co. F, 12th La. Inf. En. March 17, 1862, Memphis, Tenn., age 18 years.

Knox, Samuel, Pvt. Co. A, 3rd La. Cav. (Harrison's). Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War show him

captured at Shico Co., Ark., April 13, 1864. Recd. at Military Prison, Alton, Ill., May 15,

1864. Sent to U. S. A. Post and Prison Hospl., Alton, Ill., June 7, 1864. Released from Hospl.,

June 11, 1864. Transfd to Camp Douglas, Ill., Aug. 23, 1864. Paroled at Camp Douglas, Ill.

Forwd. to Cairo, Ill., for exchange, April 11, 1865. On Rolls of Prisoners of War at New

Orleans, La., recd. from Fort Delaware, April 2, 1865. Forwd. from New Orleans to Mouth of Red

River for Exchange, May 2, 1865, order of Maj. Gen. E. R. S. Canby. Exchanged May 4, 1865.

Knox, Samuel, Pvt. Co. A, 5th La. Cav.

Knox, Samuel, A., Pvt. 4th Co. Battn. Wash. Arty. La. En. May 26, 1861, New Orleans, La. Present

on Rolls to Aug., 1861. Roll for Sept. and Oct., 1861, Discharged, Sept. 18, 1861, order of Gen.

Beauregard. Anual return shows him discharged, certificate of disability, Sept. 18, 1861. Born

La., occupation clerk, age when enlisted 32.

Knox, Sarasa, Pvt. Co. A, 4th La. Cav. On Rolls of divers companies and regiments unattached C.

S. Army, paroled at Monroe, La., June 9, 1865. Res. Morehouse Par., La.

Knox, W. A., Pvt. Co. A, 4th La. Inf. En. May 25, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on Rolls to

Oct., 1861. Promoted 4th Sergt., Oct. 21, previously acted Corpl. Roll for Nov. and Dec., 1861,

Present, with remark: Absent, on furlough, with extension from Gen. Farrell. Roll dated April

20, 1862. Present, with remark: Slightly wounded in battle of Shiloh, April 6 and 7. Rolls from

Nov., 1862, to Dec., 1863, state present. Roll for May 1 to Aug. 31, 1864. Absent, wounded in

action July 28, 1864. Roll for Aug. 31, 1864, to Feb. 28, 1865, Absent, wounded July 28, 1864,

leg amputated.

Knox, W. C., Pvt. Co. F, 28th (Gray's) La. Inf. En. Oct. 8, 1862, Delhi, La. Present on Roll for

Jan. and Feb., 1863. Appears on Roll for July and Aug., 1863. On Register of C. S. A. Gen.

Hospl., Shreveport, La., admitted Aug. 29, 1864. Transfd. Aug. 31, 1864 to Keachi.

Knox, W. J., Pvt. Capt. Norwoods Co. Cav. (Jeff Davis Rangers) La. Mil. Appears on Rolls of

Prisoners of War, Captured East Baton Rouge, La., March 16, 1865. Sent to New Orleans, La.,

March 23, 1865. Exchanged May 11, 1865.

Knox, William, Pvt. Co. I, 6th La. Inf. En. June 4, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on all Rolls

to April, 1863. Rolls from May, 1863, to Oct., 1863, Absent, wounded at Frederickburg, May 4,

1863. Rolls from Nov., 1863, to Aug. 31, 1864, state present. Born England, occupation laborer.

Res. New Orleans, La., age when enlisted 20, single.

Knox, Wm., Pvt. Co. G, Cres. Regt. La. Inf. Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled Shreveport, La.,

June 15, 1865. Res. Rapides Par., La.

Knox, William, - Co. - 18th La. Inf. On Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured at Fausse Pt., Nov.

23, 1863. Sent to New Orleans, La., Nov. 25.

Knox, William, 2nd Lt. Co. D, Confed. Grds. Regt. La. Mil. Appears on Bond, dated Feb. 15, 1862,

for return to State of arms and equipments, which had been furnished to the Company. En. March

8, 1862, New Orleans, La. Present on Roll to April 30, 1862. Elected 2nd Lt., March 19, 3rd Lt.,

previously from date of entry into service.

Knuckle, L., - Co. D, 3rd Regt. 3rd Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll dated March 5, 1862, ordered

into service of the State of Louisiana.

Page 591

Knudsen, S., Pvt. Co. D, 4th Regt. 1st Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into

service of the State of Louisiana.

Knuth, John (also Knouth, John), Pvt. Co. B, 18th La. Inf. En. Oct. 5, 1861, Camp Moore, La.

Present on Rolls to Dec., 1861. Roll for Jan. 30 to Feb. 28, 1862, Absent, in Corinth, is now in

Hospl. Roll for May and June, 1862, Present, Waggoner. Roll for July and Aug., 1862, Absent,

Waggoner, at Chattanooga. Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1863, Absent, Regtl. Waggoner. Register of

Prisoners of War dated April 30, 1863, shows him captured at Bayou Teche, La., April 14, 1863.

Kobleur, Damas, Pvt. 3rd Co. Battn. Washington Arty. La. En. Feb. 23, 1863, Baton Rouge, La.

Present on all Rolls to Aug., 1864. Rolls from Sept., 1864, Feb., 1865, Absent, wounded,

Petersburg, Va., Oct. 18, 1864. Born La., occupation student, Res. Franklin, La., age when

enlisted 19, single.

Kobleur, Eugene, Pvt. Cons. Cres. Regt. La. Inf. En. Aug. 2, 1863, St. Martins. Present on Roll

Jan. and Feb., 1864. On Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled at Franklin, La., June 14, 1865. Res.

St. Mary Par., La.

Kobleur, Eugene, Pvt. Capt. King's Batty. La. Arty.

Kobleur, Englaine, Pvt. Co. E, King's Hvy. Arty. On Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled Franklin,

La., June 14, 1865. Res. St. Mary Par., La.

Kobonos, John, Pvt. Co. K, 7th La. Inf. En. Feb. 22, 1862, Ponchatoula, La. Present on all Rolls

to Feb., 1864. Roll for April 30, to Aug. 31, 1864, Killed June 18, at Monocacy. Born Germany,

occupation Engineer, Res. Livingston, age when enlisted 45, married.

Koch, F, Anton, Pvt. Co. I, 3rd Regt. 1st Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered

into service of the State of La.

Koch, F. M. Jr., 2nd Lt. Co. I, 4th Regt. 1st Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered

into service of the State of La.

Koch, H. W., Pvt. Co. I, 3rd Regt. 1st Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into

service of the State of Louisiana.

Koch, N., Pvt. Co. D, Orleans Grds. Regt. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into service of

the State of Louisiana.

Koch, _, - Co. A, 2nd Regt. 2nd Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. Roll dated Feb. 27, 1862, ordered into

service of the State of Louisiana.

Kock, Erist, - Mechanics Grds. La. Mil. Report dated New Orleans, La., Nov. 25, 1861, shows him

present on parade, Nov. 23, 1861.

Kock, H. P., Pvt. Co. A, 4th Regt. European Brig. La. Mil. On Roll dated New Orleans, La., April

2, 1862, for active service within the city and the City Limits. Subject of Hanover.

Koch, P., Sergt. 7th Co. 3rd Regt. French Brig. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into service

of the State of La., within the limits of the City of New Orleans.

Koebel, George, Pvt. Co. I, 4th Regt. 1st Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered

into service of the State of La.

Koebel, Jacob, Pvt. Co. I, 3rd Regt. 1st Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into

service of the State of La.

Koefferstein, Charles, Pvt. Co. E, 4th Regt. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into

service of the State of Louisiana.

Koehler, Adam, Pvt. Co. D, 20th La. Inf. En. Dec. 21, 1861, Camp Lewis. Present on all Rolls to

Feb., 1863. Roll for March and April, 1863, On detached service, order of Gen. Bragg. Rolls from

July, 1863, to Dec., 1863, Absent, sick. Rolls from Jan., 1864, to Aug., 31, 1864, Absent, sick,

since Dec. 31, 1863, sent to Hospl., order of Surgeon Holt. Roll for Sept. 1, 1864, to Feb. 28,

1865, Absent, sick.

Koehler, John, Pvt. Old Co. B, and Co. A, 20th La. Inf. En. Dec. 21, 1861, Camp Lewis. Present

on Roll to Jan. 1, 1862. Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1862, Present, transfd. to Co. B. Regtl. Return

for March, 1862, Transfd.

Koehler, John, Pvt. Lafayette Arty. La. Mil. Appears on Roll dated New Orleans, La., Nov. 23,


Koehs, H., Pvt. Co. E, 4th Regt. European Brig. La. Mil. On Roll not dated for active service

within the limits of the City. Subject of England.

Koeler, Herman, Pvt. Co. K, 14th La. Inf. En. June 12, 1861, New Orleans, La., for the War.

Koeller, F. E., Pvt. Gomez's Co. 22nd 23rd La. Inf. Roll dated Sept. 10, 1861 (only Roll on

file), shows him En. Sept. 10, 1861, Camp Lewis near New Orleans, La. Remarks: Sick in Camp.

Koenig, A., Pvt. Co. A, 4th Regt. European Brig. La. Mil. On Roll dated New Orleans, La., April

2, 1862, for active service within the city and City Limits, subject of Bavaria.

Koenig, C., Band Confed. Grds. Regt. La. Mil. En. March 8, 1862, _. Present or absent not stated

on Roll to April 30, 1862.

Koenig, H., Pvt. Cos. A, and B, 4th Regt. European Brig. La. Mil. On Roll dated New Orleans,

La., April 2, 1862, for active service within the city and city limits, subject of Bavaria.

Koenig, H., Pvt. Co. E, 4th Regt. 1st Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into

service of the State of La.

Koenig, Th., Sergt. Co. A, 4th Regt. European Brig. La. Mil. On Roll dated New Orleans, La.,

April 2, 1862, for active service within the city and the city limits, subject of Bavaria.

Koening, John, Pvt. Co. I, 4th Regt. 1st Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into

service of the State of La.

Koepfer, John, Pvt. Co. G, 4th Regt. 3rd Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into

service of the State of La.

Koepfler, Joseph, Pvt. Co. B, 4th Regt. European Brig. La. Mil. On Roll not dated for active

service within the limits of the city. Subject of Baden.

Koerner, Frank, - Hall's Co. Orleans Fire Regt. La. Mil. On Roll not dated.

Koerner, Wm., Pvt. 1st La. Inf. Co. C. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Resaca, Ga.,

May 16, 1864. Sent to Prison Hospl., Nashville, Tenn. Forwd. to Military Prison, Louisville,

Ky., May 20, 1864.

Koesner, Frederick, Pvt. 1st Sergt. Co. H, 6th La. Inf. En. June 4, 1861, Camp Moore, La.

Present on all Rolls to April, 1863. Roll for May and June, 1863, Present. Promoted from the

ranks to 3rd Corpl., May 15, 1863. Promoted 3rd Sergt., June 15, 1863. Wounded May 3, 1863.

Rolls from July, 1863, to April, 1864, state present. A record copied from Memorial Hall, New

Orleans, La., by the War Dept., Washington, D. C., May, 1903, Born La., occupation bartender,

Res. New Orleans, La. Killed at Monocacy, Md., July 9, 1864.

Koester, John, Pvt. Cos. A. and E, 10th La. Inf. En. July 22, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on

all Rolls to Feb., 1862. Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1864, Present, detailed by Major Mercer at

Division Blacksmith Shop. Roll for May 1 to Aug. 31, 1864, Absent, detailed as Blacksmith, July

9, 1863, at Div. Q. M. train. Roll for Sept. and Oct., 1864, Present, transfd. from Co. A to Co.

E, 10th La., order of Maj. Gen. Gordon, Oct. 25, 1864. Paroled at Appomattox Court House, Va.,

April 10, 1865. Born Germany, occupation blacksmith, Res. New Orleans, La., age when enlisted

30, single.

Page 592

Koffman, Frank, Pvt. Co. E, 10th La. Inf. En. July 22, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Roll for Sept. and

Oct., 1861, Deserted coming to Virginia. Born Germany, occupation laborer, Res. Cosmopolitan,

age when enlisted 30, single.

Kofman, _, Pvt. 3rd Co. 2nd Regt. French Brig. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into service

of the City of New Orleans.

Kogan, John, Carpenter, New Orleans, La. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured New York,

N. Y., Feb. 6, 1865. Recd. at Old Capitol Prison, Washington, D. C., May 13, 1865. Committed by

order of President. Charged with forging and selling Naval enlistment papers.

Koger, David, Pvt. Co. D, 16th La. Inf. En. Sept. 29, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on Rolls to

June, 1862. Roll for Sept. and Oct., 1862, Absent, captured in Perryville fight, Oct. 8, 1862.

Rolls from Jan., 1863, to Aug., 1863, state Present. Rolls from Sept., 1863, to April 30, 1865,

Absent, missing at Chickaamauga, Sept. 20, 1863. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, show him

Captured at Chickamauga, Ga., Sept. 20, 1863. Recd. at Military Prison, Louisville, Ky., from

Nashville, Tenn., Oct. 5, 1863. Forwd. to Camp Douglas. Ill., Oct. 7, 1863. Released on Oath of

Allegiance to U. S., May 4, 1865. Res. Coffee Co., Tenn., complexion dark, hair brown. eyes

blue, height 5 ft. 6 in.

Koger, James, Pvt. Co. C, Shanks Mo. Cav. Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled _, June -, 1865.

Res. Jackson Co., Mo.

Kogh, Sabastian, Pvt. Co. I, 5th La. Inf. Roll not dated (only Roll one file), shows him En.

March 12, 1864, New Orleans, La. Remarks: Missed cars at Canton, Miss., (is coming on).

Kohibacher, G., Pvt. Co. E, 4th Regt. European Brig. La. Mil. On Roll not dated for active

service within the limits of the City. Subject of Bavaria.

Kohl, C., Pvt. Co. F, Confed. Grds. Regt. La. Mil. En. March 8, 1862, New Orleans. La. Present

on Roll to April 30, 1862.

Kohl. George, Pvt. Co. H. 13th La. Inf. En. Sept. 11, 1861, for the War at Camp Moore, La.

Kohl, Joseph, Pvt. Co. A, Miles Legion La. Vols. En. Nov. 14, 1861, New Orleans, La. Present on

Roll to Dec. 31, 1861. Roll to June 30, 1862. Deserted in the City of New Orleans, La., about

and before its evacuation.

Kohler, Charles, Pvt. Co. B, 22nd and 23rd La. Inf. En. Sept. 23, 1863, Mobile. Rolls from Oct.,

1863, to Dec., 1863, Absent, without leave from Oct. 16 or 26, 1863. Also appears on Rolls of

Co. B, 22nd (Cons.) La. Inf., Pvt. Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1864, Absent without leave from Oct.

16, 1863.

Kohler, F., Sergt. Co. F, 1st Regt. 3rd Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll dated March 5, 1862,

ordered into service of the State of Louisiana.

Kohler, Fred, Pvt. Co. B, 2nd La. Inf. En. May 9, 1861, New Orleans, La. Roll to June 30, 1861,

Discharged for disability.

Kohler, Henry, Corpl. Sergt. Cos. K and C, 13th La. Inf. En. Sept. 24, 1861, New Orleans, La.

Roll for June 30 to Oct. 31, 1862, Present. Apptd. Sergt., Aug. 15, from Corpl. Roll for Nov.

and Dec., 1862, Absent. Wounded at Murfreesboro, Va., Dec. 31, 1862. Roll for Jan. and Feb.,

1863, Wounded Murfreesboro, Dec. 31, 1862. Since reported dead. Roll for March and April. 1863,


Kohler, Henry, Pvt. Co. C, 13th and 20th La. Inf. On Register of Prisoners of War, Captured at

Stone's River. Died Jan. 6, 1863, of gun shot wounds at Murfreesboro.

Kohler, John, Corpl. Sergt. Co. B, 4th La. Inf. En. May 25, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on all

Rolls to Feb., 1862.

Kohler, John, Artificer, 2nd Fld. Batty. La. Lt. Arty. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War,

Paroled Port Hudson, La. July, 1863. Roll to Feb. 29, 1864, Deserted to the enemy, about Jan. 5,


Kohler, Joseph, Pvt. Co. A, 7th La. Inf. En. June 7, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present or absent not

stated on Rolls to Dec., 1861. Present on Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1862. Roll for Feb. 28 to June

30, 1862, Present. Captured at Strausburg, June 2, 1862. Rolls from Jan., 1863, to April, 1863,

state present. Roll for May and June, 1863, Died May 23, from wounds Recd. at Fredicksburg. Born

Germany, occupation laborer, Res. New Orleans, La., age when enlisted 35, single.

Kohlhas, Joseph, Pvt. Sergt. Co. F, 16th La. Inf. En. Nov. 30, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Rolls from

Nov., 1861, to Feb., 1862, Present. Enlisted for unexpired term of 12 months. Rolls from May,

1862, to June, 1863, state Present. Roll for July and Aug., 1863, Present. Apptd. 5th Sergt.,

July 1, 1863, vice L. E. Howell, dead. Rolls from Sept., 1863, to Feb., 1864, state Present.

Roll for March and April, 1864, Present on daily duty as Company Cook. Roll for May 1, to Aug.

31, 1864, Absent. Wounded since July 28, 1864, in Interior Hospl. Roll for April 20 to 30, 1865,

Absent, retired in consequence of gunshot wound Recd. July 28, 1864.

Kohlman, B., Pvt. Co. G, 3rd Regt. 3rd Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into

service of the State of Louisiana.

Kohlman, Fred, Pvt. Co. H, 3rd Regt. 1st Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into

service of the State of Louisiana.

Kohlman, Simon O., Pvt. Co. B, Pointe Coupee Arty. La. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War,

Captured and paroled Vicksburg, Miss., July 4, 1863.

Kohn, C., Pvt. Co. B, Chalmette Regt. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into service of the

State of Louisiana. Present or absent not stated on Roll dated March 2, 1862.

Kohn, Carl, Pvt. Co. D, Orleans Grds. Regt. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into service of

the State of Louisiana.

Kohn, Frank, Pvt. Co. A, 1st La. Hvy. Arty. (Regulars). En. March 19, 1861, New Orleans, La.

Present on all Rolls to April, 1862. Roll for May and June, 1862, Deserted whilst on expedition

from Camp Moore, La., to Madisonville, La., May 15, 1862.

Kohn, Frederick, Pvt. Capt. Castellano's Batty. La. Arty. En. Jan. 23, 1862, New Orleans, La.

Roll May and June, 1862, Present. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled Port Hudson, La.,

July -, 1863.

Kohn, Hri., Frois Co. -, 3rd Regt. European Brig. (Garde Francaise) La. Mil. Appears on Roll not


Kohn, Joseph, _, Frois Co. 3rd Regt. European Brig. (Garde Francaise) La. Mil. Appears on Roll

not dated.

Kohnke, E., Pvt. 1st Ark. _ Co. I. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Tensas Par., La.,

Nov. 27, 1864. Paroled New Orleans, La., May 17, 1865.

Kokeman, H., _. Co. E, 1st Regt. 2nd Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On List not dated, ordered into

service of the State of Louisiana. Remarks: Refused to serve in the Militia, Oct., 1861. Never

at drill.

Kokemor, F., Pvt. Co. C, 4th Regt. European Brig. La. Mil. On Roll dated New Orleans, La., April

2, 1862, for service within the city and limits of New Orleans, La. Subject of Prussia.

Kokernot, James N., Pvt. Co. A, 16th Battn. La. Inf. (Confed. Grds. Response Battn.) En. March

8, 1862, New Orleans, La. Rolls from April, 1862, to Aug., 1862, Absent, detached as Gen.

Beauregard's Orderly, April 1, 1862.

Kokernot, W. B., Pvt. Co. K, Confed. Grds. Regt. La. Mil. En. March 8, 1862, New Orleans, La.

Roll to April 30, 1862, Absent, sick.

Kolan, W., Pvt. Co. E, 3rd (Harrison's) La. Cav. On Rolls of Prisoners of War of divers

companies and regiments, unattached, C. S.

Page 593

A., paroled at Monroe, La., June 17, 1865. Res. Union Par., La.

Kolb, A., _, Co. -, 2nd Regt. 2nd Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. Appears on List not dated of the

Santory Corps, ordered into service of the State of Louisiana.

Kolb, A., _, Co. F, 4th Regt. European Brig. La. Mil. On List not dated for active service

within the limits of the city. Subject of Barvaria.

Kolb, Abram, Pvt. Regenberg's La. Reserve Corps. On Rolls of Prisoners of War of divers

companies and regts., unattached, paroled at Monroe, La., June 13, 1865. Res. Union Par., La.

Kolb, E. T., Pvt. Co. E, 27th Regt. La. Inf. En. March 14, 1862, New Orleans, La. Roll to Aug.

1, 1862, Discharged June 25, 1862.

Kolb, Edward, Pvt. Co. D, 7th La. Inf. En. March 21, 1862, New Orleans, La.

Kolb, George, Pvt. Regenberg's La. Reserve Corps. On Rolls of Prisoners of War of divers

companies and regiments, unattached, C. S. Army, Paroled at Monroe, La., June 15, 1865. Res.

Union Par., La.

Kolb, J., Pvt. Co. H, 6th La. Cav. On Rolls of Prisoners of War of detachements of Regiments in

C. S. Army, Paroled at Natchitoches, La., June 14, 1865. Res. Bienville Par., La.

Kolb, J. M., _, Co. A, 11th Battn. La. Inf. En. Feb. 10, 1863, Mansfield, La. Present on Roll

for March and April, 1863.

Kolb, John, Pvt. Co. B, Austin's Battn. Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled Citronelle, Ala., May

4, 1865. Res. New Orleans, La.

Kolb, T. J., Pvt. Co. C, 17th La. Inf. En. Sept. 29, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on all Rolls

to Feb., 1863. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, show him Captured and paroled at Vicksburg,

Miss., July 4, 1863.

Kolbe, Emanuel, Pvt. Co. C, 20th La. Inf. En. Dec. 21, 1861, Camp Lewis. Present on all Rolls to

April, 1862. Roll for May and June, 1862, Absent, missing since evacuation of Corinth.

Koler, Daniel, Pvt. Co. D, Confed. States Zouave Battn. La. En. April 18, 1861, New Orleans, La.

Roll to May 31, 1861, Absent, left in Hospl., Montgomery, Ala. Roll dated Sept. 6, 1861,

Discharged from the service on doctor's Certificate of disability.

Koler, Frederic, Pvt. 6th Co. 2nd Regt. French Brig. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into

service of New Orleans City.

Koles, Jacob, Pvt. Co. H, 1st La. Hvy. Arty. (Regulars). En. June 1, 1861, New Orleans, La.

Present on all Rolls to Feb., 1862.

Kohlman, Simon, Pvt. Pointe Coupee Arty. La. En. Aug. 15, 1861, St. Joseph, La. Federal Rolls of

Prisoners of War, show him Captured and paroled at Vicksburg, Miss., July 4, 1863. Roll for

March and April, 1864, Present. Reported March 10, 1864, order of Lt. Gen. Polk. Present on Roll

dated Aug. 31, 1864.

Kolinofsky, J., Pvt. Co. K, 14th La. Inf. En. July 27, 1861, New Orleans, La. Roll to Aug. 31,

1861, Deserted in New Orleans, La.

Kollmel, Melchior, Pvt. Lang's Co. Continental Regt. La. Mil. On Roll not dated.

Kollun, Hermann, Pvt. Co. H, 13th La. Inf. En. Sept. 11, 1861, Camp Moore, La., for the War.

Roll for June 30 to Oct. 31, 1862, Absent, sick, in Hospl. Present or absent not stated on Roll

for Nov. and Dec., 1862. Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1863, Absent, missing since battle of

Murfreesboro, Dec. 31, 1862. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, show him captured at Stone's

River, -, or Murfreesboro, Tenn., Jan. 1, 1863. Recd. at Gratiot Str. Military Prison, St.

Louis, Mo., Jan. 21, 1863. Released on Oath of Allegiance and renunciation Feb. 14, 1863. Roll

for March and April, 1863, Absent, prisoner of War.

Kolzelman, C., Pvt. Co. G, 2nd Regt. 2nd Brig. 2nd Div. La. Mil. On List dated Feb. 27, 1862,

Ordered into service of the State of Louisiana.

Kondoffer, R., Cannonneer, 6th Co. Battn. Wash. Arty. La. On List dated New Orleans, La., April

3, 1862.

Konere, J. G., Pvt. Co. D, 6th La. Regt. Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled Natchitoches, La.,

June 6, 1865. Res. Tensas Par., La.

Konig, C., _, Mechanics Grds. La. Mil. Report dated New Orleans, La., Nov. 25, 1861, shows him

present on parade Nov. 23, 1861.

Konig, Johan, _, Roders Co. Continental Regt. La. Mil. On Roll not dated.

Koningston, A. T., Pvt. Ord. Corps. Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled Columbus, Miss., May -,

1865. Res. New Orleans, La.

Konrad, Henry, Pvt. Co. I, 1st La. Hvy. Arty. (Regulars). En. Jan. 16, 1865, Cahaba for the War.

Roll for March and April, 1865, Shot while attempting to desert to the enemy.

Konx, George H., Pvt. Co. C, 3rd La. Inf. En. May 17, 1861, New Orleans, La. Present on Rolls to

Aug., 1861. Roll for Sept. and Oct., 1861, Discharged, C. Jackson, Oct. 8.

Koob, G., Pvt. Co. -, 3rd Regt. European Brig. (Garde Francaise) La. Mil. Present at review on

Roll dated New Orleans, April 2, 1862.

Koon, John, Pvt. Co. D, Confed. States Zouave Battn. La. En. April 18, 1861, New Orleans, La.

Present on Rolls to Aug., 1861. Regtl. Return for July, 1862, Absent without leave.

Koonce, Andrew J., Pvt. Sergt. Co. I, 16th La. Inf. En. Sept. 29, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present

on all Rolls to Oct., 1863.

Koonce, Robert A., Pvt. Co. C, 9th La. Inf. En. Feb. 28, 1863, Camp Ewell. Present on all Rolls

to Feb., 1864. On Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured at Strausburg, Va., Sept. 22, 1864. Recd.

at Harper's Ferry, Va., Oct. 3, 1864. Sent. to Pt. Lookout, Md. Paroled an Transfd. for

exchange, Feb. 10, 1865. Recd. at Coxes Landing, James River, Va., Feb. 14 and 15, 1865, and

exchanged. Paroled at Appomattox Court House, Va., April 10, 1865. Born La., occupation farmer,

Res. Sparta, age when enlisted 21, single.

Koonce, Robert A., 2nd Lt. 1st Lt. Co. I, 16th La. Inf. En. Sept. 29, 1861, Camp Moore, La.

Present on all Rolls to June, 1862. Roll for June 30 to Oct. 31, 1862, Resigned July -, 1862.

Koontsmann, J., Pvt. 4th Co. 4th Regt. French Brig. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into

service of the State of Louisiana.

Koontz, William B., Capt. Co. D, 5th La. Inf. En. June 4, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present or

absent not stated on Rolls to Aug., 1861. Re-enlisted at Grove Landing, La., Sept. 1, 1861.

Resigned Oct. 3, 1861. Occupation lawyer.

Koop, F., Pvt. Co. F, 21st (Patton's) La. Inf. En. June 12, 1861, New Orleans, La. Present on

all Rolls to March, 1862, Appears on List not dated of Paroled Prisoners, who wish to be

exchanged. Exchanged from Str. Louis d'Or near Baton Rouge, La., Oct. 9, 1862.

Koopman, H., Pvt. Co. I, 3rd Regt. 1st Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into

service of the State of Louisiana.

Koops, A. C., _, Lewis Grds. La. Mil. Report dated New Orleans, La., Nov. 23, 1861, Resigned

since last report.

Kopman, Henry, Pvt. Corpl. Capt. Green's Co. (La. Grd. Batty.) La. Arty. En. April 28, 1861, New

Orleans, La. Present on all Rolls to Feb., 1863. Roll for March and April, 1863, Present,

furloughed 35 days from March 7. Extended 15 days. Returned April 26. Rolls from May, 1863, to

Aug., 1863, state present. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, show him captured at Rappahannock,

Va., Nov. 7, 1863. Recd. at Pt., Lookout, Md., from Washington, Nov. 11, 1863. Paroled until

exchanged at Pt. Lookout, Md., March 10, 1864. Recd. at City Pt., Va., March 15, 1864. Rolls

from Nov.,

Page 594

1864, to Feb., 1865, Present. Paroled at Appomatox Court House, Va., April 10, 1865.

Kopp, C., Pvt. 3rd Co. 1st Regt. French Brig. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into service

of the State of Louisiana, to serve within the limits of the City of New Orleans.

Kopp, G., Pvt. Co. B, 2nd Regt. 2nd Brig. 2nd Div. La. Mil. On Muster Roll dated Feb. 27, 1862,

Ordered into service of the State of Louisiana.

Kopp, J., Pvt. 2nd Co. 3rd Regt. European Brig. (Garde Francaise) La. Mil. On Roll not dated.

Kopp, L., Pvt. Co. F, Confed. Grds. Regt. La. Mil. En. March 8, 1862, New Orleans, La. Roll to

April 30, 1862, Absent without leave.

Kopping, F. W., Pvt. Co. F, Fire Battn. La. Mil. Present on Roll dated New Orleans, Nov. 23,


Korat, John, Pvt. 13th La. Inf. Co. G. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Chattanooga,

Tenn., Sept. 21, 1863. Sent to Camp Morton, Ind. Released May 10, 1863, on Oath of Allegiance.

Korb, A., Pvt. Co. G, 3rd Regt. 1st Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into

service of the State of Louisiana.

Korber, A., Pvt. Sergt. Co. E, 2nd La. Inf. En. May 9, 1861, Camp Walker, La. Roll to June 30,

1861, Absent, on detached service with Gen. Magruder. Rolls from July. 1861, to April, 1862,

state present. Roll for May and June, 1862, Present, promoted 5th Sergt., May 1, 1862. Rolls

from July, 1862, to April, 1863, state present. Roll for May and June, 1863, Absent, wounded, in

Hospl. at Richmond, since May 3, 1863. Rolls from July, 1863, to Oct., 1863, state present. Roll

for Jan. and Feb., 1864, Present. Re-enlisted Feb. 21, 1864, to serve for the War. Roll for May

1 to Sept. 1, 1864, Killed in action May 12, 1864.

Korff, Chas., Pvt. 4th Texas Cav. Co. G. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Bayou

Teche, La., April 11, 1863. Paroled Port Hudson, La., May 11, 1863.

Koring, J. J., Pvt. Co. D, 1st Special Battn. (Rightor's) La. Inf. En. April 26, 1861. New

Orleans, La. Present on Rolls to Aug., 1861. Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1862, Absent, detached in

A. A. G. Office at Yorktown, one month's pay as Corpl.

Korn, Thomas C. (also Keen, Thos. C.), Pvt. Co. D, 18th La. Inf. En. Oct. 5, 1861, Camp Moore,

La. Present on Rolls to Dec., 1861. Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1862, Absent, sick, in camp near

Corinth, since Feb. 26, 1862. Present on Roll for May and June, 1862. Roll for July and Aug.,

1862, Discharged for disability July 4, 1862.

Kornaker, J. Bte., _, 7th Co. 2nd Regt. French Brig. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into

service of the City of New Orleans, La.

Kornbeck, P. O., 2nd Lt. Co. A, Chalmette Regt. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into service

of the State of Louisiana. Present or absent not stated on Roll dated March 6, 1862.

Kornbocker, Ed., Pvt. New Co. G, 4th La. Inf. En. May 25, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on Rolls

to Dec., 1861. Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1862, Discharged March 26, Camp St. Mary.

Kornegey, S., Pvt. Co. B, 1st Regt. La. Inf. Appears on Register of Prisoners of War, Captured

near Chickamauga, Ga., Sept. 20, 1863. Forwd. to Louisville, Ky., Sept. 20, 1863, for exchange.

Korneumph, W., _, Mechanics Grds. La. Mil. Report dated New Orleans, La., Nov. 25, 1861, shows

him present on parade, Nov. 23, 1861.

Korp. F., Pvt. Co. B, 21st (Kennedy's) La. Inf. En. July 15, 1861, New Orleans, La. Roll to Oct.

31, 1861, Deserted at New Orleans, La.

Kort, John (on Federal Rolls as Korott, Koudt, John), Pvt. New Co. B, 20th La. Inf. En. July 18,

1861, New Orleans, La. Roll for Feb. 28 to July 1, 1862, Absent, on detached service at West

Point, Miss. Roll to Oct. 31, 1862, Present. Roll for Nov. and Dec., 1862, Killed Jan. 2 at

Murfreesboro. Rolls from Jan., 1863, to April, 1863, Present. Rolls from July, 1863, to Feb.,

1864, Absent, missing, Prisoner of War since battle of Chattanooga, Sept. 20, 1863. Roll for

March and April, 1864, Deserted in forest of Chattanooga, Tenn., Sept. 26, 1863. Federal Rolls

of Prisoners of War, show him captured at Chattanooga, Tenn., Sept. 26, 1863. Recd. at Military

Prison, Louisville, Ky., from Nashville, Tenn., Oct. 9, 1863. Forwd. to Camp Morton, Ind., Oct.

11, 1863. On Rolls of Prisoners of War, at Camp Morton, Ind., desiring to take the Oath of

Allegiance. Remarks: Conscripted July 15, 1862, Jackson, Miss. Wants to take the Oath of

Allegiance, go to Iowa, and remain loyal. Recommended. Released from Camp Morton on Oath of

Allegiance, May 10, 1865. Res. New Orleans, La., complexion light, hair sandy, eyes hazel,

height 5 ft. 8 in.

Kort, John, Pvt. Co. C, 21st (Kennedy's) La. Inf. En. July 26, 1861, New Orleans, La. Present on

Roll to Oct. 31, 1861.

Koseoski, Antone, Pvt. Co. C, 28th (Thomas') Regt. La. Inf. En. March 21, 1862, New Orleans, La.

Roll to Aug. 31, 1862, Deserted at New Orleans, La., April 25, 1862.

Koshland, N., Pvt. Co. F, 31st Regt. La. Inf. En. May 4, 1862, Jackson, Miss. Present on Rolls

to Feb., 1863. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, show him captured and paroled at Vicksburg,

Miss., July 4, 1863.

Koss, Herman, Pvt. 1st Co. Battn. Wash. Arty. La. En. Oct. 24, 1861, New Orleans, La. Present on

all Rolls to June, 1862. Roll for July and Aug., 1862, Killed at battle of Rappahannock, Aug.

23, 1862. Born Germany, occupation clerk, Res. New Orleans, La., age when enlisted 26, single.

Kosselins, Charles, Pvt. Corpl. Capt. Holmes' Batty. La. Lt. Arty. En. _, for the War. Roll not

dated, Prisoner of War. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, show him captured at Woodville,

Miss., Oct. 6, 1864. Recd. at Camp Douglas, Ill., Nov. 3, 1864, from Vicksburg, Miss., through

Cairo, Ill. Released on Oath of Allegiance from Camp Douglas, Ill., March 20, 1865. Complexion

fair, hair light, eyes blue, height 5 ft. 6 1/2 in.

Kosselius, C., Pvt. Watson Batty. La. Arty. En. Nov. 13, 1861, New Orleans, La. Present on Roll

for Sept. and Oct., 1862. On List of Prisoners of War, Paroled at Port Hudson, La., July -,

1863. Roll for Jan. 1 to April 30, 1864, Absent, captured at Port Hudson. Detached service,

Ordiance Dept., from the Watson Battery by Lt. Gen. Polk.

Kosskie, J., Sergt. Co. E, Chalmette Regt. La. Mil. En. March 2, 1862, New Orleans, La.

Kossman, Loring, Pvt. Co. H, 3rd Regt. 3rd Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll dated March 5, 1862.

Ordered into service of the State of Louisiana.

Kostenbader, John, Pvt. Lang's Co. Continental Regt. La. Mil. On Roll not dated.

Kostenbaier, E., _, Co. F, 4th Regt. European Brig. La. Mil. On Roll not dated for active

service within the limits of the City. Subject of Wurtemburg.

Kostenberder, E., Pvt. Co. E, 1st Regt. 3rd Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll for March 5, 1862 to

_, Ordered into service of the State of Louisiana.

Kothman, H., Pvt. Co. E, Fire Battn. La. Mil. Report dated Nov. 23, 1861, Present.

Kothman, Henry, Corpl. Co. E, 3rd Regt. 1st Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll not dated ordered

into service of the State of Louisiana.

Kottoman, Rodolph, _, Co. F, Jeff Davis Regt. La. Inf. Roll dated New Orleans, La., Nov. 23,

1861, shows him absent without excuse.

Kouche, J. D., Pvt. Lewis Grds. La. Mil. On Roll dated New Orleans, La., Feb. 18, 1862.

Page 595

Kounn, J. L., Pvt. Capt. Hutton's Co. (Cres. Arty. Co. A.) La. Arty. On Roll not dated, ordered

into service of the State of Louisiana.

Kouns, Frederick, Pvt. Co. B, 21st (Patton's) La. Inf. En. June 15, 1861, New Orleans, La.

Present on all Rolls to Feb., 1862. Roll for March and April, 1862, Absent, sick in Hospl., at

New Orleans since April 22, 1862.

Kouns, John (also Koontz, John, Koons, John), Pvt. Corpl. Cos. B and A, 30th La. Inf. En. June

15, 1861, New Orleans, La. Present on all Rolls to Feb., 1863. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of

War, show him captured and paroled at Vicksburg, Miss., July 4, 1863. Rolls from Sept., 1863, to

Dec., 1863, state present.

Kouns, W., _, Co. E, 1st Regt. 2nd Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into

service of the State of Louisiana.

Kountz, Adam, Pvt. Co. K, 4th Regt. 1st Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into

service of the State of Louisiana.

Kountz, George, Pvt. Jones Co. 22nd and 23rd La. Inf. En. Aug. 15, 1861. New Orleans, La.

Present on Rolls to Feb., 1862.

Kountz, John, Pvt. Co. A, 19th La. Inf. Roll for Nov. and Dec., 1862, shows him enlisted Sept.

24, 1861, Bossier Par., La., present. Recd. as a Substitute for E. Mahue. Roll for Jan. and

Feb., 1863, En. Dec. 23, 1862, Camp Winans, Ala. Present.

Kountz, John, Corpl. Co. I, 22nd (Cons.) Regt. La. Inf. En. June 15, 1861, New Orleans, La.

Present on all Rolls Jan., 1864, to Oct., 1864.

Koym, J. F., Pvt. Co. B, 4th Regt. European Brig. La. Mil. On Roll not dated for active service

within the limits of the City. Subject of Prussia.

Krabb, H., Pvt. Co. H, Cres. Regt. La. Inf. En. March 5, 1862, New Orleans, La. Present on Roll

for May and June, 1862. Roll for Nov. and Dec., 1862, Absent without leave. Roll for Jan. and

Feb., 1863, Absent, on detached service, Cook to Maj. Gen. Sam Jones. Roll to May and June,

1863, Detached from Regt. previous to July 28, 1862. Dropped from Roll order of Col. A. W.

Bosworth. On List of Prisoners of War, Paroled at Tallahassee, Fla., May 13, 1865.

Krabbe, Samuel (also Krabbs, Samuel), Pvt. Co. H, Cres. Regt. La. Inf. En. March 5, 1862, New

Orleans, La. Roll for May and June, 1862, Present, promoted from Pvt. to 4th Corpl., May 22,

1862. Roll for Nov. and Dec., 1862, Absent without leave. Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1863, Absent,

on detached service, Cook to Maj. Gen. Sam Jones. Roll for May and June, 1863, Detached from

Regt. previous to July 28, 1862. Dropped from Roll order of Col. A. W. Bosworth. On Roll of

Prisoners of War, Paroled at Natchitoches, La., June 6, 1865. Res. New Orleans, La.

Kraemer, Fred, Pvt. Co. I, 3rd Regt. 1st Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into

service of the State of Louisiana.

Kraemer, Henry, Pvt. Co. G, 13th La. Inf. En. Sept. 12, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on Rolls

to Oct. 31, 1861. On Register of 1st Miss. C. S. A. Hospl., Jackson, Miss., admitted March 21,

1862. Roll for June 30 to Oct. 31, 1862, Absent, sick.

Kraemer, P. J., Pvt. Co. A, Orleans Fire Regt. La. Mil. List dated New Orleans, La., Nov. 27,

1861, Present on review.

Kraemer, William, Pvt. Co. D, 4th Regt. European Brig. La. Mil. On Roll dated New Orleans, La.,

April 2, 1862, for active service within the City and the City limits. Subject of Bavaria.

Kraesig, Amand, Pvt. Co. C, 21st (Kennedy's) La. Inf. En. July 20, 1861, New Orleans, La.

Present on Roll to Oct. 31, 1861.

Kraesig, Armand (also on Federal Rolls as Grascig, Armand), Pvt. New Co. B, Co. G, 20th La. Inf.

En. July 18, 1861, New Orleans, La. Present on Rolls Feb. 28, 1862, to Oct. 31, 1862. Roll for

Nov. and Dec., 1862, Absent, sick, in Hospl., at Winchester, Tenn. Rolls from Jan., 1863, to

Oct. 31, 1863, Present. Roll for Nov. and Dec., 1863, Deserted at Missionary Ridge, Nov. 25,

1863. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, show him captured at Missionary Ridge, Nov. 25, 1863.

Recd. at Military Prison, Louisville, Ky., from Nashville, Tenn., Dec. 8, 1863. Forwd. to Rock

Island Barracks, Ill., Dec. 9, 1863. Released on Oath of Allegiance to U. S., April 21, 1864.

Res. New Orleans, La., complexion fair, hair brown, eyes grey, height 5 ft. 7 in., age 33 years.

Kraeszick, Frank, Pvt. Co. K, 14th La. Inf. En. June 12, 1861, New Orleans, La. Present on all

Rolls to April, 1862. Roll for May and June, 1862, Present, wounded in battle, June 27. In camp.

Roll for July and Aug., 1862, Absent, wounded at Manassas, Aug. 29, 1862. Roll for Sept. and

Oct., 1862, Absent, wounded Aug. 29, and in Hospl. "Died on Sept. -, 1862," in pencil on Roll.

Report of deaths not dated, show him born Germany. Died Sept. 20, 1862, Middleburg, Va., of

wounds recd. Record copied from Memorial Hall, New Orleans, La., by the War Dept., Washington,

D. C., June, 1903, born Germany, occupation carpenter, Res. New Orleans, La., age when enlisted

29, married. Killed at Manassas.

Krafft, F. A., Pvt. Co. E, 4th Regt. European Brig. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, for active

service within the limits of the City. Subject of Baden.

Krafft, J., Pvt. Co. D, 20th La. Inf. En. Dec. 21, 1861, Camp Lewis. Roll for March and April,

1862, Deserted March 12, 1862.

Krafft, John Henry, Pvt. 1st Lt. Co. A, 1st La. Hvy. Arty. (Regulars). En. June 10, 1861,

Memphis, Tenn. Present on all Rolls to Oct., 1862. Roll for Nov. and Dec., 1862, Absent, sick,

in City Hospl., since Dec. 22, 1862. Promoted Corpl., Nov. 1, 1862. Present on Roll for Jan. and

Feb., 1863. Roll for March and April, 1863, Absent, wounded in action and absent in Hospl. Roll

for June 30, 1863, to Oct. 31, 1863, Absent without leave since surrender of Vicksburg. Paroled.

Roll for Nov. and Dec., 1863, Absent, detached from Co., Oct. 26, 1863, S. O. from Gen.

Johnston. Present on Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1864. Roll for March and April, 1864, Absent, on

detached service, S. O. No. 60, Hdqrs. Dept. of the Gulf. Roll for May and June, 1864,

Discharged, expiration of service, being over age. Rolls from July, 1864, to Oct., 1864,

Present, voluntarily re-enlisted Mobile, Ala., Aug. 10, 1864. Roll for March and April, 1865,

Present, Apptd. Sergt. from Corpl., Dec. 19, 1864. On Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled at

Meridian, Miss., May 14, 1865. Res. Alexandria, La.

Kraft, _, Pvt. Co. F, 2nd Regt. 3rd Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll dated March 8, 1862, Ordered

into service of the State of Louisiana.

Kraft, Charles, Pvt. Co. D, 28th (Thomas') Regt. La. Inf. En. April 16, 1862, New Orleans, La.

Roll to Aug. 31, 1862, Killed by accident. April 29, at Camp Moore, La.

Kraft, E., Pvt. Co. F, 4th La. Inf. En. Oct. 15, 1863, or Nov. 17, 1863, Mobile, Ala. Present on

Roll for Nov. and Dec., 1863. Roll for April 30 to Aug. 31, 1864, Absent, sick, at Hospl. Roll

for Aug. 31, 1864, to Feb. 28, 1865, Absent, sick, date unknown.

Kraft, Gustave, _, Co. A, Fire Battn. La. Mil. Report dated Nov. 23, 1861, Present on review.

Kraft, H., Pvt. Co. C, 22nd and 23rd La. Inf. En. Sept. 11, 1861, Camp Lewis.

Kraft, John, Pvt. Co. B, 13th La. Inf. En. Camp Moore, La., Sept. 11, 1861, for the War. List

dated May 23, 1862, Wounded. Rolls from June 30, 1862, to Feb., 1863, Absent, wounded

Page 596

at Shiloh, in Hospl. at New Orleans, La. Roll for March and April, 1863, Dropped, absent without

leave over seven days, order of Gen. Bragg. Roll for June 30 to Oct. 31, 1863, Deserted, wounded

at Shiloh, April 6, 1862. Sent to N. O. with 90 days furlough, rest unknown.

Kraft, John, Pvt. Co. E, 21st (Kennedy's) La. Inf. En. Aug. 6, 1861, New Orleans, La. Roll to

Oct. 31, 1861, Discharged from service Nov. 4, 1861.

Kraft, S., _, Co. B, Fire Battn. La. Mil. Report dated Nov. 23, 1861, Resigned.

Kraft, Samuel, Pvt. Co. D, 6th La. Inf. En. June 4, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present or absent not

stated on Roll for July and Aug., 1861.

Kraft, T., _, Co. B, 4th Regt. 2nd Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into

service of the State of Louisiana.

Kraft, William, Pvt. Co. D, 4th Regt. European Brig. La. Mil. On Roll dated New Orleans, April

2, 1862, for active service within the city and city limits. Subject of Prussia.

Krafts, John, Driver, Pvt. 1st Co. Battn. Wash. Arty. La. En. Sept. 16, 1862. Sharpsburg. Roll

from Sept., 1862, to Feb., 1864, state present. Roll for March and April, 1864, Absent without

leave. Rolls from May, 1864, to Aug., 1864, state present. Roll for Sept. and Oct., 1864,

Present, detailed in Q. M. Dept., order of Lt. Col. Eshleman, Sept. 1, 1864. Present on Roll for

Jan. and Feb., 1865. On Register of Prisoners of War, Captured at Petersburg, Va., April 3,

1865. Recd. at Hart's Island, New York Harbor, April 7, 1865, from City Point, Va. Released on

Oath of Allegiance to U. S., June 23, 1865. Res. New Orleans, La., complexion light, hair dark,

eyes blue, height 5 ft. 10 in., born Prussia, occupation shoemaker, Res. Sharpsburg, Md., age

when enlisted 31, married.

Krail, Abram, Jr., _, Co. -. 2nd Regt. 3rd Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On List dated New Orleans,

La., April 9, 1862, of men detailed toward the formation of a Sanatory Corps, service of the

State of Louisiana.

Krail, Charles, Pvt. Co. D, Cres. Regt. La. Inf. En. May 8, 1862, New Orleans, La. Roll for May

and June, 1862, Present, substitute for F. F. Askew, May 8, 1862. Roll for July and Aug., 1862,

Present, Transfd. from Cres. Regt., Aug. 1, 1862. Roll for Nov. and Dec., 1862, Absent, taken

prisoner at battle Texana Roads, (wounded). On Hospl. Register, admitted Nov. 4, 1862, to St.

James U. S. A. Gen. Hospl., New Orleans, La. Released from Hospl., Nov. 7, 1862.

Kramer, C., Pvt. Co. D, Chalmette Regt. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into service of the

State of Louisiana. Present on Roll to March 6, 1862.

Kramer, D., -, Co. -, 2nd Regt. 2nd Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. Appears on List not dated of the

Sanatory Corps., ordered into the service of the State of Louisiana.

Kramer, E. H., Pvt. Co. A, 4th La. Inf. En. May 25, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on all Rolls

to Feb., 1862. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, show him captured at Shiloh. Tenn., April 7,

1862. Admitted April 15, 1862, to City U. S. A. Gen. Hospl., St. Louis, Mo. Recd. at Gratiot

Str. Military Prison, St. Louis, Mo., July 21, 1862. Forwd. to Alton Military Prison, Ill., Aug.

7, 1862. Transfd. to Vicksburg, Miss., Sept. 23, 1862, to be exchanged. Exchanged at Aikens

Landing. Va., Nov. 11, 1862. Roll for Nov. and Dec., 1862, Absent, sick.

Kramer, Frances, Pvt. Lang's Co. Continental Regt. La. Mil. On Roll not dated.

Kramer, George, Pvt. Co. F, 3rd Regt. 1st Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered

into service of the State of Louisiana.

Kramer, J., Pvt. Gomez's Co. 22nd and 23rd La. Inf. Roll dated Sept. 10, 1861 (only Roll on

file), shows him enlisted Sept. 10, 1861, Camp Lewis. Remarks: Deserter. Pvt. Jones Kramer, Aug.

15, 1861. (Entire entry cancelled by line.)

Kramer, J., Pvt. Co. B, 4th Regt. European Brig. La. Mil. On Roll not dated for active service

within the limits of the city. Subject of Hungary.

Kramer, John, Pvt. Co. I, Cons. Cres. Regt. La. Inf. Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1864 (only Roll on

file), shows him En. _, 186-, by Capt. Kelso for 3 years or the War. Absent, detailed as

shoemaker in Rapides, La., order of Maj. Gen. Taylor.

Kramer, John, Pvt. Co. I, 3rd Regt. 1st Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into

service of the State of Louisiana.

Kramer, Jonas, Pvt. Co. F, 18th La. Inf. En. Camp Moore, La., Sept. 11, 1861, for the War.

Kramer, Sol., Pvt. Co. B, 16th Battn. La. Inf. (Confed. Grds. Response Battn.) En. May 27, 1863,

Alexandria, La. Roll for May and June, 1863, Present. Conscripted and assigned May 17, 1863.

Discharged since Muster. Roll for July and Aug., 1863, Discharged by Judgment of Court on writ

of habeas corpus, July 22, 1863.

Krammer, B., Pvt. Co. G, St. James Regt. La. Mil. On Roll not dated.

Krammer, Charles, Pvt. 1st Field Batty. La. Arty. Roll for Nov. and Dec., 1861 (only Roll on

file), shows him En. Oct. 7, 1861, Berwick Bay for 12 months. Present on Roll for Nov. and Dec.,


Krammer, L. S., Pvt. Co. E, 3rd Regt. 1st Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered

into service of the State of Louisiana.

Kranbrock, Henry, Pvt. Co. C, 3rd Regt. 1st Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered

into service of the State of Louisiana.

Krane, Peter, Pvt. Co. C, 2nd La. Inf. En. May 11, 1861, New Orleans, La. Roll to June 30, 1861,

Absent, on detached service under Gen. Magruder. Rolls from July, 1861, to Dec., 1861, state

present. Rolls from Jan., 1862, to Aug. 31, 1864, Absent, detailed in Q. M. Dept., Yorktown,

Va., order of Gen. Magruder.

Kranss, -, Pvt. 1st Co. 1st Regt. French Brig. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into service

of the State of Louisiana to serve within the limits of the City of New Orleans.

Kranz, Albert, Corpl. Sergt. Co. D, 20th La. Inf. En. Dec. 21, 1861, Camp Lewis. Present on Roll

to Jan., 1862. Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1862, Present. Apptd. 2nd Sergt., Jan. 1. Roll for March

and April, 1862, Present. Roll for May and June, 1862, Deserted May 29, 1862.

Kranz, Martin, _, Mechanics Grds. La. Mil. Report dated New Orleans, La., Nov. 25, 1861, shows

him present on parade Nov. 23, 1861.

Krapp, J. J., _, Co. E, 1st Regt. 2nd Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On List dated Oct., 1861, Ordered

into service of the State of Louisiana. Remarks: Refused to serve in the Militia. Never at


Kraps, William, Pvt. Co. K, 3rd Regt. 1st Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered

into service of the State of Louisiana.

Krasig, Armand, Pvt. Co. G, 13th La. Inf.

Krass, Frederick, Pvt. Co. I, 4th Regt. 1st Brig. Div. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into

service of the State of Louisiana.

Krass, John, Pvt. Lang's Co. Continental Regt. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into service

of the State of Louisiana.

Kraul, C., Pvt. Co. A, 4th Regt. 3rd Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into

service of the State of Louisiana. Enlisted March 5, 1862, New Orleans, La.

Kraus, Bernhart (also Krause, Bernard), Pvt. Co. I, 21st (Patton's) La. Inf. En. June 13, 1861,

New Orleans, La. Present on Roll dated July 29, 1861. Rolls from Jan., 1862, to March 31, 1862,

state present.

Page 597

Kraus, Christian, Pvt. Co. -, La. Shp. Shooters. On Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured at

Langley, Va., Sept. 21, 1863. Recd. at Old Capitol Prison, Wash., D. C., Sept. 22, 1863.

Released on Oath of Allegiance to U. S., Dec. 20, 1863. Res. Philadelphia, Pa., complexion

light, hair light, eyes grey, height 5 ft. 10 in.

Kraus, William, Pvt. Corpl. Co. C, 1st Special Battn. (Wheat's) La. Inf. En. April 27, 1861, New

Orleans, La. Present on Rolls to April, 1862.

Krause, Charles, Pvt. Co. A, 20th La. Inf. En. Dec. 21, 1861, Camp Lewis. Present on all Rolls

to June, 1862. Roll for June 30 to Nov. 1, 1862, Dropped from Roll Sept. 30, 1862.

Krause, G., Pvt. Co. K, 1st La. Cav. En. Nov. 18, 1861, Waterproof, La. Rolls May 31, 1862, to

Dec., 1862, Present. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1863, Absent, in Hospl., Chattanooga, wounded battle of

Murfreesboro. Rolls March, 1863, to Dec., 1863, Present.

Krause, Oscar, Pvt. Co. D, 10th La. Inf. En. July 22, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on all Rolls

to Feb., 1862. Present on Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1864. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, show

him captured at Fisher's Hill of Strausburg, Sept. 22, 1864. Recd. at Harper's Ferry, Va., Oct.

15, 1864, Sent to Pt. Lookout, Md., Oct. 1, 1864. Released from Pt. Lookout, Md., Oct. 15, 1864,

and joined the U. S. Service (Army). Born Germany, occupation jeweler, Res. New Orleans, La.,

age when enlisted 16, single.

Krause, Th., Pvt. Co. H, 21st (Patton's) La. Inf. En. June 21, 1861, New Orleans, La. Present on

Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1862.

Krauss, Fred, Pvt. Co. K, 4th Regt. 1st Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into

service of the State of Louisiana.

Krausse, Rudolph, Pvt. Co. D, 4th Regt. European Brig. La. Mil. On Roll dated New Orleans, La.,

April 2, 1862, for active service within the city and the city limits. Subject of Hanover.

Krautz, Frederick, Pvt. Schwartz's Co. Bragg's Battn. La. Mil. Appears on Roll not dated.

Krautz, George, Musician, F. and S., 1st La. Hvy. Arty. (Regulars). En. June 15, 1864, Mobile,

Ala. Present on all Rolls to Oct., 1864.

Krautz, J., Pvt. Confed. Grds. Regt. La. Mil. En. March 8, 1862, New Orleans, La. Roll to April

30, 1862. Absent with leave, sick.

Krauz, J. H., _, Squadron Guides d'Orleans La. Mil.

Krawn, P., Pvt. Co. F, 3rd Regt. 1st Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into

service of the State of Louisiana.

Kreamer, Gustave (also Kraemer, August), Pvt. Co. K, 1st (Nelligan's) La. Inf. En. April 25,

1861, New Orleans, La. Present on Rolls to April, 1862. Rolls from May, 1862, to Oct. 31, 1862,

Deserted May 11 or 16, 1862, near Portsmouth. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, show him

captured at Murfreesboro, Jan. 9, 1863. Sent to Nashville, Tenn. Born La., occupation mechanic,

Res. New Orleans, La., single.

Kreas, J., Pvt. Capt. Hutton's Co. (Cres. Arty. Co. A.) On List of Prisoners of War, Captured at

Fort De Russy. La., March 14, 1864. Recd. at Baton Rouge, La., March 17, 1864. Forwd. to New

Orleans, La., March 20, 1864. On Roll of Prisoners of War, Roll dated Office of Commsy, of

Prisoners Dept. of the Gulf, New Orleans, La., July 7, 1864, Escaped on passage from New

Orleans, La., to Red River Landing, La., July 21 and 22, 1864.

Krebell, Peter, Pvt. Co. B, 8th La. Inf. En. March 13, 1862, New Orleans, La. Roll to June 30,

1862, Absent, missing since May 31, 1862. Roll for July and Aug., 1862, Deserted, taken prisoner

by the enemy and took the Oath of Allegiance to U. S. Govt. Name appears as signature to an Oath

of Allegiance, sworn and subscribed to at Fort Delaware, Del., Aug. 10, 1862. Born Germany,

occupation fruit vendor, Res. New Orleans, La., age when enlisted 37, married. Recruit.

Krebs, J., Pvt. 2nd Co. 3rd Regt. French Brig. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into service

of the State of Louisiana within the limits of the City of New Orleans.

Krebs, Joh., Pvt. Co. B, 4th Regt. European Brig. La. Mil. On Roll not dated for active service

within the limits of the city. Subject of Switzerland.

Kredell, F., Capt. Co. A, Fire Battn. La. Mil. Present on review on Report dated Nov. 23, 1861.

Kreeklaw, C., Pvt. Co. F, 3rd La. Inf. On Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled at Shreveport, La.,

June 7, 1865. Res. Shreveport, La.

Kreig, D., Pvt. Co. D, Fire Battn. La. Mil. Report dated Nov. 26, 1861, Present on parade.

Kreiger, Herman, Pvt. Co. B, 6th La. Inf. En. June 5 1861. Camp Moore. La. Present on Rolls to

Feb., 1863. Roll for March and April, 1863, Absent, sick. Present on Roll for May and June,

1863. Roll for July and Aug., 1863, Absent, wounded at Gettysburg. Present on Roll for Sept. and

Oct., 1863. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, show him captured at Rappahannock Sta., Va., Nov.

7, 1863. Sent to Washington, Nov. 8, 1863. Admitted Nov. 9, 1863, to Old Capitol Prison U. S. A.

Hospl., Washington, D. C. Released from Hospl., Nov. 29, 1863. Took Oath of Amnesty, March 15,

1864. Res. New Orleans, La., complexion dark, hair light, eyes blue, height 5 ft. 8 in. Roll for

March and April, 1864, Dropped as a deserter. Taken Prisoner at Rappahannock July -, 1863, and

took the Oath of Allegiance.

Kreiger, John (also Kriger, John), Pvt. Cos. B and C, 30th La. Inf. En. March 1, 1862, Camp

Moore, La. Appears on a List not dated of Paroled Prisoners who wish to be exchanged. Exchanged

from Str. Louis d'Or near Baton Rouge, La., Oct. 9, 1862. Roll for Oct., 1862, Present, returned

prisoner, temporarily attached. Roll for Nov. and Dec., 1862, Transfd. to Co. H, order of Col.

G. A. Breaux, Comdg., Nov. 1, 1862. Present on Roll dated Dec. 31, 1862. Rolls from May, 1863,

to Feb., 1865, Absent, detached by order of Gen. Gardner, Feb. 7, 1863.

Kreis, John, Pvt. Co. A, Chalmette Regt. La. Mil. Roll not dated, ordered into service of the

State of Louisiana. Present or absent not stated on Roll dated March 6, 1862.

Kreitas, Franco, Pvt. 4th Co. 5th Regt. European Brig. (Spanish Regt.) La. Mil. List dated New

Orleans, April 2, 1862, Absent without leave.

Kreiter, F., Pvt. Co. F, Jeff Davis Regt. La. Inf. Roll dated New Orleans, La., Nov. 23, 1861,

shows him present on parade.

Kreitmeyer, J., Pvt. Co. G, 3rd Regt. 1st Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered

into service of the State of Louisiana.

Krell, L., _. Co. B, 1st Regt. 3rd Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll dated March 5, 1862, to _,

ordered into service of the State of Louisiana.

Kremelberg, Frederick, Pvt. Sergt. 3rd Co. Battn. Wash. Arty. La. En. May 26, 1861, New Orleans,

La. Present on all Rolls to Feb., 1863. Roll for March and April, 1863, Absent on furlough, 30

days, from March 5, 1863. Absent without leave since April 5, 1863. Rolls from May, 1863, to

Oct., 1863, state present. Roll for Nov. and Dec., 1863, Absent without leave. Richmond, Va.,

since Nov. 1, 1863. Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1864, Absent, returned to Co. from sick absence,

Feb. 21, 1864. Roll for March and April, 1864, Present, promoted from Corpl. to Sergt., vice

Stocker, April 1, 1864. Present on Roll for May and June, 1864. Roll for July and Aug., 1864,

Died of wounds Recd. at Petersburg, July 24, 1864. Final statement rendered.

Page 598

Kremer, Eugene, Pvt. Co. D, 4th La. Inf. En. March 27, 1862, Corinth. Present on Rolls to Dec.,

1862. Rolls from Dec. 31, 1862, to June, 1863, Absent, on detached duty in Pt. Coupec. Roll for

July and Aug., 1863, Absent, detailed in Pt. Coupee, prisoner. Appears on List dated Pro.

Marshal's Office, New Orleans, La., Oct. 5, 1862, of prisoners on Board U. S. Prison Ship

Algerine, captured at Baton Rouge, La., Aug. 5, 1862.

Kremer, M. (also Kraemer, Martin), Pvt. Co. B, 22nd and 23rd La. Inf. En. Dec. 23, 1861, New

Orleans, La. Regtl. Return for Jan., 1862, Absent without leave since last monthly report.

Kremer, M., Pvt. Co. -, 3rd Regt. European Brig. (Garde Francaise) La. Mil. Present at review on

Roll dated New Orleans, La., April 2, 1862.

Krenkle, George (also Krankill, George), Corpl. Pvt. Co. C, 28th (Thomas') Regt. La. Inf. En.

March 6, 1862, New Orleans, La. Roll to Aug. 31, 1862, Present, promoted to Corpl., July 1,

1862. Francois Menville reduced. Present on Roll for Sept. and Oct., 1862. Roll for Oct. 31,

1862, to Feb. 28, 1863, Absent, sent to Vicksburg Hospl. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, show

him captured at Vicksburg, Miss., July 4, 1863. Sent to Memphis, Tenn., July 18, 1863. On Rolls

of Prisoners of War, at Camp Morton, Ind., who enlisted in U. S. Service, Aug. -, 1863.

Krenkle, George, Pvt. Co. B, Lewis Regt. La. Report not dated, shows him present on parade Nov.

23, 1861.

Kreps, J. (also Kreps, A. J., Krips, J. J.), Pvt. Co. G, 11th La. Inf. En. Aug. 21, 1861, New

Orleans, La. Present on Roll to Oct. 31, 1861.

Kressel, Phillip, Pvt. Co. E, 21st (Kennedy's) La. Inf. En. Aug. 16, 1861, New Orleans, La.

Present on Roll to Oct. 31, 1861.

Kreutz, Andrew, Sergt. Lt. Co. C, 20th La. Inf. En. Dec. 21, 1861, Camp Lewis. Present on Rolls

to Feb., 1862. Roll for March and April, 1862, Present. Apptd. and Commsd. 2nd Lt., April 22,

1862. Rolls from May, 1862, to April, 1863, state present. Signs Rolls July 1, 1863, to Dec.,

1863, as 1st Lt., Comdg. Co. Present on Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1864. Roll for March and April,

1864, Present, on daily duty in charge of Brigade tools. Roll for May 1 to Aug. 31, 1864,

Present, Comdg. Co. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, show him captured near Franklin, Tenn.,

Dec. 17, 1864. Recd. at Military Prison, Louisville, Ky., from Nashville, Tenn., Dec. 21, 1864.

Forwd. to Johnson's Island, Ohio, Dec. 23, 1864. Released on Oath of Allegiance to U. S., June

16, 1865. Res. New Orleans, La., age 31, complexion fair, hair light, eyes blue, height 5 ft.

Roster dated March, 1865, Apptd. 2nd Lt. by Gen. Bragg, April 23, 1862. Promoted 1st Lt., Dec.

1, 1862. Successor, Thos. Warner.

Kreutz, Nicholas, Pvt. Co. A, 20th La. Inf. En. Dec. 21, 1861, Camp Lewis, La. Present on all

Rolls to June, 1862. Rolls from Nov. 1, 1862, to April, 1863, Absent, sick, at Chattanooga,

Tenn., since Aug. 25, 1862, order of Dr. Holt. Rolls from Oct. 31, 1863, to Dec., 1863, Extra

duty ambulance driver, Adams Brigade, with Dr. Ware since Oct. 11, 1863. Rolls from Jan., 1864,

to April, 1864, Present. Roll for May 1 to Aug. 31, 1864, Absent, wounded in action July 28,

1864, near Atlanta, Ga. Roll for Sept. 1, 1864, to Feb. 28, 1865, Absent, on sick furlough.

Krey, J., Pvt. Co. D, Chalmette Regt. La. Mil. Present on Roll to March 6, 1862.

Kridge, John E., Sergt. 5th La. _. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled Falmouth, Va., May

3, 1863.

Krieser, A., _, Co. I, Orleans Fire Regt. La. Mil. On List dated New Orleans, La., Nov. 27,

1861, Present on parade.

Krighon, P., Pvt. Co. H, 18th La. Inf. Roll for July and Aug., 1862 (only Roll on file), shows

him enlisted Nov. 19, 186-, New Orleans, La., for the War. Absent, missing since battle of

Shiloh. Sentence of Court Marshal of 1/2 month's pay.

Krinkle, George, Pvt. Co. C, 26th La. Inf., also on Rolls of Co. -, Pvt. 22nd and 23rd La. Inf.

Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured at Vicksburg, Miss., July 4, 1863. Recd. at Gratiot

Str. Military Prison, St. Louis, Mo., July 26, 1863. Forwd. to Camp Morton, Ind., Aug. 2, 1863.

Enlisted in 7th Cav., (U. S.) Aug. -, 1863.

Kriss, Edward A., Corpl. Co. H, 1st La. Inf. Appears on a Register of Prisoners of War, Captured

Feb. 15, 1863, _. Paroled Feb. 18, 1863. Forwd. to Nashville, Feb. 19.

Krohn, A., Pvt. Co. C, 4th Regt. European Brig. La. Mil. On Roll dated New Orleans, La., April

2, 1862, within the city and limits of New Orleans.

Krohn, Charles, Pvt. 1st Field Batty. La. Arty. Roll for Nov. and Dec., 1861 (only Roll on

file), shows him enlisted Oct. 7, 1861, Berwick Bay, for 12 months. Roll states present.

Kroko, G., _, Co. D, 3rd Regt. 3rd Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. Roll for March 5, 1862, to _, ordered

into service of the State of Louisiana.

Kroll, Alexandre, Pvt. Co. E, 18th La. Inf. En. Oct. 5, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on Rolls

to Dec., 1861. Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1862, Left at Camp near Corinth, (sick). Roll for May and

June, 1862, Absent, sick, in St. James, La., since May 13, 1862. Rolls from Jan., 1863, to Aug.,

1863, Present. Appears on Register dated April 27, 1863, Captured at Bayou Teche, La., April 14,

1863. Sent to New Orleans, La., to be exchanged. Paroled below Port Hudson, La., May 11, 1863.

Kroll, Auguste, Pvt. Co. E, 18th La. Inf. En. Oct. 5, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Roll to Oct. 31,

1861, Absent, left at home on account of sickness. Rolls from Nov., 1861, to June, 1862, state

present. Roll for July and Aug., 1862, Absent, sick, at Lauderdale, Miss., since July 30, 1862.

Rolls from Jan., 1863, to June, 1863, Present. Roll for July and Aug., 1863, Present, on Provost

Grd., in Vermillionville since July 27, 1863. Also appears on Rolls of Co. B, Cons. 18th Regt.

and Yellow Jacket Battn. La. Inf., as Kroll, A., and Kroll, A. F. Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1864,

states present. On Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured at French Settlement, June 30, 1864.

Recd. at New Orleans, La., July 10, 1864. On Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled at Natchitoches,

La., June 6, 1865. Res. St. James, La.

Krombeck, John, Pvt. Co. K, 14th La. Inf. En. June 12, 1861, New Orleans, La. Present on all

Rolls to April, 1862. Roll for May and June, 1862, Killed in battle, June 30, 1862. Born


Kromberg, Charles, Corpl. Co. A, Orleans Fire Regt. La. Mil. List dated New Orleans, La., Nov.

27, 1861, Present on parade.

Kron, George, _, Co. B, 1st Regt. 3rd Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll for March 5, 1862, to _,

ordered into service of the State of Louisiana.

Kron, J., Pvt. Co. A, 4th Regt. European Brig. La. Mil. On Roll dated New Orleans, La., April 2,

1862, for active service within the city and the city limits. Subject of Hesse, Darmstadt.

Kron, Thomas, _, Co. A, Fire Battn. La. Mil. Present on review on Report dated Nov. 23, 1861.

Krone, E., Pvt. Co. B, 4th Regt. European Brig. La. Mil. On Roll not dated for active service

within the limits of the City. Subject of Hanover.

Kronenberger, G., Pvt. Co. D, Fire Battn. La. Mil. On review Nov. 26, 1861.

Page 599

Krook, William, Pvt. Co. I, 10th La. Inf. En. July 22, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Roll to Aug. 31,

1861, Deserted Aug. 4.

Kropp, Charles, _, Co. A, Fire Battn. La. Mil. Present on Report dated Nov. 23, 1861.

Kropp, Fred, Pvt. Co. I, 3rd Regt. 1st Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into

service of the State of Louisiana.

Kros, Charles, (on Federal Rolls as Grosse, Chas.), Pvt. Co. F, 13th La. Inf. En. Camp Moore,

La., Sept. 11, 1861, for the War. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, show him captured at Island

No. 10, April 8, 1862. Recd. at Camp Douglas, Ill., Aug. 1, 1862. Took the Oath of Allegiance at

Camp Douglas, Ill., Sept. 10, 1862, and was discharged.

Krost, E., Pvt. Co. C, Orleans Grds. Regt. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into service of

the State of Louisiana.

Kroth, T., Pvt. Co. G, 1st La. Inf. Appears on Report not dated of Prisoners of War, Paroled at

Memphis, Tenn., for 5 days ending June 15, 1865, by Bvt. Brig. Gen. E. Bouton, Dist. Pro.


Kruger, J., Pvt. Co. B, 2nd Regt. 3rd Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll for March 5, 1862, Ordered

into service of the State of Louisiana.

Krull, C. F., A. Q. M., F. and S., 30th La. Inf. Appears on receipt given by Maj. N. G. Watts,

C. S. A. Agt., for exchange to Capt. H. M. Lazelle, U. S. A. Agt., for exchange for prisoners of

war, Recd, near Vicksburg, Miss., Sept. 19, 1862, who had heretofore been paroled. Appears on

List not dated of Paroled Prisoners who wish to be exchanged. Exchanged from Str. Louis d'Or

near Baton Rouge, Oct. 9, 1862. Appears on List not dated of Prisoners of War, exchanged at

Aikens Landing, Va., Nov. 8, 1862. Roll for March and April, 1864, shows him enlisted Feb. 1,

1863, New Orleans, with remarks: Absent with leave. Roster dated Fort Gaines, Ala., April 15,

1864, Apptd. A. Q. M., Feb. 1, 1863. Roster dated Nov., 1864, Florence, Ala., Commissioned A. Q.

M., Feb. 2, 1863. Appears on Roster for March, 1865.

Krull, J., Pvt. Co. E, 22nd and 23rd La. Inf. En. Sept. 11, 1861, Camp Lewis, near New Orleans,


Krum, William, Pvt. Co. B, 8th La. Inf. En. March 25, 1862, New Orleans, La. Roll to June 30,

1862. Absent, missing since battle of Port Republic, June 9, 1862. Roll for July and Aug., 1862,

Deserted. Taken prisoner by the enemy and took the Oath of Allegiance to U. S. Govt. Born

Germany, occupation shoemaker, Res, New Orleans, La., age when enlisted 25, single. Recruit.

Krumbharr, W. Butler, Pvt. 5th Co. Battn. Wash. Arty. La.

Krupp, Joseph, Pvt. Co. A, 20th Regt. La. Inf. En. Dec. 21, 1861, Camp Lewis. Rolls from Dec.

21, 1861, to June, 1862, state present. Roll for June 30 to Nov. 1, 1862, Discharged since last


Kruse, George J., Sergt. Co. D, 6th La. Inf. En. June 4, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on Rolls

to June, 1862. Roll for July and Aug., 1862, Absent with leave, wounded. Rolls from Sept., 1862,

to Dec., 1862, Absent, on furlough. Wounded at Bristoe Station, Aug. 9, 1862. Rolls from Jan.,

1863, to Nov. 30, 1863, Absent with leave, since Sept. 22, 1862. Wounded, sent to the rear by

Dr. Robertson. Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1864, Absent, wounded. Roll for March and April, 1864,

Deserted. In consequence of a bad wound, he was furloughed in 1862 to La. Not heard from since.

On Rolls of Prisoners of War, of men belonging to commands East of the Miss. River C. S. A.

Paroled at Natchitoches, La., June 6, 1865. Res. Tensas Par., La.

Kruse, Heinrich, Pvt. Co. H, 3rd Regt. 3rd Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. Roll dated March 5, 1862,

ordered into service of the State of Louisiana.

Kruse, J. G. L., Pvt. Corpl. D. H. Marks Co. 22nd and 23rd La. Inf. En. Sept. 2, 1861, New

Orleans, La. Present on all Rolls to Feb., 1862.

Kruser, George, Pvt. Co. A, 3rd Regt. 1st Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered

into service of the State of Louisiana.

Kruser, H., Pvt. Co. D, 3rd Regt. 1st Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into

service of the State of Louisiana.

Krutle, Fritz, Pvt. Co. H, 11th La. Inf. Appears on Descriptive List dated New Orleans, La., May

-, 1862. Age 40, eyes blue, hair light, complexion fair, height 5 ft. 6 in., born Hanover,

Germany, occupation clerk. Enlisted April 15, 1862, New Orleans, La., for the War.

Kubel, Charles, Pvt. Co. B, Lewis Regt. La. Report not dated, shows him present on parade Nov.

23, 1861.

Kubie, _, Pvt. Co. G, 5th Regt. La. Inf. Appears on Regtl. Return for Dec., 1861, Butcher for


Kuch, B. F., Pvt. Co. H, 4th Engr. Troops. Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled Shreveport, La.,

June 13, 1865. Res. Bossier Par., La.

Kuck, Reed, Pvt. Co. G, Crescent Regt. La. Inf. On List dated New Orleans, La., Nov. 23, 1861,

Present on parade. On Roll dated March 8, 1862, ordered into service of the State of Louisiana.

Enlisted New Orleans, La., for 90 days. On Return for Dec. 31, 1862, Return dated Fort Burton,

Butte a la Rose, Feb. 14, 1863, Died April 7, 1862, Shiloh, Tenn. Cause: Severely wounded. Not

heard of since.

Kuebler, William, Sergt. Co. D, 13th La. Inf. En. June 9, 1861, New Orleans, La., for the War.

Kuefner, Adam, Pvt. Co. B, Lewis Regt. La. Roll not dated, shows him present on parade Nov. 23,


Kuehne, Ernst, Corpl. Lang's Co. Continental Regt La. Mil. On Roll not dated.

Kufner, John, Pvt. Co. H, 3rd Regt. 3rd Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. Roll dated March 5, 1862,

ordered into service of the State of Louisiana.

Kugan, M., Pvt. Co. I, 1st La. Cav. On Roll of Prisoners of War, Paroled at Gainesville, Ala.,

May 12, 1865. Res. New Orleans, La.

Kugler, F., Pvt. Co. E, Fire Battn. La. Mil. Report dated Nov. 23, 1861, on parade.

Kuhlman, H., Pvt. Co. G, 3rd Regt. 3rd Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into

service of the State of Louisiana.

Kuhn, A. B., Pvt. Co. D, 1st La. Hvy. Arty. (Regulars). En. Sept. 10, 1861, _, Mississippi. Roll

for Nov. and Dec., 1862, Present. Transfd. from Wirt Adams Cav., Dec. 24, 1862. Rolls from Jan.,

1863, to April, 1863, state present. Apptd. Corpl., April 1, 1863. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of

War, show him captured and paroled at Vicksburg, Miss., July 4, 1863. Roll to Oct. 31, 1863,

Absent without leave, since Fall of Vicksburg. Went to La. Roll for Nov. and Dec., 1863,

Paroled, absent without leave in Miss. Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1864, Deserted at Vicksburg,

after the fall of the city. Went to West Louisiana.

Kuhn, Alb., Sergt. Co. A, Fire Battn. La. Mil. Present on parade on Report dated Nov. 23, 1861.

Kuhn, F., Pvt. Miles Legion La. Vols. Co. D. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Port

Hudson, La., July 9, 1863. On Hospl. Register, Admitted to St. Louis U. S. A. Gen. Hospl., New

Orleans, La. Died Sept. 12, 1864.

Kuhn, Frederick, Pvt. Co. Confed. States Zouave Battn. La. En. April 8, 1861, New Orleans, La.

Present on all Rolls to Aug., 1861. Regtl. Returns for Jan. and Feb., 1862, Absent, on furlough

to New Orleans, La., for 45 days.

Page 600

Kuhn, George H., Pvt. Co. C. 22nd and 23rd La. Inf. En. Sept. 10, 1861, Camp Lewis, La. Rolls

from Nov., 1862, to Feb., 1863, state present. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, show him

captured and paroled at Vicksburg, Miss., July 4, 1863. Remarks: Wounded in Hispl. Rolls from

Oct., 1863, to Dec., 1863, state absent. Left wounded at Vicksburg. Also appears on Rolls of Co.

C. 22nd (Cons.) La. Inf. Pvt. Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1864, Absent, wounded at Vicksburg. Roll

for March and April, 1864, Left wounded at Vicksburg. Dropped as Deserter, April 18, 1864, order

of Lt. Col. J. O. Landry, Comdg. Regt.

Kuhn, Herman, Pvt. Co. G, 20th La. Inf. En. July 18, 1861, New Orleans, La. Rolls from Feb. 28,

1862, to Oct. 31, 1862, Present. Roll for Nov. and Dec., 1862, Absent, on detached service with

Sappers and Miners. Rolls from Jan., 1863, to April, 1863, state present. Roll for July 1 to

Oct. 31, 1863, Deserted July 18, 1863, near Jackson, Miss. Appears on Roll of Prisoners of War,

who desire to take the Oath of Allegiance and give Bond. Roll dated Hdqrs., Dist of Indiana, and

Michigan, Office Chief Pro. Mar., Indianapolis, Sept. 7, 1863, Bondsman, Wm. Strodmier. Res. New

Orleans, La.

Kuhn, Herman, Pvt. Co. C, 21st (Kennedy's) La. Inf. En. July 18, 1861, New Orleans, La. Present

on Roll to Oct. 31, 1861.

Kuhn, J. L., Pvt. Co. B, 11th Battn. La. Inf. En. May 6, 1862, Natchitoches, La. Present on

Rolls to Aug., 1862. Roll for Sept. and Oct., 1862, Died Oct. 8, 1862, Camp Edwards, Delhi, La.

Kuhn, Joseph, Pvt. Co. I, 21st (Patton's) La. Inf. En. June 13, 1861, New Orleans, La. Present

on Roll dated July 29, 1861. Rolls from Jan., 1862, to March 31, 1862 states present.

Kuhn, Louis, Pvt. Co. G, 28th (Thomas') Regt. La. Inf. En. April 1, 1862, New Orleans, La.

Present on Rolls to Aug. 31, 1862. Roll to Feb. 28, 1863, Absent, sent to Jackson Hospl., sick,

Aug. 25, 1862.

Kuhn, Peter, Pvt. Co. C. 3rd Regt. 3rd Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. Roll dated March 5, 1862, ordered

into service of the State of Louisiana.

Kuhn, Rob, Pvt. Co. C, 3rd Regt. 3rd Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. Roll dated March 5, 1862, ordered

into service of the State of Louisiana.

Kuhn, Stevens, _, Co. G, 2nd Regt. 3rd Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. Appears on Roll not dated,

ordered into service of the State of Louisiana.

Kuhn, William, Pvt. Capt. Landry's Co. (Donaldsonville Arty.) La. Arty. En. Sept. 13, 1861,

Donaldsonville, La. Present on all Rolls to April, 1864.

Kuhnagel, David, Pvt. Co. B, 16th Battn. La. Inf. (Confed. Grds. Response Battn.) En. May 27,

1863, Alexandria, La. Present on all Rolls to Aug., 1863.

Kuhner, Frank, Sergt. Co. A, 4th Regt. 1st Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered

into service of the State of Louisiana.

Kuhnewalter, J., Pvt. Co. E, 13th La. Inf. En. Aug. 18, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Rolls from June

30, 1862, to Dec., 1862, Absent, missing near Perryville, Ky. Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1863,

Absent, missing at battle of Perryville, not heard from since. Roll for March and April, 1863,

Dropped, absent without leave 7 days, order of Gen. Bragg.

Kuhns, John, Pvt. Co. F, 1st La. Hvy. Arty. (Regulars). En. March 22, 1861, New Orleans, La.

Present on all Rolls to Feb., 1862.

Kuin, B. F., Pvt. Co. H, Cons. Cres. Regt. La. Inf. En. Sept., 18, 1862, St. Martins. Present on

Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1864. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, show him captured at Fort De

Russy, La., March 14, 1864. Recd. at Baton Rouge, La., March 17, 1864. Transfd. to New Orleans,

La., March 20, 1864. Admitted June 6, 1864, to St. Louis U. S. A. Gen. Hospl., New Orleans, La.

Released from Hospl., July 21, 1864. Forwd. from New Orleans, La., and exchanged at Red River

Landing, July 22, 1864. On Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled at New Iberia, La., June 12, 1865.

Res. St. Mary Par., La.

Kuin, Eli, Pvt. Corpl. Co. H, 13th La. Inf. En. Camp Moore, La., Sept. 11, 1861, for the War.

Present or absent not stated on Roll for June 30 to Oct. 31, 1862. Roll for Nov. and Dec., 1862,

Absent, sick. Rolls from Jan., 1863, to April, 1863, Absent, sick, date and whereabouts unknown.

Kuinn, B. F., Pvt. Capt. King's Batty. La. Arty.

Kukham, Wm., Conscript, in camp at Shreveport, La. Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled

Natchitoches, La., June 10, 1865. Res. Sabine Par., La.

Kulbridge, Peter, Pvt. Co. K, 5th La. Inf. Roll not dated (only Roll on file), shows him En.

Feb. 21, 1862. New Orleans, La., with remarks: Jumped off the cars en route to Richmond and

deserted. In pencil on Roll. See Personal papers Thos. Kilbriete.

Kull, A., _, Co. A, 1st Regt. 3rd Regt. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll for March 5, 1862, to _,

ordered into service of the State of Louisiana.

Kulligan, John K., Pvt. Co. A, Confed. States Zouave Battn. La. En. March 29, 1861, New Orleans,

La. Roll to May 1, 1861, Left at Richmond on Special duty, not since returned. Roll for May 31,

1861, to June 30, 1861, Present. Present or absent not stated on Roll for July and Aug., 1861.

Regtl. Return for Jan., 1862, Detached at Yorktown. Regtl. Return for Feb., 1862, Detd. Provost


Kulm, A. B., 4th Sergt. Co. D, 1st La. Arty. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured and

paroled Vicksburg, Miss., July 4, 1863.

Kulms, Wilhelm, Pvt. Capt. Mooney's Co. (Saddlers' Grds.) La. Mil. On Roll dated Dec. 2, 1861.

Kulner, W. P., Pvt. Co. A, 2nd La. Cav. Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled Franklin, La., June

14, 1865. Res. St. Mary Par., La.

Kulon, A., Pvt. Co. A, 4th Regt. 1st Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into

service of the State of Louisiana.

Kulp, Ernest, Pvt. Co. G, 5th La. Inf. En. Feb. 20, 1862, New Orleans, La. Present on all Rolls

to Oct., 1863. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, show him captured at Rappahannock, Va., Nov.

7, 1863. Recd. at Washington, Nov. 11, 1863. Forwd. to Pt. Lookout, Md. Paroled until exchanged

March 10, 1864. Recd. at City Point, Va., March 15, 1864, and exchanged. Roll for March and

April, 1864, Absent, paroled prisoner. On Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured at Fisher's Hill,

Sept. 22, 1864. Recd. at Harpers' Ferry, Oct. 20, 1864. Forwd. to Pt. Lookout, Md., Paroled and

Transfd. for exchange, Feb. 10, 1865. Recd. at Coxes' Landing, James River, Va., Feb. 14 to 15,

1865, and exchanged. Appears on a report dated Hdqrs., 1st Brig. 2nd Cav. Div., Macon, Ca.,

April 30, 1865, of Confed. Prisoners Captured at Macon, Ga., April 20 to 21, 1865. Born Germany,

occupation carpenter, Res. New Orleans, La., age when enlisted 20, single.

Kulp, George, Pvt. Co. D, 7th La. Inf. A record copied from Memorial Hall, New Orleans, La., by

the War Dept., Washington, D. C., May, 1903, En. Feb. -, 1862, New Orleans, La., for the War.

Born New Orleans, La., occupation printer, Res. New Orleans, La., age when enlisted 20, single.


Kummel, C., Pvt. Co. F, Confed. Grds. Regt. La. Mil. En. March 8, 1862, New Orleans, La. Roll to

April 30, 1862, Absent without leave.

Kumper, D., _, Co. -, Beauregard Battn. La. Mil. Appears on List not dated of absentees

Page 601

on review Nov. 23, 1861, on account of sickness.

Kundert, Jac, Pvt. Co. E, Fire Battn. La. Mil. Present on parade on Report dated Nov. 23, 1861.

Kundert, John, Pvt. Co. E, Fire Battn. La. Mil. Present on parade on Report dated Nov. 23, 1861.

Kuneman, _, Aid Major, F. and S., 3rd Regt. European Brig. (Garde Francaise) La. Mil. On List

not dated.

Kuner, C., Pvt. 2nd La. Cav. Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled Shreveport, La., June 20, 1865.

Res. New Orleans, La.

Kuney, J. C., 2nd Lt. Co. I, 17th La. Inf. En. Sept. 30, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on all

Rolls to April, 1862. Roll for May 23, 1862, to _, not dated, Not re-elected at the re-

organization of the Regt., May 23, 1862.

Kunholz, Ferdinand, 3rd Lt. Co. F, 4th Regt. 1st Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll dated March 3,

1862, ordered into service of the State of Louisiana.

Kuntner, Christian, Pvt. Capt. Kean's Batty. (Orleans Indpt. Arty.) La. Arty. En. April 18,

1861, New Orleans, La. Roll to June 30, 1861, Present or absent not stated. Transfd. from Co. D,

Capt. Laine, May 14, 1861. Present or absent not stated on Roll for July and Aug., 1861, Present

on Roll for Sept. and Oct., 1861.

Kuntz, _, Pvt. Co. -, 3rd Regt. European Brig. (Garde Francaise) La. Mil. Roll dated New

Orleans, La., April 2, 1862, shows him present at review.

Kuntz, A., Pvt. Co. A, Orleans Fire Regt. La. Mil. List dated New Orleans, La., Nov. 27, 1861,

Present on parade.

Kuntz, Anthony, Pvt. Co. F, 13th La. Inf. En. Camp Moore, La., Sept. 11, 1861, for the War.

Rolls from June 30, 1862, to Oct. 31, 1863, Absent, sick, in Hospl., Corinth, Miss. Roll for

Nov. and Dec., 1863, Died.

Kuntz, D., _, Co. D, Fire Battn. La. Mil. Present on parade on Report dated Nov. 23, 1861.

Kuntz, E., Pvt. Co. C, Orleans Grds. Regt. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into service of

the State of Louisiana.

Kuntz, F., Pvt. Co. C, Orleans Grds. Regt. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into service of

the State of Louisiana.

Kuntz, Fred, Pvt. Co. C, 28th (Thomas') Regt. La. Inf. On Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured at

Chickamauga, Ga., Sept. 20, 1863. Recd. at Military Prison, Louisville, Ky., Sept. 20, 1863. En.

Oct. 3, 1863, in Federal Army.

Kuntz, Frederick, Pvt. Co. C, 20th La. Inf. En. Dec. 21, 1861, Camp Lewis. Present on all Rolls

to April, 1863. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, show him captured near Chickamauga, Ga.,

Sept. 20, 1863. Recd. at Military Prison, Louisville, Ky., Oct. 1, 1863. Released on Oath of

Allegiance to U. S., Oct. 14, 1863, and enlisted in U. S. Army. Res. New Orleans, La.,

complexion light, hair light, eyes blue, height 5 ft. 8 in.

Kuntz, Henry, Pvt. Co. D, Chalmette Regt. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into service of

the State of Louisiana. Present on Roll to March, 1862.

Kuntz, J., Pvt. 2nd Co. 1st Regt. French Brig. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into service

of the State of Louisiana to serve within the limits of the City of New Orleans.

Kuntz, John, Pvt. New Co. D, 1st Special Battn. (Wheat's) La. Inf. En. June 9, 1861, Camp Moore,

La. Present on Roll dated Aug. 31, 1861, Present or absent not stated on Roll to Oct. 31, 1861.

Roll for Nov. and Dec., 1861, Present.

Kuntz, John, Corpl. Sergt. Co. C, 20th La. Inf. En. Dec. 21, 1861, Camp Lewis. Present on all

Rolls to April, 1862, Promoted Sergt., March 1, 1862. Roll for May and June, 1862, Present.

Rolls from Oct. 31, 1862, to Feb., 1863, Absent, sick at Chattanooga, since Aug. 22, 1862, order

of Dr. Holt. Roll for March and April, 1863, Absent, sick, on furlough at Osyka, La., for 3

months, since April 7, last. Roll for July 1, to Oct. 31, 1863, Absent, without leave, since

July 7, 1863, dropped.

Kuntz, John, - Co. G, 4th Regt. 2nd Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into

service of the State of Louisiana.

Kuntz, M., - Co. B, 1st Regt. 3rd Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll dated March 8, 1862, to _,

ordered into service of the State of Louisiana.

Kuntz, Rodolph, Pvt. Co. C, 4th Regt. 1st Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered

into service of the State of La.

Kuntz, William, Pvt. Gomez's Co. 22nd and 23rd La. Inf. En. Sept. 10, 1861, Camp Lewis, New

Orleans, La.

Kunz, Joseph, Pvt. Co. B, Lewis Regt. La. Roll not dated shows him present on parade, Nov. 23,


Kunz, William, - Co. D, 1st Regt. 2nd Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On list not dated, ordered into

service of the State of La.

Kunzeemann, A., Pvt. Co. F, 3rd Regt. 3rd Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. Roll dated March 5, 1862, New

Orleans, La., ordered into service of the State of La.

Kunzweiler, Jacob, Pvt. Co. E, 30th La. Inf. En. April 1, 1862, New Orleans, La. Roll for July

and Aug., 1862, Absent, wounded at Baton Rouge, Aug. 5, 1862, and since then in Hospl. Rolls

from Sept., 1862, to April, 1864, state present.

Kupferle, Charles, 3rd Lt. Co. I, 3rd Regt. 1st Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll not dated,

ordered into service of the State of La.

Kupinback, John, _ Co. A, 2nd Regt. 3rd Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into

service of the State of La.

Kupper, William, Pvt. Co. G, 28th (Thomas') Regt. La. Inf. En. April 14, 1862, New Orleans, La.

Roll to Aug. 31, 1862, Deserted April 19, at New Orleans, La.

Kurby, William, Pvt. Co. F, 1st La. Hvy. Arty. (Regulars). En. March 23, 1861, New Orleans, La.

Roll to April 30, 1861, Present, sick, in prison. Roll for May and June, 1861, Present, extra

duty, painter. Roll for July and Aug., 1861, Discharged for disability and final statement

given, Aug. 18, 1861.

Kureyzns, W. H., Capt. Kurycyzn's Co. British Grd. Battn. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered

into service of the State of La. Appears on a report for March, 1862, to Maj. Gen. J. L. Lewis

of the French Brig.

Kurkendall, J. M., Pvt. 4th Texas Cav. Co. C. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Bayou

Teche, La., April 14, 1863. Paroled Port Hudson, La., May 11, 1863.

Kurmell, Carle, Pvt. Co. G, 1st La. Hvy. Arty. (Regulars). En. May 16, 1861, New Orleans, La.

Present on all Rolls to Dec., 1861. Rolls from Jan., 1862, to April, 1862, Present, on extra

duty as Hospl. Cook, up to April 25. Rolls from July, 1862, to April, 1863, states present.

Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War show him captured at Vicksburg, Miss., July 4, 1863. Refused

to sign Paroled. Rolls from Oct. 31, 1863, to Dec., 1863, Absent, without leave. Roll for Jan.

and Feb., 1864, Absent, refused Parole at Vicksburg, supposed to have been sent North as a

Prisoner of War. Rolls from March, 1864, to Oct., 1864, Absent, Prisoner of War. Roll for March

and April, 1865, Absent, Prisoner of War, north, since fall of Vicksburg.

Kurrman, Wencel, Pvt. Co. G, Chalmette Regt. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into service of

the State of La. On Roll dated New Orleans, La., Dec. 10, 1861, Present on Roll to March 7,


Page 602

Kursbach, Otto, Pvt. Co. H, Miles Legion La. Vols. En. March 24, 1862, New Orleans, La. Present

on Roll to June 30, 1862.

Kursheedt, Edwin I., Pvt. Adjt. 1st Co. F, and S, Battn. Wash. Arty. La. En. May 26, 1861, New

Orleans, La. Present on Rolls to Aug., 1861. Roll for Sept. and Oct., 1861, Present. Promoted

Corpl., Oct. 22, 1861. Roll for Nov. and Dec., 1861, Present. Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1862,

Absent, on furlough for 30 days, from Feb. 13, 1862. Roll for March and April, 1863, Absent, on

detached service with Maj. Walton, on recruiting service at New Orleans, La. Rolls from May,

1862, to Feb., 1863, state present. Roll for March and April, 1863, Present. Promoted to Sergt.

Maj. April 1, 1863, from Corpl. Rolls from May, 1863, to Oct., 1863, state present. Roll for

Nov. and Dec., 1863, Absent, without leave 30 days from Nov. 24, 1863. Rolls from Jan., 1864, to

Oct., 1864, state present. Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1865, Absent on 15 days leave of absence,

from Feb. 24, 1865. Apptd. Adjt., order of Gen. Lee. Paroled at Lynchburg, Va., April -, 1865.

Kursteiner, _, Corpl. Eulers Co. 3rd Regt. European Brig. (Garde Francaise) La. Mil. Roll dated

New Orleans, La., April 9, 1862, shows him present at review.

Kurten, W., Pvt. Co. A, 4th Regt. European Brig. La. Mil. On Roll dated New Orleans, La., April

2, 1862, for service within the city and city limits.

Kurth, H., Sergt. Co. B, 4th Regt. European Brig. La. Mil. On Roll not dated for active service

within the limits of the City of New Orleans. Subject of Saxony.

Kurth, Louis, Pvt. Co. D, 4th Regt. European Brig. La. Mil. On Roll dated New Orleans, La.,

April 2, 1862, for active service within the city and the city limits. Subject of Prussia.

Kurts, John, Pvt. Co. K, Cons. 18th Regt. and Yellow Jacket Battn. La. Inf. Roll for Jan. and

Feb., 1864 (only Roll on file) shows him En. Aug. 27, 1862, Camp Pratt, for the War, Absent,

sick, at home in Par. of St. Mary.

Kurtz, Frederick, Pvt. Co. F, 2nd La. Inf. En. May 9, 1861, New Orleans, La. Roll dated May 9,

1861, Absent, sick at New Orleans, La., in Hospl. Roll to June 30, 1861, Present, sick at last

Muster, in Hospl., at New Orleans, La., rejoined Co. May 10, 1861. Present on all Rolls July,

1861, to April, 1862. Roll for May and June, 1862, Present. (So on Roll.) Roll for July and

Aug., 1862, Absent, wounded July 1, 1862. Rolls from Nov., 1862, to April, 1863, state present.

Rolls from May, 1863, to Dec., 1863, Absent, wounded, in Hospl., Richmond, Va. Roll for Jan. and

Feb., 1864, Absent, without leave, since Feb. 10, 1864. Rolls from April 30, 1864, to Aug. 31,

1864, Absent, wounded, in Hospl., at Richmond. Appears on list of Prisoners of War, Paroled at

Albany, Ga., May 20, 1865.

Kurtz, Nickel, Pvt. 1st Field Batty. La. Arty. En. Oct. 7, 1861, Berwick Bay, La., for 12

months. Present on Roll for Nov. and Dec., 1861. Appears on a Register of Prisoners of War dated

April 27, 1863, captured at Bayou Teche, La., April 14, 1863.

Kus, M., Pvt. Co. K, Cres. Regt. La. Inf. Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled Natchitoches, La.,

June 19, 1865. Res. Natchitoches Par., La.

Kuschke, Herman, Pvt. Mus. Co. G, 6th La. Inf. En. June 4, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on

Rolls to June, 1862. Rolls from July, 1862, to April, 1863, Absent, sick. Rolls from May, 1863,

to Aug., 1863, Present. Roll for Sept. and Oct., 1863, Present, was reduced to ranks, order of

Col. Comdg. Regt. Rolls from Nov., 1863, to April, 1864, state present. Federal Rolls of

Prisoners of War show him captured at Mine Run, Va., May 5, 1864. Sent to Belle Plains, Va., May

18, 1864. Recd. at Elmira, N. Y., July 20, 1864, from Pt. Lookout, Md. Released on Oath of

Allegiance to United States, May 15, 1865. Res. Columbus, Ohio, complexion dark, hair brown,

eyes blue, height 5 ft. 8 1/2 in., Born Prussia, occupation carpenter, Res. New Orleans, La.,


Kussman, August, Pvt. Co. B, 11th La. Inf. En. Aug. 19, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on Roll to

Oct. 31, 1861. Also appears on Rolls of New Co. E, Pvt. 20th La. Inf. Kushman, August (also

Kussman, August). Roll for June 30 to Oct. 31, 1862, Absent, taken Prisoner at Perryville. Rolls

from Nov., 1862, to April, 1863, Absent, taken Prisoner with Ord. Train, Oct. 8, 1862. Roll for

July 1 to Oct. 31, 1862, Dropped by order Col. Von Zinkin, Oct. 31, 1862, Prisoner, Oct. 8,


Kustenbader, Theodore, Pvt. Co. A, Confed. States Zouave Battn. La. En. March 22, 1862, New

Orleans, La. Rolls to Feb. 28, 1863, Deserted April 28, 1863.

Kusty, J., Moreau Grds. La. Mil. On list not dated.

Kutchinski, William, Pvt. Co. D, 3rd La. Inf. En. May 17, 1861, New Orleans, La. Present on all

Rolls to Oct., 1861, Present or absent not stated on Roll for Nov. and Dec., 1861.

Kutchler, N., Pvt. Co. F, 3rd Regt. 3rd Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll dated March 5, 1862, New

Orleans, La., ordered into service of the State of Louisiana.

Kuth, R., - Co. - 2nd Regt. 3rd Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On list dated New Orleans, La., April 9,

1862, of men detailed toward the formation of the Sanatory Corps, ordered into service of the

State of La.

Kuttner, Jas. H., Pvt. Co. E, Spates Regt. Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled Washington, La.,

Oct. 24, 1865.

Kuttrell, G., Pvt. Co. G, Pelican Regt. La. Inf. (Gibson's Brigade.) On Rolls of Prisoners of

War, Paroled Meridian, Miss., May 10, 1865. Res. Washington, La.

Kutz, Charles, Pvt. Co. B, Confed. States Zouave Battn. La. En. March 22, 1862, New Orleans, La.

Rolls from April, 1862, to Feb., 1863, Deserted April 26, 1862.

Kux, W., Pvt. Co. A, 4th Regt. European Brig. La. Mil. On Roll dated New Orleans, La., April 2,

1862, for service within the city and the city limits. Subject of Prussia.

Kuyser, J. D., - Co. B, Fire Battn. La. Mil. Report dated Nov. 23, 1861, shows him present, on


Kuzac, John C., Pvt. Co. D, 1st (Nelligan's) La. Inf. En. July 1, 1861, New Orleans, La. Present

on all Rolls to April, 1862. Roll for May and June, 1862, Present. Enlistment extended for two

years, or the War. by reason of Conscript Act, passed April 16, 1862. Rolls from Sept. 1, 1862,

to Nov. 1, 1862, Deserted from Richmond, in Sept., where he was detailed as nurse, to take care

of the wounded. Roll for Jan. 1, 1863, Absent, La. Hospl., in Richmond. Roll for Jan. and Feb.,

1863, Absent, without leave, in Richmond. Present on Roll for March and April, 1863. Roll for

May and June, 1863, Deserted at Darksville, July, 1863. Rolls from July, 1863, to Dec., 1863,

Absent, supposed to have been taken prisoner at Darksville, Va. Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1864,

Absent, without leave, supposed to be with Gilmers Cav. Roll for March 1, to Aug. 31, 1864,

Absent, prisoner in the hands of the enemy, July 1, 1863. Name appears as Signature to an Oath

of Allegiance to United States, sworn to at Fort Delaware, Del., June 9, 1865. Res. Orleans

Par., La., complexion ruddy, hair dark, eyes grey, height 5 ft. 9 in. Record copied

Page 603

from Memorial Hall, New Orleans, La., by the War Dept., Washington, D. C., May, 1903, Born New

Orleans, La., occupation clerk, age when enlisted 24, captured at Darksville, July, 1863, Fort


Kyes, Philetus H., 1st Sergt. 2nd Jr. Lt. Co. C, 16th La. Inf. En. Sept. 29, 1861, Camp Moore,

La. Roll to Oct. 31, 1861, Present, promoted from 1st Sergt., Oct. 24, 1861. Rolls from Nov.,

1861, to Feb., 1862, state present. Roll for June 1 to July 1, 1862, Resigned June 19, 1862.

Roster dated March, 1865. Elected 2nd Lt., Oct. 24, 1861. Resigned June 22, 1862, J. T. Craddock


Kyle, C. G., Pvt. Co. F, 9th Mo. Inf. Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled Shreveport, La., June

8, 1865. Res. Jefferson Co., Texas.

Kyle, George W., Pvt. Co. A, 1st (Nelligan's) La. Inf. En. April 28, 1861, New Orleans, La.

Present on all Rolls to June, 1862. Roll for April 30, to Aug. 31, 1862. Discharged by reason

being a Non-Conscript, July 28, 1863. A record copied from Memorial Hall, New Orleans, La., by

the War Dept., Washington, D. C., May, 1903, Born Ga., occupation mechanic, Res. Southport, La.,

age when enlisted 36, single, discharged on account of being 35 years of age, Aug., 1862.

Kyle, J. D., Pvt. Co. B, 10th (Battn.) La. Inf. On Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured

at Bayou Teche, La., April 14, 1863, sent to New Orleans, La., to be exchanged. Also appears on

Rolls of Co. B, 18th Regt. and Yellow Jacket Battn. La. Inf.

Kyle, P. C., Pvt. Woods Regt. Cav. En. April 8, 1862, Thibodaux, La. Present on Rolls to Oct.

31, 1862. Present or absent not stated on Roll for Nov. 1, 1862, to Feb. 28, 1863. Roll for

March and April, 1863, not dated, Absent, detailed Signal Corps. Prisoner, Vicksburg, July 4,

1863. Roll to June 30, 1863, Absent, detailed on Signal Corps, by Lt. Gen. Pemberton. Federal

Rolls of Prisoners of War show him captured and paroled at Vicksburg, Miss., July 4, 1863. Roll

for July and Aug., 1863, Absent, Paroled Prisoner, July 4, 1863, Vicksburg. Present on Roll for

Sept. and Oct., 1863.

Kyle, Patrick, Pvt. Co. I, 7th La. Inf. En. June 7, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present or absent not

stated on Roll to June 30, 1861.

Kyrney, Edward, Pvt. Co. K, 8th La. Inf. En. June 19, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on all Rolls

to May 19, 1863. Rolls from Aug. 11, 1863, to Aug. 31, 1863, Absent, without leave, since June,

1863, supposed to have been taken prisoner in Pa. Rolls from Sept., 1863, to Dec., 1863, Absent,

without leave, in Pa. since June, 1863. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War show him captured at

Gettysburg, Pa., July 4, 1863. Sent to Fort Delaware, discharged and joined the United States

Service, Aug. 1, 1863. Remarks: Mustered into service July 27, 1863, Capt. Ahl's Batty. Born

Ireland, occupation laborer, Res. New Orleans, La., age when enlisted 35, single.

Kysas, J. R., Pvt. Co. E, Hooper's Mo. Cav. Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled Shreveport, La.,

June 15, 1865. Res. Andrain Co., Mo.

Kyse, John B., 1st Sergt. 2nd Lt. Co. C, 9th Battn. La. Inf. En. March 18, 1862, Baton Rouge,

La. Roll for Sept. and Oct., 1862, Absent, on furlough. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War show

him captured at Port Hudson, La., July 9, 1863. Sent from Port Hudson, La., to New Orleans, La.,

on Str. Zephyr, July 13, 1863. Forwd. to Johnson's Island, Ohio, Oct. 13, 1863. Transfd. to Pt.

Lookout, Md., March 21, 1865. Recd, at Fort Delaware, Del., April 28, 1865. Released on Oath of

Allegiance to U. S., June 12, 1865. Res. Livingston, La., complexion dark, hair grey, eyes

hazel, height 5 ft. 8 in.

Kyser, H., Sergt. Maj. 34th Ark. Inf. Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled Shreveport, La., June

7, 1865. Res. Fayetteville, Ark.

Kyser, W. D., Pvt. Co. C, 17th La. Inf. En. Sept. 29, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on all Rolls

to April, 1862. Roll dated May 23, 1862, Present, re-enlisted Edwards Depot, May 23, 1862. Roll

to June 30, 1862, Present. Roll July and Aug., 1862, Absent, without leave. Roll Sept. and Oct.,

1862, Absent, sick, at Hospl. Rolls Nov., 1862, to Feb., 1863, Present.

Page 603

Laade, W. H. C., Pvt. Capt. Fenner's Batty. La. Lt. Arty. En. May 16, 1862, Jackson, Miss.

Present on all Rolls to Dec., 1863. On Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled at Meridian, Miss.,

May 10, 1865. Res. New Orleans, La.

Laade, William, 2nd Lt. Co. G, 3rd Regt. 2nd Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll dated Feb. 27,

1862, ordered into the service of the State of Louisiana.

Laass, Frederick, Pvt. Co. E, 26th La. Inf. Roll for Sept. and Oct., 1862 (only Roll on file),

En. April 15, 1862, Vermilion. Reported absent with remarks: On furlough in Louisiana since

April 15, 1862.

Laatz, Fred (also borne on Rolls as Laatz, Ferdinand), Pvt. Co. D, 20th La. Inf. En. Dec. 21,

1861, Camp Lewis. Present on Rolls to Feb., 1862. Regtl. Return for March, 1862, Transferred.

Laban, Frank, Pvt. Co. F, Miles' Legion La. On List dated Provost Marshal's Office, Port Hudson,

La., July 14, 1863, of Deserters placed in charge of the Provost Marshal at Port Hudson, La., by

Col. Benedict, Comdg. Post Springfield Landing, July 13, 1863, and by him Forwd. to New Orleans,

La., July 14, 1863.

Laban, Justin, Pvt. Co. I, 3rd La. Cav. (Harrison's). On Rolls of Prisoners of War of companies

and regiments of Confed. States Army, Paroled at New Iberia, La., June 16, 1865. Res. St. Mary

Par., La.

Labane, M., 3rd Lt. 2nd Regt. 2nd Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. Roll dated Feb. 27, 1862, ordered into

the service of the State of Louisiana. Reports present.

Labanoe, J. E., Pvt. Co. E, 7th La. Cav. On Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled at New Iberia,

La., June 11, 1865. Res. St. Martin Par., La.

Labar, P. G., Pvt. Co. H, Chalmette Regt. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into the service

of the State of Louisiana. Roll for March, 1862, to _, states present.

Labarde, Jean, 2nd Lt. 11th Co. Battn. French Vols. La. Mil. Appears on Report for Oct. _, 1861.

Labardens, Pierre, Pvt. 7th Co. 1st Regt. French. Brig. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into

the service of the State of Louisiana.

Labare, Justin, Pvt. Co. B, 2nd La. Cav. Appears on Register of Prisoners of War, dated April

27, 1863. Captured at Bayou Teche, La., April 14, 1863; sent to New Orleans, La., to be


Labarge, C. L., Pvt. Co. A, 2nd La. Cav. En. Aug. 18, 1862, Opelousas, La., for the War, Roll

for Dec. 31, 1862, to Feb. 28, 1863, Present. Roll for July and Aug., 1863, Present. Detailed as

wagon driver.

Labarge, Josiah, Pvt. Co. C, 27th La. Inf. En. March 23, 1862, Rapides Par., La. Roll for May

and June, 1862, dated Sept. 13, 1862, Died at Camp McLaurin, June 7, 1862.

Labarge, William, Pvt. Co. C, 6th La. Inf. En. March 3, 1862, St. Landry Par., La. Present on

all Rolls to June, 1863. Rolls from July, 1863, to Dec., 1863, Absent. Detached as Regtl.

butcher. Rolls from Jan., 1864, to

Page 604

April, 1864, state Present. Roll for May 1 to Aug. 31, 1864, Absent, prisoner of war, captured

May 5, 1864. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Mine Run, Va., May 5, 1864. Sent to

Belle Plains, Va., May 18, 1864. Transfd. to Elmira, N. Y., Aug. 18, 1864, from Pt. Lookout, Md.

Paroled at Elmira, N. Y., Oct. 11, 1864. Exchanged at Verus Pt., Savannah River, Nov. 15, 1864.

Born Louisiana, occupation farmer, Res. St. Landry Par., La., married.

Labarirne, Joseph, 1st Sergt. Co. I, 5th La. Cav. On Roll of Prisoners of War, Paroled at

Monroe, La., June 6, 1865. Res. Rapides Par., La.

Labarre, A. L., Pvt. Capt. Dreux's Cav. Co. A, La. En. July 1, 1863, Mobile, Ala. Present on

Roll dated June 30, 1864. On Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled at Meridian, Miss., May 10,

1865. Res. New Orleans, La.

Labarre, A. L., Pvt. Capt. Millaudon's Co. (Jefferson Mtd. Grds.) La. On Roll not dated, ordered

into the service of the State of Louisiana. On List not dated of members of Co. B, Jefferson

Mtd. Grds., Carrollton, Par. of Jefferson, Louisiana.

Labarre, Adolph, Pvt. Co. A, 1st La. Hvy. Arty. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured and

paroled at Vicksburg, Miss., July 4, 1863.

Labarre, C. V., Pvt. Co. D, Orleans Guards Regt. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into the

service of the State of Louisiana.

Labarre, Charles, Pvt. Capt. Dreux's Cav. Co. A. On Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled at

Meridian, Miss., May 10, 1865. Res. New Orleans, La.

Labarre, E., Corpl. 4th Co. 1st Chasseurs a pied La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into the

service of the State of Louisiana. En. Feb. 24, 186-, New Orleans, La.

Labarre, Ernest, Pvt. 3rd Co. Battn. Washington Arty. La. En. June 6, 1863, Mobile, Ala. Roll

for July and Aug., 1863, Absent, detached for Hospl. duty. Richmond, Va., S. O. No. 198, Gen.

Lee, July 17, 1863. Roll for Sept. and Oct., 1863, Discharged pursuant to Gen. Order 69, A. and

I. G. O., _, 1863. Certificate of disability, order of Gen. J. H. Winder, Dept. Henrico. Oct. 6,

1863. Born Louisiana, occupation clerk, Res. New Orleans, La., age when enlisted 24, single.

Labarre, Ernest, Sergt. 8th Co. 1st Regt. French Brig. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into

the service of the State of Louisiana within the limits of the City of New Orleans, La.

Labarre, F. P., Pvt. Capt. Millaudon's Co. (Jefferson Mtd. Grds.) La. On Roll not dated, ordered

into the service of the State of Louisiana. On List not dated of members of Co. B, Jefferson

Mtd. Grds., Carrollton, Par. of Jefferson, La.

Labarre, H., Pvt. Co. K, Orleans Grds. Regt. La. Mil. On Roll for Feb., 1862, to _, ordered into

the service of the State of Louisiana.

Labarre, John, Pvt. Co. D, Orleans Grds. Regt. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into the

service of the State of Louisiana.

Labarre, Lacestiere, Pvt. Capt. Dreux's Cav. Co. A, La. Cav. On Rolls of Prisoners of War,

Paroled at Meridian, Miss., May 10, 1865. Res. New Orleans, La.

Labarre, Lacestiere (also borne on Rolls as Labarre, L. L.), Pvt. 1st and 3rd Co. Battn.

Washington Arty. La. En. May 26, 1861, New Orleans, La. Present on all Rolls to June, 1862. Roll

for July and Aug., 1862, Absent, injured by caisson at Battle of Rappahannock, Aug. 23, 1862.

Rolls from Sept. 1862, to Feb., 1863, state Absent, sick. Roll for March and April, 1863, states

Present. Roll for May and June, 1863, Absent, sick, in Richmond, since June 24, 1863. Roll for

July and Aug., 1863, states Present. Roll for Sept. and Oct., 1863, Present. Transfd. from 1st

Co. Battn., Sept. 1, 1863, Special Order No. 40, Maj. Eshleman. Rolls from Nov., 1863, to Aug.,

1864, state Present. Rolls from Oct., 1864, to Feb., 1865, Absent, sick, Richmond, Va., since

Oct. 15, 1864. On Report dated Office Pro. Mar., Capitol Bldg., Richmond, Va., May 15, 1865, of

paroles given prisoners of war by D. M. Evans, Col. 20th N. Y. Cav., May 9, 1865. Present in

following engagements: Bull Run, Va., 1861; Manassas, July 21; Lewinsville, Sept. 25, 1862;

Rappahannock Station, Aug. 23.

Labarre, Louis, Pvt. Capt. Dreux's Cav. Co. A. En. March 13, 1862, New Orleans, La., for the

War. Present on Roll dated June 30, 1864.

Labarre, Merville, Pvt. 3rd Co. Battn. Washington Arty. La. En. June 6, 1863, Mobile, Ala.

Present on all Rolls to Oct., 1864. Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1865, Died of dropsy at Field

Hospl., Arty. 3rd Corps, Dec. 31, 1864. Final statement given. Born Louisiana, occupation clerk,

Res. New Orleans, La., age when enlisted 25, single. Present in following engagements: 1864 -

Drewery's Bluff, Va., May 13, May 14, May 15; Petersburg, Va., June, July Aug., Sept., Oct.,

Nov. and Dec.

Labarre, P. C., Pvt. Capt. Dreux's Cav. Co. A, La. On Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled at

Meridian, Miss., May 10, 1865. Res. New Orleans, La.

Labarre, P. F. V., Pvt. Co. H, 2nd La. Cav. En. Sept. 1, 1862, Napoleonville, La., Sept. 1,

1862. Roll dated Sept. 18, 1862, Absent on furlough. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War show him

captured at Assumption, La., May 8, 1864. Sent to New Orleans, La., May 15, 1864. Admitted June

1, 1864, to St. Louis U. S. A. Gen. Hospl., New Orleans, La. On furlough June 18, 1864. On Roll

of Prisoners of War at New Orleans, La. Roll dated Office of Commsy of Prisoners, Dept. of the

Gulf, New Orleans, La., July 7, 1864. Transfd. from New Orleans, La., and exchanged at Red River

Landing, July 22, 1864. On Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled at Alexandria, La., June 4, 1865.

Res. Assumption Par., La.

Labarre, Pascalis, Pvt. Capt. Millaudon's Co. (Jefferson Mtd. Grds.) La. On Roll not dated,

ordered into service of the State of La. On list not dated of members of Co. B, Mtd. Grds.,

Carrollton, Par. of Jefferson, La.

Labarre, Pierre, Pvt. Capt. Millaudon's Co. (Jefferson Mtd. Grds.) La. On Roll not dated,

ordered into the service of the State of Louisiana. On List not dated of members of Co. B,

Jefferson Mtd. Grds., Carrollton, Par. of Jefferson, La.

Labarre, S. P., Pvt. Co. E, 22nd Regt. La. Inf. Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled at Meridian,

Miss., May 13, 1865. Res. New Orleans, La.

La Barthe, Hypolite (also borne on Rolls as La Barte, Hypolite), Pvt. Co. B, 14th La. Inf. En.

June 3, 1861, New Orleans, La. Present on all Rolls to Feb., 1862. Present or absent not stated

on Roll for March and April, 1862. Report of deaths, not dated, Died May 7, 1862, Richmond, Va.,

of disease. Born Louisiana., occupation clerk, Res. New Orleans, La., age when enlisted 25,


Labarthe, Justin (also borne on Rolls as Labart, Justin), Pvt. Co. B, 14th La. Inf. En. June 3,

1861, New Orleans, La. Present on Rolls to April, 1862. Report of deaths, not dated, Killed at

Williamsburg, May 5, 1862. Born Louisiana, occupation carpenter, Res. New Orleans, La., age when

enlisted 22, single.

Labarthe, L. P., Pvt. Co. E, Orleans Grds. Regt. La. Mil. On Roll for Feb. 24, 1862, to _,

ordered into the service of the

Page 605

State of Louisiana. En. New Orleans, La., by Col. Augustin.

Labarthe, Numa, Pvt. Co. F, 30th La. Inf. En. May 11, 1862, New Orleans, La. Present on Rolls to

Oct., 1862. Roll to Dec. 31, 1862. Absent, sick, at Hospl. Rolls from July, 1863, to April.

1864, state Present.

Labarthe, Numa, Pvt. Co. E. Orleans Grds. Regt. La. Mil. On Roll for Feb. 24, 1862, to _,

ordered into the service of the State of Louisiana. En. New Orleans, La., by Col. Augustin.

Labasse, H., Pvt. 2nd Co. 3rd Regt. European Brig. (Garde Francaise) La. Mil. On Roll not dated.

Labastine, W., Pvt. Co. E, 1st La. Reserves. Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled _, June _, 1865.

Res. De Soto Par., La.

Labat, A., Pvt. Co. -, Reserve Corps La. Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled Alexandria, La.,

June 7, 1865. Res. Rapides Par., La.

Labat, Gabriel, Pvt. Pointe Coupee Arty. La. En. June 20, 1861, New Orleans, La. Present on

Rolls to Dec., 1861. Rolls from March, 1864, to Oct., 1864, state Present. On List of Prisoners

of War, Captured by 1st Div. C. C. M. D. M. Captured April 16, 1865, Fort Tyler, Ga. Transfd. to

Capt. J. C. Hathway at Macon, Ga., April 23, 1865.

Labat, J., Corpl. 4th Co. 1st Regt. French Brig. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into the

service of the State of Louisiana within the limits of the City of New Orleans, La.

Labat, J., Pvt. 8th Co. 3rd Regt. French Brig. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into the

service of the State of Louisiana.

Labat, J. M., Pvt. 3rd Co. 1st Regt. French Brig. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into the

service of the State of Louisiana within the limits of the City of New Orleans, La.

Labat, N., Pvt. Woods' Regt. La. Cav. En. April 8, Thibodaux, La. Rolls from July, 1862, to

Aug., 1863, state Present. Roll for Sept. and Oct., 1863. Present on extra duty, Regt. Provost

Grd., order of Gen. Canby, June, 1863. On Register of Paroled Prisoners, Par. of Terrebonne,

Paroled May 3, 1865, at Tannerville, by A. G. Cage. Res. Terrebonne Par., La. Reported May 15,

1865. Complexion light, hair black, height 5 ft. 6 in., age 32, eyes brown.

Labat, Robert, Pvt. Co. E, 11th La. Inf. En. Aug. 13, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on Rolls to

Oct. 31, 1861.

Labat, T., Pvt. 7th Co. 3rd Regt. French Brig. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into the

service of the State of Louisiana within the limits of the City of New Orleans.

Labateet, Jules, Sergt. Co. E, Orleans Grds. Regt. La. Mil. On Roll for Feb. 24, 1862, to _,

ordered into the service of the State of Louisiana. En. New Orleans, La., by Col. Augustin.

Labateet, Thos., Pvt. Co. E, Orleans Grds. Regt. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into the

service of the State of Louisiana.

Labateet, V., Sergt. Co. B, Orleans Grds. Regt. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into the

service of the State of Louisiana.

Labathe, J., Pvt. 5th Co. 4th Regt. French Brig. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into the

service of the State of Louisiana.

Labatt, A. C., Sutler Co. -, 2nd La. Inf. On Register of Prisoners of War, Captured at New

Orleans, La., May 6, 1862. Remarks: Purchasing supplies for Regt.

Labatt, D. C., Qr. Master, Asst. Qr. Master, F. and S., 5th La. Inf. En. June 4, 1861, _. Rolls

Nov., 1861, to Feb., 1862, Present. Record copied from Memorial Hall, New Orleans, La., by the

War Dept., Washington, D. C., May, 1903, Apptd. Qr. Master May 10, 1861, by Gov. Moore. Resigned

March _, 1862, Richmond.

Labatt, Paul, Sergt. Co. I, 5th La. Inf. En. June 4, 1861, Camp Moore, La., for the War.

Labatt, Peter, Pvt. Co. I, 5th La. Inf. En. May 22, 1861, New Orleans, La. Roll dated July 1,

1862, Discharged June 27, 1862, at Richmond, Va., on certificate of disability (hernia).

Labatt, R.,_ Co. B, 9th La. Inf. Appears on List dated July 2, 1861, attached to a bill for

transportation of the officers and men of the Stafford Grds. from Alexandria to New Orleans, La.

Labatt, Robert, Pvt. Co. I, 8th La. Inf. En. May 26, 1861, New Orleans, La., for the War. Record

copied from Memorial Hall, New Orleans, La., by the War Dept., Washington, D. C., May, 1903,

born Louisiana, occupation student, Res. Alexandria, La. Was never mustered into Confederate


Labattre, Casemir,_ Co. -, 1st Native Grds. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into active

service of the State of Louisiana.

Labau, Justin, Pvt. Co. I, 3rd La. Cav. Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled at New Iberia, La.,

June 11, 1865. Res. St. Mary Par., La.

Labaum, Joseph, Pvt. Co. I, 6th La. Cav. Roll for Feb. 20, 1864, to _, 186- (only Roll on file),

En. Alexandria, La., Feb. 19, 186-, for the War. Present.

Labaumne, Hypolitte, Pvt. Co. K, 31st La. Inf. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured and

paroled at Vicksburg, Miss., July 4, 1863.

Labaure, Adolphe (also borne on Rolls as Labaur, Adolphe), Pvt. Co. A, 1st La. Hvy. Arty.

(Regulars). En. Oct. 3, 1862, Camp Pratt. Present on Rolls to April, 1863. Federal Rolls of

Prisoners of War, Captured and paroled at Vicksburg, Miss., July 4, 1863. Rolls from Oct. 31,

1863, to Dec., 1863, Absent without leave since surrender of Vicksburg. Paroled. Roll for Jan.

and Feb., 1864, Deserted at Vicksburg, Miss., July 4, 1863.

Labauve, C. G., Sergt. Co. D, 10th (Battn.) La. Inf. On Register of Prisoners of War, dated

April 25, 1863, Captured Franklin, La., April 14, 1863. Paroled below Port Hudson, La., May 11,

1863. Forwd. to New Orleans, La., to be exchanged.

Labauve, D., Pvt. Co. G, 10th Battn. La. Inf. On Register of Prisoners of War, dated April 25,

1863, Captured near Franklin, La., April 14, 1863.

Labauve, E., Pvt. Co. F, 4th La. Inf. En. Sept. 27, 1862, Port Hudson, La. Present on all Rolls

to June, 1863. Rolls from July, 1863, to Aug., 1863, Absent, sick, at Hospl.

Labauve, F. (also borne on Rolls as Labauve, Louis F.; Labauve, Fenelon), Pvt. Co. F, 30th La.

Inf. En. March 11, 1862, New Orleans, La. Present on all Rolls to April, 1864, from time of

enlistment. Roll for Nov. 1 to Feb. 28, 1864, Absent, prisoner of War, Dec. 17, 1864. Federal

Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured near Nashville, Tenn., Dec. 16, 1864. Recd. at Military

Prison, Louisville, Ky., Dec. 21, 1864. Forwarded to Camp Douglas, Ill., Dec. 24, 1864. On Rolls

of Prisoners of War applying for Oath of Allegiance at Camp Douglas, Ill., April _, 1865.

Remarks: Claims to have been loyal. Enlisted through false representation. Was captured. Desires

to take the Oath of Allegiance. Released on Oath of Allegiance May 17, 1865. Res. New Orleans,

La., complexion fair, hair dark, eyes blue, height 5 ft. 6 in.

Labauve, Gust, C., Sergt. Co. D, Cons. 18th Regt. and Yellow Jacket Battn. La. Inf. Roll for

Jan. and Feb., 1864 (only Roll on file), En. April 7, 1862, St. Martinville, La., with remarks:


Labauve, J. E., Pvt. Co. K, Cons. 18th Regt. and Yellow Jacket Battn. La. Inf. Roll for Jan. and

Feb., 1864 (only Roll on file), En. March 17, 1862, St. Martin, with remarks: Absent, detached

at Arsenal at Shreveport,

Page 606

shoemaker, since March 15, 1863, order of Gen. Mouton.

Labauve, L., Pvt. Co. D, 10th Battn. La. Inf. On Register of Prisoners of War, dated April 25,

1863, Captured Brass Works, La., April 14, 1863.

Labauve, Leon, Pvt. Co. K, 2nd La. Cav. En. Sept. 1, 1862, New Roads, La. Present on Roll for

Jan. and Feb., 1863. Roll for April 30 to Aug. 31 (Roll No. 1), Absent with leave. Roll for

April 30 to Aug. 31, 1863, Absent, left at Lake Charles, without a horse. Federal Rolls of

Prisoners of War show him captured at Flattown, La., April 28, 1863. Paroled at Grant's Island,

off Mobile, Ala., May 30, 1863.

Labauve, Numa (also borne on Rolls as Labaure, Numa), Pvt. Co. A, 1st La. Hvy. Arty. (Regulars).

Roll for Sept. and Oct., 1862, Present. Conscript. Joined Co. Oct. 20, 1863. Roll for Nov. and

Dec., 1862, Present, sick, in Quarters. Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1863, Discharged for disability,

per order Dept. Hdqrs., dated Jackson, Jan. 25, 1863.

Labauve, Theodule, Pvt. 2nd La. Cav. Co. C. On Rolls of Prisoners of War, place and date of

parole not stated. Res. St. Mary Par., La.

Labbatt, J., Pvt. Co. E, 13th La. Inf. En. Sept. 11, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Roll for June 30 to

Oct. 31, 1863, Absent, sick, in Hospl., Lynchburg, Va. Rolls from Nov., 1863, to Feb., 1864,

Absent, sick. Rolls from April 30, 1864, to Aug. 31, 1864, Absent, sick, in Hospl., Atlanta,

Ga., March 7, 1864.

Labbatt, R. (also Tabbit, R.), Pvt. Cos. E and K, 13th La. Inf. En. Aug. 13, 1861, Camp Moore,

La. Roll for June 30, 1862, to Oct. 31, 1862, Present. Roll for Nov. and Dec., 1862, Present,

with remarks: Detailed in Hospl. at Murfreesboro, Tenn., Dec. 31, 1862. Rolls from Jan., 1863,

to April, 1863, Absent, nurse at Hospl. at Murfreesboro, since Dec. 30, 1862. Union War Rolls

show him captured at Murfreesboro, Jan. 5, 1863. Recd. at Camp Morton, Ind., March 5, 1863.

Transfd. to City Pt., Va., April 12, 1863. Paroled at Lynchburg, Va., April 14, 1865.

Labbe, Adrien (also borne on Rolls as Labbe, A. A.), Pvt. Co. C, 8th La. Inf. En. June 19, 1861,

Camp Moore, La. Present on all Rolls to April 31, 1862. Roll to June 30, 1862, Absent, sick,

Lynchburg. Rolls from July, 1862, to Aug., 1863, state Present. Rolls from Aug. 31, 1863, to

Aug. 31, 1864, Absent, missing since Nov. 7, 1863. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured

at Rappahannock, Va., Nov. 7, 1863. Recd. at Washington, Nov. 11, 1863. Paroled at Pt. Lookout,

Md., and Transfd. for exchange, Feb. 10, 1865. Recd. at Coxes Landing, James River, Va., Feb. 14

to 15, 1865, and exchanged. On Roll of Prisoners of War, Paroled at New Iberia, La., in July and

Aug., 1865. Res. St. Martin Par., La., born Louisiana, occupation farmer, age when enlisted 19,


Labbe, Arthur, Pvt. Co. C, 8th La. Inf. En. March 15, 1862, St. Martin Par., La. Present on all

Rolls to Oct., 1862. Rolls from Nov., 1862, to Feb., 1863, Absent, sick, in Lynchburg. Roll for

Feb. 28 to May 14, 1863, Absent, sick, in Richmond. Rolls from May 14, 1863, to Aug. 31, 1863,

Present. Rolls from Nov. 12, 1863, to Dec. 31, 1863, Absent, missing since engagement Nov. 7,

1863. Rolls from April 30, 1864, to Oct. 31, 1864, state Present. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of

War, Captured at Rappahannock, Va., Nov. 7, 1863. Recd. at Washington, Nov. 11, 1863. Paroled

until exchanged at Pt. Lookout, Md., March 10, 1864. Recd. at City Pt., Va., March 15, 1864, and

exchanged. On List of Prisoners of War, Paroled at Appomattox Court House, Va., April 10, 1865.

Age 21, eyes gray, hair dark, complexion dark, height 5 ft. 7 in., born Louisiana, occupation

farmer, Res. St. Martin, La., age when enlisted 17, single.

Labbe, E., Pvt. Co. -, 1st Native Grds. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into active service

of the State of Louisiana.

Labbe, G. A., Sergt. Co. B, 18th La. Inf. Appears on Register of Prisoners of War, dated April

30, 1863, Captured April 14, 1863. Paroled below Port Hudson, La., May 11, 1863. Also borne on

Rolls of Co. K, Cons. 18th Regt. and Yellow Jacket Battn. La. Inf., as Labbe, A.; Labbe, J. A.

Rolls for Jan. and Feb., 1864. state Present. On Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled at New

Iberia, La., in July and Aug., 1865. Res. St. Martin Par., La.

Labbe, John,_ Co. G, Chalmette Regt. La. Mil. On Roll dated New Orleans, La., Dec. 10, 1861.

Labbi, A., Pvt. Co. A, 2nd La. Reserve Corps. On Rolls of Prisoners of War. Paroled at

Washington, La., June 17, 1865. Res. St. Landry Par., La.

Labbie, E., Corpl. Co. F, 7th La. Cav. On Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled at New Iberia, La.,

in July and Aug., 1865. Res. St. Martin Par., La.

Labea, Joseph, Pvt. Co. I, 5th La. Inf. En. June 4, 1861, Camp Moore, for the War.

Labeau, Louis, Pvt. 1st Co. 2nd Regt. French Brig. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into the

service of the City of New Orleans, La.

Labeau, Louis, Pvt. 5th Co. 2nd Regt. French Brig. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into the

service of the City of New Orleans, La.

La Beauf, F., Pvt. 5th Fld. Batty. (Pelican Lt. Arty.) La. Arty. On Roll of Prisoners of War of

detachments of different commands Confed. States Army, Paroled at Alexandria, La., June 5, 1865.

Res. St. James Par., La.

Labeit, William, Pvt. Co. E, 1st La. Hvy. Arty. (Regulars). En. March 18, 1861, New Orlaens,

La., for three years. Present on all Rolls to Feb., 1862.

Laberdure, J.,Jr. 2nd Lt. 2nd Co. 4th Regt. French Brig. La. Mil. On Report for March, 1862, to

Maj. Gen. J. L. Lewis of the French Brigade.

Laberrie, P., Pvt. 2nd Co. 3rd Regt. European Brig. (Garde Francaise) La. Mil. Roll not dated

states Absent.

Labertie, Thomas,_ Co. A, 4th Regt. 2nd Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into

the service of the State of Louisiana.

Labesque, Gr., Pvt. 8th Co. 1st Regt. French Brig. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into the

service of the State of Louisiana within the limits of the City of New Orleans.

Labett, J. E., Pvt. Co. G, 26th La. Inf. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured and paroled

at Vicksburg, Miss., July 4, 1863. On List dated Hdqrs. Allen's Brigade, Shreveport, La., March

29, 1864, Reported in camp for exchange at Alexandria, La., before April 1, 1864.

La Biche, Gustave, Pvt. Co. C, 26th La. Inf. En. March 27, 1862, Assumption Par., La. Present on

Roll for Sept. and Oct., 1862. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured and paroled at

Vicksburg, Miss., July 4, 1863.

Labin, Joseph, Pvt. Co. C, 30th La. Inf. En. March 10, 1862, New Orleans, La. Roll for July and

Aug., 1862, Present. Wounded at Baton Rouge, La., Aug. 5, 1862. Rolls from Sept., 1862, to Dec.,

1862, state Present. Roll for May and June, 1863, Present. Reduced to ranks from Corpl., order

of Lt. Col. Shields, June 30, 1863. Roll for July and Aug., 1863, Present. Roll for Sept. and

Oct., 1863, Absent, sick, at Hospl., Marietta, Ga. Roll for March and April, 1864, Present.

Page 607

Roll for Nov. 1, 1864, to Feb. 28, 1865, Present. Apptd. Corpl., Sept. 29, 1864.

Labit, Dacisse, Pvt. Co. K, 26th La. Inf. En. April 19, 1862, Terrebonne, La. Present on Roll

for Sept. and Oct., 1862. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured at Vicksburg, Miss., July

4, 1863. Paroled Vicksburg, Miss., July 7, 1863. Res. Houma, La., complexion light, hair brown,

height 5 ft. 6 in., age 25 years, eyes brown.

Labit, F., Pvt. Woods' Regt. La. Cav. En. April 8, 1862, Thibodaux, La. Rolls from July, 1862,

to Feb. 28, 1863, state Present. Roll for March and April, 1863. Absent. Paroled Prisoner,

Vicksburg, Miss., July 4, 1863. Roll to June 30, 1863, Absent. Detailed as courier to Lt. Gen.

Pemberton, May 15, 1863. Federal Roll of Prisoners of War, Captured and paroled at Vicksburg,

Miss., July 4, 1863. Rolls from July, 1863, to Oct., 1863, Absent. Paroled prisoner, July 4,

1863. On Register of Paroled prisoners in Par. of Terrebonne, Paroled July 5, 1863, Vicksburg,

Miss., by Gen. Grant. Res. Houma, La., complexion ruddy, hair dark, eyes hazel, height 5 ft. 4

in., age 34.

Labit, Henry, 3rd Corpl. Co. F, 26th La. Inf. En. March 27, 1862, Terrebonne Par., La. Present

on Roll for Sept. and Oct., 1862. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured and paroled at

Vicksburg, Miss., July 4, 1863.

Labit, Joe, Pvt. Co. F, 26th La. Inf. En. March 27, 1862, Terrebonne Par., La. Present on Roll

for Sept. and Oct., 1862. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured and Paroled at Vicksburg,

Miss., July 4, 1863.

Labit, Surville, Pvt. Co. E, 1st Spec. Battn. La. Inf. (Rightor's). En. April 16, 1861. Houma,

La. Present on Rolls to Aug., 1861. Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1862, Present, with remarks:

Detached as guard in Williamsburg, order of Col. Ewell, Comdg. Post.

Lablanc, A., Pvt. Capt. Bond's Co. Mounted Partisan Rangers La. Roll dated Thibodauxville, La.,

Sept. 18, 1862 (only Roll on file), shows him En. Aug. 21, 1862, Opelousas, La., for the War.

Remarks: Transfd. to Conscripts.

Lablanc, August, Sergt. Co. E, 7th La. Cav. On Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled at New Iberia,

La., June 11, 1865. Res. Vermilion Par., La.

La Blanc, D., Pvt. 5th Fld. Batty. (Pelican Lt. Arty.) La. Arty. On Roll of Prisoners of War of

detachments of different commands Confed. States Army, Paroled at Alexandria, La., June 3, 1865.

Res. St. Landry Par., La. On List dated Office of Pro. Mar., Par. of Assumption, Napoleonville,

La., Nov. 1, 1865, of all prisoners of war surrendered and paroled who have reported and

registered at Pro. Mar. Office, Par. of Assumption, Napoleonville, La.

Lablanc, Dosite, Pvt. Cos. C and K, 4th La. Cav. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured

near Plaquemine, La., Sept. 12, 1864. Recd. at New Orleans, La., Sept. 20, 1864. Transfd. to

Ship Island, Miss., Oct. 5, 1864. Recd. at Fort Columbus, N. Y., Nov. 16, 1864. Forwd. to

Elmira, N. Y., Nov. 19, 1864. Died Jan. 20, 1865, of pneumonia, at Elmira, N. Y.

La Blanc, E., Pvt. Cage's La. Inf. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured at Liberty,

Miss., Nov. 16, 1864. Forwd. to Ship Island, Miss., Dec. 13, 1864, from New Orleans, La.

Lablanc, F., Pvt. Co. A, 7th La. Cav. On Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled at Franklin, La.,

June 10, 1865. Res. St. Martin Par., La.

La Blanc, Francois, Pvt. 1st La. _. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Vicksburg,

Miss., July 14, 1863. Forwd. to Camp Morton, Ind., Aug. 1, 1863, from Gratiot St. Military

Prison, St. Louis, Mo.

La Blanc, G., Pvt. 5th Fld. Batty. (Pelican Lt. Arty.) La. Arty. On Roll of Prisoners of War of

furloughed and detailed men, Confederate States Army, Paroled at Shreveport, La., June 7, 1865.

Res. New Orleans, La.

La Blanc, J. E., 2nd Lt. Co. -, 28th (Gray's) La. Inf. On List dated Office Provost Marshal,

Par. of Assumption, Napoleonville, Nov. 1, 1865, of all Prisoners of War surrendered and paroled

who have reported and registered at Provost Marshal's Office, Par. of Assumption, Napoleonville,


La Blanc, Jackson (also borne on Rolls as Le Blanc, Jackson), Pvt. Co. F, Ogden's La. Cav.

Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured at Jackson, La., Nov. 16, 1864. Transfd. to New

Orleans, La., Nov. 23, 1864. Recd. at Ship Island, Miss., Dec. 13, 1864. Forwd. to Vicksburg,

Miss., May 1, 1865. Paroled at Camp Townsend, May 6, 1865.

Lablanc, Ozeine, Pvt. Co. I, 7th La. Cav. On Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled at New Iberia,

La., June 11, 1865. Res. St. Mary Par., La.

La Blance, A., Pvt. 5th Fld. Batty. (Pelican Lt. Arty.) La. Arty. On Rolls of Prisoners of War

of detachments of different commands of the Confed. States Army, Paroled at Alexandria, La.,

June 5, 1865. Res. Donaldsonville, La. On List dated Office Provost Marshal, Par. of Assumption,

Napoleonville, Nov. 1, 1865, of all Prisoners of War, surrendered and paroled, who have reported

and registered at Provost Marshal's Office, Par. of Assumption, Napoleonville, La.

La Blance, D., Pvt. Winchester's Battn. La. Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled Alexandria, La.,

June 5, 1865. Res. Donaldsonville, La.

La Blance, E., Corpl. 5th Fld. Batty. (Pelican Lt. Arty.) La. Arty. Appears on Register of C. S.

A. Gen. Hospl., Shreveport, La., Admitted March 23, 1864. Released from Hospl., March 23, 1864,

debility. On List dated Office Pro. Mar., Par. of Ascension, Donaldsonville, La., May 11, 1865,

of prisoners who are Deserters from the Confed. Army and wish to take the Oath of Allegiance.

Forwd. by the Pro. Marshal of Donaldsonville, La., May 11, 1865. On Rolls of Prisoners of War of

detachments of different commands, Confed. States Army, Paroled at Alexandria, La., June 8,

1865. Res. St. James Par., La.

Lablance, J. G., Pvt. 5th Fld. Batty. (Pelican Lt. Arty.) La. Arty. On Roll of Prisoners of War,

Paroled at Alexandria, La., June 8, 1865. Res. St. James Par., La.

Lablank, Hubert, Pvt. Linnies Lt. Arty. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured

Labadieville, La., Oct. 27, 1862. Paroled at Thibodaux, La., Nov. 24, 1862.

Lableur, Lazine, Pvt. Co. C, Weatherby's Battn. La. Mil. Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled at

Washington, La., June 27, 1865. Res. St. Landry Par., La.

Labliolais, L. K., Pvt. Co. K, 2nd Regt. La. Reserve Corps. Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled

at Washington, La., June 17, 1865. Res. Lafayette Par., La.

Labliz, E., Pvt. Co. A, Cres. Regt. La. Inf. En. March 5, 1862, New Orleans, La. Present on all

Rolls to June, 1862. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured near Donaldsonville, La., Aug.

10, 1862. Exchanged on board Str. Frolic, near Baton Rouge, La., Feb. 23, 1863.

Labon, Pierre,_ Co. -, 3rd Regt. 2nd Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On List dated New Orleans, La.,

April 7, 1862, of men detailed for the Sanitary Corps, ordered into the service of the State of


Labonde, John Battist, Pvt. Co. K, 28th (Thomas') La. Inf. On Roll of Prisoners of War, Paroled

at Washington, La., June 19, 1865. Res. St. Landry Par., La.

Labonel, Perrie, Pvt. Co. H, Miles' Legion La. En. March 2, 1862, New Orleans, La., for the War.

Present on Roll to June 30, 1862.

Page 608

On Register of Prisoners of War, Captured May 21,

1863, near Port Hudson. Remarks: Oath.

Laborde, Adolph, Pvt. Crescent Regt. La. Inf. Roll for Nov. and Dec., 1862, En. Camp Pratt, Nov.

8, 1862. Remarks: Absent, sick, without leave, furlough expired Dec. 26, 1862. Roll for Jan. and

Feb., 1863, En. Oct. 4, 1862, Camp Pratt, for the War. Remarks: Deserted. Received a 20 day

furlough at Camp Bisland, Dec. 5, 1862; not heard from since.

Laborde, Azemond, Pvt. Dubecq's Co. La. Cav. On Roll of Prisoners of War of Dubecq's Co.

unattached of the Confed. States Army, Paroled at Alexandria, La., June 27, 1865. Res. Avoyelles

Par., La.

Laborde, B., Pvt. 4th Co. 4th Regt. French Brig. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into the

service of the State of Louisiana.

Laborde, C., Pvt. Capt. Hutton's Co. (Cres. Arty. Co. A) La. Arty. On Roll of Prisoners of War

of detachments of different commands, Paroled at Alexandria, La., June 8, 1865. Res. Avoyelles

Par., La.

Laborde, D., Pvt. Co. G, Cons. Cres. Regt. La. Inf. On Return dated Camp Buckner, Alexandria,

La., Dec. 31, 1861, age 43, hair black, eyes black, complexion fair, height 5 ft. 9 in., born

Avoyelles, La., occupation farmer, En. June 14, 1864, Marksville, La. Died Oct. 29, 1864,

Hospl., Trenton.

Laborde, D., Corpl. Co. K, Orleans Grds. Regt. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into the

service of the State of Louisiana.

Laborde, Frs., Pvt. Co. G, 1st La. Cav. En. Oct. 4, 1861, Baton Rouge, La.

Laborde, Gali, Pvt. Co. C, 18th La. Inf. En. Oct. 12, 1862, Camp Pratt, La. Rolls from May,

1863, to Aug., 1863, state Present.

Laborde, J., Pvt. 1st Co. 3rd Regt. French Brig. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into the

service of the State of Louisiana within the limits of the City of New Orleans.

Laborde, J. B., Pvt. Co. C, 18th La. Inf. En. Oct. 1, 1862, Camp Pratt. Roll for Jan. and Feb.,

1863. Present. Roll for May and June, 1863, Absent on parole since April, 1863. Roll for July

and Aug., 1863, Absent, sick, in B. Hospl.

Laborde, J. F., Pvt. Co. E, 2nd La. Inf. En. May 9, 1861, Camp Walker, La. Roll to June 30,

1861, Absent on detailed service with Gen. Magruder. Roll for July and Aug., 1861, states

Present. Roll for Sept. and Oct., 1861, Absent in Hospl. Roll for Nov. and Dec., 1861, Died in

Hospl., Williamsburg, Nov. 19, 1861.

Laborde, Jean, 2nd Lt. 11th Co. Battn. French Vols. La. Legion Mil. On Report for Oct., 1861.

Laborde, Jose, Pvt. 9th Co. 5th Regt. European Brig. (Spanish Regt.) La. Mil. On Roll not dated.

Laborde, Jules P., Pvt. Capt. Kean's Batty. (Orleans Indpt. Arty.) La. Arty. En. April 9, 1861,

New Orleans. La. Present or absent not stated on Rolls April, 1861, to Aug., 1861. Roll for

Sept. and Oct., 1861, Present

Laborde, Luger, Pvt. Co. C. 18th La. Inf. Roll for May and June, 1863 (only Roll on file), En.

Oct. 1, 1862, Camp Moore, La., with remarks: Deserted June 23, 1863.

Laborde, Martinus, Pvt. Co. B, 8th La. Cav. On Rolls of Prisoners of War of detachments of

different commands of Confed. States Army, Paroled at Alexandria, La., June 28, 1865. Res.

Avoyelles Par., La.

Labord, S., Pvt. Co. E, 2nd La. Inf. En. May 9, 1861, Camp Walker, La. Present on all Rolls to

Oct., 1863, from time of enlistment. Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1864, Present. Re-enlisted Feb. 21,

1864, to serve for the War. Roll for May 1 to Sept. 1, 1864, Absent, prisoner of war since May,

1864. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War. Captured Wilderness, Va., May 12, 1864. Transferred to

Belle Plains, Va., May 18, 1864. Transfd. to Elmira, N. Y., from Pt. Lookout, Md., Aug. 17,

1864. Released on Oath of Allegiance to U. S., June 30, 1865. Res. Gordon's Landing, La.,

complexion dark, hair dark, eyes blue, height 5 ft. 7 in.

Laborde, Valcourt, Pvt. Co. D, Confed. States Zouave Battn. La. On Register of Prisoners of War,

Captured Fausse Point, Nov. 23, 1863. Sent to New Orleans, La., Nov. 25, 1863. Forwd, to New

Iberia, La., Dec. 21, 1863, for exchange.

Laborrie, Pierre, Corpl. 1st Co. 3rd Regt. French Brig. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into

the service of the State of Louisiana. within the limits of the City of New Orleans.

Labostrie, F., Pvt. Co. -, 1st Native Grds. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into active

service of the State of Louisiana.

Labouisee, John W., 1st Lt. Capt. Cos. H, K, I and F, 13th La. Inf. En. Sept. 11, 1861, Camp

Moore, La. Roll for June 30 to Oct. 31, 1862, Absent, Comdg. Co. H. Signs Roll for Nov., and

Dec., 1862, as Comdg. Co. Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1863, On duty in Co. K, 13th and 20th La.

Cons. Regt. Roll for March and April, 1863, states Present. Roll for July 1 to Oct. 31, 1863,

Absent, acting A. I. G., Gen. Adams' Staff. Rolls from Jan., 1864, to April, 1864, Absent,

detached as A. A. A. G. to Col. Grisby, Order No. 4, dated Army Hdqrs., Dec. 5, 1863. Roll for

May 1 to Aug. 31, 1864, Absent, detached as A. A. G. to Brig. Williams, Comdg. Cav., Humies

Division. Roll for Nov. 1, 1864, to Feb. 28, 1865, Absent, detached staff duty with Gen.

Wheeler, order of Gen. Johnson, date unknown. On Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured by U. S.

Forces, under Brevt. Brig. Gen. W. J. Palmer, and paroled May 8, 1865, at Athens, Ga.

Labouisse, J. W., Pvt. Co. A, 1st Special Battn. (Rightor's) La. Inf. En. April 15, 1861, New

Orleans, La. Present on Roll to June 30, 1861.

Labove, Adolph,_ Co. -, 18th La. Inf. Name appears in body of a letter dated Provost Marshal,

Par. of Assumption, La., Napoleonville, La., Jan. 20, 1865, addressed to Capt. B. B. Campbell

and signed by L. W. Greene, Capt. and Pro. Marshal, Par. of Assumption. La., of which the

following is an extract: "I have the honor to state that ... have this day come into our lines

and given themselves up as Deserters from the Rebel Army, wishing to take the Amnesty Oath.

Remarks: Conscripted, July, 1864. Sent to Hospl. at St. Martin. Deserted Jan. 12, 1865.

Labranch, K., Pvt. 5th Fld. Batty. (Pelican Lt. Arty.) La. Arty. On Rolls of Prisoners of War of

detachments of different commands Confed. States Army, paroled at Alexandria, La., June 7, 1865.

Res. St. Charles Par., La.

Labranche, Joseph, Pvt. Co. F, 10th La. Inf. En. July 22, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on all

Rolls to Feb., 1862. Roll for May 1 to Aug. 31, 1864. Absent. Wounded and taken prisoner at

Cedar Creek. Born Canada, occupation laborer, Res. New Orleans, La., single.

La Branche, V., Corpl. Bridges' Batty. La. Lt. Arty. En. June 11, 1863, Mobile, Ala On Roll of

Prisoners of War, Paroled Greensboro, N. C., April 26, 1865.

Labrange, Peter, Pvt. (New) Co. A, 5th La. Inf. En. Dec. 1, 1862, Richmond. Roll to Dec., 1862,

Present, substitute for C. Baumhard. Rolls from Jan., 1863, to April, 1863, Absent without

leave. Roll for May and June, 1862, Deserted. Absent without leave since Feb. 1, 1862.

Labrousse, P., Pvt. 3rd Co. 3rd Regt. European Brig. (Garde Francaise) La. Mil. On Roll dated

New Orleans, La., April 12, 1862.

Page 609

Labry, Alexandre, Pvt. Pointe Coupee Arty. La. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War,

Captured near Jackson, July _, 1863. Sent to Snyder's Bluff, Miss., July 30, 1863. Recd. at Camp

Morton, Ind., Aug. 7, 1863. On Roll of Prisoners of War, Roll dated Hdqrs. Dist. of Ind. and

Michigan, Office of Chief Pro. Mar., Indiana, Sept. 7, 1863, Camp Morton, Ind., who desire to

take the Oath of Allegiance and give bond. Bondsman, A. Labry, Sr., Res. Pointe Coupee Par., La.

Released on Oath May 22, 1865, from Camp Morton, Ind. Res. New Orleans, La., complexion florid,

hair dark, eyes dark, height 5 ft. 6 1/2 in.

Labunie, P.,_ French Co. of St. James, La., Mil. On Roll not dated.

Labup, P., Pvt. 1st Co. 4th Regt. French Brig. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into the

service of the State of Louisiana.

Lacabe, J., Pvt. 2nd Co. 4th Regt. French Brig. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into the

service of the State of Louisiana.

Lacag, John,_ Co. C, 1st Regt. 2nd Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On List not dated of persons refusing

to serve in the Militia, Oct., 1861. Remarks: Will not attend drill.

Lacais, Dalson, Pvt. Co. F, 26th La. Inf. On Roll of Prisoners of War, Paroled Washington, La.,

June 19, 1865. Res. St. Landry Par., La.

Lacamero, Antonio,_ 2nd Co. 6th Regt. European Brig. (Italian Grds. Battn.) La. Mil. On Roll not


Lacardie, Jean, Pvt. 6th Co. 2nd Regt. French Brig. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into the

service of the City of New Orleans.

Lacare, Alexander, Pvt. 5th Co. 2nd Regt. French Brig. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into

the service of the City of New Orleans.

Lacarpentier, Charles, 1st Lt. 4th Co. 2nd Regt. French Brig. La. Mil. On Roll not dated,

ordered into the service of the City of New Orleans. On Report to Maj. Gen. J. L. Lewis of the

French Brigade, March _, 1862.

Lacase, L., Pvt. Co. C, 2nd La. Cav. En. June 21, 1862, Natchitoches, La. Present on Roll for

Jan. and Feb., 1863. Roll for July and Aug., 1863, Absent without leave. On Rolls of Prisoners

of War, Paroled at Alexandria, La., June 3, 1865. Res. Rapides Par., La.

Lacase, Moreau, Pvt. Co. D, 2nd La. Cav. En. June 30, 1862, Iberville. La. Present on Rolls

Jan., 1863, to Aug., 1863. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured near Natchitoches, La.,

March 21, 1864. Recd. at New Orleans, La., March 26, 1864. Admitted May 4, 1864, to St. Louis U.

S. A. Gen. Hospl., New Orleans, La. Sent to Barracks U. S. A. Gen. Hospl., New Orleans, La., May

7, 1864. Returned to prison, June 8, 1864. Transfd. from New Orleans, La., and exchanged at Red

River Landing, July 22, 1864. On Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled at Natchitoches, La., June

8, 1865. Res. Natchitoches Par., La.

Lacase, Newville, Pvt. Co. D, 2nd La. Cav. En. June 30, 1862, Iberville, La. Roll for Jan. and

Feb., 1863. Died at New Iberia, La., in Hospl., Dec. _. Information Recd. since muster of Dec.

31, 1862.

Lacase, Philippe, Pvt. Co. D, 27th La. Inf. En. March 8, 1862, Iberville Par., La. Present on

all Rolls to Dec., 1862. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured and paroled at Vicksburg,

Miss., July 4, 1863.

Lacasma, M. J., Pvt. 3rd Co. 3rd Regt. French Brig. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into the

service of the State of Louisiana within the limits of the City of New Orleans.

Lacassagne, Dque, Pvt. 7th Co. 4th Regt. French Brig. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into

the service of the State of Louisiana.

Lacassaing, S., Pvt. 2nd Co. 1st Regt. French Brig. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into the

service of the State of Louisiana within the limits of the City of New Orleans.

Lacasse, Andre, Pvt. Co. G, 26th La. Inf. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured and

paroled at Vicksburg, Miss., July 4, 1863.

Lacasse, Prosper, Pvt. Co. G, 6th La. Inf. En. Feb. 26, 1862, New Orleans, La., for the War.

Present on Roll not dated (only Roll on file).

Lacassin, _, Pvt. 2nd Co. 2nd Regt. French Brig. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into the

service of the City of New Orleans.

Lacassin, Auguste, Pvt. 5th Co. 2nd Regt. Fr. Brig. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into the

service of the City of New Orleans.

Lacassin, Louis, Pvt. Co. F, 18th La. Inf. En. Oct. 5, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on all

Rolls to Feb., 1862.

Lacassin, M., Pvt. 8th Co. 2nd Regt. French Brig. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into the

service of the City of New Orleans.

Lacaste, B., Pvt. Co. G, 2nd La. Cav. On Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled at Alexandria, La.,

June 3, 1865. Res. Rapides Par., La.

Lacaste, Lezime, Pvt. Co. G, 2nd La. Cav. On Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled at Alexandria,

La., June 3, 1865. Res. Rapides Par., La.

Lacaste, P., Pvt. Co. G, 2nd La. Cav. En. June 21, 1862, Alexandria La. Present on Rolls from

Jan. 1863, to Aug. 1863. On Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled at Alexandria, La., June 3, 1865.

Res. Rapides Par., La.

Lacay, Jean, Corpl. 5th Co. 6th Regt. European Brig. (Italian Grds. Battn.) La. Mil. On Roll

dated New Orleans, La., April 2, 1862.

Lacayo, I., Pvt. Capt. Benjamin's Co. La. Cav. On Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled at

Natchitoches, La., June _, 1865. Res. Natchitoches, La.

Lacaze, A., Pvt. 2nd Co. 1st Regt. French Brig. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into the

service of the State of Louisiana within the limits of the City of New Orleans, La.

Lacaze, B. (also Lacayo, B.), Pvt. Capt. Benjamin's Co. La. Cav. En. Feb. 2, 1864, Natchitoches

Par., La. Present or absent not stated on Roll to Feb. 29, 1864. On Rolls of Prisoners of War of

Lt. Gen. Buckner's Escort, Confed. States Army, Paroled at Natchitoches, La., June _, 1865. Res.

Natchitoches, La.

Lacaze, B.,_ French Co. of St. James La. Mil. On List dated St. James, March 14, 1862.

Lacaze, Jean, Corpl. Co. -, 30th La. Inf. On Roll dated New Orleans, La., March 28, 1862, to

serve for three months from this date and six months longer if necessary within the State.

Lacaze, Jean, Pvt. Co. F, St. James Regt. La. Mil. On List not dated.

Lacaze, Jno. M., Pvt. Co. C, 28th (Thomas') La. Inf. Roll for Jan. 23 to Aug. 31, 1862 (only

Roll on file), En. Feb. 17, 186-, New Orleans, La., with remarks: Deserted at New Orleans, La.,

Feb. 17, 1862.

Lacaze, L., Pvt. Capt. Benjamin's Co. La. Cav. En. Dec. 24, 1863, Natchitoches. La. Present or

absent not stated on Roll to Feb. 29, 1864. On Rolls of Prisoners of War of Lt. Gen. Buckner's

Escort, Confed. States Army, Paroled at Natchitoches, La., June _, 1865. Res. Natchitoches Par.,


Lacaze, Louis (also borne on Rolls as Lacase, L.), Pvt. Co. C, 18th La. Inf. En. Oct. 5, 1862,

Camp Moore, La. Present on all Rolls to Aug., 1862.

Lacaze, M., Pvt. Capt. Benjamin's Co. La. Cav. En. Dec. 24, 1863, Natchitoches, La. Present

Page 610

or absent not stated on Roll to Feb. 29, 1864. On Rolls of Prisoners of War of Lt. Gen.

Buckner's Escort, Confed. States Army, Paroled at Natchitoches, La., June _, 1865. Res.

Natchitoches, La.

Lacaze, M., Pvt. 1st Co. 1st Regt. French Brig. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into the

service of the State of Louisiana within the limits of the City of New Orleans, La.

Lacaze, P., Pvt. 2nd Co. 1st Regt. French Brig. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into the

service of the State of Louisiana within the limits of the City of New Orleans.

Lacaze, Valery (also borne on Rolls as Lacaze, L.), Pvt. Co. C, 18th La. Inf. En. Oct. 5, 1861,

Camp Moore, La. Present on all Rolls to Feb., 1862. Roll for May and June, 1862, Absent at

Hospl. on account of sickness. Roll for July and Aug., 1862, Absent, sick. Roll for Jan. and

Feb., 1863, Absent, sick, at Hospl. in New Iberia, since Nov. 2, 1862.

Lace, William, Pvt. Co. E, 2nd La. Inf. En. May 9, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Roll to June 30, 1861,

Absent, detached service with Gen. Magruder. Rolls from July, 1861, to April, 1862, state

Present. Rolls from May, 1862, to Aug., 1862, Discharged by virtue of Conscription Act, July 29,

1862, and paid to July 31, 1862.

Lacertin, Santago, Pvt. Co. G, 26th La. Inf. Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled Natchitoches,

La., June 10, 1865. Res. Natchitoches Par., La.

Lacey, A. M., Cannoneer. 6th Co. Battn. Washington Arty. La. On Roll dated New Orleans, La.,

April 3, 1862.

Lacey, Adolphe D., Pvt. Vinson's Co. Scouts La. On Roll of Prisoners of War, Paroled at

Franklin, La., June 10, 1865. Res. Centerville, La.

Lacey, B. B., Pvt. Terry's Tex. Cav. Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled at Shreveport, La., June

20, 1865. Res. Panola Co., Tex.

Lacey, E. D., Pvt. Co. D, 1st La. Cav. Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled at Shreveport, La.,

June 8, 1865. Res. Russ Co., Mo.

Lacey, George S., Capt. Co. D, Beauregard Battn. La. Mil. On Report dated New Orleans, La., Nov.

23, 1861.

Lacey, George W., 2nd Lt. Co. K, 28th (Gray's) La. Inf. En. May 17, 1862, Monroe, La., for the

War or three years.

Lacey, J. B., Pvt. Co. C, 28th Texas Dismounted Cav. Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled at

Shreveport, La., June 20, 1865. Res. Parola Co., Tex.

Lacey, J. H., Pvt. Co. D, 1st La. Reserves. Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled Natchitoches,

La., June 17, 1865. Res. Winn Par., La.

Lacey, J. H., Pvt. Co. F, 12th La. Inf. En. March 17, 1862, Memphis, Tenn. Age 24 years.

Lacey, J. N., Pvt. Co. E, 10th La. Inf. Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled Shreveport, La., June

8, 1865. Res. Maries Co., Mo.

Lacey, Jesse E., Pvt. Co. E, Cons. Cres. Regt. La. Inf. Roll of Prisoners of War, Paroled

Natchitoches, La., June 6, 1865. Res. Franklin, St. Mary Par., La.

Lacey, Joseph,_ Co. -, Conscript La. Rolls of Prisoners of War of detachments of regiments.

Confed. States Army, Paroled at Natchitoches, La., June 21, 1865. Res. Winn Par., La.

Lacey, Josiah H. (also borne on Rolls as Lacey, Joseph H.),Jr. 2nd Lt. Co. D, 12th La. Inf. En.

Aug. 18, 1861, Camp Moore, La. On List not dated of Field Officers and Captains of the 12th

Regt. La. Vols. Present on Roll for Aug. 18 to Oct. 31, 1861.

Lacey, Pat, Pvt. 5th Co. Battn. Washington Arty. La. En. Sept. 11, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Rolls

from March, 1863, to Dec., 1863, state Present. Roll for Jan. 1 to April 30, 1864, Transfd. to

C. S. Navy, April 11, 1864, Gen. Johnston, Spec. Order No. 100.

Lacey, Patrick, Pvt. Co. A, 13th La. Inf. En. Camp Moore, La., Sept. 11, 1861. On List not dated

of paroled prisoners who wish to be exchanged. Exchanged on board Str. Louis d'Or Oct. 9, 1862.

Roll for Nov. and Dec., 1862, Absent in Winchester with Capt. Tracey. Roll for Jan. and Feb.,

1863, Absent in Winchester as nurse. Roll for March and April, 1863, Transfd. to Washington


Lacey, Phillips, Pvt. Co. I, 19th Tex. Inf. Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled at Shreveport,

La., June 21, 1865. Res. Hardeman Co., Tenn.

Lacey, R. T., 2nd Lt. Co. E, 1st La. Cav. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured at

Columbla, Tenn., Sept. 25, 1863. Sent to Johnson's Island, Ohio, from Louisville, Ky., for

exchange, Oct. 13, 1863.

Lacey, R. T., Pvt. Co. G, 27th La. Inf. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured and paroled

at Vicksburg, Miss., July 4, 1863. On List dated Hdqrs. 27th Regt. La. Inf., Shreveport, La.,

April 1, 1864, Reported for exchange at Shreveport, La. On Roll of Prisoners of War of

furloughed and detailed men, Confed. States Army, Paroled at Shreveport, La., June 13, 1865.

Res. Caddo Par., La.

Lacey, Robert, Pvt. Co. H, Miles' Legion La. Mil. En. April 17, 1862, New Orleans, La., for the

War. Present on Roll to June 30, 1862. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled Port Hudson,

La., July 10, 1863.

Lacey, Simeon, Pvt. Co. A, 28th (Thomas') La. Inf. En. April 6, 1862, Opelousas, La. Present on

Roll to Feb. 28, 1863. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured and paroled at Vicksburg,

Miss., July 4, 1863.

Lacey, T., Conscript _. Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled at Meridian, Miss., May 10, 1865.

Res. Huntsville, Ala.

Lacey, Thos., Pvt. Co. H, Lane's Tex. Cav. Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled Shreveport, La.,

June 20, 1865. Res. Panola Co., Texas.

Lacey, Thomas, Pvt. Co. G, 1st La. Hvy. Arty. On Roll of Prisoners of War of Stragglers of

Confed. States Army, Paroled at Selma, Ala., May 25, 1865. Res. Memphis, Tenn.

Lacey, W. F., Pvt. Co. A, 31st La. Inf. On Roll of Prisoners of War, Paroled at Alexandria, La.,

July 1, 1865. Res. Winn Par., La.

Lacey, William, Pvt. Co. A, 1st Special Battn. (Wheat's) La. Inf. En. April 25, 1861, Camp

Davis. Present on Roll to June 30, 1861.

Lacey, William, Pvt. Co. B, 18th La. Inf.

Lachambre, N. C., Pvt. Co. A, 18th La. Inf. En. Oct. 5, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Roll for Oct. 5 to

31, 1861. Deserted Oct. 13, 1861. Roll for Nov. and Dec., 1861, Present. Reported as Deserter in

last muster, but since returned. Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1862, Present. Rolls from May, 1862, to

Aug., 1862, Absent, sick, at Gen. Hospl.

Lachanay, Octave, Pvt. Co. F, Crescent Regt. La. Inf. En. Nov. 1, 1862, Camp Pratt. Present on

Rolls to Feb., 1863. Rolls from May, 1863, to Aug., 1863, Absent without leave at Marksville,


Lachanay, Ovide, Pvt. Co. F, Crescent Regt. La. Inf. En. Nov. 1, 1862, Camp Pratt. Present on

all Rolls to Aug., 1863.

Lachapelle, P.,_ 10th Co. 1st Regt. French Brig. La. Mil. On Report not dated, On review, Nov.

23, 1861. Remarks: En conge (on leave).

Lachasse, Francis, Pvt. Co. E, Miles' Legion La. On List dated Pro. Marshal's Office, Port

Hudson, La., July 14, 1863, of Deserters placed in charge of the Provost Marshal at Port Hudson,

La., by Col. Benedict, Comdg. Springfield Landing, July 13, 1863, and by him Forwd. to New

Orleans, La., July 14, 1863.

Lachaune, John (also borne on Rolls as Luchme, John; Chaunce, L.), Pvt. Co. F, 15th La. Inf. En.

June 22, 1861, Camp Pulaski. Present on all Rolls to June, 1863. Roll for July and Aug., 1863,

Deserted July 1,

Page 611

1863. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured at Gettysburg, Pa.,

July 4, 1863. Sent to Fort McHenry, Md., July 8, 1863. Recd. at Fort Delaware, Del., July 10,

1863. Died Sept. 23, 1863, at Fort Delaware.

Lachea, S., Pvt. Co. B, Miles' Legion La. On List dated Pro. Marshal's Office, Port Hudson, La.,

July 14, 1863, of Deserters placed in charge of the Pro. Marshal at Port Hudson, La., by Col.

Benedict, Comdg. Post Springfield Landing, July 12, 1863, and by him Forwd. to New Orleans, La.,

July 14, 1863.

Lacheand, L., 1st Lt. Co. -, 1st Native Grds. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into active

service of the State of Louisiana.

Lachenmeyer, A., Pvt. Squadron Guides d'Orleans La. Mil. Report dated New Orleans, La., Nov. 26,

1861, Present on parade.

Lachenmeyer, Auguste, Pvt. 5th Co. 6th Regt. European Brig. (Italian Grds. Battn.) La. Mil. On

Roll dated New Orleans, La., April 2, 1862.

Lachenmeyer, Edmund (also borne on Rolls as Lachmeyer, E.), 1st Lt. Capt. Co. F, 20th La. Inf.

En. Dec. 21, 1861, Camp Lewis. Roll to Dec. 31, 1861, states Present. Recapitulation of Roll for

Jan. and Feb., 1862, shows 1st Lt., Present for duty. Roll for March and April, 1862, Present,

Comdg. the Co. Rolls from May, 1862, to Nov. 1, 1862, state Present. Roll for Nov. and Dec.,

1862, Absent on detached service. Rolls from Jan., 1863, to April, 1863, Absent on detached

service, Commsy. Dept., order of Gen. Addams. Rolls from July, 1863, to Feb., 1864, Absent,

detached in Q. M. Dept., since Dec. 1, 1862, order of Gen. Bragg. Rolls from March, 1864, to

Aug. 31, 1864, Absent, detached with Head Q. M. at Macon, Ga., order of Gen. Johnston, March 12,

1864. Roster dated March, 1865, Elected and commissioned 1st Lt., Sept. 26, 1861; C. Eustis,

successor. Promoted Capt., June 27, 1864.

Lachenemeyer, L., Cavalier Squadron Guides d'Orleans La. Mil. On List not dated.

Lachie, J. D., Pvt. Hamilton's Co. British Grd. Battn. La. Mil. On Roll for March 15, 1862, to

Roll not dated, ordered into the service of the State of Louisiana within the limits of the city

and fortifications of New Orleans, La.

Lachoulley, Joseph, Pvt. Co. K, 18th La. Inf. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Bayou

Teche, La., April 27, 1863. Paroled below Port Hudson, La., May 11, 1863.

Lack, Abner James, Pvt. Co. F, 28th (Gray's) La. Inf. En. May 5, 1862, Vernon. La. Present on

Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1863. Roll for July and Aug., 1863, Prisoner and paroled.

Lacker, Frederick,_ Co. I, 11th La. Inf. Name appears as signature to an Oath of Allegiance

sworn to and subscribed to at Fort Delaware, Del., _, 1862.

Lackey, J. E., Pvt. Co. B, 1st La. Hvy. Arty. (Regulars). Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War,

Captured on Mississippi River, Nov. 16, 1863. Sent to Cairo, Ill., to be Forwd. to Depot for

Prisoners of War, Nov. 26, 1863. Recd. at Camp Morton, Ind., Dec. 7, 1863. Forwd. to Fort

Delaware, Del., March 22, 1864. Paroled at Ft. Delaware and sent to City Pt., Va., for exchange,

March 7, 1865. Transfd. to James River, Va., Boulwares and Cox's Wharves, and exchanged, March

10, 1865.

Lackey, James, Pvt. Co. A. Miles' Legion La. Mil. En. Nov. 14, 1861, New Orleans, La. Present on

Roll to Dec. 31, 1861.

Lackey, John, Corpl. Sergt. Co. G, 14th La. Inf. En. June 25, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on

Rolls to June 30, 1862. Roll for July and Aug., 1862. Present or absent not stated. Rolls from

Sept., 1862, to Feb., 1864, state Present. Present or absent not stated on Roll for May 1 to

Sept. 1, 1864. On Hospl. Register, Admitted June 7, 1865, from wounds Recd. at Monocacy, Md.,

May 5, 1864, to Marine U. S. A. Gen. Hospl., Mobile, Ala. Amputation below knee, May 12, 1864.

Circular. Stump nearly healed June 30, 1865.

Lackey, John Allen, Pvt. Co. F, 28th (Gray's) La. Inf. En. May 5, 1862, Vernon, La. Roll for

Jan. and Feb., 1863, Present. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Bayou Teche, La.,

April 14, 1863. Paroled Port Hudson, La., May 11, 1863. Exchanged New Orleans, La., _, 1863.

Roll for July and Aug., 1863, Prisoner and paroled.

Lackey, L. C., Pvt. Marks' Co. 22nd and 23rd La. Inf. En. Sept. 3, 1861, New Orleans, La.

Present on all Rolls to Feb., 1862.

Lackey, N. A., Pvt. Co. A, 2nd La. Cav. En. Aug. 18, 1862, Opelousas, La. Roll dated Sept. 14,

1862, Absent, sick. Roll for Dec. 31, 1862, to Feb. 28, 1863, Present. Roll for July and Aug.,

1863, Absent on sick furlough.

Lackey, R., Pvt. Co. B, 27th La. Inf. En. March 25, 1862, New Orleans, La. Roll for May and

June, 1862, Died April 25 at Camp Moore, La.

Lackey, Thomas, Pvt. 2nd Lt. Cos. E, K, C, 13th La. Inf. En. Sept. 11, 1861, New Orleans, La.

Rolls from June 30, 1862, to Dec., 1863, state Present. Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1864. Present,

with remarks: Absent with leave. Roll for March and April, 1864, Present. Roll for March 1 to

Aug. 31, 1864, Absent, wounded July 28, 1864, in Hospl. Signs Roll to Aug. 31, 1864, as Comdg.

Company. Roll for Nov., 1864, to Feb. 28, 1865, Absent on recruiting service, East La., order

Gen. Taylor, Feb. 14, 1865.

Lackey, William J., Pvt. Co. K, 9th La. Inf. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured at

Huntsville, Ala., April 11, 186-. Forwd. to Camp Chase, Ohio.

Lackey, William J. (also borne on Rolls as Luckey, W. J.), Pvt. 2nd Co. M, 12th La. Inf. En.

March 1, 1862, Vernon, La. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Huntsville, Ala., April

11, 1862. Transfd. to Johnson's Island, Ohio, May 16, 1862. Forwd. to Camp Chase, Ohio, May 27,

1862. Recd. on board Str. John H. Done, near Vicksburg, Miss., Sept. 11, 1862. Exchanged at

Aikens Landing, Va., Nov. 10, 1862. Rolls from Dec., 1862, to June, 1863, state Present. Rolls

from July, 1863, to Dec., 1863, Absent, detailed order of Gen. Loring. to guard Reserve Division

Army Train. Roll for May and June, 1864, Absent, detailed as teamster, order of Col. Nelson,

Aug. 7, 1863. Roll for July and Aug., 1864, states Present. On Roll of divers companies and

regiments unattached, Confed. States Army, paroled at Monroe, La., June 15, 1865. Res. Bienville

Par., La.

Lackie, Isaac S., Pvt. Co. G, 13th La. Inf. En. June 5, 1861, Wax Bayou. Present on Rolls to

Sept. 16, 1861.

Lackie, Thomas L., Pvt. Co. G, 2nd La. Cav. On Rolls of Prisoners of War of detachments of

different commands, Paroled at Alexandria, La., June 8, 1865. Res. Rapides Par., La.

Lackien, William, Pvt. 1st Sergt. Co. E, 6th La. Inf. En. June 4, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present

on Rolls to Oct., 1861. Roll for May and June, 1862, Absent, taken prisoner at Port Republic.

Roll of Prisoners of War, Captured Port Republic, June 9, 1862. Paroled at Winchester, Va., June

_, 1862. Age 35, height 5 ft. 8 in. Sent from Fort Delaware, Del., and exchanged at Aikens

Landing, Aug. 5, 1862. Roll for July and Aug., 1862, Present. Exchanged prisoner. Rolls from

Sept., 1862, to June, 1863, state Present. Roll for July and Aug., 1863, Absent on furlough

since Aug. 22, 1863. Roll for Sept. and Oct., 1863, Present. Retd. from furlough Sept. 20. Rolls

from Nov., 1863,

Page 612

to April, 1864, state Present. Roll for May 1 to Aug. 31, 1864, Absent,

in Hospl., wounded. Roll for Sept. and Oct., 1864, Present. Transfd. temporarily from Co. E, for

payment, Oct. 31, order of Gen. Evans. Record copied from Memorial Hall, New Orleans, La., by

the War Dept., Washington, D. C., May, 1903, born Pennsylvania, occupation carpenter, Res. New

Orleans, La., age when enlisted 36, single. Promoted June 9, 1862, Sergt.; since severely


La Clair, Allen, Pvt. Co. G, 13th Regt. La. Cav. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured at

Pittsburg Landing, _. Died May 26, 1862. Paducah, Ky., fracture of right thigh.

Lacobee, Peter (also borne on Rolls as Lackobee, Peter), Pvt. Co. G, 27th La. Inf. En. March 20,

1862, New Orleans, La. Present on all Rolls to Oct. 31, 1862.

Lacock, H., Pvt. Co. I, 2nd La. Cav. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured at Pointe

Coupee Par., La., Sept. 29, 1864. Sent to New Orleans, La., Oct. 4, 1864. Forwd. to New York,

Nov. 5, 1864, from Ship Island, Miss. Recd. at Elmira, N. Y., Nov. 20, 1864, from Fort Columbus,

N. Y. Harbor. Paroled at Elmira, N. Y., Feb. 9, 1865. Sent to James River for exchange. Recd. at

Boulwares and Cox Wharf, James River, Va., Feb. 20 to 21, 1865, and exchanged.

Lacoer, William,_ Hall's Co. Orleans Fire Regt. La. Mil. On Roll not dated.

Lacom, John, Pvt. Co. F, 12th La. Inf. On Roll of Prisoners of War of detachments of regiments

in Confed. States Army, Paroled at Natchitoches, La., June 10, 1865. Res. Natchitoches Par., La.

Lacomb, Amos, Pvt. 1st Sergt. Co. C, 8th La. Inf. En. June 4, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on

Rolls to Oct., 1861. Roll for May and June, 1862, Present. Promoted from Pvt. to 4th Sergt.,

June 15. Roll for July and Aug., 1862, Present. Promoted 3rd Sergt., July 9. Rolls from Sept.,

1862, to Aug., 1863, state Present. Roll for Sept. and Oct., 1863, Killed near Resaca Ford,

Sept. 14, 1863. On List not dated of Prisoners of War, Paroled Charleston, W. Va., May 1, 1865.

Born Louisiana, occupation engineer, Res. St. Landry Par., La., single.

Lacomb, Austin, Pvt. Co. C, 6th La. Inf. En. May 28, 1861, New Orleans, La. Present on all Rolls

to April, 1864. Roll for May 1 to Aug. 31, 1864, Absent, prisoner of war, captured May 5, 1864.

Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Mine Run, Va., May 5, 1864. Recd. at Belle Plains,

Va., May 18, 1864. Forwd. to Elmira, N. Y., Aug. 17, 1864, from Pt. Lookout, Md., Paroled at

Elmira, N. Y., Feb. 25, 1865. Sent to James River, Va., for exchange. Born Louisiana, occupation

farmer, Res. St. Landry, La., single.

Lacomb, Daville, Pvt. Co. B, Miles' Legion La. On Roll of Prisoners of War, Paroled at

Washington, La., June 20, 1865. Res. St. Landry Par., La.

Lacomb, J. B., Pvt. Co. A, 2nd La. Inf. En. May 11, 1861, New Orleans, La. Present or absent not

stated on Rolls to Aug., 1861. Present on Roll for Sept. and Oct., 1861. Present or absent not

stated on Rolls to April, 1862. Roll for May and June, 1862, Absent, sick, at Hospl. at

Lynchburg since May 12, 1862. Roll for July and Aug., 1862, Discharged July 29, 1862, under Act

of April 6, entitled Conscription Act.

Lacomb, J. B., Pvt. Cos. B and G, 26th La. Inf. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured

Natchitoches, La., April 4, 1864. Recd. at New Orleans, La., April 20, 1864. On Roll dated

Office of Commsy. of Prisoners Dept. of Gulf, New Orleans, La., July 7, 1864, Transfd. from New

Orleans, La., and exchanged at Red River Landing, July 22, 1864. On Roll of Prisoners of War,

Paroled at Natchitoches, La., June 10, 1865. Res. Natchitoches Par., La.

Lacomb, J. B. (also borne on Rolls as Lecombe, J. B.), Pvt. 2nd Fld. Batty. La. Lt. Arty. En.

Feb. 1, 1862, Avoyelles Par., La. Present on Rolls to April 30, 1862. On List of Prisoners of

War, Paroled at Port Hudson, La., July _, 1863. Present on Roll to Feb. 29, 1864.

Lacomb, Joseph, Corpl. 3rd Co. 8th Battn. La. Hvy. Arty. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War,

Captured and paroled at Vicksburg, Miss., July 4, 1863. On List not dated, Reported in camp for

exchange at Alexandria, La., before April 1, 1864.

Lacomb, Pierre, Pvt. Co. -, Miles' Legion La. On Roll of Prisoners of War, Paroled at

Washington, La., June 20, 1865. Res. St. Landry Par., La.

Lacombe, B., Pvt. 2nd Co. 2nd Regt. French Brig. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into the

service of the City of New Orleans.

Lacombe, C., Pvt. 7th Tex. Cav. Co. G. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Bayou Teche,

La., April 14, 1863. Paroled below Port Hudson, La., May 11, 1863.

Lacombe, C., Pvt. Co. A, Crescent Regt. La. Inf. En. Aug. 27, 1862, Camp Pratt. Present on Rolls

to Feb., 1863. Roll for May and June, 1863, Absent, missing at Bayou Vermilion since April 17,

1863, supposed to be a prisoner. On Register of Prisoners of War, Captured April 20, 1863,

Washington, La. Paroled below Port Hudson, La., May 11, 1863.

Lacombe, J., Sergt. 6th Co. 3rd Regt. French Brig. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into the

service of the State of Louisiana within the limits of the City of New Orleans.

Lacombe, J. B., Pvt. Co. G, 26th La. Inf. Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled at Natchitoches,

La., June 10, 1865. Res. Natchitoches, La.

Lacombe, Lucien, Pvt. 5th Co. 2nd Regt. French Brig. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into

the service of the City of New Orleans.

Lacombe, Martin, Pvt. Dubecq's Co. La. Cav. On Rolls of Prisoners of War of Dubecq's Co.,

unattached, of the Confed. States Army, Paroled at Alexandria, La., June 27, 1865. Res.

Avoyelles Par., La.

Lacombe, Pierre, Pvt. Dubecq's Co. La. Cav. On Roll of Prisoners of War of Dubecq's Co.,

unattached, of the Confederate States Army, Paroled at Alexandria, La., June 27, 1865. Res.

Avoyelles Par., La.

Lacomme, J.,_ 7th Co. 1st Regt. French Brigade La. Mil. On Report not dated, Absent without

cause from review, Nov. 23, 1861.

Lacomte, Adonis, 1st Lt. 5th Co. 6th Regt. European Brig. (Italian Grds. Battn.) La. Mil. On

Roll dated New Orleans, La., April 2, 1862.

Lacoome, Francois, Pvt. Co. I, 4th Regt. 1st Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered

into the service of the State of Louisiana.

La Corte, _, Pvt. Co. E, 22nd and 23rd La. Inf. Roll dated Sept. 11, 1861 (only Roll on file),

En. Camp Lewis, near New Orleans, La., Sept. 11, 1861, until June 18, 1862. Reported absent.

Name cancelled by line.

Lacosma, P., Sergt. 7th Co. 4th Regt. French Brig. La. Mil On Roll not dated, ordered into the

service of the State of Louisiana.

Lacoste, A., Pvt. 8th Co. 1st Chasseurs a pied La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into the

service of the State of Louisiana. En. Feb. 24, 186-, New Orleans, La.

Lacoste, A. P.,Lt. 7th Co. 3rd Regt. European Brig. (Garde Francaise) La. Mil. On Roll not


Lacoste, B., Pvt. 2nd Co. 1st Regt. French Brig. La. Mil. On Report not dated, ordered into

Page 613

the service of the State of Louisiana within the limits of the City of New Orleans.

Lacoste, B., Pvt. 2nd Co. 2nd Regt. French Brig. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into the

service of the State of Louisiana.

Lacoste, B.,_ 4th Co. 3rd Regt. European Brig. (Garde Francaise) La. Mil. Roll dated New

Orleans, La., April 2, 1862, states Present.

Lacoste, B., Pvt. Co. B, Orleans Grds. Regt. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into the

service of the State of Louisiana.

Lacoste, C., Pvt. Co. A, Orleans Grds. Regt. La. Mil. On Roll dated Feb. 24, 1862, ordered into

the service of the State of Louisiana.

Lacoste, C. C., Corpl. 1st Sergt. Co. D, 18th La. Inf. En. Oct. 5, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Rolls

to _31, 1861. Present. Reduced to ranks by order of Col. Mouton, Oct. 29, 1861. Roll for Nov.

and Dec., 1861, Present, extra duty as carpenter at fortifications, from Dec. 13 to 15, 1861.

Rolls from Jan., 1862, to Aug., 1862, state Present. Apptd. 4th Sergt., Aug. 1, 1862. Federal

Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured at Labadieville, La., Oct. 27, 1862. Released on parole by

Brig. Gen. Weitzel, U. S. Vols., Thibodaux, La., Nov. 14, 1862. Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1863,

Absent, taken prisoner at Battle of Lafourche, Oct. 27, 1862, not yet returned. Rolls from June

30, 1863, to Aug., 1863, state Present. Also borne on Rolls of Co. E, Cons. 18th Regt. and

Yellow Jacket Battn. La. Inf. as 1st Sergt. Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1864, Absent with leave

since Feb. 28, 1864, on 30 days' furlough. On Roll of Prisoners of War, Paroled at Natchitoches,

La., June 6, 1865. Res. New Orleans, Jefferson City.

Lacoste, E., Pvt. Co. B, Orleans Grds. Regt. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into the

service of the State of Louisiana.

Lacoste, F. U., 2nd Lt. Co. -, 1st Native Grds. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into active

service of the State of Louisiana. Remarks: Absent.

Lacoste, Henry (also borne on Rolls as Lawqsta, H.), Pvt. Co. C, 8th La. Inf. En. June 19, 1861,

Camp Moore, La. Present on Rolls to Oct., 1861. Roll for Nov. and Dec., 1861, Discharged Camp

Reserve, Nov. 8, 1861, statement and final discharge given. Report for Nov., 1861, Discharged on

surgeon's certificate Nov. 8, 1861, tuberculosis. Born France, occupation clerk. Res. St.

Martin, age when enlisted 17, single.

Lacoste, Henry, Pvt. Co. H, 10th Battn. La. Inf. Roll for July 17 to Sept. 1, 1862, dated Sept.

24, 1862 (only Roll on file). En. July 18, 1862, Camp Pratt, for the War. Discharged Sept. 2,


Lacoste, J., Pvt. Capt. Guyol's Co. (Orleans Arty.) La. Arty. On Roll not dated, ordered into

the service of the State of Louisiana.

Lacoste, Jean, Pvt. Co. A, 8th La. Inf. En. June 19, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on all Rolls

to Aug., 1862. Roll for Aug. 31, 1862, to Dec. 31, 1862, Left sick in Frederick City, Md. Then

taken prisoner. Sent to Fort Delaware, Del., where he took the Oath of Allegiance to U. S.

Dropped off. Born Canada, occupation laborer, Res. Baton Rouge, La., age when enlisted 35,


Lacoste, L., Pvt. 6th Co. 3rd Regt. European Brig. (Garde Francaise) La. Mil. Roll not dated

states Absent.

Lacoste, L., Pvt. 2nd Co. 4th Regt. French Brig. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into the

service of the State of Louisiana.

Lacoste, Louis, Pvt. 2nd Co. 2nd Regt. French Brig. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into the

service of the City of New Orleans.

Lacoste, P., Pvt. Co. E, 22nd (Cons.) La. Inf. En. Nov. 4, 1864, Mobile. Roll for March and

April, 1865, states Present. On Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled at Meridian, Miss., May 12,

1865. Res. New Orleans, La.

Lacoste, P., Pvt. _ Orleans Grds. Regt. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into the service of

the State of Louisiana.

Lacoste, P., Pvt. Orleans Grds. Regt. La. Mil. On Roll dated Feb. 24, 1862, ordered into the

service of the State of Louisiana.

Lacoste, P.,_ 7th Co. 3rd Regt. European Brig. (Garde Francaise) La. Mil. Roll not dated states


Lacoste, P., Pvt. 7th Co. 3rd Regt. French Brig. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into the

service of the State of Louisiana, within the limits of the City of New Orleans.

Lacoste, Paul, Pvt. Co. G, Confed. Grds. Regt. La. Mil. On Roll dated March 14, 1862, ordered

into the service of the State of Louisiana.

Lacoste, Phil., Pvt. Co. G, Orleans Grds. Regt. La. Mil. On Roll dated March 14, 1862, ordered

into the service of the State of Louisiana.

Lacoste, Th., Pvt. 8th Co. 1st Regt. French Brig. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into the

service of the State of Louisiana within the limits of the City of New Orleans.

Lacour, _, Pvt. Co. -, 1st Native Grds. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into active service

of the State of Louisiana.

Lacour, A., Pvt. Co. D, 5th La. Inf. En. Feb. 15, 1862, New Orleans, La. Roll for July and Aug.,

1862, states Present. Roll for Sept. and Oct., 1862, Absent, sick, Winchester, Oct. 15. Roll for

Nov. and Dec., 1862, Discharged Dec. 18, 1862.

Lacour, A., Pvt. Co. C, 18th La. Inf. En. Oct. 1, 1862, Camp Pratt. Roll for Jan. and Feb.,

1863, Absent, sick, in Brigade Hospl. Roll for May and June, 1863, states Present. Roll for July

and Aug., 1863, Absent, detailed in Q. M. Dept., Vermilionville, La. Also borne on Rolls of Co.

H, Cons. 18th Regt. and Yellow Jacket Battn. La. Inf. Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1864, Dropped by

order, having been on the Roll through mistake.

Lacour, A., Pvt. Conscript _. Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled Alexandria, La., June 26, 1865.

Res. Catahoula Par., La.

Lacour, A. L. (also borne on Rolls as Lacour, A. S.), Pvt. Co. E, 2nd La. Inf. En. May 9, 1861,

Camp Walker. Roll to June 30, 1861, Absent, detached service with Gen. Magruder. Roll for July

and Aug., 1861, Absent in Williamsburg, sick. Rolls from Sept., 1861, to June, 1862, state

Present. Roll for July and Aug., 1862, Absent, wounded, furloughed to visit Louisiana. Roll for

Sept. and Oct., 1862, Absent, wounded, since July 1, 1862. Furloughed to go to Louisiana.

Furlough extended. Rolls from Nov., 1862, to Feb., 1863, Absent, wounded, since July 1, 1862.

Rolls from March, 1863, to Feb., 1864, state Present. Re-enlisted for the War, Feb. _, 1864.

Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Wilderness, Va., May 12, 1864. Sent to Belle Plains,

Va., May 18, 1864. Forwd. to Pt. Lookout, Md. Paroled. Transfd. to Aikens Landing, Va., Sept.

18, 1864, for exchange. Recd. at Varina, Va., Sept. 22, 1864, and exchanged. Roll dated Nov. 2,

1864, Died from disease in Hospl. in Richmond, Oct. _, 1864.

Lacour, Alcede, Pvt. Co. I, 1st La. Cav. En. Oct. 8, 1861, Pointe Coupee Par., La. Roll for

April 30 to Aug. 31, 1862, Discharged June 6, 1862.

Lacour, Alphonse, Pvt. Co. C, Cons. Cres. Regt. La. Inf. Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled at

Alexandria, La., June 27, 1865. Res. Avoyelles Par., La.

Lacour, August, Pvt. Co. D, 4th La. Inf. En. May 25, 1861, Tangipahoa, La. Present on all Rolls

to Feb., 1862.

Lacour, C. F., Pvt. Sergt. Co. D, 1st La. Hvy. Arty. Roll for Oct. 20 to Oct. 31, 1861,

Page 614

Present. Conscript. Arrived at Vicksburg, Oct. 20, and joined Co. D Oct. 21, 1862. Roll for Nov.

and Dec., 1862, Present, sick, in quarters. Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1863, Died at Jackson,

Miss., Hospl., Jan. 28, 1863.

Lacour, Cyprien, Pvt. Co. C, Cons. Cres. Regt. La. Inf. On Roll of Prisoners of War, Paroled at

Alexandria, La., June 27, 1865. Res. Avoyelles Par., La.

Lacour, Dorseno, Pvt. Co. I, 1st La. Cav. En. April 15 1862, Morganza, La. Present on all Rolls

to Feb., 1863, from time of enlistment. Rolls from Nov., 1863, to Feb., 1864. Absent, taken

prisoner in Kentucky, July 30, 1863. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured at Somerset,

Ky., Aug. 1, 1863. Sent to Kemper Barracks, Cincinnati, Ohio, Aug. 10, 1863. Recd. at Camp

Chase, Ohio, Aug. 12, 1863, from Camp Nelson, Ky. Forwd. to Camp Douglas, Ill., Aug. 24, 1863.

Died Dec. 12, 1864, of rheumatism.

Lacour, E., Pvt. Co. C, 18th La. Inf. En. Oct. 1, 1862, Camp Pratt. Roll for Jan. and Feb.,

1863, Absent, sick, in Brigade Hospl. Rolls from May, 1863, to Aug., 1863, Absent, sick.

Lacour, E. (also borne on Rolls as Lacour, S.), Pvt. Co. H, 18th La. Inf. En. Sept. 24, 1862,

Camp Pratt. Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1863, Absent, sick, in Hospl., since Nov. 15, 1862. Roll for

May and June, 1863, Returned from Hospl., June 10, 1863. Roll for July and Aug., 1863, Absent,

sick, Camp Taylor, since Aug. 29, 1863. Also appears on Rolls of Co. E, Cons. 18th Regt. and

Yellow Jacket Battn. La. Inf., Pvt., as Lacour, Eugine. Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1864, states

Present. On Roll of Prisoners of War, Paroled at Alexandria, La., June 28, 1865. Res. Avoyelles

Par., La.

Lacour, Gerdeau, Pvt. Co. D, 1st La. Hvy. Arty. (Regulars). En. Oct. 20, 1862, _, La., for the

War (Conscript). Roll to Oct. 31, 1862, Present. Conscript, Arrived at Vicksburg, Oct. 20, and

joined Co. D Oct. 21, 1862. Roll for Nov. and Dec., 1862, states Present. Roll for March and

April, 1863, Absent, Reduced to ranks from Corpl., April 1, 1863, Special Order No. 35, from

Regtl. Hdqrs. Absent, sick, in City Hospl. at Vicksburg. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War,

Captured and paroled at Vicksburg, Miss., July 4, 1863. Rolls from Oct., 1863, to Dec., 1863,

Absent, paroled, absent without leave since fall of Vicksburg. Went to Louisiana. Roll for Jan.

and Feb., 1864, Deserted at Vicksburg after the fall of the city. Went to West Louisiana.

Lacour, H. (also borne on Rolls as Lacour, Hitaire), Pvt. 2nd Fld. Batty. La. Lt. Arty. En. Feb.

1, 1862, Avoyelles Par., La. Present on Roll to April 30, 1862. On Roll of Prisoners of War,

Paroled at Port Hudson, La., July _, 1863. Present on Roll to Feb. 29, 1864. On Roll of

Prisoners of War of detachments of different commands Confederate States Army, Paroled at

Alexandria, La., June 28, 1865. Res. Avoyelles Par., La.

Lacour, I., Pvt. Co. K, 27th La. Inf. On Roll of Prisoners of War, Paroled at Natchitoches, La.,

June 7, 1865. Res. Natchitoches Par., La.

Lacour, J. G., Pvt. Capt. Le Gardeur Jr.'s Co. (Orleans Grd. Batty. La. Lt. Arty. On Roll not

dated, ordered into the service of the State of Louisiana.

Lacour, John C., Pvt. Co. I, 1st La. Cav. En. Oct. 8, 1861, Pointe Coupee Par., La. Present on

all Rolls April, 1862, to Feb., 1864.

Lacour, L. M.,_ Co. -, 2nd La. Cav. On Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War. Recd. at New Orleans,

La., Dec. _, 186-. Released Dec. 21, 186-. Sent to New Iberia, La.

Lacour, Moreaus, Pvt. Co. -, 2nd La. Cav. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured near Salt

Works, La., Nov. 25, 1863. Sent from New Orleans, La., to New Iberia, La., Dec. 21, 1863, for


Lacour, N., Pvt. Co. I, Cons. 18th Regt. and Yellow Jacket Battn. La. Inf. En. Nov. 18, 1863,

Avoyelles Par., La. Present on Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1864.

Lacour, Pierre, Pvt. Co. I, 8th La. Inf. Record copied from Memorial Hall, New Orleans, La., by

the War Dept., Washington, D. C., June, 1903, En. March 17, 1862, Alexandria, La., for the War.

Was never fit for field service. Died in June, 1863.

Lacour, R., Sergt. Co. G, 2nd La. Cav. En. June 21, 1862, Alexandria, La. Roll for Jan. and

Feb., 1863, Absent, sick, near Centerville. Roll for July and Aug., 1863, Present. On Official

Rolls of Paroled Officers, Paroled as 2nd Lt. 2nd La. Cav. Co. G, Paroled Alexandria, La., June

8, 1865.

Lacour, S., Pvt. Co. I, 1st La. Cav. En. Oct 8, 1861, Pointe Coupee Par., La., for the War.

Lacour, S. L., Pvt. Co. B, Maddox's Reserve Corps La. Regt. On Roll of Prisoners of War, Paroled

at Natchitoches, La., June _, 1865. Res. Natchitoches, La.

Lacour, S. L., Pvt. Co. A, 2nd La. Inf. En. May 11, 1861, New Orleans, La. Present or absent not

stated on Rolls to Aug., 1861. Present on Roll for Sept. and Oct., 1861. Rolls from Nov., 1861,

to April, 1862, Present or absent not stated. Present on Roll for May and June, 1862. Roll for

July and Aug., 1862, Discharged July 29, 1862, under Act of April 16, entitled Conscription Act.

Lacour, Theodule, Pvt. 1st Corpl. Co. F, 2nd La. Cav. En. June 30, 1862, Iberville, La. Rolls

for Jan. and Feb., 1863, and July and Aug., 1863, state Present. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of

War show him captured near Salt Works, La., Nov. 25, 1863. Recd. at New Orleans, La., Dec. _,

186-. Sent from New Orleans, La., to New Iberia, La., Dec. 21, 1863, for exchange. On Rolls of

Prisoners of War, Paroled at Natchitoches, La., June 7, 1865. Res. Natchitoches Par., La.

Lacoure, Edward, Pvt. 2nd Fld. Batty. La. Lt. Arty. On Rolls of Prisoners of War of detachments

of different commands Confed. States Army, Paroled at Alexandria, La., June 28, 1865. Res.

Avoyelles Par., La.

Lacoure, W. L., Pvt. Mitchell's Co. Continental Regt. La. Mil. Roll dated New Orleans, La., Nov.

23, 1861, Present on parade.

Lacourier, Oscar, Pvt. Co. 5, 1st Chassieurs a pied La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into the

service of the State of Louisiana. En. Feb. 24, 1862, New Orleans, La.

Lacoutrere, _, Capt. F. and S., 3rd Regt. European Brig. (Garde Francaise) La. Mil. Roll not

dated reports him present at review April 2, 1862.

Lacouture, N., Pvt. 6th Co. 3rd Regt. European Brig. Garde Francaise) La. Mil. Roll not dated

states Present.

Lacouture, O., Capt. 2nd Co. 1st Regt. French Brig. La. Mil. On Report dated New Orleans. La.,

Sept. 23, 1861. Present at review. On Report for Oct., 1861. On Report not dated, Present on

review Nov. 23, 1861.

Lacozi, G., Pvt. Co. G, 3rd La. Inf. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured and paroled at

Vicksburg, Miss., July 4, 1863. On List dated Hdqrs. Allen's Brigade, Shreveport, La., March 29,

1864, Reported in camp for exchange at Natchitoches, La., before April 1, 1864.

Lacroix, _, Pvt. 4th Co. 1st Regt. French Brig. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into the

service of the State of Louisiana within the limits of the City of New Orleans.

Lacroix, A., Tres. Co. -, 1st Native Grds. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into active

service of the State of Louisiana.

Page 15

Lacroix, E., 1st Sergt. Co. -, 1st Native Grds. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into

active service of the State of Louisiana.

Lacroix, Isaac, Pvt. Co. I, Cons. Cres. Regt. La. Inf. On Roll of Prisoners of War, Paroled at

Alexandria, La., June 6, 1865. Res. Rapides Par., La.

Lacroix, Isaac, Jr., Pvt. Co. D, 19th Tex. Inf. Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled Alexandria,

La., June 8, 1865. Res. Rapides Par., La.

Lacroix, James, Pvt. Co. G, 2nd La. Cav. Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1863 (only Roll on file), En.

Sept. 26, 186-, Died Feb. 25, 1863.

Lacroix, James, Pvt. Co. I, 17th La. Inf. En. Sept. 20, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on Rolls

to Nov. 1, 1861. Roll for Nov. and Dec., 1861, Died Dec. 1, 1861.

Lacroix, Louis, Sergt. Co. D, 21st (Kennedy's) La. Inf. Roll for July 31, 1861, to Oct. 31, 1861

(only Roll on file), En. July 31, 1861, New Orleans, La., with remarks: Present. Reduced to the

ranks by a R. C. M., Aug. 29, 1861.

Lacroix, Louis, Pvt. French's Co. Lafourche Regt. La. Mil. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War,

Captured and paroled at Labadieville, La., Oct. 27, 1862.

Lacroix, M. L., Pvt. Co. G, 2nd La. Cav. Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1863 (only Roll on file), shows

him En. Sept. 24, 186-, Donaldson, _. Absent without leave.

Lacroix, P. N., Pvt. Co. F, 30th La. Inf. En. March 11, 1862, New Orleans, La. Roll for Sept.

and Oct., 1862, On detailed service in Ordnance Dept. Exchanged prisoner. Roll for Sept. 1 to

Dec. 31, 1862. On detached service. Rolls from May, 1863, to April, 1864, state Present. Roll

for Nov. 1, 1864 to Feb. 28, 1865, Absent, prisoner of war.

Lacroix, Paul, Pvt. Co. B, Orleans Grds. Regt. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, Ordered into the

service of the State of Louisiana. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Pitts Landing,

April 7, 1862. Recd. Camp Chase, Ohio, May 12, 1862, from Louisville, Ky. Sent from Camp Chase,

Ohio, to Vicksburg, Miss., to be exchanged. Recd. on board Str. John H. Done, near Vicksburg,

Miss., Sept. 11, 1862, Exchanged at Aikens Landing, Nov. 10, 1862.

Lacroix, S., Pvt. Co. I, 30th La. Inf. En. Sept. 24, 1862. Port Hudson, La. Present on all Rolls

to Aug., 1863. Roll for Sept. and Oct., 1864, Present or absent not stated, clothing due from

Oct. 8, 1862, to Oct. 8, 1863.

Lacroix, S.,_ Cav. Squadron (Indpt. Rangers of Iberville) La. Mil. On Roll not dated. Res.

Iberville Par., La.

Lacroix, S. B.,_ Co. -, Smith's La. Cav. Rolls of Prisoners of War of detachments of different

commands, Paroled Alexandria, La., June 6, 1865. Res. Rapides Par., La.

Lacroix, V., Pvt. Co. -, 1st Native Grds. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into active

service of the State of Louisiana.

Lacroix, W., Pvt. Co. -, Smith's La. Cav. Rolls of Prisoners of War of detachments of different

commands, Paroled Alexandria, La., June 6, 1865. Res. Rapides Par., La.

Lacuse, Phillip, Pvt. 27th La. Inf. Co. D. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured and

paroled at Vicksburg, Miss. July 4, 1863.

Lacy, Alfred, Pvt. Co. I, 26th La. Inf. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled Washington.

La., June 21, 1865. Res. Lafayette Par., La.

Lacy, E. W., Pvt. Cos. A and H, 1st (Nelligan's) La. Inf. En. April 20, 1861, New Orleans, La.

Roll to July 15, 1862, Present or absent not stated. Bounty drawn on separate Roll. Roll to Aug.

31, 1862, Present or absent not stated. Joined by transfer Oct. 1, 1862. Rolls from Dec. 31,

1862, to April, 1863, Absent without leave. Roll dated Aug. 10, 1863, Deserted.

Lacy, E. W., Pvt. Co. D, 1st Special Battn. (Rightor's) La. Inf. En. April 20, 1861, New

Orleans, La. Present on all Rolls to Feb., 1862.

Lacy, Edward, Corpl. Co. A, 6th La. Inf. On Report dated Hdqrs. Dept. West Virginia, Cumberland,

Md., May 18, 1865, of Rebel Deserters surrendered in the limits of the Dept. of West Virginia

for the month of April, 1865. Height 5 ft. 8 in., age 21, complexion dark, eyes brown, hair

dark, occupation farmer. Remarks: Took Amnesty Oath and sent North, April 1, 1865.

Lacy, Elisha W., Pvt. Cos. E and F, 9th La. Inf. En. April 20, 1861, New Orleans, La. Roll for

Nov. and Dec., 1862, Absent, sick. Transfd. from Co. H, 1st La. Regt. Vols. Rolls from Jan.,

1863, to Dec., 1863, state Present. Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1864, Present. Promoted to 1st

Corpl. from Pvt., Jan. 1, 1864. On Roll of Prisoners of War of furloughed and detailed men, C.

S. A., Paroled at Shreveport, La., June 8, 1865. Res. De Soto Par., La. Record copied from

Memorial Hall, New Orleans, La., by the War Dept., Washington, D. C., June, 1903, born Alabama,

occupation student, Res. Spring Ridge. La., age when enlisted 17, married. Transfd. from Dreux

Battn., Dec., 1862. Severely wounded in Battle of Malvern Hill. Discharged on account of wounds

Recd. at Wilderness.

Lacy, G. W., Pvt. Co. C, 3rd La. Inf. On Roll of Prisoners of War, Paroled at Natchitoches, La.,

June 16, 1865. Res. Winn Par., La.

Lacy, George (also borne on Rolls as Lacy, G. R.), Pvt. Co. B, 12th La. Inf. En. July 7, 1861,

Camp Moore, La. Roll to Aug. 31, 1861, Died at Camp Bienville, Va., Aug. 18, 1861. Born

Louisiana, occupation farmer, Res. Holmesville, La., age when enlisted 21, single.

Lacy, J. R.,_ Co. C, 2nd La. Inf. En. May 11, 1861, New Orleans, La. Roll to June 30, 1861,

Absent, detached on special service under Gen. Magruder. Roll for July and Aug., 1861,

Discharged by War Dept.

Lacy, J. W., Pvt. Co. H, 1st (Nelligan's La. Inf. En. May 2, 1861, New Orleans, La., for one


Lacy, James K., Pvt. Corpl. Co. G, 19th La. Inf. En. Dec. 11, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on

Roll to Dec. 31, 1861. Roll for May and June, 1862, Present. Promoted from Pvt. to 3rd Corpl.,

May 8, 1862. Rolls from July, 1862, to Aug., 1863, state Present. Roll for Sept. and Oct., 1863,

Killed while fighting bravely at Battle of Chickamauga, Sept. 30, 1863.

Lacy, James L., Pvt. Co. A, 2nd Battn. La. Hvy. Arty. On Roll of Prisoners of War, Paroled at

Monroe, La., June 8, 1865. Res. Rapides Par., La.

Lacy, James M., Pvt. Co. A, 2nd Battn. La. Hvy. Arty. On Rolls of Prisoners of War of detailed

men in Ordnance Dept., Dist. West La. and Ark., Confed. States Army, Paroled Natchitoches, La.,

June 6, 1865. Res. Alexandria, La.

Lacy, Jerome, Pvt. Co. B, Miles' Legion La. On List dated Pro. Marshal's Office, Port Hudson,

La., July 14, 1863, of Deserters placed in charge of the Pro. Marshal at Port Hudson, La., by

Col. Benedict, Comdg. Post Springfield Landing, July 13, 1863, and by him Forwd. to New Orleans,

La., July 14, 1863.

Lacy, John P., Pvt. Corpl. Co. E, 3rd La. Inf. En. May 17, 1861, New Orleans, La. Present on

Roll to June 30, 1861. Roll for July and Aug., 1861, Present. Apptd. 4th Corpl., July 22, 1861.

Roll for Sept. and Oct., 1861. Absent, sick, at Camp Jackson. Roll for Nov. and Dec., 1861. Died

since last muster.

Lacy, Joseph, Pvt. Co. D, 5th La. Inf. En. June 4, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present or absent not

stated on Rolls to Aug., 1861. Roll

Page 616

for Sept. and Oct., 1861, Absent, sick, in Hospl.

Rolls from Nov., 1861, to Feb., 1862, state Present. Rolls from July, 1862, to Oct., 1862,

Absent, sick, in Richmond, since July _, 1862. Roll for Nov. and Dec., 1862, Deserted since


Lacy, M., Pvt. Co. B, 1st Battn. La. Inf. (State Grds.). En. March 5, 1863, Mansfield, for 12

months. Roll for May and June, Present. Promoted 3rd Corpl., Jan. 1, 1863.

Lacy, R. M., Pvt. 53rd La. Inf. Co. I, or 53rd Va. Inf. (so on Federal Roll). Rolls of Prisoners

of War, Captured Gettysburg, Pa., July 4, 1863. Admitted to De Camp Gen. Hospl., David's Island,

N. Y. Forwd. to City Pt., Va., Aug. 24, 1863, for exchange.

Lacy, R. T., Pvt. Co. D, 1st Special Battn. (Rightor's) La. Inf. En. April 20, 1861, New

Orleans, La. Present on all Rolls to Aug., 1861. Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1862, Discharged from

disability, Feb. 28, 1862.

Lacy, Richard, Pvt. Co. H, 1st Nelligan's) La. Inf. En. April 26, 1861, New Orleans, La. Present

on Roll dated June 30, 1861.

Lacy, S. S., Pvt. Co. A, 13th Battn. La. (Partisan Rangers). En. Dec. 17, 1862, Berlin. Present

on Rolls to April, 1863.

Lacy, Thomas, Driver 5th Co. Battn. Washington Arty. La. En. March 6, 1862, New Orleans, La.

Roll to April 30, 1862, Absent on outpost duty. Present on Roll for May and June, 1862.

Lacy, Thomas, Pvt. Co. C, 2nd and 6th Mo. _. Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled Meridian, Miss.,

May 10, 1865. Res. New Mading, Mo.

Lacy, William A., 1st Lt. Co. F, 3rd La. Inf. En. May 17, 1861, New Orleans, La. Present on all

Rolls to Aug., 1861. Roll for Sept. and Oct., 1861, Resigned Oct. 8, 1861.

Lacy, William A., 2nd Lt. Jr. and Adjt. 6th La. Inf. Official Rolls of Paroled Officers, Paroled

at Shreveport, La., June 9, 1865.

Ladaux, B. W., Drummer Gomez's Co. 22nd and 23rd La. Inf. Roll dated Sept. 10, 1861 (only Roll

on file), En. Sept. 10, 1861, Camp Lewis, near New Orleans, La. Present or absent not stated.

Remarks: Name cancelled by line.

Ladeaux, Paul, Pvt. Capt. Bond's Co. (Mtd. Partisan Rangers) La. Roll dated Thibodauxville, La.,

Sept. 18, 1862 (only Roll on file), shows him En. Aug. 21, 1862, Opelousas, La., for the War.

Ladensglager, A.,_ Co. B, 4th Regt. 2nd Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into

the service of the State of Louisiana.

Ladet, Sylver, Pvt. Co. -, Lafourche Regt. La. Mil. On Roll of Prisoners of War, Captured at

Labadieville, La., Oct. 27, 1862. Paroled at Thibodaux, La., Nov. 4, 1862.

Ladiars, D. F., Pvt. Co. D, 29th Ark. Inf. Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled Shreveport, La.,

June 3, 1865. Res. Prairie Co., Tex.

Ladieu, W., Pvt. Co. K, Orleans Grds. Regt. La. Mil. On Roll dated Feb. 24, 1862, ordered into

the service of the State of Louisiana.

Ladiner, Edmond, Pvt. Co. A, 1st La. Hvy. Arty. (Regulars). On Rolls of Prisoners of War,

Paroled at Meridian. Miss., May 14, 1865. Res. Pass Christian, Miss.

Ladische, S., Pvt. Co. C, 26th La. Inf. On Roll of Prisoners of War of furloughed and detailed

men, Confederate States Army, Paroled at Shreveport, La., June 7, 1865. Res. Assumption Par.,


Ladoux, Sl., Pvt. Co. B, 2nd La. Cav. Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled Washington, La., June

17, 1865. Res. St. Landry Par., La.

Laeky, T. B. C.,Lt. 13th La. Regt. Inf. Official Rolls of Paroled Officers, Paroled at Meridian,

Miss., May 11, 1865.

Laenger, Levy, Pvt. Co. H, Chalmette Regt. La. Vols. Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled

Meridian, Miss., May 14, 1865. Res. New Orleans, La.

Laesh, H., Pvt. Co. C, 22nd and 23rd La. Inf. Roll dated Sept. 11, 1861 (only Roll on file), En.

Sept. 11, 1861, Camp Lewis, near New Orleans, La. Present or absent not stated.

Lafalge, Gaetano, Pvt. Co. F, Cazadore's Espanoles Regt. La. Mil. On List dated Sept. 21, 1861.

Lafanrie, A., Pvt. 1st Co. 1st Regt. French Brig. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into the

service of the State of Louisiana within the limits of the City of New Orleans.

Lafarbue, Victor,_ Co. -, 1st Native Grds. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into active

service of the State of Louisiana.

Lafargue, A., Jr., Pvt. Dubecq's Cav. Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled Alexandria, La., June

21, 1865. Res. Avoyelles Par., La.

Lafargue, Bernard, Pvt. Co. G, 10th La. Inf. En. July 22, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on all

Rolls to Feb., 1862. On Roll of Prisoners of War, Captured at Gettysburg, Pa., July _, 1863.

Died in Hospl. at Gettysburg, Pa., July 26, 1863, from wounds Recd. Born France, occupation

laborer, Res. New Orleans, La., age when enlisted 24, single.

Lafargue, H.,_ Co. -, 1st Chasseurs a pied La. Mil. Report dated New Orleans, La., Nov. 23,

1861, Absent without leave.

Lafargue, Hy., Pvt. Corpl. Co. A, 7th Battn. La. Inf. En. April 22, 1861, New Orleans, La.

Present on Rolls to Aug., 1861. Regtl. Return for Dec., 1861, Has discharge by Hdqrs. Sept. 3,

1861, Pensacola.

Lafargue, Henry, 2nd Lt. Co. E, 2nd Regt. 2nd Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. Roll dated Feb. 27, 1862,

ordered into the service of the State of Louisiana.

Lafargue, Hippolyte, Pvt. Co. -, 1st Native Grds. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into

active service of the State of Louisiana.

Lafargue, V., Pvt. Co. -, 1st Native Grds. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into active

service of the State of Louisiana. Remarks: Absent.

Lafauette, Don Lewis, Pvt. Co. G, 18th La. Inf. Also borne on Rolls of Co. G, Cons. 18th Regt.

and Yellow Jacket Battn. La. Inf. On Roll of Prisoners of War, Paroled at New Iberia, La., in

July and Aug., 1865. Res. Lafayette Par., La.

Lafaye, J. A., Corpl. Bridges' Batty. La. Lt. Arty. En. June 1, 1862, Corinth, Miss. On Roll of

Prisoners of War, Paroled Greensboro, N. C., April 26, 1865.

Lafaye, John A., Pvt. Watson Batty. La. Arty. En. June 1, 1862, Corinth, Miss. Present on Roll

for Sept. and Oct., 1862. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured at Port Hudson, July 1,

1863. Paroled at Port Hudson, July _, 1863. Remarks: Reports regularly.

Lafayette, C., Pvt. Co. B, C. C. L. I. Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled Monroe, La., June _,

1865. Res. De Soto Par., La.

Lafayette, F., Pvt. 4th Co. 1st Chasseurs a pied La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into the

service of the State of Louisiana. En. Feb. 24, 1862, New Orleans, La.

Lafayette, Lucus,_ Co. -, 1st Chasseurs a pied La. Mil. Report dated New Orleans, La., Nov. 23,

1861, Absent without leave.

Lafebore, John, Pvt. 20th La. Inf. Co. F. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured near

Nashville, Tenn., Dec. 16, 1864. Transferred to Camp Douglas, Ill., Dec. 20, 1864, from

Louisville, Ky.

Lafenta, L. R., Pvt. Rice's Lt. Arty. Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled Columbus, Miss., May _,

1865. Res. New Orleans, La.

Lafett, Joseph, Pvt. Co. G, 27th La. Inf. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured and

paroled at Vicksburg, Miss., July 4, 1863.

Page 617

Lafeuillade, _,_ 5th Co. 3rd Regt. European Brig. (Garde Francaise) La. Mil. Roll not

dated states Present at review, April 2, 1862.

Lafevre, Pierre (also borne on Rolls as Le Faive, Peirre), Pvt. Co. E, 16th La. Inf. En. Sept.

29, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on all Rolls to June 30, 1862. Roll for July 1 to Oct. 31,

1862, Dropped from Roll. Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1863, Present. Rolls from May, 1863, to Aug.,

1863, Absent, sick, in West Point, Ga., order of Dr. Ware, May 28, 1863. Rolls from Sept., 1863,

to Aug. 31, 1864, state Present. Rolls from Sept. 1, 1864. to April 30, 1865, state Absent,

prisoner of war, since Dec. 16, 1864.

Laffargue, Gabriel, Pvt. 5th Co. 6th Regt. European Brig. (Italian Grds. Battn.) La. Mil. On

Roll dated New Orleans, La., April 2, 1862.

Laffargue, J.,_ 7th Co. 3rd Regt. European Brig. (Garde Francaise) La. Mil. On Roll not dated.

Laffay, James, Pvt. Co. I, 1st La. Hvy. Arty. (Regulars). En. April 22, 1861, Baton Rouge, La.

Present on Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1862. Regtl. Return April, 1862, dated New Orleans, La.,

April 25, Deserted en route from Port Pike to Camp Moore.

Lafferanderie, Alphonce (also borne on Rolls as Laferandrie, Arnanc), Pvt. Corpl. 25th La. Inf.

Co. H. En. March 19, 1862, New Orleans, La. Present or absent not stated on Rolls to June 30,

1862. Rolls from Dec. 31, 1862, to Feb., 1863, Absent. Wounded in action before Murfreesboro,

Dec. 31, 1862. Rolls from May, 1863, to Aug., 1863, Absent, detailed in Hospl. Dept., order of

Gen. Adams. Roll for Sept. and Oct., 1863, Deserted near Morton, Miss., July 18, 1863. Federal

Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured near Jackson, Miss., July 17, 1863. Sent to Snyder's Bluff,

Miss., July 30, 1863. Recd. at Camp Morton, Ind., Aug. 7, 1863. Appears on Rolls of Prisoners of

War at Camp Morton, Ind., who desire to take the Oath of Allegiance and give bond, Sept. 7,

1863. Bondsman: R. Upshanks. Res. New Orleans, La. On Roll of Prisoners of War at Camp Morton,

Ind., who desire to take the Oath of Allegiance. Remarks: En. March 19, 1861. New Orleans. La.

Wishes to take the Oath. Return to New Orleans, a loyal man. Respt. recommended. Certificate

shows sworn to Dec. 10, 1863. En. in U. S. service, March 22, 1865.

Lafferanderie, M., Sergt. Co. -, 1st Native Grds. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into

active service of the State of Louisiana.

Lafferandrie, J. M.,_ 4th Co. 3rd Regt. European Brig. (Garde Francaise) La. Mil. On Roll dated

New Orleans, La., April 2, 1862, Present.

Lafferty, F., Pvt. 9th La. _ Co. F. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Frederick, Md.,

July 10, 1864. On Hospl. Register, Admitted to U. S. Gen. Hospl., Frederick, Md., _, 1864. Died

July 12, 1864.

Lafferty, John, Pvt. Cos. A and E, 10th La. Inf. En. July 22, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on

all Rolls to Feb., 1862. Rolls from Jan., 1864, to Oct., 1864, state Present. On List of

Prisoners of War, Paroled Appomattox Court House, Va., April 10, 1865. Born Ireland, occupation

laborer, Res. New Orleans, La., age when enlisted 25, single.

Lafferty, John (also borne on Rolls as Lafty, John), Pvt. Co. D, 15th La. Inf. En. July 15,

1861, New Orleans, La. Roll for May 1 to Oct. 31, 1862, Deserted. On Roll of Prisoners of War,

Roll not dated, Captured Sept. 12, 186-, Frederic. Sent for exchange from Ft. Delaware. Del., to

Aikens Landing, Va., Oct. 2, 1862. Declared exchanged Nov. 10, 1862, at Aikens Landing, Va. Roll

for Jan. and Feb., 1863, Deserted Feb. 5, 1863. Rolls from July, 1863, to Feb., 1864, Absent

with wounded at Gettysburg since July 6, 1863. Roll for May 1 to Aug. 31, 1864, Absent, prisoner

of war. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Gettysburg, Pa., July 4, 1863. Recd. at Fort

McHenry, Md., July 8, 1863. Forwd. to Fort Delaware, Del., July 12, 1863. Released on Oath of

Allegiance to U. S. from Fort Delaware, Del., Feb. 27, 1865, order of Secty. of War. Born

England, occupation sailor, Res. New Orleans, La., age when enlisted 19, single.

Laffette, B.,_ French Co. of St. James La. Mil. On Roll not dated.

Laffitau, J., Pvt. 2nd Co. 1st Regt. French Brig. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into the

service of the Stute of Louisiana within the limits of the City of New Orleans.

Laffite, Jean,_ Co. -, 6th Regt. European Brig. (Italian Grds. Battn.) La. Mil. On Roll not


Laffitte, Cesar, Pvt. Co. B, Cons. Cres. Regt. La. Inf. Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1864 (only Roll

on file), En. May 3, 1862, Mansfield. Reported absent on detached service since July 22, 1863,

to drive Govt. team. On Roll of Prisoners of War of furloughed and detailed men, Confed. States

Army, Paroled Shreveport, La., June 8, 1865. Res. De Soto Par., La.

Laffitte, Edward, Pvt. Co. A, 11th Battn. La. Inf. En. May 3, 1862, Mansfield, De Soto Par., La.

Present on all Rolls to Feb., 1863. Roll for March and April, 1863. Absent. Taken prisoner at

Rosedale, Feb. 25, 1863.

Laffitte, Francois, Pvt. Corpl. Co. F, 9th La. Inf. En. July 7, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on

all Rolls to Dec., 1861, Present or absent not stated on Rolls to July 1, 1862. Roll to Nov. 1,

1862, Absent, sick. Rolls from Nov., 1862, to Aug., 1863, state Present. Promoted from Pvt. to

3rd Corpl., July 1, 1863. Roll for Sept. and Oct., 1863, Present. Roll for Nov. and Dec., 1863,

Abseat, wounded, since Nov. 7, 1863. Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1864, Present. Record copied from

Memorial Hall, New Orleans, La., by the War Dept., Washington, D. C., June, 1903, born

Louisiana, occupation farmer, Res. Mansfield, La., age when enlisted 28, single. Killed at

Monocacy, Md., July 9, 1864.

Laffitte, J., Pvt. 6th Co. 3rd Regt. French Brig. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into the

service of the State of Louisiana within the limits of the City of New Orleans.

Laffitte, John, Pvt. Co. B, Cons. Cres. Regt. La. Inf. Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1864 (only Roll

on file), En. May 3, 1862, Mansfield, La. Reported present. On Roll of Prisoners of War of

furloughed and detailed men, Paroled at Shreveport, La., June 7, 1865. Res. De Soto Par., La.

Laffitte, Omer, Pvt. Co. A, 11th Battn. La. Inf. En. May 3, 1862, Mansfield, De Soto Par., La.

Present on all Rolls to April, 1863. Also on Rolls of Co. B, Cons. Cres. Regt. La. Inf. Pvt. as

Lafitte, Omar. Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1864 (only Roll on file), En. Mansfield, La., May 3,

1862, Reported present.

Laffleur, O. D., Pvt. Co. H, Miles' Legion La. Vols. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled

Port Hudson, La., July _, 1863.

Laffoon, W. R., Pvt. Co. B, 2nd La. Cav. Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled at Shreveport, La.,

June 7, 1865. Res. Brew Co., Ark.

Laffoon, William A., Corpl. Co. C, 31st La. Inf. Roll for April 21, 1862, to April 21, 1865,

dated April 21, 1862 (only Roll on file), En. April 21, 1862, Delhi. Carroll Par., La.

Laffy, Joseph, Pvt. Co. B, Lewis' Regt. La. Mil. Report not dated, Present on parade, Nov. 23,


Laffy, Patrick, Pvt. Corpl. Co. C, 10th La. Inf. En. July 22, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on

all Rolls to Feb., 1862. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Gettysburg, Pa., July 4,

1863. Admitted July 21,

Page 618

1863, to U. S. A. Gen. Hospl., Chester, Pa. Arm amputated. Roll

for Jan. and Feb., 1864, Absent, detailed Hospl. duty. Lynchburg. Present or absent not stated

on Roll for May 1 to Aug. 31, 1864. "Detailed in Charlottesville" (words in quotations cancelled

on Roll). On Register of the Pro. Marshal, Dist. of Henrico, Hdqrs. Richmond, Va., took Amnesty

Oath April 11, 1865. Record copied from Memorial Hall, New Orleans, La., by the War Dept.,

Washington, D. C., June, 1903, born Ireland, occupation laborer, Res. New Orleans, La., age when

enlisted 24, single. Discharged on account of amputation of left arm.

Lafield, Alonzo, Pvt. Co. D, Miles' Legion La. En. April 15, 1862, New Orleans, La. Present or

absent not stated on Roll to May 9, 1862. Present on Roll to June 30, 1862.

Lafield, Faryolle, Corpl. Pvt. Co. D, Miles' Legion La. Mil. En. April 15, 1862, New Orleans,

La. Present or absent not stated on Roll to May 9, 1862. Roll to June. 30, 1862, Absent on

furlough. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Bayou Sara, La., May 22, 1863. Paroled at

New Orleans, La., and Forwd. to City Pt., Va., and exchanged July 6, 1863.

Lafield, G. W., Pvt. Co. K, 16th La. Inf. En. Sept. 29, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on Rolls

to Feb., 1863. Roll for May and June, 1863, Absent on detached service with supply train. Rolls

from July, 1863, to Oct., 1863, Absent, teamster for supply train, Morton, Miss. Rolls from

Jan., 1864, to April 30, 1865, state Present.

Lafield, G. W., Pvt. Co. F, Chalmette Regt. La. Mil. On Roll of Prisoners of War, Paroled at

Meridian, Miss., May 14, 1865. Res. Pointe Coupee Par., La.

Lafield, I. B., Pvt. Co. K, 7th La. Cav. On Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled Washington, La.,

June 17, 1865. Res. Pointe Coupee Par., La.

Lafiteau, Ch., Corpl. 3rd Co. 3rd Regt. European Brig. (Garde Francaise) La. Mil. On Roll dated

New Orleans, La., April 3, 1862.

Lafiton, Pit., Pvt. Co. F, 4th La. Inf. En. May 25, 1861, Tangipahoa, La., for one year.

Lafitte,_, Sergt. 3rd Co. 1st Regt. French Brig. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into the

service of the State of Louisiana within the limits of the City of New Orleans.

Lafitte, Andre, Pvt. Co. C, Confed. States Zouave Battn. La. En. April 8, 1861, New Orleans, La.

Present on all Rolls to Dec., 1861. Regtl. Return for Feb., 1862, Detached Q. M. Dept.

Lafitte, Armand, Pvt. Co. H, Chalmette Regt. La. Mil. Present or absent not stated on Roll for

March 2, 1862.

Lafitte, Augustus, Pvt. Co. -, 11th La. Inf. On Register of Prisoners of War, Captured

Thibodaux, La., July 25, 1863. Recd. at New Orleans, La., Oct. 6, 1863. Admitted Oct. 17, 1863,

to St. Louis, U. S. A. Gen. Hospl., New Orleans, La. Remarks: Rebel prisoner of war, Transfd. to

Pro. Sheriff, Jan. 9, 1864. Admitted Feb. 1, 1864, to U. S. A. Gen. Hospl., New Orleans, La.

Transfd. to Gen. Hospl., April 30, 1864. Remarks: Paroled, age 23 years. On Roll of Prisoners of

War, New Orleans, La. Roll dated Office of Commsy. of Prisoners, Dept. of the Gulf. New Orleans,

La., July 7, 1864.

Lafitte, Augustus, Pvt. Co. A, 11th Battn. La. Inf. En. May 3, 1862, Mansfield, De Soto Par.,

La. Present on all Rolls to April, 1863. On Roll of Prisoners of War, Roll dated Office of

Commsy. of Prisoners, Dept. of the Gulf, New Orleans, La., July 31, 1864, Transfd. from New

Orleans, La., and exchanged at Red River Landing, July 22, 1864.

Lafitte, C., Pvt. Co. B, Cres. Regt. La. Inf. Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled Shreveport,

La., June 8, 1865. Res. De Soto Par., La.

Lafitte, Caesar, Pvt. Co. A, 11th Battn. La. Inf. En. May 3, 1862, Mansfield, De Soto Par., La.

Present on all Rolls to April, 1863.

Lafitte, Danell, Pvt. Co. B, Cons. Cres. Regt. La. Inf. On Register of C. S. A. Gen. Hospl.,

Shreveport, La., Admitted July 8, 1864. Released from Hospl., July 13, 1864. On Roll of

Prisoners of War, Paroled at Natchitoches, La., June 19, 1865. Res. Sabine Par., La.

Lafitte, Edward, Pvt. Co. B, Cons. Cres. Regt. La. Inf. Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1864 (only Roll

on file), En. May 3, 1862, Mansfield. Reported present.

Lafitte, Frank, Pvt. Co. I, 19th La. Inf. En. Dec. 11, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on Roll to

Dec. 31, 1861. Rolls from May, 1862, to Aug., 1863, state present. Rolls from Sept., 1863, to

April, 1865, Absent, missing since Battle of Chickamauga, Ga., Sept. 20, 1863, prisoner of war.

Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured near Chickamauga, Ga., Sept. 20, 1863. Recd. at

Military Prison, Louisville, Ky., from Nashville, Tenn., Oct. 5, 1863. Forwd. to Camp Douglas,

Ill., Oct. 7, 1863. Discharged from Camp Douglas, Ill., June 14, 1865, in accordance with Gen.

Orders No. 109, A. G. O., Washington, June 6, 1865. Res. De Soto Par., La.

Lafitte, H., Pvt. Co. B, 1st Battn. La. Inf. (State Grds.). En. March 5, 1863, Mansfield, for 12

months. Roll for May and June, 1863, Absent with leave since June 23, 1863.

Lafitte, I. P., Pvt. Co. A, 11th Battn. La. Inf. En. May 3, 1862, Mansfield, De Soto Par., La.

Present on all Rolls to April, 1863, from time of enlistment.

Lafitte, Isaac P., Pvt. Co. B, Cons. Cres. Regt. La. Inf. Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1864 (only

Roll on file), En. Oct. 3, 1862, in camp. Reported present.

Lafitte, J., Pvt. Co. H, 19th La. Inf. On Roll of Prisoners of War, not dated, at Camp Douglas,

Ill., Recd. Oct. _, 1862. Captured at Chickamauga, Ga., Sept. 20, 1863. Sent to Camp Douglas,

Ill., and released on Oath of Allegiance to United States, June 14, 1865.

Lafitte, J. C., Pvt. Co. D, 8th La. Cav. On Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled at _, June _,

1865. Res. De Soto Par., La.

Lafitte, J. C., Pvt. Co. B, 1st Battn. La. Inf. State Grds. En. April 21, 1862, Mansfield.

Present on Roll for May and June, 1863.

Lafitte, J. O. (also borne on Rolls as Lafitte, J. O.), Pvt. Co. F, 9th La. Inf. En. March 8,

1862, De Soto, La. Present or absent not stated on Rolls to July, 1862. Roll to Nov. 1, 1862,

Absent, sick. Roll for Nov. and Dec., 1862, Present. Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1863, Absent, sick.

Roll for March and April, 1863. Died of sickness. Born Louisiana, occupation farmer, Res.

Mansfield, La., age when enlisted 20, single.

Lafitte, John, Pvt. Co. A, 11th Battn. La. Inf. En. May 3, 1862, Mansfield, De Soto Par., La.

Present on all Rolls to April, 1863. Also on Rolls of Co. B, Cres. Regt. La. Inf. Pvt. Rolls of

Prisoners of War, Paroled Shreveport, La., June 7, 1865. Res. De Soto Par., La.

Lafitte, Joseph S., Pvt. Co. A, 11th Battn. La. Inf. En. May 3, 1862, Mansfield, De Soto Par.,

La. Present on all Rolls to April, 1863. Also on Rolls of Co. B, Pvt. Cons. Cres. Regt. La. Inf.

Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1864, Present. Rolls of Prisoners of War as Layafitte, J. F. Paroled _,

June _, 1865. Res. De Soto Par., La.

Lafitte, Louis, Pvt. Co. B, 2nd La. Cav. En. June 18, 1862, Natchitoches Par., La. Present on

Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1863. Roll for July and Aug., 1863, Absent at Hospl. in Opelousas.

Lafitte, R. L., Pvt. Corpl. Co. I, 19th La. Inf. En. May 8, 1862, _. Rolls from Jan., 1863, to

April 30, 1864, state Present. Roll for May 1 to Aug. 31, 1864, Present. On detail

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as Regtl. cook, order Gen. Gibson. Roll for Sept. 1, 1864, to Feb. 20, 1865, states Present.

War, Paroled Meridian, Miss., May 10, 1865. Res. De Soto Par., La.

Lafitte, Severe, Jr., Pvt. Co. F, 9th La. Inf. En. July 7, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on all

Rolls to Dec., 1861. Re-enlisted for the War at Camp Carondelet, Feb. 6, 1862. Present on all

Rolls to Feb., 1863. Rolls from March, 1863, to June, 1863, Absent, sick. Rolls from July, 1863,

to Dec., 1863, state Present. Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1864, Absent on furlough. On Roll of

Prisoners of War of men belonging to commands east of the Mississippi River, Confed. States

Army, Paroled at Natchitoches, La., June 6, 1865. Res. De Soto Par., La. Record copied from

Memorial Hall, New Orleans, La., by the War Dept., Washington, D. C., June, 1903, born

Louisiana, occupation farmer, Res. Mansfield, La., age when enlisted 19, single. Went off on 30

day furlough, Feb. 1, 1864, and has not returned.

Lafitte, T., Pvt. Co. B, 1st Battn. La. Inf. (State Grds.). En. March 5, 1863, Mansfield, La.

Present on Roll for May and June, 1863.

Lafitte, Volsey, Pvt. Co. D, 11th Battn. La. Inf. En. May 3, 1862, Mansfield, De Soto Par., La.

Present on all Rolls to April, 1863. Also on Rolls of Co. B, Pvt. Cons. Cres. Regt. La. Inf. as

Lafitte, Volcey. Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1864, Present. Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled

Natchitoches, La., June 13, 1865. Res. De Soto Par., La.

Lafleur, Alcidus, Pvt. Co. K, 16th La. Inf. En. Sept. 29, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on Rolls

to Oct. 31, 1861. Roll for Nov. and Dec., 1861, Absent, on furlough, sick. Roll of Jan. and

Feb., 1862, Present.

Lafleur, B., Pvt. Co. A, 2nd La. Cav. On Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled at Washington, La.,

June 16, 1865. Res. St. Landry Par., La.

Lafleur, Benjamin, Pvt. Co. K, 16th La. Inf. En. Sept. 29, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on all

Rolls to Feb., 1863. Roll for July and Aug., 1863, Absent, on furlough. Roll for Sept. and Oct.,

1863, Dropped from Roll. Deserted Aug. 4, 1863.

Lafleur, D., Pvt. Cos. A and K, 2nd La. Cav. En. June 15, 1863, Washington, La. Roll for July

and Aug., 1863, Absent, on sick furlough. On Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled at Washington,

La., June 19, 1865. Res. St. Landry Par., La.

Lafleur, Ernest, Pvt. Co. C, 6th La. Inf. En. June 4, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on Rolls to

Oct., 1861. Roll for May and June, 1862, Present, promoted from Pvt. to Corpl., June 28, 1862.

Roll for July and Aug., 1862, states present. Roll for Sept. and Oct., 1862, Absent, detailed as

Hospl. Cook, Sept. 17. Rolls from Nov., 1862, to Oct., 1863, state present. Rolls from Nov.,

1863, to Feb., 1864, Absent, taken prisoner Nov. 7, 1863. Roll for March and April, 1864, Taken

the Oath of Neutrality to United States. Dropped as a deserter. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of

War, show him captured Rappahannock, Va., Nov. 7, 1863. Sent to Pt. Lookout, Md., from

Washington, Nov. 11, 1863. Paroled at Pt. Lookout, Md., and Transfd. for exchange, Feb. 10,

1865. Recd. at Coxes' Landing, James River, Va., Feb. 14 to 15, 1865, and exchanged. Born La.,

occupation farmer, Res. St. Landry, La., single.

Lafleur, George (also borne on Rolls as Laflem, George), Pvt. Co. H, 14th La. Inf. On List dated

Hdqrs., Middle Dept., 8th Army Corps Office Pro. Mar., Baltimore, June 29, 1863, of Rebel

Deserters brought in from Monocacy Bridge, and sent from Baltimore, Md., June 29, to Fort

McHenry, Md. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Gettysburg, Pa., July 4, 1863. Sent to

Fort McHenry, Md., July 5, 1863. Forwd. to Fort Delaware, Del., July 12, 1863. On Roll of

Prisoners of War. at Fort Delaware, Del., July 12, 1863, Desirous of entering the service of the

U. S., Aug. 30, 1863. Transfd. to 3rd Md., and sent from this post, Sept. 22, 1863. Conscript.

Born in Canada or France.

Lafleur, Homer, Sergt. Co. A, 28th (Thomas') La. Inf. En. April 6, 1862, Opelousas, La. Roll to

Aug. 31, 1862, Present, in Regtl. Hospl. Apptd. from ranks Aug. 1, 1862, Sergt. Rolls from

Sept., 1862, to Feb., 1863, state present. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured and

paroled Vicksburg, Miss., July 4, 1863.

Lafleur, Jean Bapt., Pvt. Co. I, 2nd La. Reserve Corps. Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled

Washington, La., June 17, 1865. Res. St. Landry Par., La.

Lafleur, John, Pvt. Co. C, Fire Battn. La. Mil. On Report dated New Orleans, La., Nov. 23, 1861,

Present on parade.

Lafleur, Joseph, Corpl. Co. I, 2nd La. Reserve Corps. Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled

Washington, La., June 17, 1865. Res. St. Landry Par., La.

Lafleur, Joseph B., Pvt. Co. I, 2nd La. Reserve Corps. Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled

Washington, La., June 17, 1865. Res. St. Landry Par., La.

Lafleur, Marcelain, Pvt. Co. D, 15th Batty. Shp. Shooters (Weatherly's) Battn. On Roll of

Prisoners of War, Paroled at Washington, La., June 19, 1865. Res. St. Landry Par., La.

Lafleur, O. D., Pvt. Co. B, Weatherly's Battn. La. Inf. On Roll of Prisoners of War, Paroled at

Washington, La., June 20, 1865. Res. St. Landry Par., La.

Lafleur, Octave (also borne on Rolls as Laflour, O.), Corpl. Co. K, 16th La. Inf. En. Sept. 29,

1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on Rolls to Oct. 31, 1861. Roll for Nov. and Dec., 1861, Absent,

on furlough. Rolls from Jan., 1862, to Oct., 1862, state present. Rolls from Nov., 1862, to

Aug., 1863, Absent, wounded and left at Murfreesboro, Dec. 31, 1862. Federal Rolls of Prisoners

of War, Captured Murfreesboro, Tenn., Jan. 5, 1863. Indorsement shows Recd. at Camp Morton,

Ind., March 1, 1863. Roll for Sept and Oct., 1863, Dropped from Roll, "Taken prisoner Dec. 31,

1862." Words in quotations cancelled on Roll. Dead.

Lafleur, Rololph, Pvt. Co. K, 2nd La. Cav. On Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled at Washington,

La., June 22, 1865. Res. St. Landry Par., La.

Lafleur, Theodore, Pvt. Co. C, Weatherly's Battn. La. Mil. On Roll of Prisoners of War, Paroled

at Washington, La., June 21, 1865. Res. Lafayette Par., La.

Lafleur, Volcour, 1st Lt. Co. I, 28th (Thomas') La. Inf. Roll for April 15 to Aug. 31, 1862

(only Roll on file), Resigned May 9, 1862, Accepted, to take effect from May 9, 1862.

Lafleur, Z., Pvt. Co. F, 26th La. Inf. On Roll of Prisoners of War, Paroled Washington, La.,

June 22, 1865. Res. St. Landry Par., La.

Lafon, J., Pvt. 2nd Co. 2nd Regt. French Brig. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into service

of the City of New Orleans.

Lafon, J., Pvt. 8th Co. 2nd Regt. French Brig. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into service

of the City of New Orleans.

Lafon, Jean, Pvt. 7th Co. 1st Regt. French Brig. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into

service of the State of Louisiana.

Lafon, Joseph, Pvt. Co. C, 1st Regt. French Brig. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into

service of the State of Louisiana, within the limits of the City of New Orleans.

Lafond, A., Pvt. 4th Co. 1st Chasseurs a pied La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into service

of the State of Louisiana, En. Feb. 24, 1862, New Orleans, La.

Lafond, D., Pvt. 4th Co. 3rd Regt. French Brig. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into

Page 620

service of the State of Louisiana, within the limits of the City of New Orleans, La.

Lafond, F., Pvt. 4th Co. 3rd Regt. French Brig. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into service

of the State of Louisiana, within the limits of the City of New Orleans.

Lafond, J., Adjt. Co. -, 1st Chasseurs a pied La. Mil. On Report dated New Orleans, La., Nov.

23, 1861.

Lafond, J., Capt. 4th Co. 1st Chasseurs a pied La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into service

of the State of La., En. Feb. 24, 1862, New Orleans, La.

Lafonetre, A. J., Sergt. Co. D, 15th La. Regt. Inf. Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled

Lynchburg, Va., April 14, 1865.

Lafont, B., Pvt. 3rd Co. 4th Regt. French Brig. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into service

of the State of Louisiana.

Lafont, Joseph, Pvt. Co. -, 1st Native Grds. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into active

service of the State of Louisiana.

Lafont, Louis, Sergt. Co. -, 1st Native Grds La. Mil. Roll not dated, ordered into active

service of the State of Louisiana. Roll states absent.

Lafonta, E., Pvt. Bridges Batty. La. Light Arty. En. Feb. 1, 1863, Augusta, Ga. On Roll of

Prisoners of War, Paroled at Greensboro, N. C., April 26, 1865.

Lafonta, E., Pvt. Co. D, Orleans Grds. Regt. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into service of

the State of Louisiana. On List of Paroled Prisoners, who wish to be exchanged. Exchanged on

board Str. Louis d'Or near Baton Rouge, La., Oct. 9, 1862.

Lafonta, L. R., Pvt. Capt. Hutton's Co. (Cres. Arty. Co. A,) La. Arty. On Descriptive List of

Prisoners of War, Captured at Pitts Landing, April 7, 1862. Sent to Camp Chase, Ohio. Exchanged

Aug. 25, 1862.

Lafonta, Louis R., Pvt. Co. B, Cres. Regt. La. Inf. En. March 5, 1862, New Orleans, La. Roll for

May and June, 1862, Absent, prisoner at Shiloh. April 7, 1862. Roll for July and Aug., 1862,

Absent. Transfd. from Cres. to 18th La. Vols. Wounded and taken prisoner at Shiloh. No

Descriptive Roll. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Pittsburg Landing, April 7, 1862.

Forwd. to Vicksburg, Miss., from Cp. Chase, Ohio, to be exchanged. Recd. on board Str. John H.

Done, near Vicksburg, Miss., Sept. 11, 1862. Declared exchanged at Aikens Landing, Va., Nov. 10,

1862. Rolls from Nov., 1862, to Feb., 1863, Absent, detached with Gen. Ruggles. Roll for May and

June, 1863. Discharged. This man has been detached for several months in the Dept. of Gen. Jos.

E. Johnston and was dropped from the Roll on June 30, order of Col. A. W. Bosworth, Comdg. the


Lafontaine, Jules,_. Co. -, Conscript La. On Roll not dated of Conscripts of Parish of St.


Laforest, A., Pvt. Pointe Coupee Arty. La. On Roll of Prisoners of War, Paroled at Meridian,

Miss., May 11, 1865. Res. St. Chas. Par., La.

Laforest, A., Pvt. Capt. LeGardeur's Jr.'s Co. (Orleans Grd. Batty.) La. Lt. Arty. On Roll not

dated, ordered into service of the State of Louisiana.

Laforest, Edward, Pvt. Pt. Coupee Arty. La. En. Feb. 12, 1863, Jackson, for the War. Rolls from

March, 1864, to Aug. 31, 1864, state present. On Roll of Prisoners of War, Paroled May 11, 1865,

Meridian, Miss. Res. New Orleans, La.

Laforest, James (also borne on Rolls as Laforest, I. O.), Pvt. Pointe Coupee Arty. La. En. Sept.

20, 1861, Memphis, Tenn. Present on all Rolls to Dec., 1861. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War,

Captured Island No. 10, April 8, 1862. Recd. at Camp Douglas, Ill., Aug. 1, 1862. Sent to

Vicksburg, Miss., Sept. 2, 1862, to be exchanged. Exchanged from Str. Jno. H. Done near

Vicksburg, Miss., Sept. 30, 1862. On Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured and paroled Vicksburg,

Miss., July 4, 1863. On Roll for March and April 1865, dated April 30, 1865, Returned to Co.

April 30, 1865, order of Lt. Gen. Taylor. On Roll of Prisoners of War, Paroled at Meridian,

Miss. Res. New Orleans, La.

Laforest, James A.,_, Watson Batty. La. Arty. Name appears on petition dated Missouri, Oct. 13,

1861, protesting against the transfer of that organization (Watson Batty.) to the Army of Tenn.,

and requesting that it be allowed to continue State Service, for which purpose it was originally


Laforges, Joseph, Pvt. Co. F, Confed. States Zouave Battn. La. En. April -, 1861, New Orleans,

La. Roll to June 30, 1861, Absent, in Hospl., in Williamsburg. Roll for July and Aug., 1861,

Sick at Bigler's Mills. Regtl. Return for July, 1862, Sick, and wounded.

Laforrest, Alfred, Pvt. Corpl. Co. H, 7th La. Inf. En. June 7, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present or

absent not stated on Roll to Feb., 1862. Roll for Jan. and Feb., 1863, Absent, sick and wounded.

Roll for March and April, 1863, Promoted to Corpl., April 1, 1863. Absent, wounded. Rolls from

May, 1863, to Oct., 1863, Present. Rolls from Nov., 1863, to Feb., 1864, Absent, taken prisoner

at Rappahannock, Va., Nov. 7, 1863. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Rappahnnock,

Va., Nov. 7, 1863. Recd. at Washington, Nov. 11, 1863. Paroled until exchanged at Pt. Lookout,

Md., March 10, 1864. Recd. at City Pt., Va., March 15, 1864, and exchanged. Roll for May 1 to

Aug. 31, 1864, Absent, prisoner of war, May 12, 1864. On Roll of Prisoners of War, Captured

Spottsylvania, C. H., May 12, 1864. Recd. at Belle Plains, Va., May 18, 1864. Sent to Pt.

Lookout, Md. Note: Persons who arrived at this station under assumed name or who have assumed

one for the purpose of being transfd., exchanged or released. Born New Orleans, La., occupation

clerk. Res. New Orleans, La., single. On Roll of Prisoners of War, Paroled Meridian, Miss., May

9, 1865. Res. New Orleans, La.

Lafosse, J. B., Pvt. Co. K, 18th La. Inf. En. Oct. 3, 1862, Camp Pratt, La. Roll for Jan. and

Feb., 1863, Absent, sick, at New Iberia, La., since Oct. 30, 1863. (So on Roll.) Roll dated June

30, 1863, Deserted, gone from the retreat April 15, 1863.

Lafosse, J. B.,_, 7th Co. 1st Regt. French Brig. La. Mil. On Report not dated, on review Nov.

23, 1861, ordered into service of the State of Louisiana, within the limits of the City of New


Lafosse, L., Pvt. 1st Co. 3rd Regt. European Brig. (Garde Francaise) La. Mil. On Roll not dated.

Lafourche, Robert, Pvt. Co. A, 1st La. Hvy. Arty. Roll for Sept. and Oct., 1862, Present,

conscript, joined Co. Oct. 20, 1862. Roll for Nov. and Dec., 1862, Sick, in City Hospl. Roll for

Jan. and Feb., 1863, Died at City Hospl., Jan. 2, 1863.

Lafrage, John, Pvt. Cos. A and C, 1st (Strawbridge's) La. Inf. En. Oct. 13, 1861, Mobile, Ala.

Present on all Rolls to April, 1864. Roll to Feb. 28, 1865, Killed in action, July 28, 1864.

Lafranc, Emile, Pvt. Co. A, 1st Regt. 2nd Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered

into service or the State of Louisiana.

Lafranc, Valsin, Pvt. Co. -, 1st Native Grd. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into active

service of the State of Louisiana.

Lafrance, Antoine, Pvt. Capt. Lartigue's Co. (Bienville Grds.) La. Mil. On Roll not dated,

ordered into service of the State of Louisiana.

Lafrance, Azenor, Pvt. Capt. Lartigue's Co. (Bienville Grds.) La. Mil. On Roll not dated,

ordered into service of the State of Louisiana.

Page 621

Lafrance, Claude, Pvt. Capt. Lartigue's Co. (Bienville Grds.) La. Mil. On Roll not dated,

ordered into service of the State of Louisiana.

Lafrance, Gerome, Pvt. Capt. Lartigue's Co. (Bienville Grds.) La. Mil. On Roll not dated,

ordered into service of the State of Louisiana.

Lafrance, Gilbert, Pvt. Capt. Lartigue's Co. Bienville Grds.) La. Mil. On Roll not dated,

ordered into service of the State of Louisiana.

Lafrance, J. F., Pvt. Capt. Lartigue's Co. (Bienville Grds.) La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered

into service of the State of Louisiana.

Lafrance, Ormand, Pvt. Capt. Lartigue's Co. (Bienville Grds.) La. Mil. On Roll not dated,

ordered into service of the State of Louisiana.

Lafrance, Oscar, Pvt. Co. C, Chalmette Regt. La. Mil. En. March 2, 1862, New Orleans, La. Roll

not dated, reports on furlough.

Lafrance, Paul, Pvt. Capt. Lartigue's Co. (Bienville Grds.) La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered

into service of the State of Louisiana.

Lafrance, Salvador, Pvt. Capt. Lartigue's Co. (Bienville Grds.) La. Mil. On Roll not dated,

ordered into service of the State of Louisiana.

Lafrance, Vobry,_, Mtd. Rangers of Plaquemine, La. Mil. On Report dated Plaquemine, La., Nov.

26, 1861, on parade Nov. 23, 1861.

Lafranche, M. L., Pvt. Pointe Coupee Arty. La. On Roll of Prisoners of War, Paroled at Meridian,

Miss., May 11, 1865. Res. St. Charles Par., La.

Lafrangue, Bernard, Pvt. 4th Co. 2nd Regt. French Brig. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into

service of the City of New Orleans.

Lafre, Peter (also borne on Rolls as Lafra, Peter), Pvt. Co. E, 14th La. Inf. En. July 5, 1861,

New Orleans, La. Present on all Rolls to Aug., 1862. Roll for Sept. and Oct., 1862, Absent,

taken prisoner at Manassas. Roll for Nov. and Dec., 1862, Absent without leave.

Lafrentz, Martin, Pvt. Co. D, 4th Regt. European Brig. La. Mil. On Roll dated New Orleans, La.,

April 2, 1862, Native of Hamburg.

Laftus, P. J., Pvt. Co. H, 8th La. Inf. Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled Shreveport, La., June

13, 1865. Res. Rapides Par., La.

Lafty, Wm. M., Pvt. 25th La. Inf. Co. K. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Covington,

Ga., July 18, 1864. Sent to Pt. Lookout, Md., for exchange from Camp Chase Ohio, Feb. 12, 1865.

Lafunta, L. R., Pvt. Co. A, 18th La. Inf. Regtl. Return (No. 1) for July, 1862, Transfd. from

Cres. Regt. to 18th La., July 26, 1862, Tupelo, Miss., Regtl. Return (No. 2) Prisoner at Shiloh.

Lafyette, V., Pvt. Co. B, Cons. Cres. Regt. La. Inf. On Register of C. S. A. Gen. Hospl.,

Shreveport, La., Admitted July 8, 1864, Died July 13, 1864.