Return to Booth's Index

Simson, John F., Jr. 2nd Lt. 2nd Lt. Co. G, 14th La. Inf. En. June 25, 1861, New Orleans, La.

Present on all Rolls to April, 1862. Appears on Roll May and June, 1862, dated July 10, 1862,

without remarks: On List not dated of Paroled Prisoners of War who wish to be exchanged.

Exchanged from Steamer Louis d'Or, near Baton Rouge, La., Oct. 9, 1862.

Sinam, M., Corpl. Co. G, 5th La. Inf. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Rappahannock,

Va., Nov. 7, 1863. Recd. Washington, Nov. 11, 1863. Exchanged Pt. Lookout, Md., March 10, 1864.

Sinan, William, Pvt. Co. E, 9th La. Inf. En. July 7, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Report Aug., 1861,

Roll dated Sept. 16, 1861, Died Camp Bienville, La., Aug. 16, 1861. Born Ireland, occupation

stone cutter, Res. Meridian, Miss., age when enlisted 27, single.

Sincier, Joseph, Pvt. Co. H, 2nd La. Reserve Corps. Roll of Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled

Washington, La., June 17, 1865. Res. St. Landry Par., La.

Sinclair, Charles L., Corpl. Sergt. Co. H, 25th La. Inf. En. New Orleans, La., March 14, 1862.

Roll June 30, 1862, Sick in camp for 15 days, Acting Sergt. Maj. Rolls from May, 1863, to Oct.,

1863, Absent, detailed as Clerk in Q. M. Dept., April 22, _, by order of Gen. Hardee, S. O. No.

93. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1864, Present. Roll March and April, 1864, Present, promoted from 4th

Corpl. to 2nd Sergt., order Col. J. C. Lewis, March 1, 1864. Roll May 1 to Aug. 31, 1864,

Absent, wounded in action at New Hope Church, May 26, 1864. Roll Feb. 28, 1865, Absent, wounded

in action at New Hope Church, May 26, 1864. On detached service at Monticello. Have no copy of

order. Roll March and April, 1865, Absent, wounded in action at New Hope Church, May 26, 1864.

Unfit for field service. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Opelika, April 16, 1865.

Remarks: Transferred to Capt. Hathaway, Comdg. Military Prison, Macon, Ga., April 23, _.

Sinclair, E. E., Corpl. Sergt. Co. A, 16th Battn. La. Inf. (Confed. Grds. Response Battn.). En.

March 8, 1862, New Orleans, La. Present on all Rolls to June, 1862, Promoted to Sergt., April

26, 1862. Roll July and Aug., 1862, Absent, sent to rear from Corinth, May 27, whereabouts


Sinclair, George, Pvt. Co. D, 8th La. Inf. En. June 19, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Record copied from

Memorial Hall, New Orleans, La., by the War Dept., Washington, D. C., June, 1903. born Maine,

occupation sailor, age when enlisted 30, single. Discharged at Manassas.

Sinclair, H. H., Hospl. Steward, F. and S., Confederate States Zouave Battn. La. Enlisted by

order of the Secty. of War to the Battn.,

Page 582

Jan. _, 1864. Rolls from July, 1864, to Oct., 1864, Present. On Record of Paroled Prisoners,

Provost Marshal's Office, Middle Military Dept. Reported Aug. 26, 1865. Captured Petersburg, May

18, 186-. Released on Oath of Allegiance at Hicksford, Va., Aug 16, 186-. Former Res. Mobile,

Ala. Sent to Harpers Ferry, Va.

Sinclair, J. P., Pvt. Co. D, Cons. Cres. Regt. La. Inf. Roll of Prisoners of War, C. S. A.,

Paroled _, June _, 1865. Res. De Soto Par., La.

Sinclair, John, Pvt. Co. C, Cres. Regt. La. Inf. En. New Orleans, La., March 5, 1862. On Return

dated Fort Burton, Butte a la Rose, Feb. 14, 1863, of deceased soldiers. Killed in Battle at

Shiloh, Tenn., April 6, 1862.

Sincox, Thos. A., Sergt. Co. D, 15th La. Inf. En. July 18, 1861. Camp Moore. La. Roll May 1 to

Oct. 31, 1862, Absent, captured at Rappahannock River. Roll Nov. and Dec., 1862, Deserted from

Hospl., Lynchburg. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1864. Present. Reinstated, order of Lt. Col. Goodwyn.

Rolls March, 1863, to June, 1863, Present. Apptd. Sergt., April 25, 1863. Roll Nov. and Dec.,

1863, Absent on furlough of indulgence Jan. 17, 1864. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1864, Present. Record

copied from Memorial Hall, New Orleans, La., by the War Dept., Washington, D. C., June, 1903,

born England, occupation laborer, Res. New Orleans, La., age when enlisted 20, single. Wounded

in skirmish Aug. 25, Cummingshamford, Rappahannock, Ky. Promoted 1st Sergt., March _, 1863.

Sinder, Jas. A., Pvt. 27th La. Inf. Co. E. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured and

paroled at Vicksburg, Miss., July 4, 1863.

Sindheimer, S., Pvt. Co. K, 11th La. Inf. En. Aug. 11, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on Rolls to

Nov. 1, 1861. Certificate dated Chattanooga, Tenn., Dec. 31, 1862, showing payment Aug. 31,


Sinet, Chas., Pvt. Co. E, 15th La. Inf. Rolls of Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Surrendered at

Lynchburg, Va., April 15, 1865.

Sing, A. J., Pvt. Co. G, 8th La. Inf. En. May 17, 1861, New Orleans, La. Present on Rolls to

Aug., 1861. Roll Sept. and Oct., 1861, Absent, sick, at Hospl., Camp Jackson, Ark. Roll Nov. and

Dec., 1861 (last Roll on which borne), Present.

Sing, A. J., Sergt. Co. H, Chalmette Regt. La. Mil. Also borne on Rolls of Co. A, 14th

(Austin's) Battn. La. Shp. Shooters, as Sing, Andrew J. En. Feb. 25, 1862, New Orleans, La.

Rolls July, 1862, to Oct., 1862, Present. Roll March and April, 1863, Present, promoted 3rd

Corpl. April 1, 1863, order Brig. Maj. Rolls Nov., 1863, to April 30, 1865, Present. Rolls

Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled Meridian, Miss., May 14, 1865. Res. Lancaster C. H., S. C.

Singer, A.,_ Co. B, 4th Regt. 3rd Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll for March 5, 1862, to _, Roll

not dated, ordered into service of the State of Louisiana.

Singer, David, Pvt. Co. C, Fire Battn. La. Mil. Report dated New Orleans, Nov. 23, 1861, On


Singer, George, Jr.,_ Co. A, Fire Battn. La. Mil. Report dated Hdqrs. Lafayette Volunteers, 4th

Dist., New Orleans, Nov. 23, 1861. Present at review.

Singer, H., Pvt. Co. A, Orleans Fire Regt. La. Mil. On List dated New Orleans, Nov. 27, 1861,

Absent from review on account of sickness.

Singer, H., Pvt. Co. H, Orleans Fire Regt. La. Mil. On Roll dated Nov. 23, 1861, for active

service within the State. Remarks: Present.

Singer, J. B.,_ Co. A, Fire Battn. La. Mil. Report dated Hdqrs. Lafayette Volunteers 4th Dist.,

New Orleans, Nov. 23, 1861. Present. at review.

Singer, Lawrence J., Pvt. Co. F, 3rd La. Inf. En. May 17, 1862, New Orleans, La. Present on all

Rolls to Dec., 1861. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured March 8, 1862. Pea Ridge.

Exchanged May 17, 1862. Rolls June, 1862, to Aug., 1862, Present. Rolls Sept., 1862, to Dec.,

1862, Absent, taken Prisoner at Iuka, Miss., Sept. 18, 1862. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1863, Absent

without leave. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured and paroled at Vicksburg, Miss., July

4, 1863. Remarks: These Prisoners were paroled after the surrender of the garrison of Vicksburg

under the agreement of capitulation, but not sent out of our lines until Nov. 24, 1863.

Singer, Peter,_ Co. A, 2nd Regt. 3rd Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into the

service of the State of Louisiana.

Singeron, I., Surgeon Major, Bridges' Batty. La. Lt. Arty. En. June 11, 1863, Mobile, Ala. Roll

of Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled Greensboro, N. C., April 26, 1865.

Singin, John, Driver 5th Co. Battn. Washington Arty. La. En. March 6, 1862, New Orleans, La.

Roll to April 30, 1862, Absent on outpost duty. Roll May and June, 1862, Present.

Singletary, Alfred A., 2nd Lt. Major Co. G, Field and Staff, 9th La. Inf. En. July 7, 1861, Camp

Moore, La. Present on all Rolls to Dec., 1861. Re-mustered for the War, Camp Carondelet, Va.,

Feb. 10, 1862. Present on all Rolls to Oct., 1863. Roll Nov. and Dec., 1863, promoted to Major,

Oct. 8, 1863. Rolls Jan., 1863, to Aug. 31, 1864, Present, Record copied from Memorial Hall, New

Orleans, La., by the War Dept., Washington. D. C., June, 1903, born Louisiana, occupation

farmer, Res. Livingston Par., La., age when enlisted 28, single. Promoted to Capt., May 1, 1862.

Promoted to Major. Jan. 1, 1864.

Singletary, George W., Pvt. Sergt. Co. B, 5th La. Inf. En. June 4, 1861, Present or absent not

stated on Rolls to Aug., 1861. Rolls Sept., 1861, to Aug., 1862, Present. Rolls Sept., 1862, to

Aug., 1863, Absent from wounds Recd. at Sharpsburg, Md., Sept. 17, 1862. Roll Sept. and Oct.,

1863, Present. Rolls Nov., 1863, to April, 1864, Absent, taken prisoner Nov. 7, 1863,

Rappahannock Station., Va. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Missionary Ridge. Nov. 7,

1863. Recd. Pt. Lookout, Md., from Washington, D. C., Nov. 11, 1863. Paroled until exchanged at

Pt. Lookout, Md., March 9, 1864. Recd. City Pt., Va., March 10, 1864. Rolls May, 1864, to Aug.

31, 1864, Present. Roll of Prisoners of War, Paroled Appomattox Court House, Va., April 10,

1865. Born Louisiana, occupation clerk, Res. New Orleans, La., age when enlisted 31, single.

Singletary, J. L., _ Capt. Norwood's Co. Cav. (Jeff Davis Rangers) La. Mil. List not dated for

defense of the State.

Singletary, John, Pvt. Co. E, 1st La. Cav. En. April 12, 1862. East Feliciana Par., La. Roll

March 1 to June 30, 1863, Present. Roll May 1 to Aug. 31, 1862, Present. Apptd. Corpl., May 16.

Detailed in H. Batty. Roll Sept. 1 to Dec. 31, 1862, Present. Apptd. Sergt. April 7, 1862. Roll

Jan. and Feb., 1863, Present. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Somerset, Ky., March

30, 1863. Sent April 13, 1863, from Military Prison, Louisville, Ky., to Baltimore, Md., en

route to City Pt., Va., for exchange. Exchanged City Pt., Va., April 22, 1863. Roll of Prisoners

of War, Paroled Gainesville, Ala., _ 12, 1865. Res. East Feliciana Par., La.

Singletary, N., Pvt. Co. A, 12th La. Hvy. Arty. Rolls Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled at

Natchitoches. La., June 12, 1865. Res. Natchitoches Par., La.

Singletary, Robert I., Pvt. Co. B, Maddox's Regt. La. Reserve Corps. Roll of Prisoners of

Page 583

War, C. S. A., Paroled Natchitoches, La., June _, 1865. Res. Natchitoches Par., La.

Singletary, T. J., Sergt. Co. D, 3rd (Wingfield's) La. Cav. En. June 16, 1862, Livingston Par.,

La. Roll dated Sept. 19, 1862, Present. Roll not dated, Present.

Singletary, Thomas J., Sergt. Co. G, 9th La. Inf. En. July 7, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on

all Rolls to Dec., 1861. Report of sick and wounded, April 1, 1862, Camp Bragg. Discharged on

Surgeon's certificate, April 12, 1862. Chronic bronchitis. Born Louisiana, occupation farmer,

Res. Livingston, La., age when enlisted 25, single.

Singleterry, Nathan, Pvt. Co. A, 2nd Battn. La. Hvy. Arty. Roll of Prisoners of War, C. S. A.,

Paroled Monroe, La., June 8, 1865, Res. Natchitoches, La. Roll of Prisoners of War of

detachments of regiments, C. S. A., Paroled Natchitoches, La., June 14, 1865. Res. Natchitoches,


Singleterry, Samuel, Pvt. Co. I, 3rd La. Cav. (Harrison's). Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War,

Captured Clinton, La., Nov. 15, 1864. Recd. New Orleans, La., Nov. 23, 1864. Remarks: Transfd.

to the Comdg. Officer. Jan. 9, 1865. Roll of Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled Gainesville,

Ala., May 12, 1865. Res. East Feliciana Par., La.

Singleton,_, Pvt. Co. H, 4th Regt. 3rd Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll dated New Orleans, La.,

March 27, 1862, Detailed for Sanitary Corps.

Singleton, Albert G., Pvt. Co. F, 18th La. Inf. En. Oct. 8, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on all

Rolls to Feb., 1862.

Singleton, Andrew J., Pvt. Co. I, 2nd La. Reserve Corps. Roll of Prisoners of War of detachments

of different commands, C. S. A., Paroled Alexandria, La., June 28, 1865. Res. Rapides Par., La.

Singleton, Arthur L., Pvt. Co. F, 8th La. Inf. En. June 23, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on

Rolls to Oct., 1861. Roll Nov. and Dec., 1861, Absent, sent to Gen. Hospl., Nov. 19, 1861.

Report Feb., 1862, Discharged Feb. 12. 1862, on Surgeon's certificate of disability. Roll to

April 30, 1862, Discharged and final statement rendered. Born Louisiana, occupation student,

Res. Bayou Chicot, age when enlisted 21, single. Roll of Prisoners of War of detachments of

different commands, C. S. A., Paroled Alexandria, La., July 1, 1865. Res. St. Landry Par., La.

Singleton, Charles B., Pvt. Co. D, Confederate Grds. Regt. La. Mil. Roll March 8 to April 30,

1862 (only Roll on file), En. New Orleans, La., March 8, 1862. Remarks: Present. Note: Transfd.

by Thos. O. Moore, Gov. of the State of Louisiana, to Maj. Gen. M. Lovell, C. S. A., for local

defense of the City of New Orleans, March 8, 1862.

Singleton, Edwin H., Pvt. Co. F, 18th La. Inf. En. Oct. 5, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on

Rolls to Feb., 1862. Roll May and June, 1862, Absent, sick, sent to interior since May 28. Roll

July and Aug., 1862, Absent, sick, in Gen Hospl. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1863, Absent, sick, sent to

Hospl., New Iberia, La. Roll dated June 31, 1863, Deserted April 5, 1863. Also on Rolls of Co.

I, Cons. 18th Regt. and Yellow Jacket Battn. La. Inf., Pvt., as Singleton, Ed. Roll Jan. and

Feb., 1864, Absent, sick, sent to Hospl. since Feb. 6, 1863.

Singleton, Francis, Pvt. Co. C, 1st La. Cav. En. _. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured

Natchez, Miss., Dec. 14, 1863. Forwarded from Vicksburg, Miss., to Cairo, Ill., Dec. 18, 1863.

Recd. Camp Morton, Ind., Dec. 26, 1863. Died Camp Morton, Ind., March 28, 1864. Buried Green

Lawn Cemetery.

Singleton, Frank, Pvt. Co. H, 8th La. Inf. En. March 8, 1862, Rapides Par., La. Roll to June 30,

1862, Absent, sick at Lynchburg, since April 25, 1862. Roll to Aug. 31, 1862, Absent without

leave. Roll Sept. and Oct., 1862, Absent. On List not dated of Prisoners paroled by the U. S.

Govt. Recd. Aikens Landing, Sept. 7, 1862. Exchanged Sept. 21, 1862, Aikens Landing. Rolls Nov.,

1862, to Dec., 1863, Present. Roll April 30 to Aug. 31, 1864, Absent without leave. Roll of

Prisoners of War of detachments of different commands, C. S. A., Paroled Alexandria, La., June

20, 1865. Res. Avoyelles Par., La.

Singleton, George F., Pvt. Hospl. Steward Co. H, Field and Staff, 6th La. Inf. En. June 4, 1861,

Camp Moore, La. Present on Rolls to Oct., 1861. Rolls May, 1862, to Aug., 1862. Absent, wounded

at Gaines Mills, June 27, 1862. Rolls Sept., 1862, to June, 1863. Present. Rolls Aug., 1863, to

Dec., 1863. Present, detached in Medical Dept., as Hospl. Steward for Regt. since Aug. 11, 1863.

Roll Jan. and Feb., 1864, Present, Acting Steward since April 18, 1863. Transfd. from Co. C to

Rolls Non-Commsd. Staff. Roll March and April, 1864, Present. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War,

Captured Winchester, Va., Sept. 19, 1863. Forwd. to Old Capitol Prison, Washington. D. C., from

Harpers Ferry. Va., Dec. 9, 1864. Transfd. to Elmira, N. Y., Dec. 17, 1864. Died March 30, 1865,

pneumonia. Occupation druggist, Res. New Orleans, La., single.

Singleton, George W., Corpl. 2nd Lt. Co. A, 12th La. Inf. En. Aug. 23, 1861, Camp Moore, La.

Present on Roll to Oct. 31, 1861. Roll dated June 28, 1862; Present, promoted to 2nd Lt. May 10,

1862, formerly a Corpl. Rolls Nov., 1862, to June, 1863, Present. Roll July and Aug., 1863,

Absent at Coushatta Chute, La., on leave of absence from 6th. Rolls Sept., 1863, to Aug., 1864,

Present. Official Rolls Paroled Officers, C. S. A., Paroled Natchitoches, La., June 7, 1865, as

Capt. Cons. 12th La. Inf., Co. A, Singleton, G. W.

Singleton, Henry C., Pvt. Co. F. 18th La. Inf. En. Oct. 5, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on Roll

to Oct. 31, 1861. Roll Nov. and Dec., 1861, Died Nov. 2, 1861.

Singleton, J. H., Pvt. Co. G, Cons. 18th Regt. and Yellow Jacket Battn. La. Inf. Roll Jan. and

Feb., 1864 (only Roll on file), En. July 21, 1862, Camp Pratt, for the War. Roll states Present.

Singleton, J. R., Pvt. Co. I, Woods' Cav. Rolls Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled at Meridian,

Miss., May 16, 1865. Res. Marengo Co., Ala.

Singleton, J. W., Pvt. Co. E, Cons. Cres. Regt. La. Inf. Roll of Prisoners of War, C. S. A.,

Paroled Alexandria, La., June 19, 1865. Res. Rapides Par., La.

Singleton, J. W., Pvt. Capt. King's Batty. La. Arty.

Singleton, J. W., Pvt. Capt. King's Siege Batty. En. Rapides, Oct. 3, 1863. Roll Jan. and Feb.,

1864, dated Feb. 29, 1864, Present. On List dated Hdqrs. Lafourche Dist., Thibodaux, La., Feb.

14, 1865, of Deserters from Confederate Army sent to the Provost Marshal to take the Amnesty

Oath by direction of the General commanding.

Singleton, John, Pvt. Co. I, 1st La. Cav. Roll dated Pointe Coupee Par., La., Oct. 8, 1861 (only

Roll on which borne), En. Oct. 8, 1861, Pointe Coupee Par., La., for the War.

Singleton, John, Pvt. Co. E, 25th La. Inf. En. Union Par., La., Feb. 26, 1862, or Monroe, La.,

March 7, 1862. Roll May and June, 1862, Present or absent not stated.

Singleton, Joseph, Pvt. Mitchell's Co. Continental Regt. La. Mil. On Roll dated New Orleans,

Nov. 23, 1861, On parade.

Singleton, L., Pvt. Co. A, 2nd La. Cav. Roll of Prisoners of War of detachments of different

commands, C. S. A., Paroled Alexandria, La., June 20, 1865. Res. St. Landry Par., La.

Page 584

Singleton, L. C., Lt. 2nd Lt. 3rd Co. 8th Battn. La. Hvy. Arty. En. _. On Abstract for

the quarter ending March 31, 1863, paid Feb. 28, 1863. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War,

Captured and paroled at Vicksburg, Miss., July 4, 1863. On List not dated of officers and men of

the 8th Battn. La. Hvy. Arty. who have reported in camp for exchange at Alexandria, La., before

April 1, 1864.

Singleton, M. V., Pvt. Sergt. Co. A, 2nd La. Cav. En. Aug. 27, 1862, Camp Pratt. Roll Dec. 31,

1862, to Feb. 28, 1863, Detached as Scout. Served as Drill Master in Camp Pratt from Aug. 27,

1862, to Dec. 4, 1862. Transfd. from 18th La. Vols. to 2nd La. Cav., Jan. 1, 1863. Roll July and

Aug., 1863. Absent, sick, on furlough. Roll of Prisoners of War of detachments of different

commands, C. S. A., Paroled Alexandria, La., June 20, 1865. Res. St. Landry Par., La.

Singleton, M. V., Pvt. Co. G, 8th La. Cav. Roll of Prisoners of War of detachments of different

commands, C. S. A., Paroled Alexandria, La., June 28, 1865. Res. Avoyelles Par., La.

Singleton, M. V., Pvt. Co. H, 16th La. Inf. En. Sept. 29, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on all

Rolls to Oct. 31, 1861. Roll Nov. and Dec., 1861, Absent, sick, in Hospl. Roll Jan. and Feb.,

1862, Present. On Register of 1st Miss. C. S. A. Hospl., Jackson, Miss., March 17, 1862.

Singleton, M. V., Pvt. Co. B, 18th La. Inf. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1863 (only Roll on which borne),

En. Dec. 10, 186-, Camp Bisland, for the War. Transfd. to 2nd La. Cav;, Dec. 20, 1862.

Singleton, S., Pvt. Co. H, 3rd La. Inf. En. May 17, 1861, New Orleans, La. Pesent on all Rolls

to Aug., 1861. Roll Sept. and Oct., 1861, Absent, sick, at Camp Jackson. Roll Nov. and Dec.,

1861, Absent on furlough. Rolls May, 1862, to Aug., 1862, Present. Roll Sept. and Oct., 1862,

Killed at Iuka, Miss., Sept. 17, 1862.

Singleton, T., Pvt. Co. H, Cons. Cres. Regt. La. Inf. En. St. Martins, Feb. 18, 1863. Roll Jan.

and Feb., 1864, dated Feb. 29, 1864. Present. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Fort

de Russy, March 14, 1864. Recd. Baton Rouge, La., March 17, 1864. Sent to New Orleans, La., from

Baton Rouge, La., March 20, 1864. Transfd. from New Orleans, La., and exchanged at Red River

Landing. July 22, 1864. Roll of Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled Washington, La., June 17,

1865. Res. Lafayette Par., La.

Singleton, T. R., Pvt. Co. K, 6th La. Cav. Roll of Prisoners of War of detachments of regiments,

C. S. A., Paroled Alexandria, La., July 1, 1865. Res. Catahoula Par., La.

Singleton, Thos., Pvt. Capt. King's Batty. La. Arty. On Rolls of Prisoners of War, C. S. A.,

Pvt., King's Co. Hvy. Arty., Paroled at Washington, La., June 17, 1865. Res. Lafayette Par., La.

Singleton, Thomas K., Pvt. Co. F, 8th La. Inf. En. June 23, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on all

Rolls to Aug. 31, 1862. On List not dated of Prisoners of War paroled by U. S. Govt. Recd. at

Aikens Landing, Va., Sept. 7, 1862. Exchanged Sept. 21, 1862. Roll to Oct., 1862, Discharged and

final statement rendered. Record copied from Memorial Hall, New Orleans, La., by the War Dept.,

Washington, D. C., June, 1903, born Louisiana, occupation student, Res. Bayou Chicot, age when

enlisted 16, single. Discharged, under age, Oct. _, 1862.

Singleton, William, Pvt. Co. D, 9th La. Inf. En. July 7, 1861. Camp Moore. La. Present on all

Rolls to Dec., 1861. Remustered for the War, Camp Carondelet, Va., Feb. 10, 1862. Present on all

Rolls to Feb., 1864. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Monocacy, Md., July 10, 1864.

On Hospl. Register, Admitted July 10 to U. S. A. Gen. Hospl., Frederick, Md. Transfd. to U. S.

A. Gen. Hospl., West's Bldgs., Baltimore, Md. Sent to Pt. Lookout, Md., from Baltimore Hospl.,

Nov. 23, 1864. On Hospl. Register, Admitted to U. S. A. Gen. Hospl., Pt. Lookout, Md., Jan. 31,

1865. Paroled at Pt. Lookout, Md., and Transfd. for exchange, Feb. 10, 1865. Exchanged Coxes

Landing, James River, Va., Feb. 14-15, 1865. On Roll of Prisoners of War of furloughed and

detailed men, C. S. A., Paroled Shreveport, La., June 19, 1865. Record copied from Memorial

Hall, New Orleans, La., by the War Dept., Washington. D. C., June, 1903, born Louisiana,

occupation farmer, Res. Fillemon, age when enlisted 21, single. Remarks: Apptd. 4th Corpl., _,

1863. Absent on parole, furlough.

Singrey, John, Pvt. Co. H, 6th La. Inf. En. June 4, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on Roll to

Aug., 1861. Promoted 3rd Sergt., Aug. 24, 1861. Roll Sept. and Oct., 1861, Present. Roll May and

June, 1862, Absent, sick, in Hospl. Roll July and Aug., 1862, Present. Roll Sept. and Oct.,

1862, Absent on duty as Teamster. Rolls Dec., 1862, to Oct., 1683, Present. Rolls Nov., 1863, to

April, 1864, Absent, captured Rappahannock Nov. 7, 1863. On Hospl. Register, Admitted to Armory

Square U. S. A. Gen. Hospl., Washington, D. C., Nov. 9, 1863. Admitted to Lincoln U. S. A. Gen.

Hospl., Washington, D. C., Dec. 21, 1863. Recd. Ft. Delaware, Del., from Old Capitol Prison,

Washington, D. C., June 17, 1864. Paroled Ft. Delaware, Del., Sept. 20, 1864. Transfd. to Aikens

Landing, Va., for exchange, Sept. 30, 1864. Roll Sept. and Oct., 1864, Present. Record copied

from Memorial Hall, New Orleans, La., by the War Dept., Washington, D. C., May, 1903, born Ohio,

occupation artist, Res. Peoria, Ill. Thigh fractured and captured at Rappahannock, Nov. 7, 1863.

Sinitier, Adolphus, Pvt. Cos. G, E, 13th La. Inf. En. March 17, 1862, Franklin. Roll to Oct. 31,

1862, Absent, sick. Rolls Nov., 1862, to April, 1863, Present. Rolls Oct., 1863, to Feb. 28,

1865, Absent, prisoner at Chickamauga, Ga., Sept. 20, 1863. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War,

Captured Chickamauga, Ga., Sept. 20, 1863. Recd. Military Prison, Louisville, Ky., from

Nashville, Tenn., Oct. 5, 1863. Forwd. to Camp Douglas, Ill., Oct. 7, 1863. Discharged from Camp

Douglas, Ill., June 14, 1865, in accordance with Gen. Orders No. 109, A. G. O., Washington, D.

C., June 6, 1865.

Sinlock, S. W., Pvt. Co. I, 10th Tex. Cav. Rolls Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled Shreveport,

La., June 8, 1865. Res. Johnson Co., Texas.

Sinner, J. B., Pvt. Co. B, Lewis' Regt. La. On Report not dated, Absent from parade Nov. 23,

1861. Remarks: Neglects drill.

Sinnom, A., Pvt. Co. K, 7th La. Cav. Roll of Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled Washington,

La., June 17, 1865. Res. Lafayette Par., La.

Sinnott, James B., Pvt. 2nd Lt. Co. E, 1st (Nelligan's) La. Inf. En. April 25, 1861, New

Orleans, La. Present on Rolls to Aug., 1861. Promoted Corpl., July 27, 1861. Elected 2nd Lt.,

Aug. 29, 1861. Rolls Sept., 1861. to Feb., 1862, Present. Roll March and April, 1862, Defeated

at re-election and reported to Gen. Blanchard.

Sinnott, John C., Pvt. Co. K, Confederate Grds. Regt. La. Mil. Roll March 8 to April 30, 1862

(only Roll on file), En. New Orleans, La., March 8, 1862. Remarks: Absent, furloughed. Note:

Transfd. by Gov. T. O. Moore to Maj. Gen. M. Lovell, C. S. A., for local defense of the City of

New Orleans and its approaches, March 8, 1862.

Page 585

Sinnott, Michael, Pvt. Co. F, 6th La. Inf. En. Feb. 21, 1862, New Orleans, La. Roll May

and June, 1862, Absent without leave. Roll Sept. and Oct., 1862, Absent, wounded at Sharpsburg,

Md., Sept. 17, 1862. Rolls Nov., 1862, to Feb., 1863, Present. Roll March and April, 1863,

Deserted March 18, 1863, Rappahannock River. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured March

20, 1863, Rappahannock River. Forwd. to City Pt., Va., from Old Capitol Prison, Washington, D.

C., March 29, 1863, and exchanged. Record copied from Memorial Hall, New Orleans, La., by the

War Dept., Washington, D. C., May, 1903, born Ireland, occupation soldier, Res. New Orleans,

La., age when enlisted 30, single. Deserted.

Sinnott, Michael, Pvt. Co. C, 1st La. Hvy. Arty. (Regulars). En. March 12, 1861, New Orleans,

La. Present on Rolls to June, 1861. Roll July and Aug., 1861, Discharged and final statement

given by reason of disability, July 16, 1861.

Sinnott, Richard, Pvt. Co. K, Confederate Grds. Regt. La. Mil. Roll March 8 to April 30, 1862

(only Roll on file), En. New Orleans, La., March 8, 1862. Remarks: Absent, furloughed. Note:

Transfd. by Gov. T. O. Moore to Maj. Gen. M. Lovell, C. S. A., for local defense of the City of

New Orleans and its approaches, March 8, 1862.

Sinnott, Thomas, Pvt. Co. G, 21st (Patton's) La. Inf. En. New Orleans, La., Aug. 12, 1861. Rolls

from Oct., 1861, to May 4, 1862, Present.

Sinns, George, Pvt. Co. H, Miles' Legion La. Roll June 30, 1862 (only Roll on which borne), En.

New Orleans, La., March 24, 186-. Remarks: Deserted in the City of New Orleans, La., about and

before its evacuation.

Sins, R. N., Adjt., Field and Staff, 2nd La. Cav. En. _. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War,

Captured Natchitoches, La., March 21, 1864. Recd. New Orleans, La., March 26, 1864. Paroled New

Orleans, La., _, 1864. Exchanged Red River Landing, July 22, 1864.

Sinsonbaker, John, Pvt. Co. L, 11th La. Inf. Roll July 20 to Oct. 31, 1861 (only Roll on file),

En. July 20, 1861, New Orleans, La. Remarks: Present.

Sintas, Juan Friayy, Corpl. 1st Cazadore's Espanoles Regt. La. Mil. Appears on List dated Sept.

21, 1861.

Sintes, Franco, Pvt. 2nd Co. Cazadore's Espanoles Regt. La. Mil. Appears on List not dated.

Sintes, Franco, Pvt. Co. 9, 5th Regt. European Brig. (Spanish Regt.) La. Mil. On Roll not dated.

Sintes, Gabriel, Pvt. Co. 9, 5th Regt. European Brig. (Spanish Regt.) La. Mil. On Roll not


Sintes, Miguel, Pvt. Co. 9, 5th Regt. European Brig. (Spanish Regt.) La. Mil. On Roll not dated.

Sintes, P. Triay, Sergt. Co. 2, 5th Regt. European Brig. (Spanish Regt.) La. Mil. On Roll dated

New Orleans, March 2, 1862.

Sion, John, Pvt. Co. F, 25th La. Inf. En. Vidalia, La., April 1, 1862. Rolls from May, 1862, to

Aug., 1862, Present. Rolls Sept. and Oct., 1863, Died Sept. 21, _, of wounds received Sept. 20,

1863, in Battle of Chickamauga.

Sipple, Henry, Pvt. Co. G, 2nd La. Inf. En. May 11, 1861, New Orleans, La. Present on all Rolls

to June, 1862. Roll July and Aug., 1862, Discharged at expiration of time by Conscription Act.

Sirine, P., Pvt. Co. I, 10th La. Inf. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Wilderness,

Va., May 12, 1864. Recd. Pt. Lookout, Md., from Belle Plains, Va., May 13, 1864.

Sirman, B., Pvt. Co. I, 6th La. Cav. Roll Feb. 20, 1864, to _, dated Feb. 20, 1864 (only Roll on

which borne), En. Feb. 19, 1864, Alexandria, La., for the War. Roll states Present. Roll of

Prisoners of War of detachment of different commands, C. S. A., Paroled June 9, 1865. Res.

Rapides Par., La.

Siroes, Benett, Pvt. Capt. Mooney's Co. (Saddlers Grds.) La. Mil. On Roll dated Dec. 2, 1861,

for active service within the State.

Sisa, Lorenzo, Pvt. Co. 9, 5th Regt. European Brig. (Spanish Regt.) La. Mil. On Roll not dated.

Sisa, Pablo, Pvt. 5th Co. Cazadore's Espanoles Regt. La. Mil. Appears on List not dated.

Sisa, Salvador, Pvt. Co. 2, 5th Regt. European Brig. (Spanish Regt.) La. Mil. On Roll dated New

Orleans, March 2, 1862.

Sisacoaluga, Antonio, Pvt. Co. 1, 6th Regt. European Brig. (Italian Grds. Battn.) La. Mil. On

Roll dated New Orleans, April 2, 1862.

Siscehitano, Antonio, Pvt. Co. 1, 6th Regt. European Brig. (Italian Grds. Battn.) La. Mil. On

Roll dated New Orleans, April 2, 1862.

Sisco, Elijah, Pvt. Co. H, 12th La. Inf. En. Aug. 13, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on Rolls to

Oct., 1861. Roll Nov. and Dec., 1862, Present. Roll March and April, 1863, Present. Rolls May,

1863, to Aug., 1864, Absent, missing since Battle of Bakers Creek, May 16, 1863, now in Federal

lines. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Champion Hill, May 16, 1863. Recd. Fort

Delaware, Del., June 15, 1863. Discharged from Ft. Delaware on joining the U. S. Service, _

1863. Remarks: Mustered into service July 9, 1863. Battery M. P. V.

Sise, Charles F., Corpl. Co. B, Cres. Regt. La. Inf. Roll May and June, 1862 (only Roll on which

borne), En. New Orleans, La., March 5, 1862. Remarks: Discharged June 10, 1862, Dr. J. C. Nott,

Medical Director A. M.

Sisk, Granville, Pvt. Washington Arty. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Island No.

10, April 8, 1862. Forwd. to Camp Douglas, Ill. Died Sept. 14, 1862.

Sisk, James, Pvt. Co. I, Confederate Grds. Regt. La. Mil. Roll March 8 to April 30, 1862 (only

Roll on file), En. New Orleans, La., March 8, 1862. Remarks: Present. Note: Transfd. by Gov.

Thos. O. Moore to Maj. Gen. M. Lovell, C. S. A., for local defense of the City of New Orleans

and its approaches, March 8, 1862.

Sisnontow, Felix G., Sergt. Co. E, 3rd La. Cav. Rolls Prisoners of War. C. S. A., Paroled

Monroe, La., June 12, 1865. Res. Jackson Par., La.

Sissac, Ant., Pvt. 8th Co. 1st Regt. French Brig. La. Mil. Roll not dated, ordered into the

service of the State of Louisiana within the limits of the City of New Orleans.

Sisson, A. P., Pvt. Sergt. Co. C, 18th La. Inf. En. Oct. 5, 1861, Camp Roman. Present on Rolls

to Dec., 1861. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1862, Absent, detached as Clerk by Brigade Qr. Master. Roll

May and June, 1862, Apptd. 2nd Jr. Lt., May 20, 1862. Present or absent not stated on Roll. Roll

July and Aug., 1862, Present. Apptd. 5th Sergt., Aug. 2, 1862. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of

War. Captured and paroled Labadieville, La., Oct. 27, 1862. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1863, Present.

Promoted to 3rd Sergt. from 5th Sergt., Jan. 1, 1863. Rolls May, 1863, to Aug., 1863, Present.

Sisson, H. C., Pvt. Co. B, Chalmette Regt. La. Mil. Roll not dated, ordered into the service of

the State of Louisiana. Roll dated March 2, 1862, En. _. Remarks: Absent with leave on


Sisson, J. P., Pvt. Co. E, 25th La. Inf. En. Union Par., Feb. 22, 1862, or Monroe, La., March

Page 586

7, 1862. Roll May and June, 1862. Died at Oxford about May 25, 1862.

Sisson, James E., Pvt. Scott's Co. Reserve Corps La. Roll of Prisoners of War of divers

companies and regiments unattached C. S. A., Paroled Monroe, La., June 12, 1865. Res. Morehouse,


Sisson, John, Pvt. Co. B, 3rd La. Inf.

Sisson, L.,_ Moreau Grds. La. Mil. On List not dated.

Sisson, Samuel, Pvt. Co. C, 31st La. Inf. En. Delhi, La., April 21, 186-. Roll Jan. and Feb.,

1863, Absent, sent to City Hospl. at Vicksburg, Miss., Feb. 8, 1863. Federal Rolls of Prisoners

of War, Captured and paroled Vicksburg, Miss., July 4, 1863.

Sisson, William L., Pvt. Co. E, 8th La. Inf. En. _, March 1, 1862, Franklin Par., La. Present or

absent not stated on Roll to April 30, 1862. Rolls June, 1862. to Aug., 1863, Absent, sick, at

Liberty. since April 20. Rolls Sept., 1863, to May 14, 1863, Present. Roll May 14 to Aug. 11,

1863, Absent, wounded, since July 2, 1863. Rolls Aug. 31, 1863, to Oct., 1863, Present. Roll

Nov. and Dec., 1863, Absent, Prisoner, since Nov. 7. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured

Rappahannock, Nov. 7, 1863. Forwd. to Pt. Lookout, Md., from Washington, D. C., Nov. 11, 1863.

Paroled until exchanged at Pt. Lookout, Md., March 10, 1864. Recd. City Pt., Va., March 15,

1864. Roll April 30 to Aug. 31, 1864, dated Nov. 2, 1864, Absent without leave in Louisiana

since May 1, 1864. Born Mississippi, occupation farmer, Res. Winnsboro, La., age when enlisted

24 years, single.

Sitges, F., Pvt. Co. 5, 5th Regt. European Brig. (Spanish Regt.) La. Mil. On Roll not dated,

Present. On Roll dated New Orleans, April 2, 1862.

Sitman, C. M., Corpl. Pvt. Old Co. G, 4th La. Inf. En. May 25, 1861, Tangipahoa, La. Rolls Aug.

31, 1861, to Dec., 1861, Present. Employed as Post Surgeon from June 8, 1861, Fort Cene. Roll

Jan. and Feb., 1862, dated April 20, 1862, Present.

Sitman, C. M., Asst. Surgeon, Field and Staff, 13th La. Inf. En. _. Field and Muster Rolls

March, 1863, to April, 1864, Present. Roster dated May 15, 1864. Roster dated March, 1865,

Apptd. Asst. Surgeon May 14, 1862.

Sitman, Henry, Pvt. Co. A, 17th La. Inf. En. Jan. 27, 1862, Camp Benjamin. Present on Roll to

Feb., 1862. Roll March and April, 1862, Died April 5, 1862. in Corinth, Miss., Hospl.

Sitman, Henry, Pvt. Co. E, 1st La. Hvy. Arty. (Regulars). En. March 14, 1861, New Orleans, La.

Present on all Rolls to Dec., 1861. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1862, Discharged on account of

disability; final statement given.

Sittig, Jules, Pvt. Co. F. 8th La. Inf. En. March 27, 1862, Opelousas, La. Present on all Rolls

to Feb., 1863. Roll Feb. 28 to May 14, 1863, Absent. missing on battle field, Marye's Hils, Va.

Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Fredericksburg, Va., May 3, 1863. Forwd. from Old

Capitol Prison, Washington. D. C., to Fort Delaware, Del., May 7, 1863. Paroled Fort Delaware,

Del., _, 1863. Exchanged City Pt., Va., May 23, 1863. Rolls Aug. 11, 1863, to Oct., 1864,

Present. Roll of Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled Appomattox Court House, Va., May 10, 1865.

Age 20 years, height 5 ft. 7 in., eyes blue, hair dark, complexion light, Res. St. Landry Par.,

La., born Louisiana, occupation blacksmith, single.

Sittig, R., Pvt. Co. D, 7th La. Cav. Roll of Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled Washington,

La., June 17, 1865. Res. St. Landry Par., La.

Sittig, R., Pvt. Co. D. 18th La. Inf. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1863 (only Roll on which borne), En.

Jan. 28, 1863, Camp Pratt. Roll states Present. On Register of Prisoners of War, dated April 30,

1863, Dept. of the Gulf, Captured Bayou Teche, La., April 14, 1863. Paroled below Port Hudson,

La., May 11, 1863. Forwd. to New Orleans, La., to be exchanged.

Sittig, Victor, Pvt. Co. F, 8th La. Inf. En. June 26, 1861, New Orleans, La. Present on all

Rolls to Oct., 1864. Born Louisiana, occupation brick mason. Res. Opelousas, age when enlisted

19, single.

Sittig, V., Pvt. 8th La. _. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Surrendered Falmouth. Va., May 5,


Sitz, John, Pvt. Co. E, 28th (Gray's) La. Inf. Roll of Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled

Franklin, La., June 10, 1865. Res. Franklin, La.

Sivarbrick, George, Lt. Burrowes' Co. British Grd. Battn. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, Present at

review April 2, _.

Sivey, John, Pvt. Co. C, 4th La. Inf. En. _. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured West

Bank Miss. River, April 12, 1864. Received New Orleans, La., April 20, 1864. Transfd. from New

Orleans, La., and exchanged at Red River Landing, July 22, 1864.

Sivley, W., Pvt. Co. F, 27th La. Inf. Roll of Prisoners of War of detachments of regiments, C.

S. A., Paroled Natchitoches, La., June 7, 1865. Res. Winn Par., La.

Siving, J. T., Pvt. 2nd La. _, Co. I. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured near Hampton

Ferry, Oct. 10, 1864. Recd. Elmira, N. Y., Nov. 20, 1864, from Ft. Columbus, N. Y. Harbor.

Transfd. to Pt. Lookout, Md., Feb. 25, 1865. Paroled for exchange.

Six, George, Pvt. Capt. Castellano's Batty. La. Arty. Roll May and June, 1862 (only Roll on

file), En. Jan. 23, 186-, New Orleans, La. Roll states Present. On Hospl. Register, Admitted

Dec. 30, 1862, to U. S. A. Gen. Hospl., Baton Rouge, La. Released from Hospl., Jan. 10, 1863.

Remarks: Rebel Prisoner, returned to Provost Marshal.

Six, George, Pvt. Co. E, Chalmette Regt. La. Mil. Roll not dated, Ordered into the service of

the State of Louisiana. Remarks: Absent.

Sixte, _, Pvt. 1st Co. 2nd Regt. French Brig. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into the

service of the City of New Orleans.

Skain, William, Pvt. Co. G, 31st La. Inf. Roll of Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled at Monroe,

La., June 12, 1865. Res. Union Par., La.

Skallon, James P., Pvt. Co. E, 6th La. Inf. En. June 4, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on all

Rolls to Oct., 1862. Roll Nov. and Dec., 1862, Absent, sick. Rolls Jan., 1863, to April, 1863,

Present. Rolls May, 1863, to Aug., 1863, Absent, wounded at Winchester, Va., June 14, 1863.

Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Jordan Springs, Va., July 26, 1863. Paroled at

Jordan Springs, Va., Aug. 2, 1863. Rolls Sept., 1863, to Dec., 1863. Absent, wounded, from June

14, 1863. Rolls Jan., 1864, to April, 1864, Absent, wounded, on furlough, Feb. 10, disabled from

wound. Record copied from Memorial Hall, New Orleans, La., by the War Dept., Washington, D. C.,

May, 1903, born Ireland, occupation gas fitter, Res. New Orleans, La., age when enlisted 25,

married. Deserted to the enemy.

Skannal, Elias, Pvt. 1st Lt. Co. D, 9th La. Inf. En. July 7, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on

all Rolls to Dec., 1861. Re-mustered for the War, Camp Carondelet, Va., Feb. 10, 1862. Rolls

May, 1862, to Dec., 1863, Present or absent not stated. Recapitulation, Present for duty. Roll

Jan. and Feb., 1864, Absent without leave since Feb. 10, 1864. List not dated, Dropped from

Rolls, prolonged

Page 587

absence without leave. Record copied from Memorial Hall, New Orleans, La., by the War Dept.,

Washington, D. C., June, 1903, occupation farmer, Res. Bossier Par., La., age when enlisted 28,

single. Elected 2nd Lt. at the reorganization. Deserted to Louisiana.

Skannal, A. B., 3rd Lt. 2nd Lt. Co. B. 19th La. Inf. En. Dec. 11, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Roll to

Dec. 31, 1861, Present. On furlough from Dec. 24, 1861, to Jan. 14, 1862, on special business

for self. Returned to camp and went on pay day. Roll May and June, 1862, Absent, sick, in

quarters. Roll July and Aug., 1862, Resignation accepted July 1 by Gen. Bragg. Roster dated

March, 1865, En. in State Service, Sept. 29, 1861; into Confed. Service, Dec. 11, 1861. Elected

2nd Lt., Sept. 29, 1861. Resigned July 15, 1862; successor, J. H. Brewton.

Skardon, A. W., Pvt. Co. D, Cres. Regt. La. Inf. En. New Orleans, La., March 5, 1862. Roll dated

March 5, 1862. On furlough for 30 days from this day, March 5, 1862. Name cancelled by line.

Roll May and June, 1862, Discharged on account of disability, June _, 1862.

Skayhan, James, Driver 5th Co. Battn. Washington Arty. La. En. March 6, 1862, New Orleans, La.

Roll to April 30, 1862, Absent on outpost duty. Roll May and June, 1862, Present.

Skees, L., Pvt. Capt. Fenner's Batty. La. Lt. Arty. En. May 16, 1862, Jackson, Miss. Rolls Aug.,

1862, to Oct., 1862, Present. Roll Jan. 1 to June 30, 1863, Absent, sick, in Hospl., Mobile.

Rolls July, 1863, to Oct., 1863, Present. Roll Nov. and Dec., 1863, Discharged Nov. 2, 1863,

order of _.

Skeels, Laws, Pvt. Co. B, 1st Spec. Battn. (Rightor's) La. Inf. En. May 15, 1861, Pensacola.

Present on Rolls to Aug., 1861.

Skeggs, James, Pvt. Co. H, 5th La. Inf. En. June 4, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present or absent not

stated on Rolls to Oct., 1861. Rolls Nov., 1861, to Aug., 1862, Present. Rolls Sept., 1862, to

April, 1863, Absent, sick, since Aug. 27, 1862, Richmond. Roll May and June, 1863, Absent on

furlough, expires Aug. 27, 1862. Roll July and Aug., 1863, Absent with leave. Roll Sept. and

Oct., 1863, Deserted, date unknown; said to have furnished a substitute. Roll Nov. and Dec.,

1862, Deserted.

Skeheil, John, Pvt. Co. A, 10th La. Inf. En. July 22, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on all Rolls

to Feb., 1862. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1864, Present. Roll May 1 to Aug. 31, 1864, dated Nov. 2,

1864. Absent, taken prisoner May 12, 1864. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured

Wilderness, Va., May 12, 1864. Forwd. to Pt. Lookout, Md., from Wilderness, Va., May 18, 1864.

Transfd. to Elmira, N. Y., July 20, 1864. Released on Oath of Allegiance to U. S., May 15, 1865.

Res. New Orleans, La., complexion dark, hair dark, eyes blue, height 5 ft. 3 1/2 in., born

Ireland, occupation laborer, age when enlisted 24, married.

Skelly, John, Pvt. Co. C, 5th La. Inf. En. June 4, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Roll to June 30, 1861,

Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 29, 1861.

Skelly, John,_ Hall's Co. Orleans Fire Regt. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, for active service

within the State.

Skelsey, George, Pvt. Co. B, 10th La. Inf. En. July 22, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on all

Rolls to Dec., 1861. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1862, Died in Williamsburg, Feb. 26, 1862.

Skelton, A., Pvt. 2nd Co. 8th Battn. La. Hvy. Arty. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured

and paroled at Vicksburg, Miss., July 4, 1863.

Skelton, Henry, Pvt. Co. B, 1st La. Hvy. Arty. (Regulars). En. May 6, 1861, New Orleans, La.

Present on all Rolls to Feb., 1862.

Skelton, J., Pvt. Co. E, 8th Battn. La. Hvy. Arty. On List dated Dec. 11, 1863, of men sent to

Richmond, Va., for exchange.

Skelton, W. R., Pvt. Capt. Fenner's Batty. La. Lt. Arty. En. July 29, 1863, Mobile, Ala. Present

on Rolls to Dec., 1863. Roll of Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled at Meridian, Miss., May 10,

1865. Res. New Orleans, La.

Skidmore, George W., Pvt. 5th Co. Battn. Washington Arty. La. En. March 6, 1862, New Orleans.

La. Roll to April 30, 1862, Absent on outpost duty, Rolls May, 1862, to Oct., 1862, Absent,

sick. Rolls Jan., 1863, to April, 1865. Absent, detailed as Drug Clerk at Academy Hospl., near

Chattanooga, Tenn., order Gen. Bragg, since Nov. 28, 1862.

Skidmore, Joseph B., Pvt. Co. D, 1st La. Cav. En. Sept. 15, 1862, Kingston, Tenn. Present on

Rolls to Feb., 1863. Roll March 1 to June 30, 1863, Promoted 2nd Jr. Lt., Capt. Warren's Co.,

Barton's Batt., Ala. Cav.

Skidmore, Thos. H.,Capt. and A. Q. M. 9th Tex. Inf. Rolls of Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled

Meridian, Miss., May 9, 1865.

Skillman, J. T., Pvt. 5th Co. Battn. Washington Arty. La. En. March 6, 1862, New Orleans, La.

Roll to April 30, 1862, Present. Roll May and June, 1862, Discharged June 16, 1863.

Skinner, Archibald H., Pvt. Co. H, 12th La. Inf. Roll March and April, 1863 (only Roll on which

borne), En. Jan. 10, 1863, Camp Tippa, Miss. Remarks: Died April 26, 1863, at Meridian, Miss.

Skinner, Benjamin F., Pvt. Co. D. 11th Battn. La. Inf. En. May 3, 1862, Natchitoches, La.

Present on Rolls to Oct., 1862. Roll Nov. and Dec., 1862, Furloughed Nov. 6 to Dec. 6, 1862.

Rolls Jan., 1863. to April, 1863, Present.

Skinner, C. A., Pvt. Co. I, 2nd La. Cav. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Bayou

Fordoche, La., Oct. 20, 1864. Recd. New Orleans, La., Oct. 31, 1864. Sent to Ship Island, Miss.,

Nov. _, 1864. Forwarded to Fort Columbus, N. Y. Harbor, Nov. 5, 1864. Transfd. to Elmira, N. Y.,

Nov. 19, 1864. Paroled Elmira, N. Y., Feb. 9, 1865. Sent to James River for exchange. Exchanged

Boulwares and Cox's Wharf, James River, Va., Feb. 20-21, 1865.

Skinner, Francis M., Pvt. Co. D, 11th Battn. La. Inf. En. May 3, 1862, Mansfield, La. Present on

Rolls to Aug., 1862. Roll Sept. and Oct., 1862, Died Oct. 11, _.

Skinner, J. B., Pvt. Woods' Cav. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War. Captured Port Hudson, Jan.

12, 1864. Paroled New Orleans, La., Aug. 21, 1864.

Skinner, J. B., Pvt. Co. O, Cons. Cres. Regt. La. Inf. Roll of Prisoners of War, C. S. A.,

Paroled Natchitoches, La., June 6, 1865. Res. De Soto Par., La.

Skinner, J. F. M., Pvt. 3rd Mo. Batty. Rolls of Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled Shreveport,

La., June 15, 1865. Res. Bienville Par., La.

Skinner, James, Pvt. Co. K, 3rd Regt. 1st Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered

into the service of the State of Louisiana.

Skinner, James H., Pvt. Co. H, 31st La. Inf. En. Monroe, La., July 23, 1862. Roll Nov. and Dec.,

1862, Present. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1863, Present, detailed on daily duty as forage master in the

Qr. Master Dept. of the Regt. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War. Captured and paroled at

Vicksburg, Miss., July 4, 1863.

Skinner, James J., Pvt. Co. D, 28th (Gray's) La. Inf. Roll dated May 15, 1862 (only Roll on

which borne), En. Monroe, La., May 11, 186-.

Page 588

Skinner, Joel J., Sergt. Co. I, 16th La. Inf.

Skinner, John, Pvt. Co. B, 17th La. Inf. En. Sept. 30, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on all

Rolls to May, 1862. Re-enlisted May 23, 1862, Edwards Depot. Roll Aug., 1862, to Oct., 1862,

Present. Rolls Nov., 1862, to Feb., 1863, Present, Hospl. Nurse. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of

War, Captured and paroled at Vicksburg, Miss., July 4, 1863. Roll of Prisoners of War, C. S. A.,

Paroled Natchitoches, La., June 10, 1865. Res. Sabine Par., La.

Skinner, John K., Musician Co. H, 12th La. Inf. En. Feb. 28, 1863, Vienna, La. Roll March and

April, 1863, Present. Roll July and Aug., 1863, Absent without leave, Aug. 27, 1863. Roll Sept.

and Oct., 1863, Deserted his Co., Aug. 27, 1863.

Skinner, M. P., Pvt. Co. H, 14th La. Inf. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured

Wilderness, Va., May 12, 1864. Forwd. to Pt. Lookout, Md., from Belle Plains, Va., May 19, 1864.

Recd. Elmira, N. Y., July 28, 1864. Paroled Elmira, N. Y., Feb. 25, 1865. Sent to James River,

Va., for exchange.

Skinner, Maurice N., Pvt. Co. A, 31st La. Inf. En. Monroe, La., April 12, 1862. Federal Rolls of

Prisoners of War, Captured Milliken's Bend, _. On List not dated of Prisoners of War, sent by

Maj. Gen. Curtis to Maj. Gen. Holmes, under flag of truce, Aug. 29, 1862. List indorsed: Recd.

of Capt. Nobles the prisoners named above, Sept. 1, 1862. Roll Feb. 1 to March 1, 1863, Present.

Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured and paroled Vicksburg, Miss., July 4, 1863. List

dated Hdqrs. Allen's Brigade, Shreveport, La., March 29, 1864, Reported in camp for exchange at

Vienna, La., before April 1, 1864.

Skinner, Samuel, Pvt. Co. H, 12th La. Inf. Roll torn (only Roll on which borne), En. Feb. 27,

1862, Monroe, La. Remarks: Discharged.

Skinner, Samuel C., Pvt. Co. H, 12th La. Inf. En. Aug. 18, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present or

absent not stated on Rolls to Oct. 31, 1861, On List not dated of Prisoners of War, Captured and

paroled by U. S. Forces at Corinth, Miss., Oct. 13, 1862. Rolls March, 1863, to Dec., 1863,

Present. Rolls June, 1864, to Aug., 1864, Absent, sent to Hospl., sick, June 14, 1862.

Skinner, Thomas M., Pvt. Co. B, 28th (Gray's) La. Inf. Roll dated May 11, 1862 (only Roll on

which borne), En. Monroe, La., May 11, 1862.

Skinner, Tillmon H., Pvt. Co. C, 19th La. Inf. Roll Feb. 25, 1863, to April 25, 1863 (only Roll

on which borne), En. March 3, 1863, Homer, La., for three years or the War.

Skinner, Timothy, Pvt. Co. E, 11th Battn. La. Inf. En. May 14, 1862, Many, La. Roll July and

Aug., 1862, Present. Roll Sept. and Oct., 1862, Died at Camp Edwards, Oct. 23, 1862.

Skinner, W. L., Pvt. Co. A, 27th La. Inf. En. Clinton, La., March 14, 1862, or Camp Moore, La.,

March 29, 186-. Present on Roll to May 1, 1862. Roll to June, 1862, Present or absent not

stated, detailed as Brigade Surgeon Clerk, June 17, _. Roll July 1 to Nov. 1, 1862, Absent,

detailed to Post Commissary Nov. 12, 1862. Roll to Dec., 1862, Present. Federal Rolls of

Prisoners of War, Captured and paroled at Vicksburg, Miss., July 4, 1863. Roll of Prisoners of

War of divers companies and regiments (detached), C. S. A., Paroled Meridian, Miss., May 12,

1865. Res. East Feliciana, La.

Skinner, W. S., Pvt. Co. F, 22nd (Cons.) La. Inf. En. Camp Moore, La., March 29, 1862. Roll Jan.

and Feb., 1864, Absent, unexchanged in Parole Camp. Roll March and April, 1864, Absent in Parole

Camp, Demopolis, Ala. Roll May and June, 1864, Transfd. to Co. A, 27th La. _, by order of Secty.

of War. We never saw the order. Gen. S. D. Lee in answer to a communication states the fact.

Skinner, William, Pvt. Co., D, Chalmette Regt. La. Mil. Roll not dated, ordered into the service

of the State of Louisiana. Roll dated March 6, 1862, En. _. Remarks: Present.

Skinner, William B., Pvt. Williams' Co. Reserve Corps La. Roll of Prisoners of War of divers

companies and regiments unattached C. S. A., Paroled Monroe, La., June 8, 1865. Res. Ouachita

Par., La.

Skipper, J. E., Pvt. Co. C, 6th Ala. Cav. Rolls Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled at Meridian,

Miss., May 12, 1865. Res. Montgomery, Ala.

Skippere, Joel B., Pvt. Co. A, 12th La. Inf. En. March 1, 1862, Coushatta, La. Rolls June, 1862,

to Dec., 1862, Present. Roll March and April, 1863, Present. Roll May and June, 1863, Left on

guard with the Ordnance Train, near Edwards Depot, Miss., May 16, 1863. Federal Rolls of

Prisoners of War, Captured and paroled at Vicksburg, Miss., July 4, 1863. Rolls Aug., 1863, to

Oct., 1863, Absent, left on guard with Ordnance Train since May 16, 1863, order Col. Scott.

Rolls Nov., 1863, to Aug., 1864, Absent. Paroled at Vicksburg, Miss., July 4, 1863.

Skipwith, Henry, Sergt. Cos. E, A, 4th La. Inf. Roll April 20 to 30, 1865 (only Roll on which

borne), En. Sept. 14, 1861, Clinton, La. Roll states Present. Roll of Prisoners of War, C. S.

A., Paroled at Meridian, Miss., May 14, 1865. Res. Clinton, La.

Skipwith, Henry, Pvt. Co. A, 16th La. Inf. En. Sept. 29, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on all

Rolls to Feb., 1862. Roll May and June, 1862, Discharged May 18, 1862.

Skipwith, Henry, Pvt. Corpl. Co. A, 27th La. Inf. En. Clinton, La., May 14, 1862, or Camp Moore,

La., March 29, 186-. Present on Roll to May 1, 1862. Roll to June, 1862, Present or absent not

stated. Rolls from Nov., 1862, to Dec., 1862, Present. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War,

Captured and paroled at Vicksburg, Miss., July 4, 1863.

Skipwith, J., Pvt. Co. I, 3rd La. Cav. (Harrison's). Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled

Gainesville, Ala., May 12, 1865. Res. East Feliciana Par., La.

Skipwith, W. R., _ Capt. Norwood's Co. Cav, (Jeff Davis Rangers) La. Mil. On List not dated, for

the defense of the State.

Skipwith, W. R., Pvt. Co. E, 1st La. Cav. En. April 25, 1862, Baton Rouge, La. Rolls May, 1862,

to Dec. 31, 1862, Present. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1863, Absent, left sick in Clint Co., Tenn. Roll

March 1 to June 30, 1863, Present. Rolls Nov., 1863, to Feb., 1864, Absent, captured near

Shelbyville, Tenn., Oct. _, 1863. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Farmington, Tenn.,

Oct. 7, 1863. Recd. Military Prison, Louisville, Ky., Oct. 15, 1863, from Nashville, Tenn. Sent

to Camp Morton, Ind., Oct. 16, 1863. Transfd. to Fort Delaware, Del., March 19, 1864. Paroled

Fort Delaware, Del. Forwarded to City Pt., Va., for exchange, March 7, 1865. Exchanged Boulwares

and Coxes Wharf, James River, Va., March 10 to 12, 1865.

Skipworth, J., Pvt. Co. H, 3rd Regt. _. Rolls Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled Gainesville,

Ala., May 12, 1865. Res. East Feliciana Par., La.

Skofield, James P., 1st Lt. Co. -, 5th La. Cav. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured

Brookhaven, Miss., Nov. 18, 1864. Forwd. to Ship Island, Miss., from New Orleans, La., Dec. 15,

1864. Paroled Ship Island, Miss., _, 186-. Exchanged March 2, 1865. Indorsement Roll shows: Flag

of truce, Steamer Nashua, Mobile Bay, March 4, 1865. Rec. Prisoners of War borne on above Roll.

Page 589

Skolfield, J. P., 2nd Lt. Co. F, 18th Battn. La. Cav. Roster not dated, Elected 2nd Lt.,

April 19, 1864.

Skolfield, O. P., Pvt. Capt. Co. F, 4th La. Inf. En. May 25, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on

Roll to Aug. 31, 1861. Roll Sept. and Oct., 1861, Present or absent not stated. Elected Jr. 2nd

Lt., Oct. 1, 1861. Roll to Dec. 31, 1861, Present. Roll Sept. and Oct., 1862, Recapitulation,

absent, sick. Roll Nov. and Dec., 1862, Recapitulation, Present. Comdg. Co. Rolls Jan., 1863, to

June, 1863, Comdg. Co. Rolls July, 1863, to Oct., 1863, Absent with leave. Roll Nov. and Dec.,

1863, Recapitulation, absent without leave. Roll April 30 to Aug. 31, 1864, Absent, detached

with Scott's Cav. Roll Aug. 31 to Feb. 28, 1865, Absent, detached service, at Clinton, La.,

order and date unknown.

Skolfield, Sam W., Pvt. 2nd Lt. Co. F, 4th La. Inf. En. May 25, 1861, Tangipahoa, La. Present on

all Rolls to April 30, 1862. Roll May and June, 1863, Present. Promoted by election June 5,

1863, to Lt. Rolls July, 1863, to Aug. 31, 1864, Present. Roll Aug. 31, 1864, to April 30, 1865,

Absent on furlough for 30 days since Feb. 14, 1865.

Slach, Thomas, Pvt. Co. F, 28th (Thomas') La. Inf. Roll to Aug. 31, 1862 (only Roll on which

borne), En. New Orleans, La., April 17, 1862. Remarks: Deserted at Camp Moore, May 15, 1862.

Slack, A. L., Pvt. Co. C, 2nd La. Inf. En. May 11, 1861, New Orleans, La. Roll to June 30, 1861,

Detached under special service, Gen. Magruder. Rolls July, 1861, to Oct., 1862, Present. Rolls

Nov., 1862, to Feb., 1863, Present, detailed in Adjt.'s Office. Roll March and April, 1863,

Discharged by order _.

Slack, A. L., 2nd Lt. Co. H, 1st La. Hvy. Arty. (Regulars). En. _. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of

War, Captured and paroled at Vicksburg, Miss., July 4, 1863. On List dated Enterprise, Miss.,

Oct. 13, 1863, Present in Parole Camp. Rolls Oct. 31, 1863. to April, 1864, Present. Roll July

and Aug., 1864, Absent on detached service as Battery Huger, per S. O. Hdqrs. Brigade, Aug. 16.

Rolls Sept., 1864, to Oct., 1864, Present. Roster dated Mobile, Jan. 6, 1865, Apptd. 2nd Lt.,

March 3, 1863. Roll March and April, 1865, Present. Register of Prisoners, Taylor's Corps,

Paroled May 10, 1865. Age 24 years, eyes gray, hair brown, complexion dark, height 5 ft. 5 in.,

Res. Minden, La.

Slack, Charles D., Pvt. Co. G, 7th La. Inf. En. June 7, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on Roll to

July 4, 1861. Rolls July, 1861, to Feb., 1862, Absent, wounded. Rolls Jan., 1863, to April,

1863, Absent, wounded. Rolls May, 1863, to Oct., 1863, Absent, detailed in Gen. Hospl., order

Gen. Lee. Rolls Nov., 1863, to Feb., 1864, Present, Roll April 30 to Aug. 31, 1864, Absent,

taken Prisoner May 12, 1864. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Wilderness, Va., May 5,

1864. Forwarded to Pt. Lookout, Md., from Belle Plains, Va., May 18, 1864. Sent to Elmira, N.

Y., July 6, 1864. Transfd. to Ft. Delaware, Del., July 20, 1864. Remarks: This man was taken

Prisoner at Wilderness, from there taken to Elmira, N. Y.; here he escaped and was again

arrested while en route to Virginia to join the Rebel Army; at Newport, Va., reported at Office

from Carlisle, Pa., by Capt. R. M. Henderson, July 20, 1864. Paroled at Fort Delaware, Del.,

Sept. 28, 1864, until exchanged. Transfd. to Aikens Landing, Va., Sept. 30, 1864, for exchange.

Exchanged Varina, Va., Oct. 5, 1864. On List not dated of Prisoners who were paroled and took

the Oath of Amnesty, June 29, 1865; given by R. A. Myers, Maj. A. P. M. Gen., Cumberland, Md.

Remarks: O. of A. under proclamation, May 29, 1865.

Slack, Eliphalet B., Pvt. Corpl. New Co. A, 5th La. Inf. En. June 4, 1861, Camp Moore, La.

Present on all Rolls to Oct., 1861. Roll Nov. and Dec., 1861, Absent. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1862,

Absent on furlough to New Orleans, La., 30 days. Roll July and Aug., 1862, Present. Roll Sept.

and Oct., 1862, Promoted from Pvt., Oct. 1, vice Joseph Walker, reduced to ranks. Rolls Nov.,

1862, to April, 1863, Present. Rolls June, 1863, to Dec., 1863, Absent, sick, since June 10,

1863. Supposed to be at Lynchburg. Rolls Jan., 1864, to Aug. 31, 1864, Absent, taken Prisoner at

_, June 10, 1863. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Gettysburg, Pa., July 3, 1863.

Recd. Fort Delaware, Del., July 7-12, 1863. Paroled Fort Delaware, Del., _, 1863. Forwd. to City

Pt., Va., for exchange, March 7, 1865. Exchanged Boulwares and Cox's Wharf, James River, Va.,

March 10 to 12, 1865. On Register of Prisoners of War, Paroled May 15, 1865, authority of Gen.

E. R. S. Canby. Age 23 years, eyes hazel, hair dark, complexion dark, height 5 ft. 6 in., Res.

New Orleans, La.

Slack, Henry R., 2nd Lt. 1st Lt. Co. A, 1st La. Cav. En. Aug. 26, 1861, Camp Schlatre. Rolls

May, 1862, to Dec., 1862, Present. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1863, Absent on furlough of thirty days,

granted Jan. 23, 1863. Roll March 1 to June 30, 1863, Present. Reported to Co. from furlough,

April 14, 1863. Furlough expired Feb. 23, 1863. Rolls Nov., 1863, to Feb., 1864, Present, Acting

Adjt. since Jan. 17, 1864. Roster dated Clinton, La., June 21, 1864. Entry into Confed. service,

Sept. 10, 1861. Elected 2nd Lt., Sept. 10, 1861. Promoted 1st Lt., Oct. 23, 1862. Successor, E.

Marioneaux. Official Rolls of Paroled Officers, C. S. A., Paroled Gainesville, Ala., May 12,


Slack, John, Pvt. Co. E, 13th Battn. La. (Partisan Rangers). Roll Jan. 1 to April 30, 1863 (only

Roll on which borne), En. _. Present or absent not stated.

Slack, John D., 1st Lt. Co. I, 2nd La. Cav. En. Sept. 8, 1862, Camp Thompson, La. Present on

Rolls to Feb., 1863.

Slack, Randolph, Pvt. Co. B, 28th (Gray's) La. Inf. Roll dated May 11, 1862 (only Roll on which

borne), En. Monroe, La., May 14, 1862.

Slack, Reuben, Pvt. Co. C, 27th La. Inf. En. Rapides, La., April 30, 1862. Roll May and June,

1862, Present. Roll July 1 to Nov. 1, 1862, Died at Miss. Springs, July 3, 1862.

Slack, Richard, Pvt. Co. C, 27th La. Inf. En. Rapides, La., April 30, 1862. Rolls from May,

1862, to Dec., 1862, Present. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured and paroled at

Vicksburg, Miss., July 4, 1863.

Slack, Thos., Pvt. Co. H, 1st Mo. Inf. Rolls of Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled Shreveport,

La., June 20, 1865. Res. Andrain Co., Mo.

Slade, John F., Pvt. Co. B, 2nd La. Inf. En. May 9, 1861, New Orleans, La. Present on all Rolls

to Dec., 1861. Rolls Jan., 1862, to April, 1862, Absent without leave. Rolls May, 1862, to Oct.,

1862, Deserted Feb. 14, 1862, and now with Letchers Batty., A. R. Hill's Division.

Slade, Solomon B., Pvt. 3rd Co. Battn. Washington Arty. La. En. Jan. 29, 1863, Mobile, Ala.

Rolls Feb., 1863, to Dec., 1863, Absent without leave since Feb. 8, 1863, Caroline Co., Va. Roll

Jan. and Feb., 1864, Deserted from Co. at Caroline Co., Va., Feb. 8, 1863. Born Mississippi, age

when enlisted 23, single.

Slade, Thomas J., Pvt. Co. H, 12th La. Inf. En. Feb. 27, 1862, Monroe, La. Rolls Nov., 1862, to

April, 1863, Present. Rolls May and June, 1863, Absent, left to guard baggage at Big Black

Bridge, May 13, 1863, order of Col. Scott. Rolls July, 1863, to Dec., 1863. Absent.

Page 590

Captured at Vicksburg, Miss., July 4, 1863. Rolls May, 1864, to Aug., 1864, Absent, captured and

paroled at Vicksburg, July 4, 1863. Supposed to be in Jackson Par., La.

Slade, William L., Pvt. Co. I, 3rd La. Inf. En. Monroe, La., March 27, 186-. Roll Jan. and Feb.,

1863, Present. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured and paroled Vicksburg, Miss., July 4,

1863. On List dated Hdqrs. Allen's Brigade, Shreveport, La., March 29, 1864, Reported in camp

for exchange at Vienna, La., before April 1, 1864.

Sladen, Javis, Pvt. Co. E, 16th La. Inf. En. Sept. 29, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on all

Rolls to Feb., 1862. Rolls Feb. 28, 1862, to Oct. 31, 1862, Absent, sick, in Hospl.

Slado, Ramon, Pvt. Co. 9, 5th Regt. European Brig. (Spanish Regt.) La. Mil. On Roll not dated.

Slagal, S. M., Pvt. Co. K, 9th La. Inf.

Slaid, George W., Pvt. Co. F, 6th La. Inf.

Slais, John, Sergt. Capt. Mooney's Co. (Saddlers Grds.) La. Mil. On Roll dated Dec. 2, 1861, for

active service within the State.

Slasbury, Albert, Pvt. Co. -, 13th Regt. La. Cav. On Record of Paroled Prisoners, Provost

Marshal's Office, Middle Military Dept., Reported May 28, 1865. Remarks: Captured Newberne, N.

C., May 22, 1865. Oath administered by Lt. Wonley, May 22, 1865, at Newberne. Former Res.

Norfolk, Va. Destination, Pennsylvania.

Slash, T. E., _ Co. F, 4th Regt. 2nd Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into the

service of the State of Louisiana.

Slasson, Albert, Pvt. Co. C, 17th La. Inf. Rolls Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled Monroe,

La., June 9, 1865. Res. Union Par., La.

Slate, Christian, _ Co. -, 12th La. Inf. On List dated Oxford, Miss., Dec. 21, 1862, of

Prisoners captured and paroled at Confed. Hospl., Oxford, Miss.

Slater, H., Pvt. Co. B, 4th La. Cav. Roll of Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled Monroe, La.,

June 7, 1865. Res. Ashley Co., Ark.

Slater, J. B., Pvt. Co. G, 3rd (Wingfield's) La. Cav. En. June 5, 1862, _ Springs. Roll dated

Sept. 19, 1862, Present. Roll of Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled Gainesville, Ala., May 12,

1865. Res. Livingston Par., La.

Slater, Joseph, Pvt. Co. A, 13th Battn. La. (Partisan Rangers). En. July 11, 1862, Hamburg, La.

Roll Nov. and Dec., 1862, Present. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1863, Absent, detached service. Roll

March and April, 1863, Present.

Slater, Joseph, Pvt. Co. C, 8th La. Inf. En. March 15, 1862, St. Martin Par., La. Present on

Roll to June 30, 1862. Roll July and Aug., 1862, Absent, taken Prisoner near Cedar Run (on

parole). Roll Sept. and Oct., 1862, Absent on furlough in Louisiana. Rolls Nov., 1862, to May

14, 1863, Present. Rolls Aug. 11, 1863, to Dec., 1863, Absent without leave since July 1, 1863.

On List dated near Raccoon Ford, March 3, 1864. Record copied from Memorial Hall, New Orleans,

La., by the War Dept., Washington, D. C., June, 1903, born Illinois, occupation farmer, Res.

Vermilion, age when enlisted 21, single. Deserted in Pennsylvania, July _, 1863.

Slaters, H., Pvt. Co. B, 4th La. Cav. Rolls of Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled Monroe, La.,

June 7, 1865. Res. Ashley Co., Ark.

Slatery, P., Pvt. Co. D, 5th La. Inf. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Gettysburg,

Pa., July 5, 1863. Recd. at Hammond General Hospl., Pt. Lookout, Md., Oct. 4, 1863, from

Chester, Pa. Released on Oath, April 18, 1864.

Slaton, J. H., Corpl. Co. K, 9th La. Inf. En. July 9, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on Roll to

Aug. 31, 1861. Roll Sept. and Oct., 1861, Absent, sick, at Hospl. Rolls Nov., 1861, to Feb.,

1862, Present. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Huntsville, Ala., April 11, 1862.

Forwd. to Vicksburg, Miss., from Camp Chase, Ohio, Aug. 25, 1862, to be exchanged. Recd. near

Vicksburg, Miss., on Steamer John H. Done, Sept. 11, 1862. Exchanged Aikens Landing, Va., Nov.

10, 1862.

Slaton, J. H., Corpl. Pvt. 2nd Co. M, 12th La. Inf. En. Feb. 12, 1862, Camp Carondelet, Va. Roll

Nov. and Dec., 1862, Died Oxford, Miss., Nov. 9, 1862.

Slaton, William J., Pvt. Co. I, 28th (Gray's) La. Inf. En. Monroe, La., May 11, 1862. Roll July

and Aug., 1863, Detailed as Ordnance Sergt.

Slatry, Dan, Pvt. Barnes' Batty. Rolls Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled Shreveport, La., June

8, 1865. Res. Caddo Par., La.

Slatter, S. W., 2nd Lt. Co. H, 4th Regt. 2nd Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered

into the service of the State of Louisiana.

Slattery, James, Pvt. Co. H, 11th La. Inf. En. Aug. 11, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on Rolls

to Oct. 31, 1861.

Slattery, Mat, Pvt. Watson Batty. La. Arty. En. Sept. 26, 1861, New Orleans, La. Roll Sept. and

Oct., 1862, Present. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured and paroled Port Hudson, La.,

July 11, 1863.

Slattery, Michael J., Pvt. Co. D, 5th La. Inf. En. June 4, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present or

absent not stated on Rolls to Aug., 1861. Rolls Sept., 1861, to Feb., 1862, Present. Roll July

and Aug., 1862, Absent, detailed as nurse since Aug. 29, 1862. Rolls Sept., 1862, to Feb., 1863,

Present. Roll March and April, 1863, Absent, wounded May 4, 1863. Rolls May, 1863, to Dec.,

1863, Present. Roll March and April, 1864, Detailed as Courier to Gen. Hayes March 1, 1864. Roll

May 1 to Aug. 31, 1864, Wounded July 9, 1864, Frederick City; left in Yankeedom. Federal Rolls

of Prisoners of War, Captured Frederick, Md., or Monocacy, Md., July 9, 1864. On Hospl.

Register, Admitted to U. S. A. Gen. Hospl., Frederick, Md., July 10, 1864. Transfd. to U. S. A.

Gen. Hospl., West's Bldgs., Baltimore, Md., Dec. 23, 1864. Sent to U. S. A. Gen. Hospl., Pt.

Lookout, Md., Jan. 31, 1865. Paroled at Pt. Lookout, Md., and Transfd. for exchange, Feb. 10,

1865. Exchanged at Coxes Landing, James River, Va., Feb. 14-15, 1865. On Roll of Prisoners of

War of detachments of regiments, C. S. A., Paroled Demopolis, Ala., May 30, 1865. Res. New

Orleans, La., born Louisiana, occupation clerk.

Slattery, Peter, Pvt. Co. H, 8th La. Inf. En. June 8, 1861, New Orleans, La. Present on all

Rolls to Oct., 1863. Roll Nov. and Dec., 1863, Absent, taken Prisoner Nov. 7, 1863. Federal

Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Rappahannock, Va., Nov. 7, 1863. Forwd. to Pt. Lookout, Md.,

from Washington, Nov. 11, 1863. Joined U. S. Service, Feb. 16, 1864.

Slaughter, A., Pvt. Sanders' La. Cav. Rolls of Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled _. June _,

1865. Res. Caddo Par., La.

Slaughter, A., Pvt. Co. -, 3rd La. Cav. Roll of Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled _. June _,

1865. Res. Caddo Par., La.

Slaughter, E., Pvt. Co. D, Chalmette Regt. La. Mil. Roll of Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled

Meridian, Miss., May 14, 1865. Res. Rapides Par., La.

Slaughter, Ephraim, Pvt. Co. E, 16th La. Inf. En. Sept. 29, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on all

Rolls to June, 1863. Rolls July, 1863, to Oct., 1863, Absent, detailed Q. M. Dept., Army Miss.,

order Gen. Johnson, June 3, 1863. Rolls Jan., 1864, to Feb. 28, 1865. Present. Roll April 20 to

30, 1865, Present. Regtl. Cook, order Capt. Ford, April 7, 1865.

Slaughter, Gideon, Pvt. Co. E, 16th La. Inf. En. Sept. 29, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on all

Rolls to Feb., 1862.

Page 591

Slaughter, H. H., Pvt. Co. C, 2nd La. Inf. En. May 11, 1861, New Orleans, La. Present on Roll to

June 30, 1861. Roll July and Aug., 1861, Discharged on furnishing a substitute in person of

Holman, W.

Slaughter, Hudson, Pvt. Corpl. Co. C, 4th Battn. La. Inf. En. Aug. 8, 1861, Winnsboro. Present

on all Rolls to Oct., 1862. Roll Nov. and Dec., 1862, Present. Apptd. from the ranks Dec. 1,

1862, to 4th Corpl. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1863, Present.

Slaughter, J. C., Pvt. Co. I, 1st La. Hvy. Arty. (Regulars). En. April 1, 1863, Port Hudson, La.

Rolls Jan., 1864, to Oct., 1864, Absent, sick, at Montgomery. Temporarily attached to Co. from

12th La. Battn. Roll March and April, 1865, Transfd. to Co. D, Va. Arty., date and number of

order not known.

Slaughter, J., Pvt. 5th La. Inf. Co. A. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Wilderness,

Va., May 6, 1864. Transfd. to Elmira, N. Y., July 23, 1864, from Old Capitol Prison, Washington,

D. C.

Slaughter, J. M., Pvt. Co. K, 3rd La. Cav. (Harrison's). Roll of Prisoners of War, Paroled

Gainesville, Ala., May 12, 1865. Res. Washington, La.

Slaughter, J. M., Pvt. Co. I, 6th La. Cav. Roll for Feb. 20, 1864, to _, dated Feb. 20, 1864

(only Roll on file), En. Feb. 19, 1864, Alexandria, La., for the War. Roll states Present.

Slaughter, John, Pvt. 6th Ark. Arty. Rolls of Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled Alexandria,

La., June 3, 1865. Res. Mobile, Ala.

Slaughter, Jno. W., Pvt. 1st La. Inf. Co. E. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured near

Nashville, Tenn., Dec. 15, 1864. Forwd. to Camp Douglas, Ill. Released June 20, 1865, G. O. No.

109, A. G. O.

Slaughter, Jonathan, Pvt. Co. C, 27th La. Inf. En. Camp Norwood or Vicksburg, Miss., Aug. 25,

1862. Roll to Nov. 1, 1862, Present, substitute for C. C. Hunt, Rapides Par., La. Roll to Dec.,

1862, Present. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured and paroled Vicksburg, Miss., July 4,

1863. On List dated Hdqrs. 27th Regt. La. Vols., Shreveport, La., April 1, 1864, Reported for

exchange at Shreveport, La.

Slaughter, N., Pvt. Co. H, 3rd Regt. 1st Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into

the service of the State of Louisiana.

Slaughter, O. P., Pvt. Co. A, 28th (Gray's) La. Inf. Roll July and Aug., 1863 (only Roll on

which borne), En. Battery Fusilier, Jan. 8, 1863. Remarks: Absent, sick.

Slaughter, P. Madison, Pvt. Capt. Green's Co. (La. Grd. Batty.) La. Arty. En. April 25, 1861,

New Orleans, La. Present on Roll to June 30, 1861. Roll July and Aug., 1861, Absent on special

services as Engineer to Col. Trimble. Roll Sept. and Oct., 1861, Discharged.

Slaughter, R., Pvt. Co. D, 8th La. Cav. Rolls Prisoners of War, Paroled Natchitoches, La., June

19, 1865. Res. Belle Co., Tex.

Slaughter, Richard K., Pvt. Sr. 2nd Lt. Co. F, 8th La. Inf. En. June 23, 1861, Camp Moore, La.

Present on all Rolls to Oct., 1861. Roll Nov. and Dec., 1861, Present, promoted to Corpl., Nov.

1, 1861. Re-enlisted at Camp Carondelet, Va., Feb. _, 1862. Roll to April 30, 1862, Present,

promoted from 4th Corpl. to Sergt., April 24, 1862. Roll to Aug. 31, 1862, Present. Roll Sept.

and Oct., 1862, Present or absent not stated. Elected from 5th Sergt. to Jr. 2nd Lt., Sept. 8,

1862. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Antietam, Sept. 17, 1862. Exchanged Aikens

Landing, Va., Nov. 8, 1862. Roll to Dec., 1862, Absent at Petersburg Hospl. Rolls Feb. 28, 1863,

to Aug. 11, 1863, Absent on wounded furlough. Rolls Sept., 1863, to Dec., 1863, Absent, wounded

Sept. 17, 1862. Furloughed 30 days to Louisiana about Jan. 10, 1863; where he still remains,

Roster dated Camp near Raccoon Ford, Va., April 6, 1864. Promoted 2nd Lt., June 13, 1863.

Resigned Nov. 7, 1863. Record copied from Memorial Hall, New Orleans, La., by the War Dept.,

Washington, D. C., June, 1903, born Louisiana, occupation farmer, Res. Plaquemine, La., age when

enlisted 23, single. Corpl. from Oct., 1861, to April, 1862, and Sergt. April, 1862, to Sept.

14, 1862, when he was elected 2nd Lt. Resigned Nov. 7, 1863, on account of disabling wounds.

Slaughter, Richard S., Pvt. Co. A, 2nd La. Cav. Roll of Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled

Washington, La., June 16, 1865. Res. St. Landry Par., La.

Slaughter, W. M., Pvt. Co. F, Woods' Regt. Cav. Roll Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled

Gainesville, Ala., May 12, 1865. Res. Rankin Co., Miss.

Slaughter, W. S., Pvt. Co. I, 3rd La. Cav. (Harrison's). En. _. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of

War, Captured Dec. 24, 1864, East Baton Rouge, La. Recd. New Orleans, La., Jan. 12, 1865. Forwd.

to Ship Island, Miss., Jan. 25, 1865. Transfd. from Ship Island, Miss., to Vicksburg, Miss., May

1, 1865. Paroled Camp Townsend, May 6, 1865.

Slaughter, William, Pvt. Co. -, Reserve Corps La. Roll Prisoners of War of detachments of

different commands, C. S. A., Paroled Alexandria, La., June 14, 1865. Res. Rapides Par., La.

Slaven, B., Pvt. Co. B, 27th La. Inf. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured and paroled at

Vicksburg, Miss., July 4, 1863.

Slaven, Barney, Pvt. Co. H, 31st La. Inf. En. Monroe, La., April 28, 1862. Roll Nov. and Dec.,

1862, Present. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1863, Absent, sick, in Hospl. at Vicksburg. Sent to City

Hospl. in Vicksburg, Jan. 12, 1862 (so on Roll). Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured and

paroled Vicksburg, Miss., July 4, 1863.

Slaven, James, Corpl. Pvt. Co. C, 5th La. Inf. En. May 10, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Roll July and

Aug., 1861, Present or absent not stated, Reduced to ranks from 2nd Corpl., Aug. 18, 1861. Rolls

Sept., 1861, to Feb., 1862, Present. Rolls July, 1862, to Oct., 1862, Deserted. Born Louisiana,

Res. New Orleans, La., age when enlisted 22, single.

Slaven, Peter, Pvt. Co. A, 3rd La. Inf. En. May 17, 1861, New Orleans, La. Present on all Rolls

to Oct., 1861. Roll Nov. and Dec., 1861, Present or absent not stated. Roll May and June, 1862,

Present. Roll July and Aug., 1862, Discharged July 20, being a Non-Conscript.

Slavin, Michael, Pvt. Co. C, 10th La. Inf. En. July 22, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on all

Rolls to Feb., 1862. Report of deaths not dated, Died of wounds Recd. at Cedar Mt. Got no notice

of his death. Born Ireland, occupation laborer, Res. New Orleans, La., age when enlisted 28,


Slavoy, Phil., Pvt. 23rd _, Co. E. Federal Rolls Prisoners of War, Captured Vicksburg, Miss.,

July 4, 1863. Forwd, to Camp Morton, Ind., Aug. 1, 1863, from Gratiot St. Prison, St. Louis, Mo.

Slawson, A. L., _ Hall's Co. Orleans Fire Regt. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, for active service

within the State.

Slawson, Albert, Pvt. Co. C, 17th La. Inf. Roll of Prisoners of War of divers companies and

regiments unattached C. S. A., Paroled Monroe, La., June 9, 1865. Res. Union Par., La.

Slawson, Azor, Pvt. Co. G, 31st La. Inf. En. Monroe, La., May 6, 1862. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1863,

Present. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured and paroled at Vicksburg, Miss., July 4,

1863. On List dated Hdqrs. Allen's Brigade, Shreveport, La., March 29, 1864, Reported in camp

for exchange at Vienna, La., before April 1, 1864. Roll of Prisoners

Page 592

of War, C. S. A., Paroled Monroe, La., June 12, 1865. Res. Union Par., La.

Slawson, H. H., Sergt. Co. B, Chalmette Regt. La. Mil. Roll not dated, ordered into the service

of the State of Louisiana.

Slawson, J. B., Sr.,Corpl. Co. B, Chalmette Regt. La. Mil. Roll not dated, ordered into the

service of the State of Louisiana. Roll dated March 2, 1862, En. _. Present or absent not stated

on Roll.

Slawson, J. B., Jr., Pvt. Co. B, Chalmette Regt. La. Mil. Roll not dated, ordered into the

service of the State of Louisiana. Roll dated March 2, 1862, En. _. Present or absent not stated

on Roll.

Slawson, J. N., Pvt. Co. B, Chalmette Regt. La. Mil. Roll not dated, ordered into the service of

the State of Louisiana. Remarks: Absent without leave. Roll dated March 2, 1862, En. _. Present

or absent not stated on Roll.

Slawson, John, Pvt. Co. H, 1st La. Hvy. Arty. (Regulars). En. Aug. 1, 1862, Union. Rolls Nov.,

1862, to Feb., 1862, Present. Roll March and April, 1863, Exchanged and Transfd. to Co. G, 31st

Regt. La. Vols. Inf., by Spec. Order No. 65, dated Hdqrs. Smith's Div., Vicksburg, Miss., March

23, 1863.

Slawson, John S., Pvt. Co. G, 31st La. Inf. En. Monroe, La., May 6, 186-. Federal Rolls of

Prisoners of War, Captured and paroled Vicksburg, Miss., July 4, 1863. On List dated Hdqrs.

Allen's Brigade, Shreveport, La., March 29, 1864, Reported in camp for exchange at Vienna, La.,

before April 1, 1864. Roll of Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled Monroe, La., June 12, 1865.

Res. Union Par., La.

Slawson, Richard, Pvt. Cos. H, K, 31st La. Inf. En. Monroe, La., May 14, 1862. Rolls from Nov.,

1862, to Feb., 1863, Absent without leave in Union Par., La., since Dec. 1, 1862. Federal Rolls

of Prisoners of War, Captured and paroled at Vicksburg, Miss., July 4, 1863.

Slawson, Simeon, Pvt. Corpl. Co. G, 31st La. Inf. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1863 (only Roll on which

borne), En. Monroe, La., May 6, 1862. Remarks: Present.

Slawson, Thomas, Pvt. Co. I, 12th La. Inf. En. Aug. 13, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on Rolls

to Oct. 31, 1861.

Slay, B. D., Pvt. Co. F, 31st La. Inf. En. Camp Moore, La., Sept. 30, 1861. Roll Jan. and Feb.,

1863, Present. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured and paroled Vicksburg, Miss., July 4,


Slay, Decalb, Pvt. Co. A, 17th La. Inf. En. Sept. 20, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on all Rolls

to Oct., 1862.

Slay, E. D., Pvt. Co. F, 31st La. Inf. En. Jackson, Miss., May 4, 1862. Rolls from July 4, 1862,

to Feb., 1863, Present. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured and paroled Vicksburg,

Miss., July 4, 1863.

Slay, H. O., Pvt. Co. D, 31st La. Inf. En. Vidalia, La., April 26, 1862. Rolls from July, 1862,

to Dec., 1862, Present. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured and paroled Vicksburg,

Miss., July 4, 1863. On List dated Hdqrs. Allen's Brigade, Shreveport, La., March 29, 1864,

Reported in camp for exchange at Vienna, La., before April 1, 1864.

Slay, P., Pvt. Co. H, 15th Ark. _. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled Port Hudson, La.,

July 15, 1863.

Slay, Samuel, Pvt. Co. F, Field and Staff, 16th La. Inf. En. Sept. 29, 1861, Camp Moore, La.

Roll to Oct. 31, 1861, Absent on furlough for 36 hours. Rolls Nov., 1861, to Feb., 1862,

Detached from Co. as Physician, Oct. _. Roll May and June, 1862, Present. Roster dated March,

1865, Apptd. Asst. Surgeon, May _, 1862; cause of vacancy, failing to pass Board, Aug. 16, 1862.

Slaydon, E. A.,Corpl. Co. I, 28th (Thomas') La. Inf. En. New Orleans, La., April 15, 1862, Roll

to Aug. 31, 1862, Present. Apptd. Corpl., April 15, 1862. Roll Sept. and Oct., 1862, Present.

Roll to Feb. 28, 1863, Absent without leave.

Slayer, A., Pvt. Co. G, Reserve Corps. Rolls of Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled Shreveport,

La., June 7, 1865. Res. New Orleans, La.

Slaymaker, John, Pvt. Stewart's Cav. Co. -. Rolls of Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled

Alexandria, La., June 3, 1865. Res. New Orleans, La.

Slaymaker, John, Pvt. 5th Co. Battn. Washington Arty. La. En. March 6, 1862, New Orleans, La.

Present on Rolls to June, 1862.

Slear, J., Pvt. Co. E, 10th La. Inf. Roll July 22, 1861, to Aug. 31, 1861, dated Oct. 16, 1861

(only Roll on which borne), En. July 28, 1861, Camp Moore, La., for the War. Remarks: Deserted

July 29, 1861.

Sledge, H. A., Pvt. Co. A, 13th Battn. La. (Partisan Rangers). En. July 11, 1862, Hamburg. Rolls

Nov., 1862, to April, 1863, Present.

Sledge, J. S., Pvt. 2nd Co. M, 12th La. Inf. Roll dated Sept. 22, 1862 (only Roll on which

borne), En. Feb. 12, 1862, Camp Carondelet, Va. Remarks: Absent on duty in 9th La. Regt.

Sledge, James S., Pvt. Sergt. Cos. C, K, 9th La. Inf. En. July 7, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present

on all Rolls to Feb., 1862. Roll May and June, 1862, Absent, detailed for nurse and left with

the wounded at Winchester, Va., On List not dated of Confederate Prisoners, Paroled at

Winchester, Va., June, 1862. On List dated Baltimore, Aug. 1, 1862, of Confed. Prisoners

delivered by the Provost Marshal of Winchester, Va., to the Provost Marshal of Baltimore, Md.

Exchanged at Aikens Landing, Aug. 5, 1862. Rolls Oct., 1862, to Feb., 1864, Present. Roll May 1

to Aug. 31, 1864, Present. Apptd. 5th Sergt., Aug. 1, 1864. Roll Sept. and Oct., 1864, Present.

Roll of Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled Appomattox Court House, Va., April 10, 1865. Born

Georgia, occupation carpenter, Res. Vernon, age when enlisted 30, married.

Sledge, John A., Pvt. Co. A, 28th (Gray's) La. Inf. En. Monroe, La., May 10, 1862. Roll of

Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled at Natchitoches, La., June 15, 1865. Res. Bienville Par.,


Sledge, O. B., Pvt. Co. F, 1st La. Cav. En. Oct. 3, 1861, Vidalia, La. Roll April 30 to Aug. or

absent not stated.

Sledge, Uriah W., Pvt. Co. E, 28th (Gray's) 31, 1862 (last Roll on which borne), Present La.

Inf. En. Monroe, La., May 15, 1862. Roll July and Aug., 1863, Deserted.

Sleeker, W., Pvt. 4th Tex. Cav. Co. D. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Bayou Teche,

La., April 14, 1863. Paroled below Port Hudson, La., May 11, 1863.

Sleet, P. J., 1st Sergt. Co. B, 2nd La. Cav. En. June 18, 1862, Natchitoches, La. Rolls Jan.,

1863, to Aug., 1863, Present. Roll of Prisoners of War, Paroled Natchitoches, La., June _, 1865.

Res. De Soto Par., La.

Sleet, W. E., Pvt. Co. B, 1st Battn. Trans-Miss. Cav. Roll of Prisoners of War, C. S. A.,

Paroled Natchitoches, La., June 6, 1865. Res. De Soto Par., La.

Sleet, William E., Pvt. Co. A, 12th La. Inf. Roll dated June 18, 1862 (only Roll on which

borne). En. March 1, 1862, Coushatta. Roll states Present, with remarks: On detached service as

marker, order of Col. T. M. Scott, June 14.

Sleiting, F., Pvt. Co. G, 1st (Nelligan's) La. Inf. En. May 2, 1861, New Orleans, La. Roll to

June 30, 1861, Present, discharged by Dr. Beard, May 19. Returned June 20, 1861. Record copied

from Memorial Hall, New Orleans, La., by the War Dept., Washington, D. C., May, 1903, born New


Page 593

La., age when enlisted 21, single, Discharged on account of disability, Norfolk, Va., June _,


Slemmer, J., Pvt. Co. E, Chalmette Regt. La. Mil. Roll dated March 2, 1862, En. New Orleans,

La., March 2, 1862.

Slemmis, Joseph, Pvt. Co. D, 8th Battn. La. Hvy. Arty. Roll March 25 to April 25, 1865 (only

Roll on which borne), En. Feb. 20, _, New Orleans, La. Present or absent not stated.

Slemons, Smith, Pvt. Co. B, 31st La. Inf. En. Columbia, La., April 19, 1862. Roll Jan. and Feb.,

1862, Present. Federal Rolls Prisoners of War, Captured and paroled Vicksburg, Miss., July 4,

1863. On List dated Hdqrs. Allen's Brigade, Shreveport, March 29, 1864, Reported in camp for

exchange at Vienna, La., before April 1, 1864. Roll of Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled

Monroe, La., June 13, 1865. Res. Caldwell Par., La.

Slenher, Frederick, Corpl. Co. B, 28th (Gray's) La. Inf. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War,

Captured Chickamauga, Sept. 20, 1863. On Roll of Prisoners of War at Camp Douglas, Ill.,

discharged May 15, 1865, pursuant to orders from Commissary General of Prisoners dated May 8,


Slessinger, Philip, Pvt. Corpl. Co. K, 14th La. Inf. En. June 12, 1861, New Orleans, La. Present

on all Rolls to April, 1863. Roll May and June, 1863, Wounded at Chancellorsville. Federal Rolls

of Prisoners of War, Captured near Fredericksburg, Va., May 3, 1863. Paroled Hdqrs. Army of the

Potomac. Forwd. to Washington, D. C., May 4, 1863, sent to City Pt., Va., for exchange May 10,

1863. Exchanged City Pt., Va., May 13, 1863. Rolls July, 1863, to Feb., 1864, Present. Re-

enlisted for the War, Feb. 21, 1864. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Wilderness,

Va., May 12, 1864. Recd. Pt. Lookout, Md., from Belle Plains, Va., May 18, 1864. Forwd. to

Elmira, N. Y., July 28, 1864. Paroled Elmira, N. Y., Feb. 28, 1865. Sent to James River for

exchange. On List dated Pass Manchac, La., April 2, 1865, of Prisoners who came within the lines

at Pass Manchac, La. Forwd. to the Provost Marshal, Par. of Orleans, by Comdg. Officer of Pass

Manchac, April 2, 1865. Born Germany, occupation laborer, Res. New Orleans, La., age when

enlisted 21, single.

Sleutis, John, Pvt. Co. D, Cons. Cres. Regt. La. Inf. Roll of Prisoners of War, C. S. A.,

Paroled Natchitoches, La., June 20, 1865. Res. Sabine Par., La.

Slicer, Christian, Pvt. Co. K, 14th La. Inf. En. June 12, 1861, New Orleans, La. Present on all

Rolls to June, 1862. Roll July and Aug., 1862, Discharged Sept. 25 by reason of minority.

Slickenmeiser, William, Pvt. Co. A, 1st La. Hvy. Arty. (Regulars). En. March 28, 1861, New

Orleans, La. Present on Roll to April 30, 1861. Roll May and June, 1861, Drowned while in

bathing, June 20, 1861.

Slidell, L., Pvt. Co. B, 6th La. Inf. On Roll of Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled Appomattox

Court House, Va., April 10, 1865.

Slieer, J. E., Pvt. Co. E, 31st La. Inf. Roll of Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled _, June _,

1865. Res. Claiborne Par., La.

Slife, G. A., 1st Sergt. Co. E, 21st (Kennedy's) La. Inf. Roll Aug. 6 to Oct. 31, 1861 (only

Roll on which borne), En. New Orleans, La., Aug. 6, 186-. Remarks: Present.

Slife, Theodore, Pvt. Co. I, 5th La. Inf. En. May 22, 1861, New Orleans, La. Present on all

Rolls to Feb., 1862. Roll July and Aug., 1862, Absent without leave. Roll Sept. and Oct., 1862,

Present. Promoted from ranks to 5th Sergt., Oct. 15, 1862. Rolls Nov., 1862, to April, 1863,

Absent without leave. Rolls May, 1863, to Aug., 1863, Present. Rolls Sept., 1863, to Dec., 1863,

Absent, sick, in Hospl. at Lynchburg and Farmville, Va. Rolls Jan., 1864, to April, 1864,

Present. Roll to Aug. 31, 1864, Killed May 5, 1864, Battle of Wilderness.

Sligh, J., Pvt. Co. H, 1st (Nelligan's) La. Inf. Regtl. Return June, 1862, En. June 19, 1862. In

the field. Transfd. to the Cavalry.

Sligh, J. E., Pvt. Co. D, 1st Spec. Battn. (Rightor's) La. Inf. En. April 20, 1861, New Orleans,

La. Present on all Rolls to Feb., 1862.

Sligh, J. E., Jr. 2nd Lt. Co. B, 28th (Gray's) La. Inf. Roll July and Aug., 1863 (only Roll on

which borne), En. New Orleans, La., April 20, 1861. Remarks: Present.

Sligh, N, B., Pvt. Cos. A, H, 1st (Nelligan's) La. Inf. En. April 28, 1861, New Orleans, La.

Roll dated July 15, 1862, Present or absent not stated. Rolls Oct., 1862, to Dec. 31, 1862,

Absent, joined by Sept. 22, 1863. Detached. Rolls Jan., 1863, to April, 1863, Absent, detached

with Gen. Magruder. Roll May and June, 1863, dated Aug. 10, 1863, Deserter.

Sligh, N. B., Pvt. Co. D, 1st Special Battn. (Rightor's) La. Inf. En. April 20, 1861, New

Orleans, La. Present on all Rolls to Aug., 1861. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1862, Absent, detached in

A. A. G. Office at Yorktown.

Slighting, Frederick, Pvt. Co. K, 6th La. Inf. En. Feb. 21, 1862, New Orleans, La. Roll May and

June, 1862, Present. Roll July and Aug., 1862, Present or absent not stated. Roll Sept. and

Oct., 1862, Present. Rolls _, 1862, to Feb., 1863, Absent, sick. Roll March and April, 1863,

Present. Rolls May, 1863, to Feb., 1864, Absent, sick, Richmond. Roll March and April, 1863,

Present. Rolls May, 1863, to Feb., 1864, Absent, sick, Richmond. Roll March and April, 1864,

Deserted. Born New Orleans, La., occupation painter, Res. New Orleans, La., age when enlisted

20, single.

Sligk, T. S., Pvt. Co. A, 1st La. Cav. En. _. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured near

Natchez, Miss., Dec. 10, 1863. Forwd. from Vicksburg, Miss., to Cairo, Ill., Dec. 18, 1863. Sent

to Camp Morton, Ind., Dec. 26, 1863. Paroled Camp Morton, Ind. Transferred via Baltimore, Md.,

to Pt. Lookout, Md., for exchange in pursuance of instructions received from Commsy. Gen. of

Prisoners, dated Office of Commsy. Gen. of Prisoners, Washington, D. C., Feb. 14, 1865.

Slimmer, Hg., Pvt. Co. K, 4th Regt. 1st Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into

the service of the State of Louisiana.

Slipper, W. A., Pvt. 3rd La. _, Co. I. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Gettysburg,

Pa., _. Transfd. to Pro. Marshal from U. S. Gen. Hospl., Gettysburg, Pa., date not given.

Sloan, A., Pvt. Co. A, 17th La. Inf. Roll dated Sept. 30, 1861 (only Roll on which borne), En.

Sept. 21, 1861, Camp Moore, La., for the War. Roll states Absent.

Sloan, A. B., Pvt. Co. A, Shanks' Mo. Cav. Rolls Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled Shreveport,

La., June 17, 1865. Res. Coes Co., Mo.

Sloan, Alexander, Sergt. Co. C, 25th La. Inf. En. Monterey, La., March 18, 186-. Roll dated

April 2, 1862. Present. Roll May and June, 1862, Absent, sick.

Sloan, Charles, Pvt. Co. E, 1st La. Cav. Roll dated Baton Rouge, La., Sept. 16, 1861 (only Roll

on which borne, En. Sept. 16, 1861, Baton Rouge, La., for the War.

Sloan, Charles, Pvt. Co. I, 20th La. Inf. En. Dec. 21, 1861, Camp Lewis. Present on Rolls to

Feb., 1862. Roll March and April, 1862, Absent with leave since April 10, 1862. Wounded at

Shiloh. Roll May and June, 1862, Dropped, absent in New Orleans, La., since May 10, 1862.

Wounded at Shiloh. Overstayed privilege.

Page 594

Sloan, D., Pvt. Co. A, Cons. Cres. Regt. La. Inf. Roll of Prisoners of War, C. S. A.,

Paroled Alexandria, La., June 20, 1865. Res. Rapides Par., La.

Sloan, E. B., 1st Lt. Co. A, 1st Spec. Battn. (Wheat's) La. Inf. Roll June 8 to 30, 1861, dated

Aug. 3, 1861 (only Roll on which borne), En. April 25, 1861, Camp Davis. Roll states Present.

List dated Camp Carondelet, near Manassas, Va., Jan. 11, 1862, Resigned _.

Sloan, E. B., Capt. Co. C, 28th (Thomas') La. Inf. En. _. Rolls from Aug. 31, 1862, to Oct.,

1862, Present or absent not stated. Roll to Feb. 28, 1863, Absent without leave.

Sloan, F. M., Pvt. Co. G, 8th La. Cav. Roll of Prisoners of War of detachments of different

commands, C. S. A., Paroled Alexandria, La., June _, 1865, Res. Rapides Par., La.

Sloan, Ferdinand M., Pvt. Co. D, 6th La. Inf. En. June 4, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on Rolls

to June, 1862. Roll July and Aug., 1862, Absent with leave, wounded. Roll Sept. and Oct., 1862,

Absent, wounded at Malvern Hill, Richmond. Roll Nov. and Dec., 1862, Discharged, order of Sergt.

of Chimborazo Hospl., Oct. 1, 1862. Final statement given. Born Mississippi, occupation farmer,

Res. St. Joseph, La., age when enlisted 26, single.

Sloan, Hamilton, Sergt. Pvt. Co. A, 11th Battn. La. Inf. En. May 3, 1862, Mansfield, De Soto

Par., La. Present on all Rolls to Oct., 1862. Rolls Nov., 1863, to April, 1864, Absent, detailed

to oversee order of Gen. Blanchard, Oct. 17, 1862, for thirty days.

Sloan, James, Pvt. Co. E, 10th La. Inf. Report of deaths, not dated, Died in Richmond at

Chimborazo Hospl. Record copied from Memorial Hall, New Orleans, La., by the War Dept.,

Washington, D. C., June, 1903, born Louisiana, occupation farmer, Res. St. Landry, La., age when

enlisted 19, single. Died in Hospl. in Richmond, Va., of sickness, July _, 1862.

Sloan, John, Pvt. Corpl. Co. E, 10th La. Inf. En. July 22, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on all

Rolls to Feb., 1862. Name appears on a parole of Prisoners of War, dated Office of the Provost

Marshal General, Army of the Potomac, Sept. 30, 1862. Born Louisiana, occupation farmer, Res.

St. Landry, La., age when enlisted 26, single.

Sloan, R., Pvt. Co. D, 21st (Kennedy's) La. Inf. Roll July 31 to Oct. 31, 1861 (only Roll on

which borne), En. New Orleans, La., Aug. 10, 186-. Remarks: Present.

Sloan, R. B., Pvt. Co. D, 7th La. Cav. Roll of Prisoners of War, Paroled Washington, La., June

17, 1865. Res. St. Landry Par., La.

Sloan, T. J., Sergt. Co. D, 7th La. Cav. Roll of Prisoners of War of companies and regiments, C.

S. A., Paroled Washington, La., June 21, 1865. Res. St. Landry Par., La.

Sloan, W. B., P. M. _ Co. 8th Battn. La. Hvy. Arty. La. Appears on abstract for quarter ending

March 31, 1863, paid to Jan. 13, 1863. $10.00.

Sloan, William Winton, Pvt. Co. F, 28th (Gray's) La. Inf. Roll dated May 16, 1862 (only Roll on

which borne), En. Monroe, La., July 29, 1862. Remarks: Discharged same day in consideration of

Coalman H. Waggoner, his substitute. See Coalman Hudson Wagoner, substitute.

Sloane, James M., Pvt. Co. H, 1st La. Hvy. Arty. (Regulars). Roll Nov. and Dec., 1862 (only Roll

on which borne), En. Aug. 6, 1862, Union. Remarks: Died in Hospl., Nov. 15, 1862.

Sloane, L. G. (also borne on Roll as Stone, Lewis J.), Sergt. Major, Pvt., Co. E, 1st La. Cav.

En. _. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured near Natchez, Miss., Dec. 10, 1863. Forwd.

from Vicksburg, Miss., to Cairo, Ill., Dec. 18, 1863. Recd. Camp Morton, Ind., Dec. 26, 1863.

Sent to Fort Delaware, Del., March 22, 1864. Paroled Ft. Delaware, Del., _, 1864. Transfd. to

City Pt., Va., March 7, 1865. Exchanged Boulwares and Cox's Wharves, James River, Va., March 10

to 12, 1865.

Sloane, Martin, Pvt. Co. K, 16th La. Inf. En. Sept. 29, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on all

Rolls to Oct. 31, 1862. Rolls Dec., 1862, to Feb., 1863, Absent, wounded Dec. 31, 1862,

Murfreesboro, Tenn. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Stone's River, or Murfreesboro,

Tenn., Dec. 31, 1862. Forwd. to Camp Morton, Ind., March 1, 1863. Exchanged City Pt., Va., April

12, 1863. Roll May and June, 1863, Absent with leave. Roll July and Aug., 1863, Discharged for

disability and final statement rendered.

Sloane, Robert B., Sergt. Co. K, 18th La. Inf. En. Jan. 16, 1862, Camp Benjamin. Roll May and

June, 1862, Present. Promoted from 1st Corpl. to 3rd Sergt. May 16, 1862. Rolls July, 1862, to

Feb., 1863, Present. Roll dated June 30, 1863, Absent on sick furlough of seven days since June

28, 1862. Roll July and Aug., 1863, Absent, sick, at _.

Slocom, Charles E., Pvt. Co. B, 31st La. Inf. En. Columbia, La., April 19, 1862. Roll Jan. and

Feb., 1863, Present. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured and paroled Vicksburg, Miss.,

July 4, 1863. On List dated Hdqrs. Allen's Brigade, Shreveport, La., March 29, 1864, Reported in

camp for exchange at Vienna, La., before April 1, 1864. Roll of Prisoners of War, C. S. A.,

Paroled Monroe, La., June 13, 1865. Res. Caldwell Par., La.

Slocom, Thomas W., Pvt. Co. B, 31st La. Inf. Roll dated Monroe, La., April 19, 1862 (only Roll

on which borne), En. Columbia, La., April 19, 186-.

Slocomb, C. H., Asst. Q. M. Capt. 5th Co. Battn. Washington Arty. La. En. May 26, 1861, New

Orleans, La. Present on Rolls to Oct., 1861. Roll March 6 to April 30, 1862, Absent on leave

(wounded). Roll May and June, 1862, Present. Promoted from 1st Lt., June 13, 1862. Rolls Sept.,

1862, to Oct. 31, 1863, Present. Roll Nov. and Dec., 1863, Absent, furloughed for 40 days by

Gen. Bragg. Rolls Jan., 1864, to April, 1865, Present. Rolls of Prisoners of War, C. S. A.,

Paroled Meridian, Miss., May 10, 1865. Res. New Orleans, La. Record copied from Memorial Hall,

New Orleans, La., by the War Dept., Washington, D. C., May, 1903, born Louisiana, occupation

merchant, Res. New Orleans, La., age when enlisted 28. married. Promoted to 1st Lt., _. Resigned

Nov. _. 1861.

Slocomb, C. W., Pvt. Pointe Coupee Arty. La. Roll March and April, 1864 (only Roll on which

borne), En. Jan. 13, 1862, Greensburg. Roll states Present. Remarks: Reported March 10, 1864,

order of Lt. Gen. Polk. Roll dated Aug. 31, 1864, Present.

Slocomb, D. R., Pvt. Co. K, 4th La. Inf. En. May 27, 1862, Clinton, La. Roll Nov. and Dec.,

1862, Present. Rolls Dec. 31, 1862, to Junc, 1863, Present or absent not stated. Rolls July,

1863, to Dec., 1863, Absent, wounded at Jackson, Miss., July 1, sent to Hospl. Rolls May, 1864,

to Feb. 28, 1865, Present.

Slocomb, George W., Pvt. Sergt. Co. C, 11th Battn. La. Inf. En. May 7, 1862, Natchitoches, La.

Present on all Rolls to April, 1863. Also borne on Rolls of Co. F. Cons. Cres. Regt. La. Inf.

Pvt. and Sergt., as Slocomb, G. W. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1864 (only Roll on file), Absent with

leave till March 3, 1864. Roll of Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled Natchitoches, La., June

10, 1865. Res. Natchitoches Par., La.

Slocomb, H., Capt. 3rd Co. Wash, Arty. Rolls Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled Meridian,

Miss., May 10, 1865.

Page 595

Slocomb, John W., Pvt. Pt. Coupee Arty. La. En. _. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of Island

No. 10, April 8, 1862, Recd. Camp Douglas, Ill., Aug. 1, 1862. On Hospl. Register, Admitted July

3, 1862. to U. S. A. Prison Hospl., Camp Douglas, near Chicago, Ill. Released from Hospl., Aug.

5, 1862. Re-admitted Aug. 19, 1862. Released from Hospl., Sept. 1, 1862. Federal Rolls of

Prisoners of War. Captured and paroled Vicksburg, Miss., July 4, 1863.

Slocum, G. D., Pvt. Co. A, 3rd (Wingfield's) La. Cav. En. May 13, 1862, Camp Moore, La. Roll

dated Oct. 19, 1862, Present or absent not stated. Name appears in column of names Recd.

payment. Roll not dated, present.

Slocum, I. A., Capt. 9th La. Cav. Co. A. Federal Rolls Prisoners of War, Captured Port Hudson,

La., July 9, 1863. Recd. Ft. Lafayette, from New Orleans, La., Dec. 27, 1863. Transfd. to Fort

McHenry, Md., per instructions from Secty. of War, Feb. 9, 1864.

Slocum, J. W., Pvt. Co. F, Cres. _. Rolls Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled Natchitoches, La.,

June 10, 1865. Res. Natchitoches Par., La.

Slocum, J. W., Pvt. New Co. G, 4th La Inf. Roll dated May 25, 1861 (only Roll on which borne),

En. May 25, 1861, Tangipahoa, La., for one year.

Slocum, John J., Capt. Co. A, 3rd (Wingfield's) La. Cav. En. May 13, 1862, Camp Moore, La. Roll

not dated, Present. Roll dated Oct. 1, 1862, Present or absent not stated. Signs certificate as

Capt. Comdg. and Inspector and Mustering Officer. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured

Port Hudson, La., July 9, 1863. Recd. New Orleans, La., on board Str. Zephyr, July 13, 1863.

Sent to Fort Lafayette. N. Y. Harbor, Dec. 26, 1863. Forwd. to Fort McHenry, Baltimore, Md.,

Feb. 11, 1864. On Hospl. Register. Admitted to U. S. A. Post Hospl., Ft. McHenry, near

Baltimore, Md., March 31, 1864. Sent to Post Prison, Fort McHenry, Md., June 1, 1864. Transfd.

to Ft. Delaware, Del., June 16, 1864. Released on Oath of Allegiance, to U. S., June 12, 1865.

Res. Washington, La., complexion dark, hair dark, eyes blue, height 5 ft. 10 in.

Slocum, John J., 1st Lt. Co. I, 9th La. Inf. En. July 7, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on Roll

to Aug. 31, 1861. Roll Sept. and Oct., 1861, Absent, to Richmond. Roll Nov. and Dec., 1861,

Resigned Dec. 6, 1861. Record copied from Memorial Hall, New Orleans, La., by the War Dept.,

Washington, D. C., June, 1903. Resigned, disability, Sept. 17, 1861. Born La., occupation

lawyer, Res. Franklinton, La., age when enlisted 29, single.

Slocum, S. E., Pvt. Co. A. 3rd (Wingfield's) La. Cav. En. May 13, 1862, Camp Moore, La. Roll

dated Oct. 19, 1862, Present or absent not stated. Name appears in column of names recd.

payment. Roll not dated, present.

Slocum. S. W., Pvt. Pointe Coupee Arty. La. Roll of Prisoners of War, of Capt. A. Bouanchaud's

Batty. Lt. Arty. La. Vols., C. S. A., Paroled Meridian, Miss., May 11, 1865. Res. St. Helena

Par., La.

Slomas, Joseph, Pvt. Co. E, 1st La. Hvy. Arty. (Regulars). En. Sept. 5, 1862, Natchitoches, La.

Rolls Dec., 1862, to Feb., 1863, Absent, sick, in Marine Hospl. Substitute for G. Prudhomme.

Roll March and April, 1863, Died at Hospl., Newton, Miss., April 2, 1863.

Slone, Dudley, Pvt. Co. A, Ogden's La. Cav. En. _. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured

Tensas Par., La., Sept. 14, 1864. Recd. New Orleans, La., from Baton Rouge, La., Oct. 10, 1864.

Transfd. to Ship Island, Miss., Oct. 20, 1864. Sent to Fort Columbus, N. Y. Harbor, Nov. 16,

1864. Forwd. to Elmira, N. Y., Nov. 20, 1864. Paroled Elmira, N. Y., Feb. 25, 1865. Sent to

James River, Va., for exchange. On List dated Office Pro. Mar., Donaldsonville, Jan. 18, 1865,

of Confed. Soldiers, who have deserted their commands and come within our lines and reported at

Pro. Mar.'s Office, Donaldsonville, La. Forwd. to Capt. B. B. Campbell, Asst. Adjt. Gen. Hdqrs.,

Lafourche District. Remarks: Deserted Nov. 17, 1864, at Jackson, La. Reported at this Office

Jan. 14, 1865. Served in La.

Slone, E., Pvt. Co. C, 6th La. Inf. En. March 3, 1862, St. Landry, La. Present on Rolls to Aug.,

1862. Roll Sept. and Oct., 1862, Killed at Sharpsburg, Sept. 17. Born La., occupation farmer,

Res. St. Landry, La., married.

Sloo, Thomas, Pvt. Mitchell's Co. Continental Regt. La. Mil. On Roll dated New Orleans, Nov. 23,

1861. On parade. Remarks: Furloughed.

Slosson, William, Pvt. Co. C, 17th La. Inf. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured and

paroled Vicksburg, Miss., July 4, 1863.

Sloughter, Robert, Pvt. Co. E, Miles' Legion La. Roll to June 30, 1862 (only Roll on which

borne), En. Camp Moore, May 6, 186-. Remarks: Present.

Sluder, George W., Pvt. Co. B, 12th La. Inf. Roll Aug. 13 to Oct. 31, 1861 (only Roll on which

borne), En. Oct. 1, 1861, Columbus, Ky., for 10 months. Remarks: Present.

Sluck, J., Sergt. 1st Co. Cazadores Espanoles Regt. La. Mil. Appears on List dated Sept. 21,


Sluter, R., Sergt. Co. A, 3rd Regt. 2nd Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll dated Feb. 27, 1862,

ordered into service of the State of Louisiana.

Sly, Louis, Pvt. Co. B, 13th La. Inf. En. Sept. 11, 1861, Camp Moore, La. List dated May 23,

1862, Detailed as Infirmary Corps, arms left in Hospl., order of Surgeon. Rolls Jan., 1863, to

Dec., 1863, Absent, without leave, since May 28, 1862, working in some Govt. shoe factory, on

the Mobile and Ohio R. R., date unknown. To be dropped for being absent without leave over seven

days, order Col. Von Zinkin, Nov. 3, 1863. Rolls Jan., 1864, to Feb. 28, 1865, Absent, detached

in Govt. shoe factory in Miss., date unknown.

Slykey, Emile, Pvt. Co. D, Miles Legion La. En. New Orleans, La., April 15, 186-. Present on

Roll to June 30, 1862.

Smait, A. C., Pvt. Sabine Reserves La. Roll of Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled Natchitoches,

La., June 14, 1865. Res. Sabine Par., La.

Small, Augustus, Carpenter, Queen of the West. Federal Rolls Prisoners of War, Captured Grand

Lake, April 14, 1863. Paroled Port Hudson, La., May 11, 1863.

Small, C. H., 1st Sergt. Co. E, 7th La. Inf.

Small, Charles H., Pvt. Sergt. Co. E, 8th La. Inf. En. June 19, 1861, New Orleans, La. Present

on all Rolls to June 30, 1862. Roll July and Aug., 1862, Absent, sick, at Charlottesville, since

Aug. 15. Rolls Sept., 1862, to Oct., 1863, Present. Roll Nov. and Dec., 1863, Absent, prisoner,

since Nov. 7, 1863. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Rappahannock, Va., Nov. 7, 1863.

Forwd. to Pt. Lookout, Md., from Washington, D. C., Nov. 11, 1863. Paroled at Pt. Lookout, Md.

Transfd. for exchange. Exchanged at Coxes' Landing, James River, Va., Feb. 14, 1865. Roll April

30 to Aug. 31, 1864. Deserted. Took the Oath of Allegiance to U. S., March 1, 1864. Federal

Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured near High Bridge, Va., April 6, 1865. Forwd. to Newport

News, Va., from City Pt., Va., April 14, 1865. Released on Oath of Allegiance to U. S., June 15,

1865. Res. Franklin Par., La., complexion florid, hair black, eyes

Page 596

hazel, height 5 ft. 9 in., born Maine, occupation carpenter, Res. Winnsboro, La., age when

enlisted 25, single.

Small, Daniel, Pvt. Co. F, 1st (Nelligan's) La. Inf. En. April 25, 1861, New Orleans, La.

Present on all Rolls to June, 1862. Rolls Aug., 1862, to Jan. 1, 1863, Absent, missing, since

battle of Malvern Hill. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1863, Killed Malvern Hill, July 1, 1862. Born

Ireland, occupation laborer, Res. New Orleans, La., age when enlisted 22, single.

Small, G. H., Pvt. 1st La. Arty. Rolls Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled Shreveport, La., June

8, 1865. Res. Lafayette Co., Mo.

Small, G. W., Pvt. Co. B, 17th La. Inf. Roll of Prisoners of War, of detachments of regiments,

C. S. A., Paroled Natchitoches, La., June 20, 1865. Res. Sabine Par., La.

Small, James, Pvt. Co. B, 17th La. Inf. En. Sept. 30, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on all Rolls

to May, 1862. Re-enlisted May 23, 1862, Edwards' Depot. Rolls May, 1862, to Feb., 1863, Present.

Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured and paroled Vicksburg, Miss., July 4, 1863. Roll of

Prisoners of War, of detachments of Regts., C. S. A., Paroled Natchitoches, La., June 20, 1865.

Res. _, La.

Small, James H., Pvt. 1st Lt. Co. F, 9th La. Inf. En. July 7, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on

all Rolls to Dec., 1861. Roll to July 1, 1862, Present or absent not stated. Apptd. 2nd Sergt.,

April 16, 1862. Roll June 30 to Nov. 1, 1862, Present. Roll Nov. and Dec., 1862, Elected 2nd Jr.

Lt., from 2nd Sergt., Dec. 19, 1862. Rolls Jan., 1863, to June, 1863. Present or absent not

stated. Recapitulation, present for duty. Roll July and Aug., 1863, Promoted from 2nd Lt. to 1st

Lt., Aug. 19, 1863. Roll Sept. and Oct., 1863, Present or absent not stated. Roll Nov., 1863, to

Feb., 1864, Present. On List not dated, Killed June 2, 1864.

Small, John, Pvt. Co. B, 3rd La. Inf. En. May 17, 1861, New Orleans, La. Present on Rolls to

Aug., 1861. Roll Sept. and Oct., 1861, Present or absent not stated. Roll Nov. and Dec., 1861,

Discharged Dec. 18, 1861.

Small, M., Sergt. Co. B, 17th La. Inf. Roll of Prisoners of War, of detachments of Regts., C. S.

A., Paroled Natchitoches, La., June 20, 1865. Res. Sabine Par., La.

Small, T. T., Pvt. Sergt. Co. B, 17th La. Inf. En. Sept. 30, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Roll to Nov.

1, 1861, Present. Apptd. Sergt., Nov. 1, 1861. Rolls Nov., 1861, to May, 1862, Present, re-

enlisted May 23, 1862, Edwards' Depot, Miss. Rolls May, 1862, to Feb., 1863, Present. Federal

Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured and paroled Vicksburg, Miss., July 4, 1863.

Small, Thos. J., Pvt. Sergt. Co. H, 2nd La. Inf. En. May 9, 1861, New Orleans, La. Present on

all Rolls to April, 1862. Roll May and June, 1862, Present. Apptd. May 1, 2nd Sergt., began

duties immediately. Rolls July, 1862, to Dec., 1862, Absent, wounded at Malvern Hill, July 1,

1862, on furlough. Rolls Jan., 1863, to Feb., 1864, Present, reenlisted for the war. Roll May 1

to Sept. 1, 1864, dated Nov. 2, 1864, Absent, prisoner of war, since May 12, 1864. Federal Rolls

of prisoners of war, Captured Wilderness, Va., May 12, 1864. Recd. Pt. Lookout, Md., from Belle

Plains, Va., May 18, 1864. Forwd, to Elmira, N. Y., Aug. 17, 1864. Paroled Elmira, N. Y., Feb.

25, 1865. Sent to Jas. River for exchange.

Smalley, E. M., Surgeon C. S. A, Field and Staff Catahoula Battn. La. On Requisition dated Oct.

1, 1862, for medical and Hospl. supplies, at Jackson, Miss. Signs requisition as Surgeon, C. S.


Smalley, E. M., Pvt. Co. A, 17th La. Inf. En. Sept. 30, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on all

Rolls to Dec., 1861.

Smallin, James, Pvt. Co. C, 3rd La. Cav. (Harrison's). Roll of Prisoners of War, C. S. A.,

Paroled Monroe, La., June 13, 1865. Res. Caldwell Par., La.

Smart, A. C., Pvt. Sabine Reserves. Rolls Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled Natchitoches, La.,

June 14, 1865. Res. Sabine Par., La.

Smart, Andrew, Pvt. Co. I, 4th La. Engr. Troops. Roll of Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled

Natchitoches, La., June 9, 1865. Res. Sabine Par., La.

Smart, C. P., Pvt. Co. B, 1st Battn. La. Inf. (State Grds.) Roll May and June, 1863 (only Roll

on file), En. March 5, 1863, Mansfield, La. Roll states present.

Smart, Foster B., Pvt. Co. I, 11th La. Inf. En. Aug. 18, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Roll to Oct. 31,

1861, Discharged on account of disability, Columbus, Ky., Nov. -, 1861. Age 19 years, eyes gray,

hair brown complexion dark, height 5 ft. 10 inches, Res. E. Baton Rouge, La., occupation farmer.

Smart, Foster B., Pvt. Co. C, 21st (Patton's) La. Inf. En. Camp Moore, Oct. 1, 1862. Rolls from

Nov., 1862, to Feb., 1863 Present.

Smart, James, Pvt. Co. A, 9th La. Inf. En. March 12, 1862, Homer, La. Present on all Rolls to

Oct., 1863. Rolls Nov., 1863, to Feb., 1864, Absent, taken prisoner Nov. 7, 1863. Federal Rolls

of Prisoners of War, Captured Rappahannock, Va., Nov. 7, 1863. Recd. Pt. Lookout, from

Washington, Nov. 18, 1863. Paroled until exchanged at Pt. Lookout, Md., March 10, 1864. Recd.

City Pt., Va., March 15, 1864. Roll May 1 to Aug. 31, 1864, dated Nov. 2, 1864, Absent, taken

prisoner Sept. 22, 1864. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War Captured Fishers Hill, Sept. 22,

1864. Recd. Pt. Lookout, Md., from Washington, Oct. 26, 1864. Paroled Pt. Lookout, Md., for

exchange. Exchanged Venus Pt., Savannah River, Nov. 15, 1864. Record copied from Memorial Hall.

New Orleans, La., by the War Dept., Washington, D. C., June, 1903, born La., occupation farmer

Res. Homer La. age when enlisted 25, single. Wounded and captured at Fisher's Hill, and on

parole furlough at present.

Smart, John F., Pvt. Co. K, 19th La. Inf. En. May 8, 1862, Sabine Parish, La. Present on all

Rolls to Feb., 1863. Roll of Prisoners of detachments of Regts., in C. S. A., Paroled

Natchitoches, La., June 9, 1865. Res. Sabine Par., La.

Smart, Lewis W., Pvt. Sergt. Co. K, 19th La. Inf. En. May 9, 1862, Sabine Parish, La., Present

on Roll to June, 1862. Rolls Aug., 1862, to Oct., 1862, Absent, as Hospl, nurse, since Aug. 3,

1862. Rolls Nov., 1862, to Oct. 31, 1863, Present. Roll Nov. and Dec., 1863, Absent, sick, since

Dec. 21, 1863, order of Surgeon. Roll Jan. 1 to April 30, 1864, Present. Roll May 1 to Aug. 31,

1864, Died of disease, at Columbus, Ga., about last June, exact date not known.

Smart, Nathan, Pvt. Co. K, 6th La. Cav. Roll of Prisoners of War, of detachments of Regts., C.

S. A., Paroled Natchitoches, La., June 9, 1865. Res. Sabine Par., La.

Smart, R. J., Pvt. Co. A, 6th La. Inf. En. June 4, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Roll July and Aug.,

1861, Absent, in Hospl., at Charlottesville, order of Capt. McArthur, having become too sick to

march July 18, 1861. Roll Sept. and Oct., 1861, Discharged, Sept. 10, 1861. order of Secty. of


Smart, R. J., 3rd Lt. 2nd Lt. Co. K, 19th La. Inf. En. Dec. 15, 1861, New Orleans, La. Roll to

Dec, 31, 1861, Present, with remarks: Absent, with leave, sick. Returned before pay day. Roll

May and June, 1862, Resigned

Page 597

and was discharged from the service, May 6, 1862, on account of ill health. Roster dated March,

1865, En. into state service, Nov. 23, 1861, into Confed. Service, Dec. 11, 1861. Elected 2nd

Lt., Nov. 23, 1861. Resigned April 12, 1862. Remarks: W. W. Davis.

Smart, S. D., Pvt. Co. K, 4th La. Inf. En. May 29, 1862, Clinton, La. Roll Nov. and Dec., 1862,

Absent, at Clinton Hospl. Roll to April 30, 1863, Present or absent not stated. Rolls May, 1863,

to Aug., 1863, Absent, sick, left at Camp Port Hudson, May 1, 1863. Roll Sept. and Oct., 1863,


Smart, S. S., _ Co. D, 13th Battn. La. (Partisan Rangers). En. Aug. 13, 1862, Monroe, La. Roll

Nov. and Dec., 1862, Absent, sick, reduced to ranks from 4th Corpl. Roll Jan. 1 to April 30,

1863, Absent, sick.

Smart, S. W., Pvt. Co. E, 1st La. Hvy. Arty. (Regulars). En. Sept. 14, 1862, Claiborne, La. Roll

dated Dec. 31, 1862, Absent, sick, in Maine Hospl. Substitute for G. W. Oliver. Rolls Jan.,

1863, to April, 1863, Present. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured and paroled

Vicksburg, Miss., July 4, 1863. Roll to Oct. 31, 1863, Absent, without leave, went to La., since

capture of Vicksburg.

Smart, Samuel, Pvt. Co. E, 1st La. Cav. En. _, East Feliciana, La. Roll Nov. and Dec., 1863,

Absent, joined by transfer from 4th La. Regt., Dec. 3, 1863. Sent to Hospl. Descriptive Roll

furnished. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1864, Absent, sent to Hospl., Marietta, Ga.

Smart, Samuel K., Pvt. Co. B, 28th (Thomas') La. Inf. En. New Orleans, La., March 29, 1862. Roll

to Aug. 31, 1862, Present, in Camp Hospl. Rolls from Sept., 1862, to Feb. 28, 1863, Absent, sent

to City Hospl., Vicksburg, Miss., Oct. 1, 1862. Not heard from since.

Smart, W. J., Pvt. Co. E, 3rd (Wingfield's) La. Cav. Roll to June 1, 1862 (only Roll on which

borne), En. May 25, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Roll states present.

Smart, W. J., Pvt. Co. G, 4th La. Inf. En. May 25, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on all Rolls to

Dec., 1863. Roll May 1 to Aug. 31, 1864, Recd. a furlough April 1, 1864, and has not since


Smart, W. W., Pvt. Co. I, 4th La. Engr. Troops. Roll Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled

Natchitoches, La., June 14, 1865. Res. _.

Smart W. W., Pvt. Co. B, 2nd La. Inf. En. May 29, 1861, New Orleans, La. Present on Roll to June

30, 1861. Rolls July, 1861, to Oct., 1861, Sick, in Williamsburg Hospl. Roll Nov. and Dec.,

1861, Discharged by promotion.

Smart, W. W., Capt. Co. K, 19th La. Inf. En. Dec. 15, 1861, New Orleans, La. Present to Dec. 31,

1861. Roll May and June, 1862, Discharged June 27, 1862, on account of ill health. Roster dated

March, 1865, En. State Service, Nov. 23, 1861. Into Confed. Service, Dec. 11, 1861. Elected

Capt., Nov. 23, 1861. Dropped June 27, 1862. J. W. Jones, successor.

Smart, William, Pvt. Co. -, Brown's La. Scouts. Federal Rolls Prisoners of War, Captured Bayou

Goula, La., Feb. 18, 1865. Recd. New Orleans, La., March 5, 1865. Transfd. to mouth of Red

River, La., for exchange, April 7, 1865. Exchanged April 9, 1865.

Smart, William H., Pvt. Co. D, 1st La. Cav. En. Sept. 12, 1861, Baton Rouge, La. Present on all

Rolls to Feb., 1863. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Somerset, Ky., March 30, 1863.

Sent April 13, 1863, from Military Prison, Louisville, Ky., to Baltimore Md., en route to City

Pt., Va., for exchange. Exchanged City Pt., Va., April 23, 1863. Roll to June 30, 1863, Present.

Roll Nov. and Dec., 1863, Absent, captured _, Ky., Aug. -, 1863. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of

War, Captured Big Hill, Ky., July 30, 1863. Recd. Military Prison, Louisville, Ky., Aug. 3,

1863. Forwd. to Camp Chase, Ohio, Aug. 6, 1863. Transfd. to Fort Delaware, Del., Feb. 29, 1864.

Paroled Fort Delaware, Del. Forwd. to City Pt., Va., for exchange March 7, 1865. Exchanged

Boulwares and Cox's Wharves, James River, Va., March 10 to 12, 1865. Roll of Prisoners of War,

of detachments of different commands, C. S. A., Paroled Alexandria, La., June 10, 1865. Res.

Sabine Par., La.

Smead, J. W., Pvt. Co. H, 28th (Gray's) La. Inf. En. Arcadia, La., Dec. 20, 1862. Federal Rolls

of Prisoners of War, Captured Bayou Teche, La., April 14, 1863. Paroled below Port Hudson, La.,

May 11, 1863. Sent to New Orleans, La., to be exchanged. Roll July and Aug., 1863, Paroled. On

Hospl. Register, Admitted to C. S. A, Gen. Hospl., Shreveport, La., March 26, 1864. Roll of

Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled Monroe, La., June 16, 1865. Roll of Prisoners of War, of

detachments of regiments, C. S. A., Paroled Natchitoches, La., June 20, 1865. Res. Bienville

Par., La.

Smead, William M., Pvt. Co. B, 12th La. Inf. En. Aug. 13, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on all

Rolls to Aug., 1864. Roll of Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled Greensboro, N. C., April 26,


Smeade, James, Pvt. Co. H, 28th (Gray's) La. Inf. On Hospl. Register, Admitted to C. S. A. Gen,

Hospl., Shreveport, La., March 26, 1864. Transfd. April 6, 1864, Jefferson Texas Hospl. Roll of

Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled Monroe, La., June 16, 1865. Roll of Prisoners of War, of

detachments of regiments, C. S. A., Paroled Natchitoches, La., June 20, 1865. Res. Bienville

Par., La.

Smedes, George, Pvt. Co. A, Confed. Grds. Regt. La. Mil. Roll March 8 to April 30, 1862 (only

Roll on file), En. New Orleans, La., March 8, 1862. Remarks: Present. Note: Transfd. March 8,

1862, by Gov. Thos. O. Moore, to Maj. Gen. Lovell for the service of the C. S., for local

defence of the city of New Orleans and its approaches.

Smedley, William M., Pvt. Co. B, 7th La. Inf. En. June 7, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present or

absent not stated on Rolls to Oct., 1861. Roll Nov. and Dec., 1861. Present. Roll Jan. and Feb.,

1862, Present or absent not stated. Roll Nov. and Dec., 1863, Absent, without leave.

Smelling, J. W., Pvt. Co. A, 28th (Pooles) La. Inf. Rolls Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled

Natchitoches, La., June 13, 1865. Res. Winn Parish, La.

Smellings, F. K., Pvt. Co. F, 19th La. Inf. En. March 1, 1862, Mansfield, La. Present on all

Rolls to Dec., 1863. Roll Jan. 1 to April 30, 1864, Present, re-enlisted Dalton, Ga., Jan. 20,

1864. Rolls May, 1864, to April, 1865., Present. Roll of Prisoners of War, of Quintard Hospl.,

C. S. A, Paroled Merridian, Miss., May 10, 1865. Res. Cox Spring, Ga.

Smelser Charles G., Pvt. 4th Co. Battn. Wash. Arty. La. En. May 29, 1863, Mobile, Ala. Present

on all Rolls to Feb., 1865. Born La., occupation clerk, Res. Carrollton, La., age when enlisted

26, single.

Smeltzer, W. V.,_ Co. A, 4th La. Inf. En. May 19, 1862, Vicksburg, Miss. Present on all Rolls to

Dec., 1863. Roll May 1 to Aug. 31, 1864, Absent, detached Engr. Corps, Quarles' Brig., June 1,

1864. Roll Aug. 31, 1864, to Feb. 20, 1865, Transfd. to 35th Engr. Corps. order of Gen. Johnson.

Date unknown.

Smetz, Julius, Pvt. Co. -, 21st (Patton's) La. Inf. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured

Corinth, Miss., June 1, 1862. Sent to Gratiot St. Prison, _. Recd. Alton, Ill., June 27, 1862.

Forwd. from Alton Military,

Page 598

Alton, Ill., to Vicksburg, Miss., Sept. 23, 1862, to be exchanged. Exchanged Aikens' Landing,

Nov. 11, 1862.

Smiat, L., Pvt. Bridges' Batty. La. Lt. Arty. En. Oct. 12, 1864, Amite City, La. Roll of

Prisoners of War, Paroled Greensboro, N C., April 26, 1865.

Smidt, Charles, Pvt. Co. G, 20th La. Inf. En. Dec. 21, 1861, Camp Lewis. Present on Rolls to

April, 1862. Roll May and June, 1862, Absent, sick, at Hospl. Roll June 30 to Oct. 31, 1862,

Deserted. Dropped at Bardstown, Sept. 28, 1862, order of Lt. Col. Von Zinkin. Roll July 1 to

Oct. 31, 1863, Died in Hospl., from effects of wounds, July -, 1863.

Smidt, David, _ Co. C, 1st Regt. 2nd Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into

service of the State of Louisiana.

Smidt, Giovanni, _ Co. 3, 6th Regt. European Brig. (Italian Grds. Battn.) La. Mil. On Roll not


Smidt, L., Pvt. Co. A, 3rd Regt. 2nd Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll dated Feb. 27, 1862,

ordered into service of the State of Louisiana.

Smidt, William, Pvt. Co. I, 20th La. Inf. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1862 (only Roll on which borne),

En. Feb. 25, 186-, New Orleans, Barracks. Remarks: Deserted. Regtl. Return, March, 1862,

Deserted from N. O. Barracks, March 10, 1862.

Smiley, J., Pvt. Ga. State Troops. Rolls Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled, Shreveport, La.,

June 8, 1865. Res. Picken's Co., Ala.

Smiley, J. J., Pvt. Capt. Harrison's Co. A, Wirt Adams' Regt. Cav. Roll to April 30, 1862 (only

Roll on file), En. Memphis, Tenn., Aug. 29, 1861. Remarks: Present. On Roll not dated,

Indorsement shows: Recd. A. and I., G. O., Sept. 5, 1861. Age 32 years.

Smiley, James, Pvt. Co. K,25th La. Inf. En. Providence, La., March 20, 1862. Age 48. Roll to May

3, 1862, Present or absent not stated. Roll June 30, 1862, Absent, sick. Rolls from Nov., 1862,

to Feb., 1863, Present. Roll May and June, 1863, Absent, sick, at Tullahoma Hospl., April 21,

1863, by order Dr. Wilkinson. Rolls from July, 1863, to Aug., 1864, Present. Roll Feb. 28, 1865,

Absent, at Hospl., order Asst. Surgeon J. H. Bass.

Smiley, John J., Pvt. Bondurant's Co. 15th Battn. (Harrison's) La. Cav.

Smiley, Michael, Pvt. Co. A, 17th La. Inf. En. Sept. 20, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on all

Rolls to Feb., 1863. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Vicksburg, Miss., July 4, 1863.

Recd. Gratiot St. Military Prison, St. Louis, Mo., July 26, 1863. Forwd. to Camp Morton, Ind.,

Aug. 8, 1863. On Roll not dated, of Prisoners of War at Camp Morton, Ind., desirous of taking

the Oath of Allegiance, Nov. 15, 1863. Remarks: Was Conscripted at Catahoula Par., La., Sept.

29, 1862. Desires to take the Oath, remain North, a loyal citizen of the U. S. Respt.

recommended. Released on Oath, Oct. 25, 1864.

Smiley, W. W., Pvt. Co. D, 2nd Battn. La. Hvy. Arty. Roll of Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled

Monroe, La.,June 9, 1865. Res. Catahoula Par., La. Also on Rolls of Prisoners of War, of

detachments of different commands, C. S. A., Paroled Alexandria, La., June 21, 1865. Res.

Catahoula Par., La.

Smiley, William, Pvt. Co. A, 9th Battn, La. Inf. Roll Sept. and Oct., 1863 (only Roll on which

borne), En. May 15, 1862, Camp Moore, La. Remarks: Present.

Smiley, M. J., Pvt. Co. C, 19th La. Inf. Roll Feb. 23 to April 25, 1863 (only Roll on which

borne), En. March 18, 1863, Benton, La. Remarks: Failed to meet me, when I left Monroe, La.

Smisson, T. H., Pvt. Co. K, 27th La. Inf. En. Rolls Prisoners of War, Captured and paroled

Labadieville, La., Oct. 27, 1862.

Smisson, T. H., Pvt. Co. K, 27th La. Inf. En. New Orleans, La., March 22, 1862. Rolls from May,

1862, to June, 1862, Present, Rolls from July, 1862, to Dec., 1862, Present, Hospl. nurse,

Vicksburg. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War. Captured and paroled Vicksburg, Miss., July 4,


Smit, Oscar, Pvt. Co. -, 1st La. Hvy. Arty. (Regulars). On Register of Prisoners of War,

belonging to the Rebel Army, in custody of Pro. Mar., Memphis, Tenn. Recd. Oct. 1, 1862.

Captured _, Sept. 28, 1862. Sent to Pro. Mar., not returned Oct. 3, 1862.

Page 598

Smith, _, Pvt. Co. I, 5th La. Cav. Appears on List attached to a petition, dated Camp, near

Verona, Miss., Jan. 17, 1865, of W. W. Guthrie, Q. M. Sergt., of the 12th Regt. La. Inf., who

asks to be Transfd, to Capt. John Woodward's Co. I, Caper's Cav. (also known as the 5th Regt. of

La. Cav.), because of his having been elected Jr. 2nd Lt., of that Co.

Smith, _, Pvt. Co. C, 3rd Regt. 1st Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into

service of the State of Louisiana.

Smith, A., Pvt. Co. F, 4th La. Cav. Roll of Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled June -, 1865.

Res. Claiborne Par., La.

Smith, A., Pvt. Co. A, 28th Tex. Dis. Cav. Rolls Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled Alexandria,

La., June 3, 1865. Res. Shelby Co., Texas.

Smith, A., Pvt. Co. A, 14th La. Inf. En. June 30, 1861, Camp Pulaski. Present or absent not

stated on Roll to July 4, 1861. Rolls Aug., 1861, to Feb., 1862, Present. Roll May and June,

1862, Absent, wounded June 1, 1862. Roll July and Aug., 1862, Absent, paroled. On List not dated

of Prisoners of War. Paroled by the U. S. Govt. Recd. Aikens' Landing, Sept. 7, 1862. Exchanged

Sept. 21, 1862. Roll to Oct., 1862, Absent, taken and paroled. Rolls Nov., 1862, to Feb., 1863,

Absent, taken prisoner at Manassas, and not yet reported. Roll March and April, 1863, Taken

prisoner while straggling. Paroled, but never returned to his Company. Deserted.

Smith, A., Pvt. Co. B, 21st (Kennedy's) La. Inf. Roll July 15 to Oct. 31, 1861 (only Roll on

which borne), En. New Orleans, La., July 15, 1861. Remarks: Deserted.

Smith, A., Pvt. Co. I, Engr. Troops. Rolls Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled Alexandria, La.,

June 9, 1865. Res. Rapides Par., La.

Smith, A., Sergt. Co. D, Confed. Grds. Regt. La. Mil. Roll March 8 to April 30, 1862 (only Roll

on file), En. New Orleans, La., March 8, 1862. Remarks: Present. Note: Transfd. by Thos, O.

Moore, Gov. of the State of La., to Maj. Gen. M. Lovell, C. S. A., for local defence of the city

of New Orleans, March 8, 1862.

Smith, A., Pvt. Co. H, Orleans Fire Regt. La. Mil. Roll dated Nov. 23, 1861, for active service

within the State. Remarks: Present.

Smith, A., Pvt. Co. H, 3rd Regt. 1st Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into

service of the State of Louisiana.

Smith, A. A. E., Pvt. Co. B, Logan's Regt. Cav. Rolls Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled

Monroe, La., June 15, 1865. Res. Union Par., La.

Smith, A. Benjamin, Pvt. 1st Lt. Co. B, 2nd La. Inf. En. May 9, 1861, New Orleans, La. Present

on all Rolls to Oct., 1861. Roll Nov. and Dec., 1861, Absent, on detached service, Wynnes Mills.

Rolls Jan., 1862, to June, 1862, Present. Rolls July, 1862, to Oct., 1862, Absent, wounded, July

1, at Malvern Hill. Gone to Lynchburg, Va., furloughed. Elected 2nd Lt. Jr., July 15.

Page 599

Roll Nov. and Dec., 1862, Present, Promoted to 1st Lt., vice (Hobart), died. Roll Jan. and Feb.,

1863, Present or absent not stated. Roll March and April, 1863, Present. Rolls May, 1863, to

Dec., 1863, Present or absent not stated. Recapitulation: Present for duty. Roll Jan. and Feb.,

1864, Absent, on furlough, since Feb. 26, 1864. Roll May 1 to Sept. 1, 1864, Absent, wounded at

Wilderness, Va., May 5, 1864. Roll Sept. and Oct., 1864, Present or absent not stated. Roll of

Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled Appomattox Court House, Va., April 10, 1865. Age 25 years,

eyes blue, hair light, complexion fair, height 5 ft. 11 in., Res. Alexandria, La. On Record of

Paroled Prisoners, remaining in Richmond under heading, Record of transportation furnished

paroled prisoners. On Roster dated Jan., 1865, Elected 2nd Lt., July 10, 1862. Promoted 1st Lt.,

Sept. 19, 1862.

Smith, A. C., Pvt. Co. I, 1st La. Cav. En. Nov. 13, 1862, Sparta, Tenn. Present on Rolls to

Feb., 1863. Roll Feb. 28, 1863, to June 30, 1863. Absent, without leave. Rolls Nov., 1863, to

Feb., 1864, Deserted June 5, 1863, near Rutledge, Tenn.

Smith, A. C., Pvt. W. C. Morrell's (Clerk) Conscript Bureau. Rolls Prisoners of War. C. S. A.,

Paroled Washington, La., June 17, 1865. Res. St. Landry Par., La.

Smith, A. D., Pvt. 1st Sergt. Co. C, 2nd La. Inf. En. May 11, 1861, New Orleans, La. Roll to

June 30, 1861, Absent, detached on Spec. Service, under Gen. Magruder. Roll July and Aug., 1861,

Absent, sick, in Williamsburg. Rolls Sept., 1861, to June, 1862. Present. Roll July and Aug.,

1862, Killed July 1, 1862.

Smith, A. F., 1st Sergt. Pvt. Co. H, 17 La. Inf. En. Oct. 12, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on

all Rolls to April, 1862 Roll dated May 23, 1862, Re-enlisted Edwards' Depot, Miss., May 23,

1862. Absent, from wounds. Rolls Aug., 1862, to Oct., 1862, Discharged

Smith, A. H. F., 3rd Lt. 1st Lt. Co. F, Cres. Regt. La. Inf. En. New Orleans, La., March 8,

1862. Rolls from May, 1862, to Feb., 1863. Present. Roll May and June, 1863, Present, in arrest

since May 16, 1863, under charges. Promoted 1st Lt., Oct. 27, 1862, order Gen. Taylor, May 29,

1863. Roll July and Aug., 1863, Absent, in arrest, under charges, since May 16, 1863.

Smith, A. H. H., Pvt. Co. A, 2nd La. Reserve Corps. Roll of Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled

Washington, La., June 17, 1865. Res. St. Landry Par., La.

Smith, A. J., Pvt. Nouland's Cav. Rolls Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled Shreveport, La.,

June 7, 1865. Res. Shreveport, La.

Smith, A. J., Pvt. Co. F, 4th La. Cav. Rolls Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled Monroe, La.,

June -. 1865. Res. Claiborne Par., La.

Smith, A. J., Pvt. Co. E, Cons. Cres. Regt. La. Inf. En. Fort de Russy, April 6, 1863. Roll Jan.

and Feb., 1864, Died at Hospl., near Trenton, Jan. 29, 1864. On Return dated Camp Buckner, near

Alexandria, La., Dec. 31, 1864, of Deceased Soldiers, Died Trenton Hospl., Jan. 29, 1864.

Smith, A. J., Pvt. Co. C, 3rd La. Inf. On Record of Confed. Soldiers, Paroled at Hdqrs. 16th

Corps, Montgomery, Ala., May 23, 1865.

Smith, A. J., Pvt. 8th La. _ Co. F. Federal Rolls Prisoners of War, Captured Rappahannock, Nov.

7, 1863. Forwd. to City Pt., Va., from Pt. Lookout, Md., March 10, 1864, for exchange, Rolls

Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled Natchitoches, La., June 6, 1865. Res. St. Landry Par., La.

Smith, A. J., Pvt. Co. K, 9th La. Inf. En. _. Report for Aug., 1861, Camp Bienville, Va.,

Discharged from Service, Surgeon's Certificate. disability, date unknown. Roll dated Sept. 19,

1861, Discharged for inability, date unknown.

Smith, A. J., Pvt. Cos. A and K, 1st La. Hvy. Arty. (Regulars.)

Smith, A. J., Pvt. Major Gen. Fagan's Escort. Rolls Prisoners of War, C. S A., Paroled

Shreveport, La., June 7, 1865. Res Little Rock, Ark.

Smith, A. R., Corpl Co. G, 21st (Patton's) La. Inf. En. New Orleans, La., Aug. 10, 186-, or July

16, 1861. Rolls from Oct., 1861, to Feb. 28, 1862, Present. Roll May 4, 1862, Spec. duty (with


Smith, A. W., Pvt. Co. B, 13th La. Inf. On Register of 1st Miss. C. S. A. Hospl., Jackson,

Miss., Admitted March 21, 1862. Returned to duty. April 8, 1862.

Smith, A. W., Pvt. Co. A, 28th (Thomas') La. Inf. En. Opelousas, La., April 6, 1862. Rolls from

Aug. 31, 1862, to Feb. 28, 1863, Present. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured and

paroled Vicksburg, Miss., July 4, 1863. Roll of Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled Washington,

La., June 17, 1865. Res. St. Landry Par., La.

Smith, Abraham, _ Capt. Lott's Co. (Carroll Dragoons) La. Cav. On List dated Parish of Carroll,

La., March 19, 1862, showing receipt of Fifty Dollars as bounty for enlisting in the Army of

the Confed. States for the war. or during the term of three years.

Smith, Adam, Pvt. Co. C, 17th La. Inf. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Chickamauga,

Ga., Sept. 14, 1863. Forwd. to Camp Douglas, Ill., Oct. 25, 1863. from Military Prison,

Louisville, Ky.

Smith, Adam P., Pvt. Co. E, 1st La. Cav. En. Sept. 16, 1861, Baton Rouge, La. Roll May 1 to Aug.

31, 1862, Present or absent not stated. Roll Sept. 1 to Dec. 31, 1862, Absent, on sick furlough,

in East Feliciana. Rolls Jan., 1863. to June 30, 1863, Present. Rolls Nov., 1863. to Feb., 1864,

Absent, on Surgeon's certificate.

Smith, Albert, Pvt. Sergt. New Co. A, 5th La. Inf. En. May 9, 1861, New Orleans, La. Present on

all Rolls to Feb., 1862. Promoted from 5th Corpl., to 5th Sergt., Feb. 15. Roll July and Aug,

1862, Absent, sick. Rolls Sept., 1862, to Oct., 1863, Absent, wounded since Sept. 17, 1862,

Sharpsburg. Roll Nov. and Dec., 1863, Present or absent not stated. Rolls Jan., 1864, to April,

1864, Absent, sick, Dec. 5, 1863. Roll to Aug. 31, 1864, Absent, wounded Aug. 17, 1864,


Smith, Albert, Pvt. Co. K, 7th La. Inf. En. Camp Moore, La., June 7, 1861. Present on all Rolls

to Feb., 1862. Record copied from Memorial Hall, New Orleans, La., by the War Dept., Washington,

May, 1903, born Ireland, occupation mason, Res. Livingston, age when enlisted 26, single.

Discharged on account of wounds, July -, 1862.

Smith, Alex., Pvt. Co. A, Powers' Cav. Rolls Prisoners of War, Surrendered Jackson, La., May -.

1865. Res. Feliciana Par., La.

Smith, Alexander, Pvt. Co. B, 11th Battn. La. Inf. En. May 6, 1862, Natchitoches, La. Present on

all Rolls to Oct., 1862. Roll Nov. and Dec., 1862, Furloughed Oct. 20, 1862, for thirty days.

Roll Jan. and Feb., 1863, Present. Roll March and April, 1863, dated June 3, 1863, Discharged

for disability, March 18, 1863. Also on Rolls of Co. D, Cres. Regt. La. Inf. Roll dated March 5,

1862 (only Roll on which borne), Remarks: Name cancelled by line. Also on Rolls of Co. K, Cons.

Cres. Regt. La., Inf. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1864 (only Roll on file), Present.

Smith, Alex., _ Co. E, Beauregard Battn. La. Mil. On List not dated of absentees from Review,

Nov. 23, 1861. Remarks: Has not signed Roll.

Page 600

Smith, Alexander, Pvt. Co. K, 9th La. Inf. En. June 4, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on

all Rolls to June, 1862. Roll July and Aug., 1862, Present or absent not stated. Roll Sept. and

Oct., 1862. Absent, without leave. Roll Nov. and Dec., 1862, Deserted. Federal Rolls of

Prisoners of War, Captured Frederick, Md., Sept. 12, 1862. Sent for exchange from Fort Delaware,

Del., to Aikens Landing, Va., Oct. 2, 1862. Declared exchanged at Aikens' Landing, Va., Nov. 10,

1862. Record copied from Memorial Hall, New Orleans, La., by the War Dept., Washington, D. C.,

May, 1903, born New York, occupation clerk, Res. New Orleans, La., age when enlisted 22, single.

Deserted Aug. 30, 1862.

Smith, Alexander J., Pvt. Co. F, 8th La. Inf. En. June 23, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on all

Rolls to Dec., 1861. Re-enlisted for the war, Camp Carondelet, Va., Feb. 11, 1862. Present on

all Rolls to Oct., 1863. Roll Nov. and Dec., 1863, Absent, captured in the engagement of Nov. 7,

1863. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Rappahannock, Va., Nov. 7, 1863. Forwd. to Pt.

Lookout, Md., from Washington, Nov. 11, 1863. Paroled until exchanged at Pt. Lookout, Md., March

10, 1864. Recd. City Pt., Va., March 15, 1864. Roll April 30 to Aug. 31, 1864, dated Nov. 3,

1864, Absent, without leave, since April 20, 1864. Roll of Prisoners of War, of men belonging to

commands East of the Miss. River, C. S. A., Paroled Natchitoches, La., June 6, 1865. Res. St. _.

Record copied from Memorial Hall, New Orleans, La., by the War Dept., Washington, D. C., June,

1903, born La., occupation druggist, Res. Grand Coteau, age when enlisted 21, single. Prisoner

from Nov., 1863, to May, 1864, where he went home and stayed, a shirker.

Smith, Alexander P., Pvt. Co. A, 31st La. Inf. Roll April 12, 1862, to April 12, 1865, dated

April 12, 1862 (only Roll on which borne), En. Monroe, La., April 12, 1862.

Smith, Alez, Pvt. Co. J, Jeff Davis Regt. La. Inf. Roll March 29 to April 30, 1862 (only Roll on

file), En. New Orleans, La., March 29, 1862. Remarks: Absent, without leave.

Smith, Alfred, Pvt. Co. G, 1st La. Inf. On Report dated Hdqrs., 1st Brig. 2nd Cav. Div., Macon,

Ga., April 30, 1865, of Confederates captured at Macon, Ga., April 20 and 21, 1865, by 1st Brig.

2nd Cav. Div.

Smith, Alfred 2nd, Pvt. Co. F, 1st (Nelligan's) La. Inf. En. April 18, 1861, New Orleans, La.

Present on Rolls to Aug., 1861. Roll Sept. and Oct., 1861, Present, promoted from the ranks of

Pvt., Sept. 30, 1861, to 5th Sergt. Rolls Nov., 1861, to April 30, 1862, Present. Roll to Sept.

1, 1862, Present, on extra duty as teamster.

Smith, Alfred, Pvt. Co. D, 6th La. Inf. En. June 4, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on Roll for

July and Aug., 1861. Roll Sept. and Oct., 1861, Absent, at the Insane Hospl., Charlottesville,

Va. Record copied from Memorial Hall, New Orleans, La., by the War Dept., Washington, D. C.,

May, 1903, born Maine, occupation carpenter, age when enlisted 23, single. Discharged.

Smith, Alfred, Pvt. Co. C, 17th La. Inf. En. Aug. 25, 1861, Little Rock, _. Roll March and

April, 1862, Present. Recd. by transfer in Wirt Adams' Cav., April 30, 1862. Roll May and June,

1862, Died May 15, 1862. Oxford, Miss.

Smith, Alfred C., Pvt. Bondurant's Co. 15th Battn. (Harrison's) La. Cav. Also borne on Rolls of

Capt. Harrison's Co. A, Wirt Adams Regt. Cav., Pvt. Roll to April 30, 1862 (only Roll on file),

En. Memphis, Tenn., Sept. 16, 1861. Remarks: Absent, on sick leave, since April 12, _.

Smith, Alfred C., Pvt. Co. C, 1st (Strawbridge's) La. Inf. En. March 15, 1862, New Orleans, La.

Rolls Sept., 1863, to April, 1864, Present. Roll Nov. and Dec., 1863, Absent, Pro. Grd., Macon,


Smith, Alfred W., Pvt. Co. E, 4th Battn. La. Inf. En. May 1, 1862, Natchez, Miss. Roll to June,

1862, Absent, sick, in Hospl., at Augusta, Ga. Roll Nov. and Dec., 1862, Absent, sick in

Savannah, Ga. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1863, Present. Rolls Jan., 1864, to April, 1865, Absent,

prisoner of war, since Sept. 19, 1863. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Chickamauga,

Ga., Sept. 19, 1863. Recd. Camp Douglas, Ill., Oct. 4, 1863. Discharged June 14, 1865, in

accordance with Gen. Order No. 109, A. G. O., Washington, June 6, 1865. Res. Natchez, Miss.

Smith, Andrew, Pvt. Co. C, 2nd La. Cav. Roll of Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled _, _, 1865.

Res. St. Mary Par., La.

Smith, Andrew, _ Co F, Miles Legion La. Roll to June 30, 1862 (only Roll on which borne), En. _.

Remarks: Deserted at the time of the taking of New Orleans. On the Co., being mustered in. His

name appeared on the Roll as a deserter since which time he has been dropped.

Smith, Andrew, Pvt. Co. B, Lewis Regt. La. On Report not dated, present on parade, Nov. 23,


Smith, Antone, Pvt. Co. A, Miles' Legion La. Roll Nov. 14 to Dec. 31, 1861 (only Roll on which

borne), En. New Orleans, La., Nov, 14, 186-. Remarks: Absent.

Smith, Asa., Pvt. Co. I, 1st (Nelligan's) La. Inf. En. April 27, 1861, New Orleans, La. Present

on all Rolls to June, 1862. Rolls Sept. 1862, to Nov. 1, 1862, Discharged, over age, Aug. 5,

1862. Born England, occupation farmer, age when enlisted 30, single.

Smith, Asa, Pvt. Corpl. Co. K, 1st La. Hvy. Arty. (Regulars). En. April 6, 1861, New Orleans,

La. Present on all Rolls to Feb., 1862.

Smith, August, Pvt. Co. C, 14th Regt. La. Cav. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Miss.

River, Oct. 24, 1863. Paroled at Camp Morton, and Forwd. via Baltimore, Md., to Pt. Lookout,

Md., for exchange. On Roll not dated of Prisoners of War, at Camp Morton, Ind., who desire to

take the Oath of Allegiance. Remarks: En. at Floyd, La., Oct. 1, 1862. Desires to take the Oath,

go to Canada, and remain loyal. Respt. recommended.

Smith, Augustus W., Pvt. Co. A, 21st (Patton's) La. Inf. En. New Orleans, La., June 19, 1861.

Present on Roll to June 30, 1861. Rolls from Sept., 1861, to Nov., 1861, Absent, on sick leave,

in New Orleans.

Smith, Austin, Pvt. Co. E, 4th Battn. La. Inf. En. Aug. 15, 1861, Natchez, Miss. Present on all

Rolls to Dec., 1861. Promoted 2nd Corpl., Dec. 16, 1861. Rolls Jan., 1862, to June, 1862,

Present. Roll Nov. and Dec., 1862, Absent, sick, in Savannah, Ga. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1863,

Present, was in Camp this morning, but now on picket. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War,

Captured Chickamauga, Ga., Sept, 20, 1863. Recd, at Military Prison, Louisville, Ky., Oct. 1,

1863. Forwd. to Camp Douglas, Ill., Oct. 2, 1863. On Roll of Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled

Meridian. Miss., May 10, 1865. Res. Natchez, Miss.

Smith, Austin W., Pvt. Co. G, Pelican Regt. Rolls Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled Meridian,

Miss., May 10, 1865. Res. Natchez, Miss.

Smith, B., Pvt. Co. 15th Battn. (Harrison's) La. Cav. En. _. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War,

Captured near Trinity, La., Aug. 20, 1863. Recd. Military Prison, Alton, Ill., from Memphis,

Tenn., Oct. 24, 1863. Admitted to U. S. A, Post Hospl., Alton, Ill., Dec. 17, 1863. Released

from Hospl., Dec. 21, 1863. On Roll not dated of Prisoners of War at Alton Military Prison,

Ill., who

Page 601

object to being exchanged. Remarks: Conscripted. Objects to being exchanged, desires to take the

Oath of Allegiance. Died Feb. 15, 1864.

Smith, B., 1st Lt. Co. Co. B, 2nd La. Inf. Rolls Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled Appomattox

Court House, Va., April 9, 1865.

Smith, B., Pvt. 5th La. Inf. Co. B. Federal Rolls Prisoners of War, Captured _. Sent to Pt.

Lookout, Md., _. Died Feb. 4, 1865.

Smith, B. C., Pvt. Co. K, Cons. Cres. Regt. La. Inf. En. Harrisonburg, La., May 5, 1862. Roll

Jan. and Feb., 1864, Present. Roll of Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled Natchitoches, La.,

June 10, 1865. Res. Natchitoches Par., La.

Smith, B. F., Pvt. Co. I, Cons. Cres. Regt. La. Inf. En. Alexandria, La., July 4, 1862. Roll

Jan. and Feb., 1864, Present, detailed as Co. cook, Sept. 15, 1863. Roll of Prisoners of War, C.

S. A., Paroled Alexandria, La., June 9, 1865. Res. Rapides Par., La.

Smith, B. F., Pvt. Co. K, Cons. Regt. La. Inf. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1864 (only Roll on which

borne), En. Winnfield, La., _ 6, 1864. Remarks: Present.

Smith, B. F., Pvt. Co. -, 1st La. Inf. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured

Fredericksburg, Va., May 3, 1863. Paroled Hdqrs. Army of the Potomac. Forwd. to Washington, D.

C., May 4, 1863. Sent to City Pt., Va., for exchange, May 10, 1863. Exchanged City Pt., Va., May

13, 1863.

Smith, B. F., Pvt. Co. A, 16th La. Inf. En. Sept. 29, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on Roll to

Oct. 31, 1861. Roll Nov. and Dec., 1861, Absent, on sick furlough since Nov. 15. Roll Jan. and

Feb., 1862, Absent, sick.

Smith, B. F., Pvt. Co. A, 17th La. Inf. Roll dated Sept. 30, 1861 (only Roll on which borne),

En. Sept. 21, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Roll states absent. Regtl. Return, Nov., 1861, Furloughed 20

days, from March 2 to March 22, 1861, to go to Catahoula, La.

Smith, B. F., Pvt. Co. A, 27th La. Inf. En. Clinton, La., March 14, 1862, or Camp Moore, La.,

March 29, 186-. Present on Roll to May, 1862. Roll to June, 1862, Present on Roll to May, 1862.

Roll to June, 1862, Present or absent not stated. Rolls from July, 1862, to Dec., 1862, Present.

Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured and paroled Vicksburg, Miss., July 4, 1863. Roll of

Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled Monroe, La., June 12, 1865. Res. Winn Par., La. Roll of

Prisoners of War, of detachment of different commands, C. S. A., Paroled Alexandria, La., June

19, 1865. Res. Rapides Par., La.

Smith, B. F., Sergt. Bridges Batty. La. Lt. Arty. En. March 29, 1862, Georgetown. Roll of

Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled Greensboro, N. C., April 26, 1865.

Smith, B. F., Pvt. Co. -, Terrebone Regt. La. Mil. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured

Labadieville, La., Oct. 27, 1862. Paroled Thibodaux, La., Nov. 4, 1862.

Smith, B. I., Pvt. Co. A, 6th La. Inf. Rolls Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled Appomattox

Court House, Va., April 10, 1865.

Smith, B. J., Pvt. Co. A, 6th La. Inf. En. May 28, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on Rolls to

Oct., 1861. Rolls May, 1862, to Aug., 1862, Present or absent not stated. Roll Sept. and Oct.,

1862, Absent, taken prisoner at Sharpsburg. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured

Sharpsburg. Md., Sept. 17, 1862. Forwd, to Ft. Monroe, Va., from Ft. McHenry, Md., Oct. 27,

1862, for exchange. Recd. Aikens Landing, Va., Nov. 10, 1862. Roll to Dec. 31, 1862, Absent,

sent to Hospl. Rolls Jan., 1863, to Oct., 1864, Present, ambulance driver. Roll of Prisoners of

War, C. S. A., Paroled Appomattox Court House, Va., April 10, 1865.

Smith, B. K., Sergt. Co. G, 13th Texas Inf. Rolls Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled

Shreveport, La., June 13, 1865. Res. Tyler Smith Co., Texas.

Smith, B. L., Pvt. Co. K, Cres. Inf. Rolls Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled Natchitoches,

La., June 10, 1865. Res. Natchitoches, La.

Smith, Baily, Pvt. Co. D, 4th La. Cav. Roll of Prisoners of War, of divers companies and

regiments, unattached C. S. A., Paroled Monroe, La., June 9, 1865. Res. Morehouse Par., La.

Smith, Barney, Pvt. Co. B, 27th La. Inf. En. New Orleans, La., March 25, 186-. Roll May and

June, 1862, Deserted March 29, _, at New Orleans, La.

Smith, Bataulet, Pvt. Co. A, Confed. States Zouave Battn. La. En. New Orleans, La., March 22,

186-. Present on Roll to June 30, 1862. List dated Corinth, Miss., Oct. 13, 1862, of Prisoners

of War, Captured and paroled Corinth, Miss. List dated Oct. 19, 1862, of paroled Confed.

prisoners, wounded and nurses delivered at Iuka, Miss., to Surgeon J. B. Bond, C. S. Army, on

account of his government. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1863, Deserted Oct. 6, _.

Smith, Benjamin, Pvt. Co. B, 11th Battn. La. Inf. En. May 6, 1862, Natchitoches, La. Present on

Roll to June 30, 1862. Roll July and Aug., 1862, Present, with remarks: Deserted June 29, 1862.

Retaken and returned to Camp, July 15, 1862. Rolls Sept., 1862, to Feb., 1863, Present. Roll

March and April, 1863, Absent, sick, since April, _. Also on Rolls of Co. K, Cons. Cres. Regt.

La. Inf. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1864 (only Roll on file), Present. On Return dated Camp Buckner,

Dec. 31, 1864, of Deceased Soldiers, Died Mansfield, La., Hospl., of wounds, April 15, 1864.

Smith, Benjamin, Pvt. Co. J, Jeff Davis Regt. La. Inf. Roll March 29 to April 30, 1862 (only

Roll on file), En. New Orleans, La., March 29, 1862. Remarks: Present.

Smith, Benjamin, Pvt. Co. K, 12th La. Inf. En. Ag. 18, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on Roll to

Oct. 31, 1861. Rolls Dec., 1862, to Aug., 1864, Absent, without leave, since Dec. 8, 1862.

Smith, Benjamin, Pvt. Co. B, 17th La. Inf. En. May 12, 1862, Vicksburg, Miss. Roll dated May 23,

1862, Present. Re-enlisted May 23, 1862. Roll dated Aug. 31, 1862, Discharged Aug. 21, 1862,

order Maj. Gen. Van Dorn.

Smith, Benjamin, Pvt. Sergt. Co. B, 1st La. Hvy. Arty. (Regulars). En. March 1, 1861, New

Orleans. La. Present on Roll to April 30, 1861. Roll May and June, 1861, Present. Nominated

Sergt., June 18, 1861. Rolls July, 1861, to Oct., 1861, Present. Roll Nov. and Dec., 1861,

Present. Reduced from rank of Sergt., to Pvt., by Gen. Court Martial. Rolls Jan., 1862, to Oct.,

1862, Present. On List not dated, Recd. Nov. 13, 1862, from Capt. R. S. Davis, U. S. A., the

following paroled prisoners of war, one hundred and thirty-nine in number, N. G. Watts. Roll

dated Dec. 31, 1862, Present, with remarks: Sick, in Hospl. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1863, Died Feb.

24, 1863, City Hospl., Vicksburg, Miss.

Smith, Benjamin F., Pvt. Co. B, 7th La. Inf. En. June 7, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present or absent

not stated on Roll to Oct., 1861. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1862, Present or absent not stated. On

Hospl. Register, Admitted Sept. 27, 1862, to Confed. Hospl., Culpepper, Va., Rheumatism. Rolls

Jan., 1863, to Oct., 1863, Absent, without leave, since Sept. 17, 1862. Rolls Nov., 1863, to

Feb., 1864, Absent, without leave. Born La., occupation carpenter, Res. Baton Rouge, La., age

when enlisted 21, single.

Smith, Benjamin F., Pvt. Co. H, 1st La. Hvy. Arty. (Regulars). En. Sept. 23, 1862, Union Par.,

La. Present on all Rolls to April,

Page 602

1863. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured and paroled Vicksburg, Miss., July 4, 1863.

Rolls Oct. 31, 1863, to Dec., 1863, Absent, without leave. (Paroled). Roll of Prisoners of War,

of divers companies and regiments, unattached C. S. A., Paroled Monroe, La., June 15, 1865. Res.

Union Par., La.

Smith, Benj. F., Pvt. 20th La. Inf. Co. F. Federal Rolls Prisoners of War, Captured near

Nashville, Tenn., Dec. 17, 1864. Forwd. to Camp Douglas, Ill., from Pt. Lookout, Md., for

exchange, Feb. 20, 1865.

Smith, Benj. J., Lt. Rolls Prisoners of War, Surrendered Albany, Ga., _.

Smith, Benjamin R., Pvt. 1st Lt. Co. B, 2nd La. Inf. En. New Orleans, La., May 9, 1861. Present

on all Rolls to June, 1862. Roll July and Aug., 1862, Absent, wounded July 1, at Malvern Hill.

Gone to Lynchburg. Elected 2nd Lt. Roll Sept. and Oct., 1862, Absent, wounded July 1, at Malvern

Hill, and furloughed. Roll Nov. and Dec., 1862, Present, promoted to 1st Lt., vice Hobart

(died). Roll Jan. and Feb., 1863, Present or absent not stated on Roll. Roll March and April,

1863, Present. Rolls May, 1863, to Dec., 1863, Present or absent not stated. Roll Jan. and Feb.,

1864, Absent, on furlough, since Feb. 26, 1864. Roll to Sept. 1, 1864, Wounded at Wilderness,

May 5, 1864. Roll of Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled Appomattox Court House, Va., Aprl 10,

1865. Age 25 years, eyes blue, hair light, complexion fair, height 5 ft. 11 in., Res.

Alexandria, La. On Record of Paroled Prisoners of War, Remaining in Richmond, Va., under heading

"Record of Transportation furnished paroled prisoners.

Smith, Benjamin S., Pvt. Co. F, 4th La. Inf. En. May 25, 1861, Tangipahoa, La. Present on all

Rolls to Oct., 1862. Roll Nov. and Dec., 1862, Present. Promoted from Pvt. to Corpl., Dec. 4,

1862. Roll Jan. 1 to April 30. 1863, Absent, sick, at Hospl. Roll May and June, 1863, Present.

Promoted to Sergt., from Corpl., April 26, 1862. Rolls July, 1863, to Aug. 31, 1864, Present.

Roll to Feb. 28, 1865, Absent, captured Nashville, Tenn., Dec. 17, 1864. Federal Rolls of

Prisoners of War, Captured near Franklin, Tenn., Dec. 17, 1864. Recd. Military Prison,

Louisville, Ky., from Nashville, Tenn., Dec. 20, 1864. Forwd. to Camp Douglas, Ill., Dec. 22,

1864. Paroled at Camp Douglas, Ill. Forwd. to Pt. Lookout, Md., for exchange, Feb. 25, 1865.

Smith, Berry, Pvt. Co. F, 1st La. Inf. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured near

Chattanooga, Tenn., Sept. 12, 1863. Forwd. to Military Prison, Louisville, Ky., from Stevenson,

Ala., Sept. 21, 1863. Released on Oath of Allegiance to U. S., Sept. 28, 1863, from Louisville,

Ky. Res. Owen Co., Ky., complexion dark, hair brown, eyes grey, height 5 ft. 9 in. Sent North,

order of Gen. Boyle.

Smith, Beverly C., Pvt. Vinson's Company Scouts La. Roll of Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled

Franklin, La., June 10, 1865. Res. Franklin, La.

Smith, Bryant P., Pvt. Co. E, 28th (Gray's) La. Inf. En. Monroe, La., May 10, 1862. Appears on

Roll for July and Aug., 1863, without remarks.

Smith, Bryant W. or M., Pvt. Benton's Batty. Roll of Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled Monroe,

La., June 7, 1865. Res. Morehouse Par., La.

Smith, Butler C., Pvt. Co. F, 11th Battn. La. Inf. En. June 20, 1862, Harrisonburg, La. Present

on all Rolls to Oct., 1862.

Smith, C., Pvt. Co. B, 1st La. Battn. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Richmond, Va.,

April 3, 1865. Sent to Jackson Hospl., May 28, 1865. Remarks: Transfd. to Small Pox Hospl.,

April 29, 1865.

Smith, C., Lt, 17th La. Inf. Co. D. Federal Rolls Prisoners of War, Paroled Vicksburg, Miss.,

July 4, 1863. Official Rolls Paroled Officers, C. S. A., Paroled Monroe, La., June 19, 1865.

Smith, C., Sergt. Lt. Co. D, 17th La. Inf. En. Sept. 29, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on all

Rolls to Feb., 1862. Roll dated May 23, 1862, Absent, sick. Rolls June, 1862, to Aug., 1862,

Absent, prisoner of war on parole. Receipt dated on board Str. Jno. H. Done, near Vicksburg,

Miss., Sept. 19, 1862, given by Maj. N. G. Watts, C. S. A. Agt., for exchange to Capt. H. M.

Lazelle U. S. A. Agt. for exchange for Prisoners of War, Recd, near Vicksburg, Miss., Sept. 19,

1862, who had been heretofore paroled. Roll Sept. and Oct., 1862, Present, promoted from Corpl.

to 2nd Lt., June 14, 1862. Rolls Nov., 1862, to Feb., 1863, Present. Federal Rolls of Prisoners

of War, Captured and Paroled Vicksburg, Miss., July 4, 1863.

Smith, C., Pvt. Co. C, 8th Battn. La. Hvy. Arty. Roll Feb. 24 to April 24, 1862 (only Roll on

which borne), En. Feb. 24, 1862, New Orleans, La. Roll states present.

Smith, C., Pvt. Co. D, Beauregard Battn. La. Mil. On Roll dated Hdqrs., Davidson Grds. New

Orleans, Sept. 27, 1861.

Smith, C., Pvt. Fowler's Co. Bragg's Battn. La. Mil. On Report dated New Orleans, Nov. 25, 1861,


Smith, C., _ Hall's Co. Orleans Fire Regt. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, for active service within

the State.

Smith, C. A., Pvt. Co. E, 1st Spec. Battn. (Rightor's) La. Inf. En. April 16, 1861, Houma, La.

Rolls to Feb., 1862, Present, detailed as wagon master for Battn.

Smith, C. A., Pvt. Artificer Capt. Fenner's Batty. La. Lt. Arty. En. May 16, 1862, Jackson,

Miss. Present on all Rolls to Dec., 1863. Roll of Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled Meridian,

Miss., May 10, 1865. Res. New Orleans, La.

Smith, C. B., Sergt. Co. I, Cons. Cres. Regt. La. Inf. En. Alexandria, La., July 4, 1862. Roll

Jan. and Feb., 1864, Present. Roll of Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled Natchitoches, La.,

June 10, 1865. Res. Winn Par., La.

Smith, C. F., Sergt. Co. G, 3rd (Wingfield's) La. Cav. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War,

Paroled Port Hudson, La., July -, 1863.

Smith, C. H., Sergt. Co. G, 22nd (Cons.) La. Inf. En. Opelousas, La., April 6, 1862. Rolls from

Jan., 1864, to Oct., 1864, Present. Roll of Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled Meridian, Miss.,

May 12, 1865. Res. Opelousas, La.

Smith, C. H., Lt. Light Arty. Acting Adjt. Williams Battn. Rolls Prisoners of War, C. S. A.,

Paroled Meridian, Miss., May 10, 1865.

Smith, C. J., Pvt. Co. B, 1st Battn. Trans.-Miss. Cav. Roll of Prisoners of War, C. S. A.,

Paroled Natchitoches, La., June 6, 1865. Res. Natchitoches, La.

Smith, C. M., Pvt. Co. C, 2nd La. Inf. En. May 11, 1861, New Orleans, La. Present on all Rolls

to June, 1862. Roll July and Aug., 1862. Discharged, non-Conscript.

Smith, C. N., Surgeon F. and S., 13th La. Inf. On Roll not dated (only Roll on which borne), En.

Sept. 31, 1862, (as on Roll.) Roster dated March, 1865, Elected Surg., Sept. 11, 1861, Resigned

Feb. 5, 1862, Successor Chas. Langenbecker.

Smith, C. P., Pvt. Co. G, 8th La. Cav. Roll of Prisoners of War of detachments of various

commands, C. S. A., Paroled Alexandria, La., June 3, 1865. Res. St. Landry Par., La.

Smith, C. P., Sergt. Co. G, 9th La. Battn. Par. Rangers. Federal Rolls Prisoners of War, Paroled

Port Hudson, La., July -, 1863.

Smith, C. S., Pvt. Co. B, 1st La. Cav. Rolls Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled Gainesville,

Page 603

Ala., May 12, 1865. Res. Franklin Co., Tenn.

Smith, Calvin, Pvt. Co. A, 3rd (Wingfield's) La. Cav. En. May 13, 1862, Camp Moore, La. Roll

dated Oct. 19, 1862, Present or absent not stated. Name appears in column of names Recd.

payment. Roll not dated, Present.

Smith, Chandler S., Capt. Lt. Arty. and A. A. A. G. Smith's Brig. Rolls Prisoners of War, C. S.

A., Paroled Meridian, Miss., May 10, 1865.

Smith, Charles, Pvt. Co. D, 11th La. Inf. En. Aug. 18, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on Roll to

Oct. 31, 1861. Also on Rolls of Co. -, Cres. Cons. Regt. La. Inf. Pvt. Roll Prisoners of War, C.

S. A., Paroled Washington, La., June 21, 1865. Res. St. Landry Par., La.

Smith, Charles, Pvt. Co. B, 1st La. Inf. Rolls Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled Montgomery,

Ala., May 3, 1865.

Smith, Charles, Pvt. 1st Sergt. Co. K, (Nelligan's) La. Inf. En. April 28, 1861, New Orleans,

La. Present on all Rolls to April, 1862, Promoted from 1st Corpl. to 4th Sergt., April 28, 1862.

Rolls May, 1862, to Aug. 31, 1862, Present. Roll to Oct. 31, 1862, Absent. sick. Rolls Oct. 31,

1862, to June, 1863, Present. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Gettysburg, Pa., July

4, 1863. Recd. De Camp Gen. Hospl., David's Island, N. Y. Harbor, July 17 to 24, 1863. Paroled

De Camp Gen. Hospl., David's Island, N. Y. Harbor, Oct. 22, 1863, exchanged City Pt., Va., Oct.

28, 1863. Rolls Oct. 31, 1863, to Feb., 1864, Absent, wounded Gettysburg, Pa., July 2, 1863.

Promoted 1st Sergt., July 1, vice Henry Beck, deserted. Roll March 1 to Aug. 31, 1864, dated

Oct. 31, 1864, Transfd. to C. S. Navy on recommendation of Med. Ex. Brd., unfit for field

service. Born _, La., occupation mechanic, Res. New Orleans, La., single.

Smith, Charles, Pvt. Co. C, 1st (Strawbridge's) La. Inf. Roll March and April, 1863 (only Roll

on which borne), En. Jan. 18, 1862, Pensacola, Fla. Roll states present.

Smith, Charles, Musician Co. D, 1st (Strawbridge's) La. Inf. En. April 1, 1861, New Orleans, La.

Present on all Rolls to April 30, 1862. Rolls Aug. 31, 1862, to Oct., 1862, Absent, orderly to

Gen. Bragg, Aug. 20, 1862.

Smith, Charles, Pvt. Old Co. D, 1st Spec. Battn. (Wheat's) La. Inf. En. June 8, 1861, Camp

Moore, La. Present or absent not stated on Rolls to Oct., 1861.

Smith, Charles, Pvt. Co. G, 2nd La. Inf. En. May 11, 1861, New Orleans, La. Present on all Rolls

to June, 1862. Roll July and Aug., 1862, Discharged at expiration of time by Conscript Act.

Smith, Charles, Pvt. Co. H, 5th La. Inf. En. May 10, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present or absent not

stated on Rolls to Oct., 1861. Roll Nov. and Dec., 1861, Present. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1862,

Detailed as Mail Courier. Rolls July, 1862, to Oct., 1862, Absent without leave, since April -,

1862, New Orleans, La. Roll Nov. and Dec., 1862, Deserter.

Smith, Charles, Pvt. Co. D, 7th La. Inf. En. June 7, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on Rolls to

Aug., 1861. Roll Sept. and Oct., 1861, Absent without leave. Roll Nov. and Dec., 1861, Killed by

accident Nov. 1, 1861.

Smith, Chas., Pvt. Co. B, 7th Battn. La. Inf. Roll Nov. and Dec., 1861 (only Roll on which

borne), En. June 8, 1861, Camp Moore, La., for the War. Roll states present.

Smith, Charles, Pvt. Co. D, 8th La. Inf. En. June 19, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on Rolls to

Oct., 1861. Roll Nov. and Dec., 1861, Absent, sick at Richmond. Roll to April 30, 1862, Absent,

sick since March 10. Rolls June, 1862 to Aug., 1862, Present, Rolls Sept., 1862, to May 14,

1863, Absent, sick since Sept. 20, 1862. Rolls from May 14, 1863, to Dec., 1863, Absent without

leave since Sept. 20, 1862. Record copied from Memorial Hall, New Orleans, La., by the War

Dept., Washington, D. C., June, 1903, Born _, Va., occupation sailor, Res. New Orleans, La., age

when enlisted 38, single, deserted after Sharpsburg.

Smith, Charles, Pvt. Co. I, 9th La. Inf. En. March 8, 1862, New Orleans, La. Record copied from

Memorial Hall, New Orleans, La., by the War Dept., Washington, D. C., June, 1903, Born _, Miss.,

occupation farmer, Res. Sun, age when enlisted 22, single, died Stanardsville, Va., May -, 1862.

Smith, Charles, Pvt. Co. I, 13th La. Inf. En. Sept. 11, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Rolls June 30,

1862, to Feb., 1863, Present. Rolls March, 1863, to Feb. 28, 1865, Absent, detailed as teamster

for engineers, order Gen. Bragg.

Smith, Charles, Pvt. Co. B, 14th La. Inf. En. June 3, 1861, New Orleans, La. Present on all

Rolls to Feb., 1863. Roll March and April, 1863, Absent, wounded, in Hospl. Roll May 1 to July

31, 1863, Absent without leave. Roll July and Aug., 1863, Deserted July 15, 1863. Born Ireland,

occupation laborer, Res. New Orleans, La., age when enlisted 24, single.

Smith, Charles, Pvt. Co. B, 14th (Austin's) Battn. La. Shp. Shooters. En. Aug. 13, 1861, Camp

Moore, La. Roll July and Aug., 1862, Absent, prisoner, under charges at Div. Provost Guard. Roll

Sept. and Oct., 1862, Present. Roll March and April, 1863, Present. Rolls Nov., 1863, to Feb.

28, 1865, Absent, prisoner of War, Captured Missionary Ridge, Nov. 25, 1863. Federal Rolls of

Prisoners of War, Captured Missionary Ridge, Nov. 25, 1863. Recd. Military Prison, Louisville,

Ky., from Nashville, Tenn., June 16, 1864. Forwd. to Rock Island Barracks, Ill., June 24, 1864,

Transfd. to Pt. Lookout, Md., Feb. 15, 1865 and exchanged. On Register of Paroled Confed.

Soldiers, Paroled June 16, 1865, by Maj. Ross Wilkinson, A. D. C., and Provost Marshal,

16th A. C.

Smith, Charles, _ Co. -, 15th La. Inf. On Report of Political prisoners in custody of Pro. Mar.,

Middle Dept., 8th Army Corps, Baltimore, Md., captured April 28, 1865. by police. Released May

11, to go to New York.

Smith, Charles, Pvt. Co. G, 15th La. Inf. Roll May 1 to Oct. 31, 1862 (only Roll on which

borne). En. Aug. 19, 1861, Camp Pulaski. Killed in battle at Manassas, Aug. 29. Born England,

occupation laborer, age when enlisted 25, single.

Smith, Charles, Pvt. Co. I, 15th La. Inf. Roll May 1 to Oct. 31, 1862 (only Roll on which

borne), En. June 9, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Killed in battle of Seven Pines, May 31. Born Germany,

occupation butcher, Res. Trinity, La., age when enlisted 19, married.

Smith, Charles, Pvt. Corpl. Co. H, 18th La. Inf. En. Nov. 10, 1861, New Orleans, La. Present on

Rolls to Feb., 1862. Roll May and June, 1862, Absent, detached service as Pioneer since May 17,

1862. Apptd. 4th Corpl., order of Maj. Bush, dated June 29, 1862. Roll July and Aug., 1862,

Employed A. Q. N. Dept., Tupelo, Miss. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1863. Absent, on detached service as

Pioneer, since May 19, 1862. Roll May and June, 1863, Dropped, order of Col. Armant.

Smith, Charles, Pvt. Co. B, 19th La. Inf. En. Dec. 11, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on Roll to

Dec. 31, 1861. Report dated May 23, 1862, of Privates and Non-Commsd. Officers who returned from

the battle of Shiloh without arms. Remarks: wounded. Roll May and June, 1862. Absent, sick at

Page 604

Hospl., wounded. Roll July and Aug., 1862, Absent, on detached service since Aug. 31,

1862, by command of Col. Tatnall. Rolls Oct., 1862, to Feb., 1863, Present. Roll July and Aug.,

1863, Absent, on duty since Aug. 27, 1863, order of Major Butler. Roll Sept. and Oct., 1863,

Deserted since _ 27, Mobile, Ala. Rolls Jan., 1864, to Feb., 1865, Present. Roll March and

April, 1865, Absent, from wound Recd. at Spanish Fort, March 29, 1865.

Smith, Charles, Pvt. Co. F, 19th La. Inf. En. Dec. 11, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on Roll to

Dec. 31, 1861. Roll July and Aug., 1862, Discharged at Tupelo, Miss., July 4, 1862, order Gen.

Bragg. Rolls Jan., 1863, to Aug., 1863, Present. Roll Sept. and Oct., 1863, Killed at battle of


Smith, Charles, Pvt. Co. E, 21st (Kennedy's) La. Inf. Roll Aug. 6 to Oct. 31, 1861 (only Roll on

which borne), En. New Orleans, La., Aug. 6, 1861. Remarks: Deserted in New Orleans, Aug. 6,


Smith, Charles, Pvt. 3rd Co. Battn. Wash. Arty. La. En. Dec. 25, 1861, Centerville, Va. Roll

Jan. and Feb., 1862, Present, substitute furnished Dec. 25, 1861, by Corpl. E. W. Morgan,

discharged. Rolls March, 1862, to April, 1864. Present. Rolls May, 1864, to Feb., 1865, Absent,

captured Petersburg, Va., June 22, 1864. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured near

Petersburg, Va., June 22, 1864. Recd. Pt. Lookout, Md., from City Pt., Va., June 30, 1864.

Paroled Pt. Lookout, Md., and Transfd. for exchange. Exchanged Coxes Landing, James River, Va.,

Feb. 14-15, 1865. Roll of Prisoners of War, Paroled Greenville, Ala., April 25, 1865. Born La.,

occupation clerk. Res. New Orleans, La., age when enlisted 17, single.

Smith, Charles, Pvt. Capt. Kean's Batty. (Orleans Indpt. Arty.) La. Arty. En. April 4, 1861, New

Orleans, La. Present on all Rolls to Aug., 1861. Roll Sept. and Oct., 1861, Present.

Smith, Charles, Pvt. Pt. Coupee Arty. La. En. June 29 1861 New Orleans, La. Present on Rolls to

Dec., 1861. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Port Hudson, La., March 28, 1863. Recd.

New Orleans, La., from Baton Rouge, La., March 28, 1863. Paroled and sent to the enemy's lines,

April 4, 1863. Rolls March 1864, to Aug., 1864, Present. Rolls of Prisoners of War of Capt. A.

Bounachaud's Batty. Light Arty. La. Vols., C. S. A., Paroled Meridian, Miss., May 11, 1865. Res.

Pt. Coupee Par., La.

Smith, Charles, Pvt. Co. G, 2nd Regt. 2nd Brig, 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll dated Feb. 27, 1862,

ordered into service of the State of Louisiana.

Smith Charles, Jr., Pvt. Co. I, 4th Regt. 1st Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered

into service of the State of Louisiana.

Smith, Chas. A., Capt. and A. Q. M. Rolls Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled Meridian, Miss.,

May 11, 1865.

Smith, Charles B., Pvt. Mitchell's Co. Continental Regt. La. Mil. On Roll dated, New Orleans,

Nov. 23, 1861, on parade.

Smith, Chas. E.,2nd Lt. Co. B, 2nd Regt. Engr. Troops. Rolls Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled

Meridian, Miss., May 10, 1865.

Smith, Chas. F., 1st, Pvt. Co. F, 1st (Strawbridge's) La. Inf. En. April 9, 1861, New Orleans,

La. Roll to June 30, 1861, Present, Apptd. Musician. June 1, 1861. Rolls July, 1861, to Oct.,

1861, Absent, in Gen. Hospl. Roll Nov. and Dec., 1861, Present, in Hospl., on duty as nurse.

Roll dated Warrington, Fla., April 24, 1862. Term extended for the War. Roll to April 30, 1862,

Absent, on detached service. Roll to Sept. 1, 1862, Discharged July 6, for disability, final

statement given.

Smith, Charles H., Pvt. Jr. 2nd Lt. Co. G, 9th La. Inf. En. June 4, 1861, Camp Moore, La.

Present on Rolls to Oct., 1861. Roll May and June, 1862, Present, elected from 1st Sergt., June

13, 1862, vice 2nd Lt. Jno. Shay. Roll July and Aug., 1862, Present. Roll Sept. and Oct., 1862,

Died at Winchester, Oct. 17, 1862, of wound Recd., battle of Sharpsburg, born Penn., occupation

laborer. Res. New Orleans, La., single.

Smith, Charles H., Sergt. Co. A, 28th (Thomas') La. Inf. En. Opelousas, La., April 6, 1862. Roll

to Aug. 31, 1862, Present, Apptd, 2nd Corpl., Aug. 1, _. Rolls from Sept., 1862, to Feb. 28,

1863, Present. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured and Paroled Vicksburg, Miss., July 4,

1863. On List dated, Parole Camp, Enterprise, Miss., Nov. 8, 1863. Forwd. to Richmond for

exchange Nov. 10, 1863. Roll to Dec. 31, 1863, Present.

Smith, Chas. Henry, Pvt. Cos. B, A, Confed. States Zouave Battn. La. En. New Orleans, La., April

4, 186-. Rolls from May 31, 1861, to June 30, 1862, Present. Regtl. Return for Jan., 1862, Left

for New Orleans, _ 31 _, on furlough for 45 days. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1863, Deserted Aug. 22, _.

Smith, Charles P., Pvt. Co. D, 28th (Gray's) La. Inf. En. Vernon, La., Dec. 20, 1862. Roll July

and Aug., 1863, Absent, on sick furlough. Roll of Prisoners of War of furloughed and detailed

men, C. S. A., Paroled Shreveport, La., June 21, 1866. Res Claiborne Par., La.

Smith, Charles S., Pvt. Co. G, 11th Battn. La. Inf. En. April 26, 1862, Carthage, Texas. Present

on all Rolls to Oct., 1862. Roll Nov. and Dec., 1862, Discharged Nov. 20 by Civil Authority.

Smith, Charles T., Pvt. Corpl. Co. C, 21st (Patton's) La. Inf. En. New Orleans, La., June 14,

1861. Roll July and Aug., 1861, Present or absent not stated. Rolls from Dec., 1861, to April,

1862, Present.

Smith, Christian, Pvt. Cos. B, A, Confed. States Zouave Battn. La. En. New Orleans, La., April

4, 186-, or Richmond, Va., Nov. 12, 1862. Rolls from May 31, 1861, to June 30. 1861, Present or

absent not stated. Roll July and Aug., 1862, Absent, detached by order Secty. of War, in

Richmond Arsenal since Feb. 24, 1864. Roll Sept. and Oct., 1864, Present or absent not stated.

Smith, Christian, Pvt. Co. I, 4th Regt. 1st Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered

into service of the State of Louisiana.

Smith, Claiborne, Pvt. Sergt. Co. F, 8th La. Inf. En. June 23, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on

all Rolls to April 30, 1862. Roll April 30. 1862, to Aug. 31, 1862, Present. promoted Corpl.,

July 24, 1862. Rolls Sept., 1862, to Aug. 31, 1863. Present. Roll Sept. and Oct., 1862, Present,

promoted from Corpl. to 5th Sergt., Oct. 1, 1863. Rolls Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled

Appomattox Court House, Va., April 10, 1865, age 23 years, eyes grey, hair dark, height 5 ft. 10

in., Res. St. Landry Par., La., born _, La., occupation blacksmith, single.

Smith, Columbus D., Pvt. Co. A, 6th La. Cav. En. April 18, 1862, Shreveport, La. Present on

Rolls to Oct., 1862. On Roll of Prisoners of War of detachments, regiments, La. and Ark. Troops,

C. S. A., Paroled Shreveport, La., June 9, 1865. Res. Caddo Par., La.

Smith, Conrad, Pvt. Co. H, 6th La. Inf. En. June 4, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Rolls May. 1862, to

Aug., 1862, Absent, sick in Gen. Hospl. Roll Sept. and Oct., 1862, Discharged from Hospl.

Smith, D. E.,Asst. Surgeon F. and S., 1st La. Hvy. Arty. (Regulars). En. _. Roll July and Aug.,

1864, Present, temporarily attached to Regt. from 21st Ala. Regt. Roll Sept. and Oct., 1864,


Smith, D. G., Pvt. Cos. C, B, 1st La. Cav. En. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured

Page 605

near Natchez, Miss., Dec. 10, 1863. Forwd. from Vicksburg, Miss., to Cairo, Ill., Dec.

18, 1863. Transfd. to Camp Morton, Ind., Dec. 26, 1863. Died Jan. 14, 1863, of typhoid

pneumonia, buried Green Lawn cemetery.

Smith, D. J., Pvt. Co. H, 12th La. Inf. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Gettysburg.

Pa., July 5, 1863. Forwd. to Fort Delaware, Del., _, 1863, Paroled Ft. Delaware, Del. Transfd.

to City Pt., Va., March 7, 1863, exchanged Boulwares and Cox's Wharves, James River, Va., March

10 to 12, 1865.

Smith, D. L., Pvt. Co. A, 9th Battn. La. Inf. Roll Sept. and Oct., 1862 (only Roll on which

borne), En. May 15, 1862, Camp Moore, La. Remarks: Present. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War,

Paroled Port Hudson, La., July -, 1863.

Smith, D. P., Pvt. Co. E, 16th La. Inf. En. April 22, 1862, Alexandria, La. Rolls May, 1862, to

Oct. 31, 1862, Absent, sick in Hospl.

Smith, D. W., Pvt. Co. K, 3rd (Wingfield's) La. Cav. Roll not dated (only Roll on which borne),

En. Jan. 9, 1863, Present or absent not stated.

Smith, D. W., Corpl. Sergt. 5th Co. Battn. Wash. Arty. La. En. March 6, 1862, New Orleans, La.

Present on all Rolls to Aug. 31, 1864. Rolls Sept. 1, 1864, to April, 1865, Absent, taken

Prisoner, on the retreat from Tenn. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured near Athens,

Jan. 15, 1865. Remarks: Escaped on cars at Cincinnati, on way to Camp Chase, Ohio.

Smith, Dampsy, Pvt. Co. E, 27th La. Inf. Roll of Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled

Natchitoches, La., June 15, 1865. Res. Bienville Par., La.

Smith, Dan, Pvt. Co. A, Claiborne Regt. La. Mil. Roll May 1 to June 21, 1863 (only Roll on

file), En. Claiborne Par., May 1, 186-. Present with remarks: Absent, without leave from May 25

to June 1, 1863.

Smith, Daniel, Pvt. Co. F, 4th La. Cav. Roll of Prisoners of War of divers companies and Regts.

unattached, C. S. A., Paroled Monroe, La., June 9, 1865. Res. Claiborne Par., La.

Smith, Daniel, _ Co. F, 1st La. Inf. On List dated Hdqrs., Dept. of the South, Office Provost

Marshal General, Hilton Head, S. C., March 22, 1865, of Rebel Deserters to be delivered to the

Provost Marshal Gen., New York City. Born England, occupation ranger. Came into our lines at

Charleston, S. C., Feb. 18, 1861.

Smith, Daniel, Pvt. Co. H, 9th La. Inf. Roll Oct. 31, 1861 to May 1, 1862 (only Roll on which

borne), En. March 12, 1862, Brush Valley, La., for the War. Present or absent not stated. Record

copied from Memorial Hall, New Orleans, La., by the War Dept., Washington, D. C., June, 1903,

born _, Miss., occupation farmer. Res. Brush Valley, La., age when enlisted 21, single. Died

Charlottesville, Va., June 16, 1862.

Smith, Daniel, Pvt. Marks Co. 22nd and 23rd La. Inf. En. New Orleans, La., Oct. 22, 1861. Rolls

from Oct. 31, 1861, to Feb., 1862. Present.

Smith, Daniel, Pvt. Co. H, 25th La. Inf. En. New Orleans, La., March 12, 1862. Roll to June 20,

1862. Present or absent not stated. Rolls Nov., 1862, to Oct., 1863, Present. Rolls Jan., 1864,

to Feb., 1865, Absent, captured Missionary Ridge, Nov. 25. 1863. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of

War, Captured Missionary Ridge, Nov. 25, 1863. Sent to Military Prison, Louisville, Ky., from

Nashville, Tenn., Dec. 5, 1863.

Smith, Daniel, Pvt. Co. D, 31st La. Inf. En. Vidalia, La., April 26, 1862. Roll July and Aug.,

1862, Present. Roll Nov. and Dec., 1862, dated Feb. 28, 1863, Absent, sick in Hospl., at

Jackson. Miss., since Oct. 14, 1862.

Smith, Daniel, Pvt. Co. E, 3rd Regt. 1st Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into

service of the State of Louisiana.

Smith, Daniel W., Pvt. Sergt. Watson Batty. La. Arty. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War,

Captured near Athens, Ala., Jan. 15, 1865. Forwd. to Military Prison, Louisville, Ky., from

Nashville, Tenn., Jan. 21, 1865. Forwd. to Camp Chase, Ohio, Jan. 22, 1865.

Smith, David, Pvt. Co. F, 8th La. Inf. En. June 23, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on all Rolls

to April 30, 1862. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Aikens Landing, Va., June 2,

1862. Exchanged at Aikens Landing, Va., Aug. 5, 1862. Roll to Aug. 31, 1862, Absent, sick at

Gen, Hospl. On Roll not dated of Prisoners of War, Paroled by U. S. Govt., exchange Sept. 21,

1862. Rolls Oct., 1862, to Feb., 1863, Present. Rolls Feb. 28, 1863, to Aug. 11, 1863, Absent,

wounded at Marye's Hills, May 4. Rolls Aug. 31, 1863, to Oct., 1863, Present. Roll Nov. and

Dec., 1863, Absent, Captured Nov. 7, 1863. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured

Rappahannock, Va., Nov. 7, 1863. Forwd. to Pt. Lookout, Md., from Washington, Nov. 11, 1863,

Paroled until exchanged at Pt. Lookout, Md., March 10, 1864, exchanged City Pt., Va., March 15,

1864. Rolls April 30, 1864, to Oct., 1864, Present. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured

Petersburg, Va., April 3, 1865. Forwd. to Harts Island, N. Y. Harbor, from City Pt., Va., April

7, 1865. Released on Oath of Allegiance to U. S., subscribed and sworn to at Hart's Island, N.

Y. Harbor, June 14, 1865. Res. St. Landry Par., La., complexion light, hair dark, eyes grey,

height 5 ft. 6 in. Born La., occupation painter, age when enlisted 19, single.

Smith, David, Pvt. Cook Co. K, 8th La. Inf. En. June 19, 1862, Camp Moore, La. Present on all

Rolls to Aug., 1861. Roll to Aug. 31, 1861, Present, detailed as Hospl. attendant, Aug. 12,

1861, Special Order No. 43, Rolls Sept., 1861, to Dec., 1861, Present. Roll Dec. 31 1861 to

Sept. 30 1862, Discharged for disability, on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 5, born La., occupation

cooper, Res. Thibodeaux, La., age when enlisted 28, single.

Smith, David, Pvt. Co. F, 3rd Regt. 1st Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll not dated ordered into

service of the State of Louisiana.

Smith, David M., Pvt. Co. G, 28th (Gray's) La. Inf. En. Monroe, La., May 14, 1862. Roll Jan. and

Feb., 1863, Present. Roll of Prisoners of War of detachments of regiments, C. S. A., Paroled

Natchitoches, La., June 8, 1865. Res. Winn Par., La.

Smith, David R., Pvt. Co. D, Cons. Cres. Regt. La. Inf. En. Many, La., May 14, 1862. Roll Jan.

and Feb., 1864, Absent, dropped from Roll Oct. 31, 1863, taken up Feb. 16, 1864, sick,

furloughed Feb. 19, 1864. On Report dated Camp Buckner, Alexandria, Dec. 31, 1864, of deceased

soldiers, died May 7, 1864, Sabine Par., La. (His home.)

Smith, David W., Pvt. Co. E, 11th Battn. La. Inf. En. May 14, 1862, Many, La. Present on all

Rolls to Oct., 1862. Rolls Nov., 1862, to Feb., 1863. Absent without leave. Roll March and

April, 1863, Deserted Nov. 18, 1862.

Smith, Doddridge, Pvt. 2nd Lt. Co. K, 8th La. Inf. En. June 19, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on

all Rolls to Oct., 1862. Roll Nov. and Dec., 1862, Present. Elected Jr. 2nd Lt., Dec. 6, 1862,

to fill vacancy occasioned by death of Lt. B. F. Birdsall. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1863, Present.

Rolls May, 1863, to Aug. 31, 1864, Absent, wounded near Fredricksburg, Va., May 4, 1863, taken

prisoner. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Fredricksburg, Va., or Chancellorsville,

Va., May 4, 1863. Sent to Old Capitol Prison. Washington, D. C., Sept. 19, 1863. Forwd. to Fort


Page 606

Del., Oct. 21, 1864. Paroled Fort Delaware, Oct. 30, 1864. Transfd. to Pt. Lookout, Md., Oct.

31, 1864, for exchange. Exchanged Venus Pt., Savannah River, Nov. 15, 1864. Born _, Mo.,

occupation clerk. Res. Donaldsonville, age when enlisted 28, single.

Smith, Dwight P., Pvt. 2nd Lt. Co. H, 12th La. Inf. En. Aug. 19, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present

on all Rolls to Oct. 31, 1861. Rolls Nov., 1862, to June, 1863, Present, Elected 2nd Jr. Lt.,

May 14, 1864. Roll July and Aug., 1863, Absent on pass, to Canton, Miss. Roll Sept. and Oct.,

1863, Absent, went home on furlough, Oct. 14, 1863, for 65 days, under Gen. Order No. 14. Rolls

Nov., 1863, to Aug., 1864, Present.

Smith, E., Farrier Pvt. Capt. Greenleaf's Co. (Orleans Light Horse) La. Cav. On Roll dated May

25, 1862, En. March 22, 1862. List dated Camp Williamson, June 6, 1862, to the rear with wagons.

Sick or dismissed in charge of Sergt. Kenner.

Smith, E., Pvt. Co. H, Cres. Regt. La. Inf. En. Camp Pratt, Oct. 4, 1862. Roll Nov. and Dec.,

1862, Died Dec. 7, _. On Return dated Fort Burton, Butte a la Rose, Feb. 14, 1863, of Deceased

Soldiers, died New Iberia, La., Dec. 7, 1862, measles.

Smith, E., Pvt. Co. E, 5th La. Inf. On Roll not dated of Prisoners of War at Fort Delaware,

Del., desirous of entering the service of the U. S., Aug. 30, 1863, Remarks: Captured

Gettysburg, July 6, 1863, Conscript born in, Mass.

Smith, E., Pvt. Fenner's Batty. Hoxton's Battn. Rolls Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled

Meridian, Miss., May 16, 1865. Res. New Orleans, La.

Smith, E. B., Pvt. Co. E, Cons. Cres. Regt. La. Inf. Roll of Prisoners of War of detailed men in

Ordnance Dept., Dist. West, La. and Ark., C. S. A., Paroled Natchitoches, La., June 6, 1865.

Res. Alexandria, La.

Smith, C., Sergt. Co. F, 8th La. Inf. Rolls Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled Appomattox Court

House, Va., April 10, 1865.

Smith, E. B., Pvt. Co. H, 13th La. Inf. En. Sept. 11. 1861, Camp Moore, La. Roll June 30 to Oct.

31, 1862, Absent, missing on march. Rolls Dec., 1862, to Feb., 1863, Absent, wounded in battle

of Murfreesboro, Tenn., Dec. 31, 1862. Roll March and April, 1863, Absent without leave, date

not known, Dropped.

Smith, E. E., Pvt. Co. C, 9th Battn. La. Inf. Roll Sept. and Oct., 1862 (only Roll on file), En.

March 18, 1862, Baton Rouge, La. Remarks: Present. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled

Port Hudson, La., July -. 1863.

Smith, E. F., Pvt. Co. F, 12th Ark. Inf. Federal Rolls Prisoners of War, Paroled Port Hudson,

La., July 15, 1863.

Smith, E. G., Pvt. Co. H, 7th La. Inf. En. May 9, 1861, New Orleans, La. Present on all Rolls to

Dec., 1861, Roll Jan. and Feb., 1862, Present or absent not stated. Roll March and April, 1862,

Died in Suffolk Hospl., March 29.

Smith, E. H., Corpl. Saw Mill Conscript. Rolls Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled Meridian,

Miss., May 11, 1865. Res. _, Miss.

Smith, E. L., Pvt. Cos. F. H. 16th La. Inf. En. Sept. 29, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Roll to Oct. 31,

1861, Camp Moore, La. Roll to Oct. 31, 1861, Absent, sick furlough. Rolls Nov., 1861, to Nov. 1,

1862, Present. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Murfreesboro, Tenn., Dec. 31, 1862.

Recd. Camp Douglas, Ill., _, 1863, Died March 25, 1863. smallpox.

Smith, E. M., 1st Lt. Co. A. 28th (Thomas') La. Inf. En. _. Rolls from Aug. 31, 1861, to Feb.

28, 1863, Present. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured and paroled Vicksburg, Miss.,

July 4, 1863.

Smith, E. N., Pvt. Co. C, Chalmette Regt. La. Mil. Roll of Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled

Meridian, Miss., May 14, 1865. Res. Shreveport, La.

Smith, E. R., Sergt. Mitchell's Co. Continental Regt. La. Mil. On Roll dated New Orleans, Nov.

23, 1861, On parade.

Smith, E. W., Pvt. Hughes Batty. Rolls Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled Shreveport, La., June

8, 1865. Res. Lafayette Co., Ark.

Smith, Ed., _ Capt. McPherson's Batty. (Orleans Howitzers) La. Mil. On report dated New Orleans,

La., Nov. 21, 1861.

Smith, Edward, Pvt. Co. G, La. Cav. En. June 2, 1862, Alexandria, La. Rolls Jan., 1863, to Aug.,

1863, Present. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Natchitoches, La., March 21, 1864.

Recd. New Orleans, La., March 26, 1864. Transfd. from New Orleans, La., and exchanged Red River

Landing, July 22, 1864.

Smith, Edward, Pvt. Co. A, Red River Shp. Shooters La. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War,

Captured Fort de Russy, March 14, 1864. Sent to New Orleans, La., March 20, 1864.

Smith, Edward, Pvt. Co. C, 1st (Strawbridge's) La. Inf. En. March 10, 1862, New Orleans, La.

Present on all Rolls to Aug., 1863. Rolls May, 1864, to Feb. 28, 1865, Absent in Hospl., wounded

May 25, 1864.

Smith, Edward, Pvt. Co. K, 4th La. Inf. En. March 20, 1863, Port Hudson, La. Present on all

Rolls to Dec., 1863. Roll May 1 to Aug. 31, 1864. Died at Hospl., Mobile, Ala., May 9, 1864.

Smith, Edward, Pvt. Co. G, 6th La. Inf. En. May 9, 1861, New Orleans, La. Present on Rolls to

Oct., 1861. Roll May and June, 1862. dated Oct. 20, 1862, Deserted in May -, 1862. Born Hesse

Darmstadt, occupation laborer, Res. New Orleans, La., single.

Smith, Edward, Pvt. Co. E, 7th La. Inf. En. June 7, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on all Rolls

to Feb., 1862. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Strausburg, Va., June 3, 1862.

Exchanged Aikens Landing, Aug. 5, 1862. Record copied from Memorial Hall, New Orleans, La., by

the War Dept., Washington, D. C., May, 1903, born New Orleans, La., occupation clerk, Res. New

Orleans, La., age when enlisted 20. single. Remarks: Taken Oath to U. S.

Smith, Edward, Pvt. Co. A, 8th La. Inf. En. June 19, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on all Rolls

to Feb., 1862. Rolls June 30, 1862, to Oct., 1864, Absent, wounded at Coal Harbor, June 27,

1862. Born Ireland, occupation laborer. Res. Baton Rouge, La., age when enlisted 25, single.

Smith, Edward, Pvt. Co. B, 19th La. Inf. En. Dec. 31, 1861. Roll May and June, 1862, Present.

Roll July and Aug., 1862, Absent, on detached service at Chattanooga, since Aug. 3, 1862, by

command of Col. Richard. Rolls Oct. 31, 1862, to Feb. 28, 1863, Absent with Gen. Bragg's Army,

order Col. Richard, Aug. 3, 1862. Roll July and Aug., 1863, Absent, order Col. Richard and

ordered by Brig. Gen. D. W. Adams to report to his command in _, 1862, and still absent.

Smith, Edward, Pvt. Co. D, Confed. States Zouave Battn. La. En. New Orleans, La., March 27,

1861, or April 18, 1861. Roll to May 31, 1861, Present or absent not stated. Rolls from June,

1861, to Aug., 1861. Present. Regtl. Return for Feb., 1862, Detached in Randolph Battn.

Smith, Edward, Pvt. 1st Co. -, Battn. Wash. Arty. Rolls Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled

Lynchburg, Va., April 13, 1865.

Smith, Edward C., Pvt. Corpl. Co. B, 1st La. Hvy. Arty. (Regulars). En. March 4, 1861, New

Orleans, La. Present on all Rolls to Feb., 1862.

Smith, Edward H., 1st Sergt. A. Q. M. Sergt. Co. E, 1st (Strawbridge's) La. Inf. En. March 1,

1861, New Orleans, La. Present on all Rolls to Oct., 1861. Roll Nov. and Dec., 1861, Present,

clerk in Adjt. General's

Page 607

Office. Roll to April 30, 1862, Killed in battle of Shiloh, April 6, 1862.

Smith, Edward W., Pvt. Cos. E. A, 3rd La. Inf. En. May 17, 1861, New Orleans, La. Present on all

Rolls to June, 1862. Rolls July, 1862, to Feb., 1863, Absent, sick. Federal Rolls of Prisoners

of War, Captured Rodney, Miss., Dec. 8, 1863. Recd. Camp Morton, Ind., who desire to take the

Oath of Allegiance to the U. S. Remarks: En. May 5, 1861, New Orleans, Desires to take the Oath

of Allegiance, return to New Orleans, a loyal man. Released on Oath of Allegiance, May 22, 1865.

Res. Washington, D. C., complexion florid, hair dark, eyes hazel, height 5 ft. 4 in.

Smith, Edward W., Driver Pvt. 1st Co. Battn. Wash. Arty. La. En. July 31, 1861, New Orleans, La.

Present on all Rolls to April, 1863. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Fredricksburg,

Va., May 3, 1863. Forwd. from Old Capitol Prison, Wash. D. C. to Fort Delaware, Del., May 7,

1863. Paroled Fort Delaware, Del. _, 1863. Exchanged City Pt., Va., May 23, 1863. Roll to June

30, 1863, Absent, sick in Richmond, since June -, 1863. Rolls July, 1863, to Feb., 1865,

Present. Roll of Prisoners of War, Paroled Lynchburg, Va., April 13, 1865. Born La., occupation

boatsman. Res. New Orleans, La., age when enlisted 41, single.

Smith, Edwin, Pvt. 1st La. La. Battn. Co. A. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured

Somerton, Va., Jan. 27, 1865. Recd. at Pt. Lookout, Md., from Fort Monroe, Va., Feb. 4, 1865.

Transfd. to Aiken's Landing, Feb. 10, 1865.

Smith, Edwin R., Pvt. Co. A, Confed. States Zouave Battn. La. En. South Quay, Jan. 1, 1864. Roll

July and Aug., 1864, Present. Roll Sept. and Oct., 1864, Detached in Richmond Arsenal. Federal

Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Somerton, Va., Jan. 27, 1865. Sent to Portsmouth, Va., Jan.

28, 1865. Recd. Pt. Lookout, Md., from Fortress Monroe, Feb. 2, 1865. Paroled Pt. Lookout, Md.,

and Transfrd. for exchange. Exchanged at Coxes Landing, James River, Va., Feb. 14 and 15, 1865.

Smith, Elbert Q., Pvt. Co. B, 31st La. Inf. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1863 (only Roll on which borne),

En. Columbia, La., April 19, 1862. Remarks: Present.

Smith, Elijah, Pvt. Co. F, 2nd La. Cav. Roll Aug. 21, 1862, to _, dated Sept. 14, 1862 (only

Roll on which borne), En. June 18, 1862, Bienville Par., La., for the War, absent with leave.

Smith, Elise, Pvt. Co. A, Confed. States Zouave Battn. La. En. New Orleans, La., March 22, 186-.

Rolls from May 31, 1861, to June 30, 1862, Present. Regtl. Return for July, 1862, Absent,

wounded. List dated Corinth, Miss., Oct. 13, 1862, of Prisoners of War, Captured and Paroled

Corinth, Miss. On Receipt dated on Board Steamer Emerald, Nov. 1, 1862, given by Lt. T. J.

Beall, agent to Capt. J. B. Sample, A. A. G., U. S. A. Agent for exchange for prisoners of war,

received near Vicksburg, Miss., Nov. 1, 1862, who had heretofore been paroled.

Smith, Elisha N., Pvt. Co. C, 16th La. Inf. En. Sept. 29, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on Roll

to Oct. 31, 1861. Roll Nov. and Dec., 1861, On detached service at P. P. Rolls Jan., 1862, to

Aug., 1863, Present. Roll Sept. and Oct., 1863, Absent, wounded at Chickamauga, Sept. 20, 1863.

in Hospl. Rolls Jan., 1864, to April 30, 1865, Present.

Smith, Esaulite, Pvt. Co. E, 26th La. Inf. Rolls Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled by U. S.

Officer, only at New Iberia, La., July and Aug., 1865. Res. Lafayette Par., La.

Smith, Etheridge, Pvt. Co. B, Maddox's Regt. La. Reserve Corps. Roll of Prisoners of War, C. S.

A., Paroled Natchitoches, La., June -, 1865. Res. Natchitoches Par., La.

Smith, Etherdred, Pvt. Co. B, 11th Battn. La. Inf. En. June 11, 1862, Natchitoches, La. Roll to

June 30, 1862, Present. Roll July and Aug., 1862, Present, with remarks: Discharged Aug. 27,

1862, Camp Blanchard, La.

Smith, F., Pvt. Co. C, 6th La. Inf. Rolls Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled Appomatox Court

House, Va., April 10, 1865.

Smith, F., Pvt. Co. A, 16th La. Inf. Roll June 30 to Oct. 31, 1862 (only Roll on which borne),

En. _. Last paid to June 30, 1862. Remarks: Present.

Smith, F., _ Moreau Grds. La. Mil. On List not dated.

Smith, F., _ Co. I, Orleans Fire Regt. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, Present on parade, Nov. 23,


Smith, F. A., Pvt. Co. E, 5th La. Inf. En. May 10, 1861, New Orleans, La. Record copied from

Memorial Hall, New Orleans, La., by the War Dept., Washington, D. C., May, 1903, born New

Orleans, La., occupation clerk, Res. New Orleans, La., age when enlisted 19, single, discharged

July -, 1861.

Smith, F. C., Pvt. Co. G, 17th La. Inf. Federal Rolls Prisoners of War, Captured and paroled

Vicksburg, Miss., July 4, 1863.

Smith, F. C., _ Co. C, 2nd Regt. 3rd Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into

service of the State of Louisiana.

Smith, F. H., Pvt. Co. A, 27th La. Inf. En. Clinton, La., March 14, 1862, or Camp Moore, La.,

March 29, 186-. Present on Roll to May 1, 1862. Roll to June, 1862, Present or absent not

stated. Roll July 1 to Nov. 1, 1862, Absent, sick at Regtl. Hospl. Roll to Dec., 1862, Present.

Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured and paroled Vicksburg, Miss., July 4, 1863.

Smith, F. J., _. Co. C, 6th La. Cav. On List dated March 12, 1862.

Smith, F. M., Pvt. Co. G, Cres. Regt. La. Inf. En. New Orleans, La., March 8, 1862. Roll May and

June, 1862, Present. Roll July and Aug., 1862. Present, Transfd, from Cres. Regt. to Co. D, 18th

La. Inf., Aug. 1, 1862. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured and paroled Labadieville,

La., Oct. 27, 1862. Roll Nov. and Dec., 1862, Absent, prisoner in the hands of the enemy. On

List dated Provost Marshal's Office, New Orleans, Jan. 1, 1863, of prisoners of war paroled on

board prison ship at New Orleans, Jan. 1, 1863, by order of the Maj. Gen. commanding. They are

confined to the limits of the city and subject to the orders of the Provost Marshal of New

Orleans. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1863, Absent, prisoner in hands of the enemy.

Smith, F. M., Pvt. Sergt. Co. K, Cres. Regt. La. Inf. En. New Orleans, La., March 11, 1862.

Rolls from May, 1862, to Feb., 1863, Present. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured

Lafourche, La., Oct. 27, 1862. Exchanged from Steamer Frolic, near Baton Rouge, La., Feb. 23,

1863. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Butte a la Rose, April 20. 1863. Paroled below

Port Hudson, La., May 11, 1863. Sent to New Orleans, La., to be exchanged.

Smith, F. M., Pvt. Co. E, 16th La. Inf. En. March 11, 1862, New Orleans, La. Rolls June 30,

1862, to Oct. 31, 1862, Absent, detailed as wagoner. Rolls Nov., 1862, to Feb., 1863, Absent,

detached service, Witcher's Div., since July 1, 1862. Roll May and June, 1863. Dropped from

Rolls for being absent without leave.

Smith, Felix, Pvt. Co. A, 4th La. Inf. En. June 9, 1861. Biloxi. Present or absent not stated on

Roll dated Oct. 1 1861. Roll dated Nov. 27, 1861, Discharged on account of disability.

Smith, Felix H., Pvt. 6th Fld. Batty. (Grosse Tete Flying Arty.) La. Light Arty. En. _. Federal

Rolls of Prisoners of War. Captured Morganza, La., Aug. 30, 1864. Recd. Ship Island, Miss., from

New Orleans, Oct.

Page 608

27, 1864. Forwd. to Fort Columbus, N. Y. Harbor, Nov. 16, 1864.

Transfd. to Elmira, N. Y., Nov. 19, 1864. Paroled Elmira, N. Y., Feb. 9, 1865. Sent to James

River, Va., for exchange. Exchanged Boulware's and Coxe's Wharf, James River, Va., Feb. 20-21,

1865. Recd. Fort McHenry, Md., May 10, 1865. Released from Fort McHenry, Mo., May 12, 1865, in

pursuance of instructions from Commsy. Gen. of Prisoners dated Washington, D. C., May 8, 1865.

Res. New Orleans, La.

Smith, Ferdinand, Pvt. Co. F, 10th La. Inf. En. July 22, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on all

Rolls to Feb., 1862. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1864, Present. Roll May 1 to Aug. 31, 1864, Absent,

prisoner in the hands of the enemy, taken at Spottsylvania. Record copied from Memorial Hall,

New Orleans, La., by the War Dept., Washington, D. C., June, 1903, Born Germany, occupation

sailor, Res. New Orleans, La., single, took Oath of Allegiance to the U. S.

Smith Ferdinand A., Pvt. Sergt. Co. G, 7th La. Inf. En. June 7, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on

Roll to July 4, 1861. Rolls Aug., 1861, to Feb., 1862, Present or absent not stated. Roll Jan.

and Feb., 1863, Present, promoted to 3rd Corpl. Rolls March, 1863, to June, 1863, Present. Roll

July and Aug., 1863, Present, promoted to 4th Corpl. from 2nd Corpl., July 20, 1863. Roll Sept.

and Oct., 1863, Present. Rolls Nov., 1863, to Feb., 1864, Absent, prisoner of war, captured Nov.

7, 1863. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Rappahannock, Va., Nov. 7, 1863. Forwd. to

Pt. Lookout, Md., from Washington, Nov. 11, 1863. Paroled until exchanged at Pt. Lookout, Md.,

March 10, 1864. Recd. City Pt., Va., March 15, 1864. Rolls April, 1864, to Aug. 31, 1864,

Present. On Hospl. Register, Admitted March 25, 1865, to 3rd Div. 9 A. C. Hospl., City Pt., Va.,

Transfd. to U. S. A. Hospl., Str. Connecticut, March 29, 1865, to Lincoln, U. S. A. Gen. Hospl.,

Washington, D. C., March 30, 1865, amputation of right leg. Released on Oath of Allegiance to U.

S., subscribed and sworn to at Lincoln Gen. Hospl., District of Columbia, June 12, 1865, Res.

Orleans Par., La., complexion light, hair brown, eyes grey, height 5 ft. 7 in.

Smith, Fleming, Pvt. Co. I, 7th La. Cav. Roll of Prisoners of War of detachments of different

commands, C. S. A., Paroled Alexandria, La., July 10, 1865. Res. Calcasieu Par., La.

Smith, Francis E., _ Co. C, 6th La. Cav. Roll of Prisoners of War of furloughed and detailed

men, C. S. A., Paroled Shreveport, La., June 19, 1865. Res. _.

Smith, Francis M., Pvt. Co. C, 5th La. Cav. Roll of Prisoners of War of divers companies and

regiments unattached C. S. A., Paroled Monroe, La., June 8, 1865. Res. Ouachita Par., La.

Smith, Francis Marion Leroy, Pvt. Co. F, 28th (Gray's) La. Inf. En. Vernon, La., April 26, 1862.

Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Arkansas Post, Dec. 28, 1862. Sent to Camp Douglas,

Ill., _. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1863, Present. Roll July and Aug., 1863, Prisoner paroled.

Smith, Frank, 1st Lt. Co. C, 6th La. Cav. On List dated March 12, 1862.

Smith, Frank, Pvt. Co. -, Red River Shp. Shooters La. Roll of Prisoners of War of detachments of

Troops C. S. A., Paroled Alexandria, La., June 3, 1865. Res. New Orleans, La.

Smith, Frank, Pvt. Co. A, 1st Spec. Battn. (Wheat's) La. Inf. Roll June 8 to 30, 1861, dated

Aug. 3, 1861 (only Roll on file), En. April 25, 1861, Camp Davis for the War. Roll states


Smith, Frank, Pvt. Co. E, 4th Battn. La. Inf. En. Aug. 15. 1861, Natchez, Miss. Present on all

Rolls to Feb., 1863. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1864, Present. Roll Aug. 31, 1864, to Feb. 28, 1865,

Discharged Sept. 12, 1864.

Smith, Frank, Pvt. Co. C, 6th La. Inf. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Glenville

Co., Va., Nov. 2, 1862. Forwd. to Camp Chase, Ohio, from Wheeling, Va., Nov. 20, 1862, age 21

years, height 5 ft. 7 in., complexion pock-marked, eyes blue, hair dark, occupation boatman.

Released on Oath, Dec. 25, 1862.

Smith, Frank, Pvt. Confed. States Navy. Rolls Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled Alexandria,

La., June 28, 1865. Res. New Orleans, La.

Smith, Frank, Pvt. Co. D, Chalmette Regt. La. Mil. Roll not dated, ordered into service of the

State of La. Roll dated March 6, 1862, En. _. Remarks: Present.

Smith, Frank, Pvt. Co. F, Fire Battn. La. Mil. Roll dated New Orleans, Nov. 23, 1861, Present

for active service within the State.

Smith, Frank, Pvt. Co. B, 4th Regt. 1st Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into

service of the State of Louisiana.

Smith, Frank, C., Pvt. Capt. Green's Co. (La. Grd. Batty.) La. Arty. En. July 7, 1861, New

Orleans, La. Present on all Rolls to June, 1863. Rolls July, 1863, to Oct. _, Absent, wounded at

Gettysburg, July 3, 1863. Returned to Co., Oct. 25. Rolls Nov., 1863, to Feb., 1864, Present.

Rolls Sept., 1864, to Dec., 1864, Present. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1865, Absent, furloughed for 20

days from Feb. 6, 1865. Roll of Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled Farmville, Va., April 11 to

21, 1865.

Smith, Frank E., Corpl. Co. B, 1st La. Inf. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured

Jeffersonville, Ind., July 10, 1863. Forwd. to Military Prison, Louisville, Ky., July -, 1863.

Transfd. to Camp Morton, Ind., July 29, 1863.

Smith, Frank R., Pvt. Co. B, 18th La. Inf. En. Oct. 5, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Roll to Oct. 31,

1861, Absent, on furlough on account of sickness, since Oct. 6, 1861. Rolls Nov., 1861, to Feb.,

1862, Present. Roll May and June, 1862, Absent, sick at Interior Hospl. Rolls July, 1862, to

Feb., 1863, Present.

Smith, Franklin S., Pvt. Co. H, 28th (Gray's) La. Inf. Roll dated May 8, 1862 (only Roll on

which borne), En. Monroe, La., May 8, 186-.

Smith, Frederick, Pvt. Co. D, 8th La. Inf. En. June 19, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Roll July and

Aug., 1861, Present. Rolls Sept., 1861, to Dec., 1861, Absent, on detached service at Manassas,

Va., in Gen. Bakery, since Aug. 3. Roll Dec. 31, 1861, to April 30. 1862, Present. Rolls June

30, 1862, to May 14, 1863, Absent, sick since June 9, 1862. Rolls May 14, 1863, to Oct., 1863,

Absent, wounded and detailed in La., on Conscript duty. Roll Nov. and Dec., 1863, Wounded and

detailed in La., on Conscript duty, Discharged in Shreveport, La., Aug. 1, 1863, by Col. S. M.

Nobles. Roll Sept. and Oct., 1864, Present. Roll of Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled

Appomattox Court House, Va., April 10, 1865. Born La., occupation baker, age when enlisted 17.


Smith, G., Pvt. Co. B, 3rd (Wingfield's) La. Cav. En. May 13, 186-, Camp Moore, La. Roll dated

Sept. 19, 1862, Present. Roll dated Jan. 9, 1863, Present.

Smith, G. A., Pvt. Co. I, 4th Engr. Troops La. Rolls Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled

Alexandria, La., June 13, 1865. Res. Rapides Par., La.

Smith, G. C., Pvt. Sergt. Capt. Benjamin's Co. La. Cav. Roll Dec. 24, 1863, to Feb. 29, 1864

(only Roll on file), En. Feb. 1, 1864, Rapides Par., La. Absent with leave, Special Order No.

23, Jan. 24, 1864, 90 days. Roll of Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled Alexandria. La., June 5,

1865. Res. Rapides Par., La.

Page 609

Smith, G. G. (also borne on Rolls as Smith, Geo. G.), Pvt. Sergt. Co. K, 20th La. Inf.

En. Jan. 17, 1862, New Orleans, La. Present on Rolls to April, 1862, Apptd. 5th Sergt., Aug. 17,

1862. Rolls May, 1862, to Oct., 1862, Present. Rolls Jan., 1863, to Aug. 31, 1864, Absent,

wounded and missing since battle of Murfreesboro, Jan. 2, 1863. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of

War, Captured Murfreesboro, Tenn., Jan. 5, 1863. Recd. Camp Morton, Ind., April 1, 1863.

Smith, G. N., Pvt. West's Co. British Grd. Battn. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into

service of the State of La., within the limits of the city and fortifications.

Smith, G. W., Pvt. Co. -, 14th La. Inf. On Register of Prisoners of War 2nd Corps, Paroled April

10, 1865, by authority of Lt. Gen. Grant, age 25 years, eyes blue, hair light, complexion light,

height 5 ft. 6 in. Res. Claiborne Par., La.

Smith, G. W., 2nd Corpl. Co. B, 18th La. _. Rolls Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled

Gainesville, Ala., May 12, 1865. Res. East Baton Rouge, La.

Smith, G. W., Pvt. Co. I, 27th La. Inf. Rolls Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled Alexandria,

La., June 10, 1865. Res. Shreveport, La.

Smith, G. W., Pvt. Co. E, Confed. Grds. Regt. La. Mil. Roll March 8 to April 30, 1862 (only Roll

on file), En. New Orleans, La., March 8, 1862. Remarks: Deserted April 26, 1862. Note-Transfd by

Gov. Thos. O. Moore to Maj. Gen. Lovell, C. S. A., for local defense of the city of New Orleans

and its approaches March 8, 1862.

Smith, Gabriel, Pvt. Co. D, Chalmette Regt. La. Mil. Roll not dated, ordered into service of the

State of La. Roll dated March 6, 1862, En. _. Remarks: Present.

Smith, George, Sergt. Co. B, 6th La. Cav. On List dated March 12, 1862. Rolls Sept., 1862, to

Feb., 1863, Present. On Rolls of Prisoners of War of furloughed and detailed men C. S. A.,

Paroled Shreveport, La., June 21, 1865. Res. Bossier Par., La.

Smith, George, Pvt. Co. B, 11th Battn. La. Inf. En. May 6, 1862, Natchitoches, La. Present on

all Rolls to Feb., 1863. Roll March and April, 1863, Absent, captured on board Queen of the

West, April 14, 1863. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Bayou Teche, La., April 14,

1863, paroled below Port Hudson, La., May 11, 1863. Also on Rolls of Co. K, Pvt. Sergt. Cons.

Cres. Regt. La. Inf. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1864 (only Roll on file), Absent, sent to Monroe

Hospl., Feb. 2, 1864. Roll Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled Natchitoches, La., June 9, 1865.

Res. Natchitoches Par., La.

Smith, George, Pvt. Co. A, 1st Spec. Battn. (Wheat's) La. Inf. En. April 25, 1861, Camp Davis.

Present on all Rolls to June 30, 1862.

Smith, George, Pvt. New Co. D, 1st Spec. Battn. (Wheat's) La. Inf. En. June 2, 1861, Camp Moore,

La. Present on all Rolls to Dec., 1861.

Smith, George, _ Co. B, 10th La. Inf. Record copied from Memorial Hall, New Orleans, La., by the

War Dept., Washington, D. C., June, 1903, En. July 22, 1861, Camp Moore, La., for the War.

Smith, George, _ Co. A, 14th La. Inf. On Register of the Provost Marshal, Dist. of Henrico,

Hdqrs. at Richmond, Va. Amnesty Oath, April 21, 1865. Res. New Orleans, La., occupation baker.

Smith, George, Pvt. Co. I, 27th La. Inf. En. New Orleans, La., March 26, 1862. Rolls from May,

1862, to Dec., 1862. Present. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured and paroled Vicksburg,

Miss., July 4, 1863. On List dated Hdqrs. 27th Regt. La. Vols. Shreveport, La., April 1, 1864,

reported for exchange at Shreveport, La. Roll of Prisoners of War of detachments of different

commands, C. S. A., Paroled Alexandria, La., June 13, 1863. Res. Shreveport, La.

Smith, George, Corpl. Pvt. Co. E, 30th La. Inf. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured

Jonesboro, Ga., Aug. 31, 1864. Recd. Military Prison, Louisville, Ky., from Nashville, Tenn.,

Oct. 28, 1864. Transfd. to Camp Douglas, Ill., Oct. 29, 1864. On Roll not dated of Prisoners of

War at Camp Douglas, Ill., applying for Oath of Allegiance, Dec. -, 1864. Remarks: Claims to

have been loyal. En. to avoid conscription. Deserted to avail himself of the Amnesty

Proclamation. En. on Cos. E. C, 6th U. S. Vols., March 24, 1865.

Smith, George, Pvt. Co. K, La. Engr. Troops. Roll Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled

Alexandria, La., June 9, 1865. Res. Rapides Par., La.

Smith, George, Pvt. Queen of the West. Federal Rolls Prisoners of War, Captured Grand Lake, La.,

April 14, 1863. Sent to New Orleans, La., to be exchanged April 25, 1863.

Smith, George, Pvt. Co. D, 1st La. Hvy. Arty. (Regulars). En. Oct. 20, 1862, _, La. Present on

Rolls to Dec., 1862. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1863, Discharged Jan. 2, 1863. Final statement given.

Smith, George, Pvt. Co. I, Confed. Grds. Regt. La. Mil. Roll March 8 to April 30, 1862 (only

Roll on file), En. New Orleans, La., March 8, 1862. Remarks: Present, Apptd. 2nd Corpl., vice W.

Dillon, March 10, 1862. Note-Transfd. by Gov. Thos. O. Moore to Maj. Gen. M. Lovell, C. S. A.,

for local defense of the city of New Orleans and its approaches, March 8, 1862.

Smith, George, Pvt. Schwartz's Co. Bragg's Battn. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, for active service

within the State.

Smith, George, Pvt. Co. C, 4th Regt. 3rd Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into

service of the State of La. On List dated New Orleans, La., March 27, 1862, detailed for

Sanitary Corps.

Smith, George A., 1st Lt. Co. K, 19th La. Inf. En. Dec. 15, 1861, New Orleans, La. Present on

Roll to Dec. 31, 1861. Roster dated March, 1865, En. into State service, Nov. 23, 1861, into

Confed. Service, Dec. 11, 1861. Elected 1st Lt., Nov. 23, 1861. Resigned Feb. 13, 1862.

Successor J. W. Jones.

Smith, George F., _ Co. -, Conscript La. Appears on List not dated of Conscripts of the Par. of

St. Martin.

Smith, George G., Sergt. Co. A, 15th La. Inf. Federal Rolls Prisoners of War, Captured

Murfreesboro, Tenn., Jan. 5, 1863. Forwd. to Camp Morton, Ind. Disposition unaccounted for.

Smith, George W., Pvt. Co. D, 1st La. Cav. Roll dated Baton Rouge, La., Sept. 13, 1861 (only

Roll on file), En. Sept. 12, 1861, Baton Rouge, La.

Smith, Geo. W., _ 10th La. Cav. Federal Rolls Prisoners of War, Captured East Baton Rouge, La.,

Feb. 26, 1864. Forwd. to New Orleans, La., Aug. 21, 1864, paroled for exchange.

Smith, George W., Pvt. Corpl. Co. B, 18th Battn. La. Cav. En. _. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of

War, Captured East Baton Rouge, La., Feb. 26, 1864. Recd. New Orleans, La., March -, 1864. On

Hospl. Register, Admitted May 31, 1864 to St. Louis, U. S. A. Gen. Hospl., New Orleans, La.

Released from Hospl., June 14, 1864. Transfd. to Provost Sheriff. Roll of Prisoners of War,

Paroled Gainesville, Ala., May 12, 1865. Res. East Baton Rouge, La.

Smith, George W., Pvt. Co. H, 1st (Nelligan's) La. Inf. En. April 26, 1861, New Orleans, La.

Present on Roll dated June 30, 1862.

Smith, George W., Sergt. Lt. Co. C, 4th La. Inf. En. May 25, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on

all Rolls to Oct., 1861. Roll Nov. and Dec., 1861, Present, reduced from 2nd Sergt. to ranks,

Nov. 15, 1861. Regtl.

Page 610

Return Jan. -, 1862, Present, Camp Hunter.

Smith, George, W., Pvt. Co. G, 8th La. Inf. On List not dated of Minden Blues who came down from

Adkins Landing, Red River to New Orleans, La., on Str. Eleanor, Arrived June 14, 1861. En. June

23, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Roll July and Aug., 1861, Present. Roll Sept. and Oct., 1861, Absent,

sick at Culpepper. Roll Nov. and Dec., 1861, Absent, sick in Richmond, Nov. 17, 1861. Record

copied from Memorial Hall, New Orleans, La., by the War Dept., Washington, D. C., June, 1903,

Born Ga., Res. Minden, La., single, discharged Jan. -, 1862.

Smith, George W., Pvt. Co. D, 21st (Patton's) La. Inf. En. New Orleans, La., June 18, 1861.

Rolls from Nov., 1861, to Feb., 1863, Present. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured and

Paroled Vicksburg, Miss., July 4, 1863. On Hospl. Register, Admitted to 1st Miss., C. S. A.,

Hospl. Jackson, Miss., Aug. 31, 1863. Died Oct. 1, 1863. Roll to Oct. 31, 1863, Absent, sick in

Hospl., at Shelby Springs, Ala. Roll Nov. and Dec., 1863, Died Oct. 8, 1863, at Shelby Springs,


Smith, Geo. W., Pvt. 1st Ark. Cav. Co. K, Register of Prisoners of War, Paroled Marine Hospl.,

New Orleans, La., June 1, 1865.

Smith, Gillam, Pvt. Co. E, 12th La. Inf. Roll dated June 30, 1862 (only Roll on which borne),

En. Feb. 25, 1862, Shiloh, La. Remarks: Discharged and paid, statement given June 28, 1862,

order Col. Scott, Comdg. Sub Division Pro Tom.

Smith, Gillum, Pvt. Co. E, 19th La. Inf. En. March 13, 1863, Downsville, La. Rolls July, 1863,

to Dec., 1863, Absent at Hospl. Greenville, Ala., order Dr. Wall. Roll Jan. 1 to April 30, 1864,

Absent, on furlough from Hospl., date not known, order of whom not known. Roll May 1 to Aug. 31,

1864, Absent, Hospl., sick, order Dr. Wall, date not known. Roll Sept. 1, 1864, to Feb. 28,

1865, Relieved, date not known. Roll March and April, 1865, Returned, date not known.

Smith, Green R., Pvt. Co. D, 6th La. Inf. En. June 4, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Roll July and Aug.,

1861, Absent at Hospl., in Culpepper, Va.

Smith, H., Pvt. Robinson's Co. 1st La. Cav. Roll March 1 to June 30, 1863 (only Roll on which

borne), En. Sept. 1, 1862, Lynchburg, Va. Roll states present with remarks: Transfd. from Wild


Smith, H., Pvt. Bondurant's Co. 15th Battn. La. Cav. (Harrison's). Also on Rolls of Capt.

Harrison's Co. A, Wirt Adams Regt. La. Vols. Pvt. On Roll dated Memphis, Tenn., Aug. 29, 1861

(only Roll on file), En. Memphis, Tenn., Aug. 29, 1861.

Smith, H., Pvt. Co. C, Regt. La. Inf. Roll May and June, 1862 (only Roll on which borne), En.

New Orleans, La., March 5, 1862. Remarks: Present.

Smith, H. L., Sergt. 2nd La. Regt. Co. A. Federal Rolls Prisoners of War, Captured Champion

Hill, May 16, 1863. Forwd. to Fort Delaware, Del. _ Released on Oath of Allegiance, May 4, 1865,

order of Secty. of War.

Smith, H., Pvt. Co. G, 11th La. Inf. Roll Aug. 31, 1861, to Oct. 31, 1861 (only Roll on which

borne), En. Aug. 31, 1861, New Orleans, La., for the War. Remarks: Discharged Oct. 15, 1861.

Also on Rolls of Co. D, 31st La. Inf. Corpl. as Smith, H. L. En. Natchez, Miss., May 3, 1862,

Present on Rolls to Dec., 1862. Federal Rolls Prisoners of War, Captured and Paroled Vicksburg,

Miss., July 4, 1863. On List dated Hdqrs., Allen's Brig., Shreveport, La., March 29, 1864,

reported in Camp for exchange at Vienna, La., before April 1, 1864. Roll of Prisoners of War, C.

S. A., Paroled Alexandria, La., June 26, 1865. Res. Catahoula Par., La.

Smith, H., Pvt. Co. A, 14th La. Inf. En. July 27, 1861, New Orleans, La. Present on all Rolls to

Feb., 1862. Roll May and June, 1862, Deserted May 6. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured

Culpper Co., Va., Jan. 24, 1864. Sent to Old Capitol Prison, Washington, D. C., Jan. 27, 1864.

Released on Oath March 16, 1864. Remarks: Deserter. Roll Sept. and Oct., 1864, dated Feb. 26,

1865, Present.

Smith, H., Pvt. Co. F, 14th La. Inf.

Smith, H., Pvt. Co. E, 15th La. Inf. Roll May 27, 1861, New Orleans, La., for the War. Remarks:


Smith, H., Pvt. Co. D, Beauregard Battn. La. Mil. On Roll dated Hdqrs., Davidson Grds. New

Orleans, Sept. 27, 1861.

Smith, H., _ Capt. Borges Co. (Garnet Rangers) La. Mil. On Report dated Nov. 27, 1861, Absent,

at review, Nov. 23, 1861, Remarks: Sick.

Smith, H. A., Sergt. Co. I, 1st La. Hvy. Arty. (Regulars).

Smith, H. C., Pvt. Co. A, 4th La. Inf. En. May 25, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Roll dated Oct. 1,

1861, Present. Roll Nov. and Dec., 1861, Absent, on certificate of attending physician, at home.

Rolls Jan., 1862, to May 1, 1863, Present. Rolls June, 1863, to Aug., 1863, Absent, with Lt.

Jeter, on picket, opposite Port Hudson, May -, 1863. Rolls Sept., 1863, to Dec., 1863, Absent,

without leave.

Smith, H. C., Pvt. Co. I, 25th La. Inf. En. Enterprise, La., or Catahoula Par., La., March 22,

186-. Roll June 30, 1862, Absent, 1st camp, sick, May 27, _.

Smith, H. C., Pvt. Co. I, 27th La. Inf. En. New Orleans, La., March 24, 1862. Rolls from May,

1862, to Dec., 1862, Present. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured and Paroled Vicksburg,

Miss., July 4, 1863. On List dated Hdqrs., 27th Regt. La. Vols., Shreveport, La., April 1, 1864,

reported for exchange at Shreveport, La. Roll of Prisoners of War of furloughed and detailed

men, C. S. A., Paroled Shreveport, La., June 8, 1865. Res. De Soto Par., La.

Smith, H. D., Pvt. Co. A, 18th La. Inf. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1863 (only Roll on which borne), En.

Feb. 9, _, St. Martin, La. Absent, clerk at Hospl., St. Martinsville, since _.

Smith, H. H., Pvt. Co. A, 2nd Regt. Reserve Corps. Rolls Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled

Washington, La., June 17, 1865. Res. St. Landry Par., La.

Smith, H. J., Pvt. Co. G, 28th (Gray's) La. Inf. En. Monroe, La., July 7, 1862. Roll Jan. and

Feb., 1863, Absent without leave. Roll July and Aug., 1863, Deserted May 10, _.

Smith, H. K., Pvt. Co. D, Confed. States Zouave Battn. La. En. _. Regtl. Return for July, 1862,

Detached with companies B and C, 5th Arty.

Smith, H. L., Pvt. Co. D, 31st La. Inf. Rolls Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled Alexandria,

La., June 26, 1865. Res. Catahoula Par., La.

Smith, H. L.,Capt. 65th La. Inf. (as on Federal Roll). Rolls Prisoners of War surrendered at

Athens, Ga., May 8, 1865.

Smith, H. M., Corpl. Pvt. Co. E, 5th La. Inf. En. June 4, 1861, New Orleans, La. Present or

absent not stated on Rolls to Aug., 1861. Rolls Sept., 1861, to Feb., 1862, Present. Roll July

and Aug., 1862, Absent, sick, Rolls Sept., 1862, to June, 1863, Absent without leave in La. Roll

July and Aug., 1863, Deserted in June, 1862, supposed to be in Brookhaven, Miss.

Smith, H. M., Pvt. Co. D, Confed. Grds. Regt. La. Mil. Roll March 8 to April 30, 1862 (only Roll

on file), En. New Orleans, La., March 8, 1862. Remarks: Present. Note- Transfd. by Thos. O.

Moore, Gov. of the State of La., to Maj. Gen. M. Lovell, C. S. A., for local defense of the city

of New Orleans, March 8, 1862.

Page 611

Smith, H. R., Pvt. Cos. H, A, 1st (Nelligan's) La. Inf. En. April 20, 1861, New Orleans,

La. Rolls Dec. 31, 1862, to Aug. 31, 1864, Absent, joined by transfer, Oct. 1, 1862, on detached

service in Richmond, La. Hospl. Roll Sept. and Oct., 1864, Absent, promoted to Hospl. Steward _,

1861. Official notice of same just received.

Smith, H. R., Pvt. Co. D, 1st Spec. Battn. (Rightor's) La. Inf. En. April 20, 1861, New Orleans,

La. Present on Rolls to Aug., 1861. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1862, Absent, detached in La. Hospl., at

Richmond and draws his own pay.

Smith, H. S., Pvt. Co. B, 1st Spec. Battn. (Rightor's) La. Inf. En. April 15, 1861, New Orleans,

La. Present on Rolls to Aug., 1861.

Smith, H. S., Pvt. Capt. Fenner's Batty. La. Light Arty. En. May 16, 1862, Jackson, Miss.

Present on all Rolls to Oct. 31, 1863. Roll Nov. and Dec., 1863, Absent with leave, on furlough.

Smith, Hampton C., Pvt. Co. E, 4th La. Inf. En. May 25, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on all

Rolls to Dec., 1861. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1862, dated April 30, 1862, Present with remarks:

Absent, sick. Roll Nov. and Dec., 1862, Died Dec. 1, Port Hudson, La.

Smith, Harry, Pvt. Co. B, 1st (Nelligan's) La. Inf. En. Aug. 2, 1861, New Orleans, La. Rolls

Nov., 1861, to April, 1862, Absent, detailed in Gen. Hospl. Roll May and June, 1862, Absent

without leave. Rolls Sept. 1, 1862, to April, 1863, Absent, detailed in Gen. Hospl., Richmond.

Rolls May, 1863, to Nov. 1, 1863, Absent without leave. Roll Nov. and Dec., 1863, dated Jan. 16,

1864, Deserted March -, 1863. Roll of Prisoners of War of furloughed and detailed men, C. S. A.,

Paroled Shreveport, La., June 17, 1865. Res. Caddo Par., La. Born La., occupation blacksmith.

Res. Alexandria, La., age when enlisted 20, single.

Smith, Harry D., Pvt. Vinson's Company Scouts La. Roll of Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled

Franklin, La., June 10, 1865, Res. Franklin, La.

Smith, Henry, 2nd Lt. Co. G, 2nd Texas Cav. Rolls Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled

Shreveport, La., June 7, 1865. Res. Panola Co., Texas.

Smith, Henry, Pvt. Capt. McLean's Co. La. Inf. (Ben McCulloch Rangers). En. New Orleans, La.,

May 19, 1861. Rolls from June 30, 1861, to Feb., 1862, Present.

Smith, Henry, Pvt. Co. F, Jeff Davis Regt. La. Inf. On List dated New Orleans, Nov. 23, 1861,

Present on parade.

Smith, Henry, Pvt. Sergt. Co. G, 1st (Strawbridges) La. Inf.

Smith, Henry, Pvt. Co. H, 2nd La. Inf. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Paw-paw, Va.,

Dec. 2, 1861. Recd, Wheeling, West Va., Dec. 5, 1863, age 23 years, height 5 ft. 7 1/2 inches,

complexion fair, eyes grey, hair dark, occupation marble cutter. Forwd. to Camp Chase, Ohio,

Dec. 7, 1863, Transfd, to Fort Delaware, Del., Feb. 29, 1864. Released from Fort Delaware, Del.,

May 5, 1865.

Smith, Henry, Pvt. Co. G, 6th La. Inf. En. June 4, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on Rolls to

Oct., 1861. Roll May and June, 1862, Absent, sick. Rolls July, 1862, to Oct., 1862, Absent,

wounded, battle of Bristow. Rolls Nov., 1862, to April, 1864, Present. Roll May 1 to Aug. 31,

1864, Absent, prisoner of War, Captured Culpepper, Oct. 19, 1864. Born Prussia, occupation

laborer. Res. New Orleans, La., single.

Smith, Henry, Pvt. Co. G, 7th La. Inf. En. June 7, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on Roll to July

4, 1861. Rolls July, 1861, to Oct., 1861, Present or absent not stated. Rolls Nov., 1861, to

Feb., 1864, Present, detailed as Regtl. teamster. Roll April 30 to Aug. 31, 1864, Taken

prisoner, Oct. 19, 1864. Roll Sep., and Oct., 1864, Absent, Paroled prisoner. Federal Rolls of

Prisoners of War, Captured Strausburg, Va., Oct. 19, 1864. Forwd. to Pt. Lookout, Md., from

Harper's Ferry, Va., Oct. 25, 1864, Paroled Pt. Lookout, Md., and transferred for exchange.

Exchanged at Coxes Landing, Va., James River, Feb. 14, 15, 1865. Roll of Prisoners of War, C. S.

A., Paroled Appomattox Court House, Va., April 10, 1865.

Smith, Henry, Pvt. Co. E, 9th La. Inf. Regtl: Return Nov., 1861, Sick, Richmond.

Smith, Henry, Pvt. Cos. H. I, A, 13th La. Inf. En. Oct. 27, 1861, Camp Chalmette. Roll June 30

to Oct. 31, 1862, Present. Roll Nov. and Dec., 1862, Present or absent not stated. Roll Jan. and

Feb., 1863, Absent, wounded in battle of Murfreesboro, Dec. 31, 1862. Roll March and April,

1863, Absent, Prisoner of War. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Murfreesboro, Dec.

31, 1862. Forwd. to Gratiot St. Military Prison, St. Louis, Mo., Jan. 21, 1863. Released on Oath

of Renunciation and Allegiance Feb. 7, 1863.

Smith, Henry, Pvt. Corpl. Co. B, 14th La. Inf. En. June 3, 1861, New Orleans. La. Present on all

Rolls to April, 1862. Rolls May, 1862, Aug., 1862, Absent, wounded. Rolls Sept., 1862, to Feb.,

1863, Absent, on wounded furlough. Rolls March, 1863, to Feb., 1864, Present. Re-enlisted for

the War, Feb. 21, 1864. Roll April 30 to Aug. 31, 1864, Absent, detailed at Gordonsville, Va. On

List not dated of Confed. Soldiers remaining in U. S. A. Military Prison (Libby) Richmond, Va.,

April 10, 1865. Born La., occupation carpenter. Res. New Orleans, La., age when enlisted 23,


Smith, Henry, Pvt. Co. K, 14th La. Inf. En. April 1, 1862, New Orleans, La. Roll May and June,

1862, Absent, wounded in battle June 27, 1862. Rolls July, 1862, to Feb., 1864, Present. Re-

enlisted Feb. 20, 1864. Roll May to Sept. 1, 1864, Absent, taken prisoner May 5, 1864. Federal

Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Wilderness, Va., May 5, 1864. Forwd. to Pt. Lookout, Md.,

from Belle Plains. Va., May 19, 1864. Sent to Elmira, N. Y., July 28, 1864. Paroled Elmira, N.

Y., Transfd. to James River for exchange. Roll of Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled Appomattox

Court House, Va., April 10, 1865. On Register of Refugees and Rebel Deserters, Provost Marshal

Gen., Washington, D. C., received April 13, 1865. Remarks: Transportation furnished to New York

City. Born Germany, occupation laborer, Res. New Orleans, La., age when enlisted 29, single.

Smith, Henry, Pvt. Co. E, 28th (Gray's) La. Inf. En. Monroe, La. May 10, 1862. Roll July and

Aug., 1863. Deserted. Roll of Prisoners of War of detachment of different commands, C. S. A.,

Paroled Alexandria, La., June 13, 1865. Res. Winn Par., La.

Smith, Henry, Pvt. Co. C, 1st La. Hvy. Arty. (Regulars). En. March 12, 1861, New Orleans, La.

Present on all Rolls to Dec., 1861. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1862, Present, sick in Hospl.

Smith, Henry, Pvt. Corpl. Cos. I, K, 1st La. Hvy. Arty. (Regulars). En. April 25, 1861, New

Orleans, La. Present on Rolls to Dec., 1861. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1862, Present, promoted from

Pvt. to Corpl., Jan. 27, 1862.

Smith, Henry, Pvt. Capt. Miller's Indpt. Co. Mtd. Rifles La. Roll Nov. 30, 1862, to Dec. 31,

1862 (only Roll on file), En. Sept. 1, 1862, Lynchburg, Va. Roll states present.

Smith, Henry, Pvt. Co. G, 1st La. Hvy. Arty. (Regulars). En. May 8, 1861. New Orleans, La.

Present on all Rolls to Aug., 1861. Rolls Sept., 1861. Rolls Sept., 1861, to April, 1862.

Present on extra duty as Carpenter.

Smith, Henry, Pvt. 4th Co. Battn. Wash. Arty. La. En. Feb. 5, 1863, Jackson. Present

Page 612

on all Rolls to Aug., 1863. Rolls Sept., 1863, to Dec., 1863, Absent without leave since Sept.

28, 1863. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1864, Deserted the service Sept. 28, 1863. Federal Rolls of

Prisoners of War, Captured Gettysburg, Pa., July 4, 1863. Recd. Fort Delaware, Del., July 12,

1863. Paroled Fort Delaware, Del., Oct. 30, 1864. Forwd. to Pt. Lookout, Md., Oct. 31, 1864.

Recd. Nov. 15, 1864, Venus Pt., Savannah River and exchanged. Born Germany, occupation teamster,

age when enlisted 18, single.

Smith, Henry, Pvt. Co. A, Confed. States Zouave Battn. La. En. New Orleans. La., March 29, 1861.

Roll from May 31, 1861, to June, 1861, Present. Roll July and Aug., 1861, Present or absent not

stated. Regtl. Return for Jan. and Feb., 1862. Furloughed Feb. 2, 1862, to New Orleans, La., for

45 days.

Smith, Henry, Pvt. Co. C, Beauregard Battn. La. Mil. On Roll not dated. On List. not dated of

absentees from Review Nov. 23, 1861. Remarks: Has not signed Roll.

Smith, Hy., _ Co. E, 1st Regt. 2nd Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On List not dated of persons refusing

to serve in the Mil., Oct., 1861. Remarks: Never at drill.

Smith, Henry, _ Co. F, 1st Regt. 2nd Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into

service of the State of Louisiana.

Smith, Henry C., Pvt. Co. E, 31st La. Inf. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1863 (only Roll on which borne),

En. Monroe, La., May 11, 186-. Remarks: Present.

Smith, Henry G., Pvt. Co. -, 12th La. Inf. N. B. See also Seawells Batty. (Mohawk Arty.) Ala.

Smith, Henry L., Sergt. Pvt. Co. A, 12th La. Inf. En. Nov. 26, 1861, Columbus, Ky. Roll dated

June 30, 1862, Present, elected 4th Sergt., May 10, 1862. Rolls Nov., 1862, to April, 1863,

Present. Rolls May, 1863, to Oct., 1863, Absent, missing since battle of Bakers Creek, Va., May

16, 1863. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Champion Hills, May 16, 1863. Sent to

Memphis, Tenn., May 25, 1863. Recd. Fort Delaware, Del., June 15, 1863. Transfd. to U. S. A.

Gen. Hospl., Chester, Pa., July 19, 1863. Exchanged City Pt., Va., Aug. 20, 1863. Rolls Nov.,

1863, to June, 1864, Present. Roll July and Aug., 1864, Present, reduced to ranks, July 23, by

his own request. On Roll of Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled Greensboro, N. C., April 26,


Smith, Herman, Pvt. Co. A, Miles Legion La. Roll Nov. 14 to Dec. 31, 1861 (only Roll on which

borne), En. New Orleans, La., Nov. 14, 186-. Remarks: Present.

Smith, Hi., Pvt. Co. C, 7th La. Inf. Roll dated June 7, 1861 (only Roll on which borne), En.

June 7, 1861, for the War, Present or absent not stated on Roll.

Smith, Horne, Musician Co. K, 6th La. Inf. En. June 19, 1861, Lynchburg, Va. Present on Rolls to

June, 1861. Roll July and Aug., 1862, Deserted. Born Ireland, occupation laborer, Res. New

Orleans, La., age when enlisted 23, single.

Smith, Hugh, _ Co. B, 1st Spec. Battn. (Wheat's) La. Inf. En. April 25, 1861, New Orleans, La.

Present on all Rolls to Dec., 1861. Roll March and April, 1862, Present or absent not stated.

Smith, Hugh, Pvt. Co. G, 1st La. Hvy. Arty. (Regulars). En. May 11, 1861, New Orleans, La.

Present on all Rolls to Feb., 1862. Roll March and April, 1862, Absent on detached service on

Gunboat Governor Moore. Regtl. Return May, 1862, Missing in action on Gunboat Gov. Moore, near

Fort Jackson, April 25, 1862.

Smith, Hugh, Pvt. Cos. I, K, 1st La. Hvy. Arty. (Regulars). En. April 20, 1861, New Orleans, La.

Present on all Rolls to Aug., 1861. Roll Sept. and Oct., 1861, Present, reduced from Sergt.,

Sept., 25, 1861, sick in Hospl. Roll Nov. and Dec., 1861, Present, sick in Hospl.

Smith, Hugh, _ Stanley Grds. Co. B, La. Mil. List not dated, for active service within the


Smith, Hyman, Pvt. Corpl. Co. I, Cres. Regt. Regt. La. Inf. Roll May and June, 1862, dated July

18, 1862 (only Roll on which borne), En. New Orleans, La., March 8, 1862. Remarks: Present,

Apptd. 2nd Corpl., June 1, _.

Smith, Hypolite, Pvt. Co. E, 26th La. Inf. En. Vermillionville, March 13, 186-. Roll Sept. and

Oct., 1862, Present. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured and Paroled Vicksburg, Miss.,

July 4, 1863. On List dated Hdqrs., Allen's Brig., Shreveport, La., March 29, 1864, reported in

camp for exchange at Alexandria, La., before April 1, 1864. Roll of Prisoners of War, C. S. A.,

Paroled New Iberia, La., July and Aug., 1865. Res. Lafayette, La.

Smith, I., Pvt. Co. F, 15th La. Inf. Rolls Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled Appomattox Court

House, Va., April 10, 1865.

Smith, I. I., Pvt. Co. F, 22nd La. Vols. Rolls Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled Meridian,

Miss., May 12, 1865. Res. Opelousas, La.

Smith, I. W., Pvt. Co. D, 5th La. Cav. Roll of Prisoners of War of furloughed and detailed men,

C. S. A., Paroled Shreveport, La., June 8, 1865. Res. Bossier Par., La.

Smith, Isaac A., Capt. Co. G, 6th La. Inf. En. June 4, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on Rolls to

Oct., 1861. Roll May and June, 1862, Died June 9, 1862, of wounds received at Port Republic.

Smith, Ithnier, Drummer Co. A, 7th La. Inf. En. June 7, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present or absent

not stated on Rolls to Aug., 1861. Roll Sept. and Oct., 1861, Discharged Nov. 1, 1861, and final

statement given (as on Roll).

Smith, J., Pvt. Co. -, Red River Shp. Shooters La. List not dated of Prisoners of War at Fort de

Russy, La., March 14, 1864, and received at Baton Rouge, La., March 17, 1864. Remarks: Accounted


Smith, J., Pvt. Co. I, 3rd La. Inf. En. May 17, 1861, New Orleans, La. Present on all Rolls to

Dec., 1861. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1863, Present. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured and

Paroled Vicksburg, Miss., July 4, 1863. On List dated Hdqrs., Allen's Brig., Shreveport, La.,

March 29, 1864, reported in camp for exchange at Natchitoches, La., before April 1, 1864. On

Roll of Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled Monroe, La., June 13, 1865. Res. Caldwell Par., La.

Smith, J., Pvt. Co. H, 5th La. Inf. On Register of Prisoners of War, Captured Gettysburg, Pa.,

July 3, 1863. Recd. Fort Delaware, Del., July 7 to 12, 1863. Remarks: Joined 3rd Md. Cav., by S.

O. S. War. On Parole of Prisoners of War. dated Office of the Provost Marshal Gen., Army of the

Potomac, Sept. 27, 1862.

Smith, J., Drummer Co. A, 7th Regt. La. Inf. Record copied from Memorial Hall, New Orleans, La.,

by the War Dept., Washington, D. C., May, 1903, En. June 7, 1861, Camp Moore, La., for the War.

Born Boston, occupation carpenter, Res. New Orleans, La., age when enlisted 39, married.

Discharged Sept. 21.

Smith, J., Pvt. Co. K, 8th La. Inf. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Wilderness, Va.,

May 12, 1864. Forwd. to Pt. Lookout, Md., from Wilderness, Va., May 18, 1864. Transfd. to

Elmira, N. Y., Aug. 17, 1864. Paroled Elmira, N. Y., March 14, 1865. Sent to James River, Va.,

for exchange. Exchanged Boulwares and Coxes Wharf, James River, Va., March 18 to 21, 1865.

Page 613

Smith, J., Pvt. Co. G, 11th La. Inf. En. Aug. 21, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Roll to Oct. 31,

1861, Discharged Oct. 12, 1861.

Smith, J., Pvt. Co. D, 12th La. Inf. On Roll of Prisoners of War of Medical Officers and

attendants and patients at Court House, Greensboro, N. C., C. S. A., Paroled Greensboro, N. C.,

Paroled May 2, 1865.

Smith, J., Pvt. Co. E, 18th La. Inf. En. Feb. 10, 1863, New Orleans, La. Rolls to Aug., 1863,

Absent, employed in Gen. Hospl. in New Iberia, since enlistment. Also on Rolls of Co. B, Cons.

18th Regt. and Yellow Jacket Battn. La. Inf. Pvt. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1864, Employed in Gen.

Hospl., since enlistment.

Smith, J., Pvt. Co. B, 27th La. Inf. En. New Orleans, La., March 25, 186-. Present on Roll to

May 1, 1862. Roll to June, 1862, Died May 22, _, Clinton, Miss.

Smith, J., Pvt. Co. F, 27th La. _. Rolls Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled Monroe, La., June

12, 1865. Res. Winn Par., La.

Smith, J., _ Moreau Grds. La. Mil. On List not dated.

Smith, J., Pvt. Co. K, Orleans Grds. Regt. La. Mil. Roll not dated, ordered into service of the

State of La. Roll dated Feb. 24, 1862, Ordered into service of the State of Louisiana.

Smith, J., Pvt. 6th Co. 4th Regt. French Brig. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into service

of the State of Louisiana.

Smith, J., Pvt. Co. E, 4th Regt. 1st Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into

service of the State of Louisiana.

Smith, J. A., Pvt. Capt. Nutt's Co. (Red River Rangers) La. Cav. On Roster not dated of troops

of the Confed. Army, captured Fort Hindman, Arkansas Post, Ark., Jan. 11, 1863.

Smith, J. A., Pvt. Co. C, 3rd La. Inf. Rolls Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled Montgomery,

Ala., May 3, 1865.

Smith, J. A., Pvt. Co. D, 28th (Gray's) La. Inf. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured

Bayou Teche, La., April 14, 1863, Paroled below Port Hudson, La., May 11, 1863, Sent to New

Orleans, La., to be exchanged.

Smith, J. A., Pvt. Co. D, 1st La. Hvy. Arty. (Regulars). Roll March and April, 1865 (only Roll

on which borne), En. Sept. 15, 1864., Tippah, Miss. Roll states present. Roll of Prisoners of

War, C. S. A., Paroled Meridian, Miss., May 14, 1865, Res. Baldwin Station, Ittewamba Co., Miss.

Smith, J. A., Pvt. Co. A, Miles Legion La. En. Baton Rouge, La., Sept. 1, 1862, Present on Rolls

to May 1, 1863. Roll to Dec. 31, 1863, Present or absent not stated. Remarks: Deserted Dec. 29,


Smith, J. A. J., Pvt. Co. A, 6th La. Cav. En. May 3, 1862, Shreveport, La. Present on Rolls to

Oct., 1862.

Smith, J. B., Pvt. 2nd La. Cav. Rolls of Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled Shreveport, La.,

June 7, 1865. Res. New Orleans. La.

Smith, J. B., 2nd Lt. Commsy. Co. I, 27th La. Inf. En. New Orleans. La., March 24. 186-. Roll to

May 1, 1862, Present, promoted 1st Lt., April 19, 1862. Present on Roll to June, 1862. Roll to

Oct. 31, 1862, Present, Apptd. Commsy. to fill the vacancy occasioned by the death of W. J.

Hamiton, A. C. S.

Smith, J. B., Pvt. Co. D, McCoroy's La. Hvy. Arty. Roll of Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled

Alexandria, La., June 7, 1865. Res. St. Landry Par., La.

Smith, J. B., Pvt. Co. K, Orleans Grds. Regt. La. Mil. Roll not dated, ordered into service of

the State of La. Roll dated Feb. 24, 1862, Ordered into service of the State of La. List not

dated of Paroled Prisoners who wish to be exchanged. Exchanged from Steamer Louis D'or near

Baton Rouge, La., Oct. 9, 1862.

Smith, J. Ben, Pvt. Co. F, 2nd La. Cav. En. Aug. 20, 1862, Natchitoches, La. Rolls Jan., 1863,

to Aug. 31, 1863, Present. On Roll of Prisoners of War of furloughed and detailed men, C. S. A.,

Paroled Shreveport, La., June 7, 1865. Res. New Orleans, La.

Smith, J. Bolton, _ Capt. Lott's Co. (Carroll Dragoons) La. Cav. On List not dated, Par. of

Carroll, La., March 19, 1862, showing receipt of Fifty Dollars as bounty for enlisting in the

Army of the Confed. States for the War during the term of three years.

Smith, J. C., Pvt. Co. I, 11th La. Inf. En. Aug. 18, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on Roll to

Oct. 31, 1861.

Smith, J. C., Pvt. Fowler's Co. Bragg's Battn. La. Mil. On Report dated New Orleans, Nov. 25,

1861. Remarks: Present.

Smith, J. D., Pvt. Flaunnoy's Cav. Co. Rolls Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled Shreveport,

La., June 7, 1865. Res. Wells Co., Texas.

Smith, J. D., 2nd Lt. 1st Battn. La. Cav. Official Rolls Paroled Officers, C. S. A., Paroled

Alexandria, La., June 4, 1865.

Smith, J. D., Corpl. Pvt. Co. E, 4th Battn. La. Inf. En. Aug. 15, 1861, Natchez, Miss. Present

on all Rolls to Dec., 1862. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1863, Was in camp this morning, but now on

picket. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1864, Deserted.

Smith, J. D., Pvt. Co. E, 6th La. Inf. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Gettysburg,

Pa., July -, 1863, Transfd. to Provost Marshal.

Smith, J. D., Pvt. Co. H, 18th La. Inf. Rolls Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled Shreveport,

La., June 7, 1865. Res. Rusk Co., Texas.

Smith, J. D., Pvt. Co. A, 28th (Gray's) La. Inf. Roll of Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled

Natchitoches, La., June 15, 1865. Res. Bienville Par., La.

Smith, E., Pvt. Co, E, 3rd La. Cav. Rolls Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled Gainesville, Ala.,

May 12, 1865. Res. St. Helena. Par., La.

Smith, J. E., Pvt. Signal Corps. Rolls Prisoners of War. C. S. A., Paroled Grenada, Miss., May

19, 1865. Res. New Orleans, La.

Smith, J. E., _ Co. D, Miles Legion La. Roll dated May 9, 1862 (only Roll on which borne), En.

_. Remarks: En. but not present at the muster.

Smith, J. F., Pvt. Co. F, 4th La. Inf. En. Feb. 1, 1863, Mobile, Ala. Roll April 30 to Aug. 31,

1864, Absent, sick at Hospl., Mobile, Ala. Roll Aug. 31, 1864, to Feb. 28, 1865, Discharged date


Smith, J. F., Jr. 2nd Lt. Co. A, 6th La. Inf. En. June 4, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on Rolls

to Oct., 1861.

Smith, J. F., Pvt. Co. B, 17th La. Inf. En. Sept. 24, 1862, Vicksburg, Miss. Present on Rolls to

Feb., 1863. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured and Paroled Vicksburg, Miss., July 4,

1863. Official Rolls Paroled Officers, C. S. A., Paroled Natchitoches, La., June 8, 1865.

Smith, J. F., 1st Sergt. Capt. Co. I, 19th La. Inf. En. Dec. 11, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present

on Roll to Dec. 31, 1861. Roll May and June, 1862, Present, elected 1st Lt., May 8, 1862. Rolls

July, 1862, to Oct., 1862. Present. Roll Nov. and Dec., 1862, Absent since Dec. 30, 1862, on

leave, order of Col. Winans, Roll Jan. and Feb., 1863, Present. Roll July and Aug., 1863,

Absent, sick by Surgeon's Order, since July 10, 1863. Roll Sept. and Oct., 1863, Present. On

Hospl. Register, Admitted to Floyd House and Ocmulgee Hospl., Macon, Ga., Nov. 28, 1863. Roll

Nov. and Dec., 1863, Absent on sick furlough since Dec. 17, 1863, order Gen. Hardee. Roll to

April 30, 1864, Absent, sick, Hospl. Montgomery, Ala., since

Page 614

April 1, 1864, order of Dr. Philson. Roll May 1 to Aug. 31, 1864, Absent, sick at Forsyth, Ga.,

since July 1, 1864, order Dr. Thornton. Roll Sept. 1, 1864, to Feb. 28, 1865, Present. Roll

March and April, 1865, Absent, sick since April 27, 1865, order of Dr. Holt. On Register of

Prisoners of War, Taylor's Corps. Paroled May 10, 1865, authority of Maj. Gen. E. R. S. Canby,

age 23 years, eyes blue, hair light, complexion light, height 6 ft. 1 in., Res. De Soto Par.,


Smith, J. G., Pvt. Co. I, 1st La. Hvy, Arty. (Regulars). En. _. Rolls Oct., 1862, to April,

1863, Absent, Conscript, joined Co., Oct. 20, 1862, sick in City Hospl., Vicksburg. Rolls June,

1863, to Dec., 1863, Absent, sick (unknown). Roll Jan. and Feb., 1864. Dropped from the Rolls,

Order No. -, from Dept. Hdqrs.

Smith, J. H., Pvt. Capt. Benjamin's Co. La Cav. Roll Dec. 24, 1863, to Feb. 19, 1864 (only Roll

on file), En. Dec. 24, 1863, Rapides Par., La., for the War, present or absent not stated.

Smith, J. H., Pvt. Co. C, 6th La. Inf. Roll dated June 4, 1861 (only Roll on which borne), En.

June 4, 1861, Camp Moore, La., for the War.

Smith, J. H., Corpl. Sergt. Co. A, 14th La. Inf. En. July 27, 1861, New Orleans, La. Present on

Rolls to Feb., 1862. Roll May and June, 1862, Promoted 1st Sergt., June 8, 1862, Killed June 27,

1862. Born _, Ky.

Smith, J. H., Pvt. Co. H, 19th La. Inf. Rolls Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled Monroe, La.,

June -, 1865. Res. De Soto Par., La.

Smith, J. H., Pvt. 4th Co. Battn. Wash. Arty. La. En. May 26, 1861, New Orleans, La. Present on

all Rolls to Feb., 1862. Rolls March, 1862, to June, 1862, Present or absent not stated. Rolls

July, 1862, to Dec., 1863, Present. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1864, Absent on furlough, 30 days. Roll

March and April, 1864, Present. Rolls June, 1864, to Feb., 1865, Absent, in hands of the enemy,

prisoner June 21, 1864. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured near Petersburg, June 22,

1864. Recd. Pt. Lookout, Md., from City Pt., Va., June 30, 1864. Paroled Pt. Lookout, Md.,

Transfd. for exchange. Exchanged Coxes Landing, James River, Va., Feb. 14, 15, 1865. On Register

of Prisoners of War, Captured Gentilly Road, April 1, 1865. Recd. New Orleans, La., April 1,

1865. Released on Oath of Allegiance to U. S., April 22, 1865. Res. New Orleans, La., complexion

light, hair grey, eyes blue, height 5 ft. 7 in. Remarks: Came into lines at Battery Gentilly.

Deserted. Born La., occupation clerk. Res. New Orleans, La., age when enlisted 21. single.

Smith, J. J., Pvt. Co. F, 22nd (Cons.) La. Inf. En. Thibodaux, La., March 15, 1862. Rolls from

Jan., 1864, to April, 1864, Present, detailed by Brig. Gen. Shoup as Courier for Col. Fuller.

Rolls from May, 1864, to Oct., 1864, Present. Roll of Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled

Meridian, Miss., May 12, 1865. Res. Opelousas, La.

Smith, J. J., Pvt. Co. D. Beauregard Battn. La. Mil. On Roll dated Hdqrs., Davidson Grds. New

Orleans, Sept. 27, 1861.

Smith, J. K., _ Co. A, 4th La. Inf. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1862, dated April 20, 1862. En. Jan. and

Feb., 1862, dated April 20, 1862. En. _, Jackson, La. Roll states present, with remarks: Killed

at the battle of Shiloh, April 6 and 7.

Smith, J. K. P., Pvt. Co. K, 31st La. Inf. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured and

Paroled Vicksburg, Miss., July 4, 1863. Roll of Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled Monroe, La.,

June 9, 1865. Res. Ouachita Par., La.

Smith, J. L., Pvt. Co. -, Red River Shp. Shooters La. Roll of Prisoners of War of detachments of

troops, C. S. A., Paroled Alexandria, La., June 3, 1865. Res. New Orleans, La.

Smith, J. L., Pvt. Co. D, 4th Battn. La. Inf. En. Aug. 9, 1861, Carroll Par., La. Present on all

Rolls to Feb., 1862. Roll March and April, 1862, Absent, on furlough. Roll May and June, 1862,

Absent, wounded in battle June 16. in Hospl. Charleston. Roll Sept. and Oct., 1862, Absent on

sick furlough, wounded in battle. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1863 (last on which borne), Absent on sick


Smith, J. L., Pvt. Co. F, Cons. 18th Regt. and Yellow Jacket Battn. La. Inf. Roll Jan. and Feb.,

1864 (only Roll on file), En. Feb. 1, 1863, Camp Lakeview, for the War. Roll states present.

Smith, J. L., Pvt. Co. H, 40th Ala. _. Rolls Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled Meridian,

Miss., May 10, 1865. Res. Montgomery, Ala.

Smith, J. M., Pvt. Co. G, 8th Texas Cav. Rolls Prisoners of War, C. S. A., surrendered Jackson,

Miss., May -, 1865. Res. Carroll Par., La.

Smith, J. M., Pvt. Co. B, 3rd La. Inf. En. May 17, 1861, New Orleans, La. Present on Rolls to

Aug., 1861. Roll Sept. and Oct., 1861, Present or absent not stated. Roll Nov. and Dec., 1861,

Present. Roll May and June, 1862. Absent, appointed 1st Corpl., May 8, 1862. Roll July 31 to

Aug. 31, 1862, Present. Roll Sept. and Oct., 1862, Absent, sick, 1st Corpl. until Oct. Oct. 17.

Rolls Nov., 1862, to Feb., 1863, Present. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured and

Paroled Vicksburg, Miss., July 4, 1863.

Smith, J. M., Pvt. Co. H, 3rd La. Inf. En. May 17, 1861, New Orleans, La. Present on all Rolls

to Oct., 1861. Rolls of Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled Monroe, La., June 9, 1865. Res.

Morehouse Par., La.

Smith, J. M., Pvt. Co. F, 31st La. Inf. En. Jackson, Miss., May 4, 1862. Rolls from July 4,

1862, to Feb., 1863, Present. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured and Paroled Vicksburg,

Miss., July 4. 1863. On List dated Hdqrs., Allen's Brig., Shreveport, La., March 29, 1864,

reported in camp for exchange at Vienna, La., before April 1, 1864. Roll of Prisoners of War, C.

S. A., Paroled Alexandria, La., June 26, 1865. Res. Catahoula Par., La.

Smith, J. N., Pvt. Co. A, 3rd (Wingfield's) La. Cav. En. May 13, 1862, Camp Moore, La. Roll not

dated, Present. Roll dated Oct. 1, 1862, Present or absent not stated, name appears in column of

names Recd. payment.

Smith, J. N., Corpl. Pvt. Co. D, 9th Battn. La. Inf. En. April 10, 1862, Ponchatoula, La. Roll

to July 1, 1862, Present. Roll to Aug. 31, 1862, Killed July 4, 1862.

Smith, J. O. P., Pvt. Co. C, 13th Battn. La. (Partisan Rangers). En. Aug. 1, 1862, Bastrop. La.

Rolls Nov., 1862, to April 30, 1863.

Smith, J. P., Pvt. Co. B, 1st Spec. Battn. (Rightor's) La. Inf. En. April 15, 1861, New Orleans,

La. Present on Rolls to Aug., 1861. Regtl. Return Dec., 1861, Regtl. Return Jan., 1862, Company


Smith, J. R., Pvt. Co. E. 25th La. Inf. En. Carthage, La., June 29, 1862. Roll Nov. and Dec.,

1862, Present, engaged in battle of Murfreesboro, Dec. 31, 1862, and Jan. 2, 1863. Rolls from

Jan., 1863. to Aug., 1863, Present. Rolls from Sept., 1863. to Feb. 28, 1865, Absent, wounded

and taken prisoner at Chickamauga, Ga., Sept. 20, 1863. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War.

Captured near Chickamauga, Ga., Sept. 19. 1863. Sent to Prison Hospl., Nashville, Tenn., Sept.

29, 1863. Recd. Military Prison, Louisville, Ky., from Nashville, Tenn., Oct.

Page 615

20, 1863. Forwd. to Camp Morton, Ind., Nov. 5, 1863. Died Aug. 8, 1864, inflamation of the

lungs, locality of grave, Green Lawn cemetery.

Smith, J. R., Pvt. Co. B, 27th La. Inf. En. Vicksburg, Miss., April 28, 186-. Present on Roll to

May 1, 1862. Rolls from June, 1862, to Oct., 1862, Died at Camp Norwood, July 29, _.

Smith, J. R., Volunteer Aid (Commission not given). List of Paroled Officers taken at Ft.

Jackson and St. Phillip, La., April 28, 1862 (place of parole not given.)

Smith, J. S., Pvt. M. Cullough Rangers La. Cav. Rolls Prisoners of War, C. S. A., surrendered

Albany, Ga., May 23, 1865. Res. _, La.

Smith, J. S., Pvt. Co. -, Cres. Regt. La. Inf. On List dated New Orleans, Nov. 23, 1861, On


Smith, J. Sidney, Pvt. Co. -, Red River Shp. Shooters La. Roll of Prisoners of War of furloughed

and detailed men, C. S. A., Paroled Shreveport, La., June 16, 1865. Res. New Orleans, La.

Smith, J. T., Pvt. Co. E, 2nd La. Cav. En. June 21, 1862, Alexandria, La. Roll Jan. and Feb.,

1863, Absent, sick at Centerville. Roll April 30 to Aug. 31, 1863, Present. Roll of Prisoners of

War of detachments of regiments in C. S. A., Paroled Natchitoches, La., June 8, 1865. Res.

Natchitoches, La.

Smith, J. T., Pvt. Co. G, 2nd La. Cav. En. April 21, 1862, Alexandria, La. Roll Jan. and Feb.,

1863, Present. Roll July and Aug., 1863, Died Aug. 25 at Opelousas, La. Hospl., _, 1863.

Smith, J. W., Pvt. Co. H, Maddox Cav. Rolls Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled Shreveport, La.,

June 8, 1865. Res. Bossier Par., La.

Smith, J. W., Pvt. Co. E, 3rd (Wingfield's) La. Roll to June 1, 1862, Present or absent not

stated. Roll June 1, 1862, to _, Discharged.

Smith, J. W., _ Co. K, 3rd (Wingfield's) La. Cav.

Smith, J. W., Pvt. Co. B, 3rd La. Inf. Rolls Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled Monroe, La.,

June 9, 1865. Res. Morehouse Par., La.

Smith, J. W., Pvt. Co. D, 5th La. Cav. Rolls Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled Shreveport,

La., June 8, 1865. Res. Bossier Par., La.

Smith, J. W., Pvt. Co. I, 5th La. Cav. Rolls Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled Shreveport,

La., June 7, 1865. Res. Calhoun Co., Texas.

Smith, J. W., Pvt. Old Co. G, 4th La. Inf. En. May 25, 1861, Tangipahoa, La. Present on all

Rolls to Feb., 1862. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Spanish Fort, Ala., April 8,

1865. Recd. at Ship Island, Miss., April 10, 1865. Transfd. to Vicksburg, Miss., May 1, 1865.

Paroled Camp Townsend, May 6, 1865.

Smith, J. W., Pvt. Co. D, 11th La. Inf. En. Aug. 21, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Roll to Oct. 31,

1861, Discharged Sept. 17, 1861, from service.

Smith, J. W., Pvt. Co. F, 16th La. Inf. Roll of Prisoners of War of unattached men, C. S. A.,

Paroled Jackson, Miss., May 19, 1865. Res. Pointe Coupee Par., La.

Smith, J. W., Pvt. Co. A, 25th La. Inf. En. Shreveport, La., March 4, 1862. or New Orleans, La.,

March 14, 1862. Roll June 30, 1862, Absent, at Hospl., sick. Rolls from Nov., 1862, to Feb.,

1864, Present. Roll March and April, 1864, Transfd. to the Navy, April 13, 1864, by order Secty,

of War. See C. S. Navy.

Smith, J. W., Pvt. Co. A, 26th Ark. Inf. Rolls Prisoners of War. C. S. A., Paroled Shreveport,

La., June 8, 1865. Res. Helena, Ark.

Smith, J. W., Pvt. 27th La. Inf. Co. H. Federal Rolls Prisoners of War, Captured and Paroled

Vicksburg, Miss., July 4, 1863.

Smith, J. W., Pvt. Co. D, 31st La. Inf. En. Vidalia, La., April 26, 1862. Rolls from July, 1862,

to Dec., 1862, Present. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured and Paroled Vicksburg,

Miss., July 4, 1863. On List dated Hdqrs., Allen's Brig., Shreveport, La., March 29, 1864,

reported in camp for exchange at Vienna, La., before April 1, 1864. Roll of Prisoners of War, C.

S. A., Paroled Alexandria, La., June 26, 1865. Res. Catahoula Par., La.

Smith, J. W., Pvt. Co. A, 53rd Tenn. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled Port Hudson,

La., July -, 1863.

Smith, Jacob, Pvt. Co. F, 3rd La. Inf. En. May 17, 1861, New Orleans, La. Present on Rolls to

Oct., 1862. Rolls Nov., 1862, to Feb., 1863, Absent, on detached service. Federal Rolls of

Prisoners of War, Captured and Paroled Vicksburg, Miss., July 4, 1863.

Smith, Jacob O. P., Pvt. Co. C, 5th La. Cav. Roll of Prisoners of War of divers companies and

regiments unattached C. S. A., Paroled Monroe. La., June 7, 1865. Res. Ouachita Par., La.

Smith, Jacques, Pvt. Sergt. Co. A, Confed. States Zouave Battn. La. En. New Orleans, La., March

22, 186-. Rolls from May 31, 1862, to Feb., 1863, Present.

Smith, James, Pvt. Co. A, Ogden's La. Cav. En. _. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured

East Baton Rouge, La., Oct. 22, 1864. Recd. Ship Island, Miss., Oct. 29, 1864. Forwd. to Fort

Columbus, N. Y. Harbor, Nov. 16, 1864. Transfd. to Elmira, N. Y., Nov. 20, 1864. Died Dec. 27,

1864, pneumonia.

Smith, James, Pvt. Co. E, 3rd (Wingfield's) La. Cav. En. May 25, 1862, Camp Moore, La. Roll to

June 1, 1862, Present. Roll for June 1, 1862. to _. Present. Letter dated Provost Marshal's

Office, Port Hudson, La., March 26, 1864, Prisoner captured Jackson, La., March 26, 1864.

Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured near Port Hudson, La., March 26, 1864. Recd. New

Orleans, La., March -, 1864. On Hospl. Register, Admitted Aug. 9, 1864, to St. Louis, U. S. A.,

Gen. Hospl., New Orleans, La. Released from Hospl., Aug. 17, 1864, age 24 years, paroled for

exchange, New Orleans, La., Aug. 21, 1864. Exchanged near Baton Rouge, La., Aug. 22, 1864. Roll

of Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled Gainesville, Ala., May 12, 1865. Res. St. Helena, Par.,


Smith, James, Pvt. Co. A, 4th La. Cav. Roll of Prisoners of War of divers companies and

regiments unattached C. S. A., Paroled Monroe, La., June 10, 1865. Res. Carroll Par., La.

Smith, James, Pvt. Co. H, 6th La. Cav. Roll of Prisoners of War of detachments of regiments, C.

S. A., Paroled Natchitoches, La., June 15, 1865. Res. Bienville Par., La. Also on Rolls of

Prisoners of War of furloughed and detailed men, C. S. A., Paroled Shreveport, La., June 20,

1865. Res. Bienville Par., La.

Smith, James, Pvt. Co. A, 1st La. Inf. En. _. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Dec.

15, 1862, Burkley Co., Va. Recd. Camp Chase, Ohio, Dec. 20, 1862. Released on Oath of Allegiance

from Military Prison, Louisville, Ky., Sept. 29, 1863, complexion light, hair sandy, eyes hazel,

height 5 ft. 11 in.

Smith, James, Pvt. Co. E, 1st La. Inf. En. _. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured

Shelbyville, Tenn., July 2, 1863. Forwd. to Military Prison, Louisville, Ky., from Nashville,

Tenn., July 10, 1863. Released from Louisville, Ky., on Oath and

Page 616

Parole, Sept. 29, 1863, sent North, order of Gen. Boyle.

Smith, James, Pvt. Co. C, 1st (Strawbridge's) La. Inf. En. April 10, 1861, New Orleans, La.

Present on Rolls to Dec., 1861. Roll dated Warrington, Fla., Jan. 18, 1862. Period of service

extended to the War. Roll to April 30, 1862, Deserted Feb. 18, 1862.

Smith, James, Pvt. Co. C, 3rd La. Inf. En. May 17, 1861, New Orleans, La. Present on Roll dated

June 30, 1861. Rolls July, 1861, to Oct., 1861, Absent, sick, in Hospl., at Fort Smith, Ark.

Roll Nov. and Dec., 1861, Discharged Dec. 9, 1861.

Smith, James, Pvt. Co. G, 6th La. Inf.

Smith, James, Pvt. Capt. McLean's Co. La. Inf. (Ben McCullogh Rangers.) En. New Orleans, La.,

May 19, 1861. Rolls from June 30, 1861, to Feb., 1862, Present.

Smith, James, Pvt. Co. B, 4th Battn. La. Inf. En. June 4, 1861, Monroe, La. Present on all Rolls

to June, 1862.

Smith, James, _ Co. B, 6th La. Inf. En. June 4, 1861, New Orleans, La. Present on Rolls to Oct.,

1861. Roll dated New Orleans, La., March 31, 1862, Deserted March 31, 1862. Rolls May, 1862, to

Aug., 1862, Present. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Sept. 14, 1862, Hagerstown, Md.

Sent for exchange from Fort Delaware, Del., to Aikens Landing, Va., Oct. 2, 1862. Declared

exchanged Nov. 10, 1862, Aikens Landing, Va. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1863, Present, joined from

Desertion, Feb. 24, 24, 1863. Roll March and April, 1863, Present. Rolls May, 1863, to April,

1864, Absent, wounded at Fredricksburg, Va., May 4, 1863. Roll May 1 to Aug. 31, 1864, Absent,

on furlough. On Morning Report not dated of Confed. patients in the 1st Division Hospl., 20th A.

C., Dec. 26, 1864, age 35 years. On Report dated Office Provost Marshal, Dist. of Savannah,

April 30, 1865, of Rebel Deserters who reported at Savannah, Ga., for the 15 days ending April

30, 1865. Res. Savannah, Ga., age 27 years, eyes hazel, hair dark, complexion dark, height 5 ft.

10 inches, born Ireland, occupation laborer, Res. New Orleans, La., single.

Smith, James, Pvt. Co. D, 9th La. Inf. Roll dated near Gordonsville, Ga., April 25, 1862, En.

March 3, 1862, Bellevue, La., for the War. Record copied from Memorial Hall, New Orleans, La.,

by the War Dept., Washington, D. C., June, 1903, born _, Ga., occupation farmer, Res. Rocky Mt.,

age when enlisted 28, single.

Smith, Jas., Pvt. 9th La. Battn. Federal Rolls Prisoners of War, Captured Port Hudson, Miss.,

March 26, 1864. Paroled New Orleans, La., Aug. 21, 1864.

Smith, James, Pvt. Co. C, 14th La. Inf. En. June 6, 1861, New Orleans, La. Present or absent not

stated on Roll to June 30, 1861. Record copied from Memorial Hall, New Orleans, La., by the War

Dept., Washington, D. C., June, 1903, Born Penn., occupation laborer, Res. New Orleans, La., age

when enlisted 21, single. Deserted at Camp Pulaski, July -, 1861.

Smith, James, No. 1, Pvt. Co. B, 15th La. Inf. En. June 11, 1861, New Orleans, La. Present on

all Rolls to Aug., 1861. Report of death not dated, Died June 11, 1862, buried Mechanicsville.

Smith, James, No. 2, Pvt. Co. B, 15th La. Inf. En. June 11, 1861, New Orleans, La. Present on

Roll to June 30, 1861. Roll July and Aug., 1861, Absent. sick in Charity Hospl.

Smith, James, Pvt. Co. H, 16th La. Inf. En. Sept. 29, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Rolls Oct. 31, 1861,

to Dec., 1861, Deserted Oct. 10, 1861. from Camp Moore, La.

Smith, James, Pvt. Co. A, 17th La. Inf. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1863 (only Roll on which borne), En.

Sept. 30, 1861, Camp Moore. La. Remarks: Present. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured

Vicksburg, Miss., July 4, 1863. Sent to Memphis, Tenn., July 18. 1863. Note-These Prisoners

refused to be paroled.

Smith, James, Pvt. Co. G, 28th (Gray's) La. Inf. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1863 (only Roll on which

borne), En. Monroe, La., Feb. 24, 1863. Remarks: Present.

Smith, James, Pvt. Sergt. Co. K, 28th (Gray's) La. Inf. En. Monroe, La., May 7-17, 1862. Federal

Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Yellow Bayou, La., May 18, 1864. Recd. New Orleans, La., May

21, 1864. On Hospl. Register, Admitted to St. Louis, U. S. A. Gen. Hospl., New Orleans, La.,

June 6, 1864. Released from Hospl., July 7, 1864. Remarks: Rebel prisoner of war, age 26.

Transfd. from New Orleans, La., and exchanged at Red River Landing, July 22, 1864. Roll of

Prisoners of War of detachments of regiments, C. S. A., Paroled Natchitoches, La., June 15,

1865. Res. Winn Par., La.

Smith, James, Pvt. Co. H, 31st La. Inf. En. Monroe, La., May 14, 1862. Rolls from Nov., 1862, to

Feb., 1863, Present. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured and Paroled Vicksburg, Miss.,

July 4, 1863. On List dated Hdqrs. Allen's Brig., Shreveport, La., March 29, 1864, reported in

camp for exchange at Vienna, La., before April 1, 1864. Roll of Prisoners of War, C. S. A.,

Paroled Monroe, La., June 12, 1865. Res. Union Par., La.

Smith, James, Pvt. 1st Co. Battn. Wash. Arty. La. En. Oct. 24, 1861, New Orleans, La. Present on

all Rolls to Feb., 1865. Born New York, occupation pilot. Res. New Orleans, La., age when

enlisted 26, single.

Smith, James, Pvt. Capt. Castellanos Batty. La. Arty. Roll May and June, 1862 (only Roll on

file), En. _. Dropped from the Roll since last muster, missing at departure from New Orleans,

La., Feb. 5, 1862.

Smith, James, _ Capt. McPherson's Batty. (Orleans Howitzers) La. Mil. Reported dated New

Orleans, La., Nov. 21, 1861.

Smith, James, Pvt. Co. A, 4th Regt. 1st Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into

service of the State of Louisiana.

Smith, James, Pvt. Co. I, 3rd Regt. 1st Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into

service of the State of Louisiana.

Smith, James A., Pvt. Co. B, 2nd La. Inf. En. May 5, 1861, New Orleans, La. Roll to June 30,

1861, Present, mustered at Adjt's. Office, New Orleans, La. (omitted to be placed on Co's. Rolls

filed in New Orleans). Roll July and Aug., 1861, Sick in Williamsburg Hospl. Rolls Sept., 1861,

to June, 1862, Present.

Smith, Jas, A., 3rd Sergt. Co. A, 2nd La. Battn. Hvy. Arty. Rolls of Prisoners of War, C. S. A.,

Paroled Monroe, La., June 8, 1865. Res. Union Par., La.

Smith, James B., Pvt. Corpl. Co. A, 14th (Austin's) Battn. La. Shp. Shooters. En. Nov. 1, 1862,

Knoxville, Tenn. Rolls Nov., 1863, to April 30, 1865, Absent, Prisoner of War, since battle of

Missionary Ridge, Nov. 25, 1863. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Missionary Ridge,

Nov. 25, 1863. Recd. at Military Prison, Louisville, Ky., from Nashville, Tenn., Dec. 8, 1863.

Sent to Rock Island Barracks, Ill., Dec. 11, 1863. Released from Rock Island Barracks, May 28,

1865, under order of May 9, 1865.

Smith, James E., Sergt. Co. E, 1st (Strawbridge's) La. Inf. En. April 16, 1861, New Orleans, La.

Present on Rolls to Aug., 1861. Roll Sept. and Oct., 1861, Present, promoted to 1st Sergt., vice

E. H. Smith, reduced. Roll Nov. and Dec., 1861, Present.

Smith, James E., Pvt. Old Co. G, 4th La. Inf. En. May 25, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on all

Rolls to Feb., 1862.

Smith, James E., Pvt. Co. E, 5th La. Inf. On Roll not dated of Prisoners of War at

Page 617

Fort Delaware, Del., Transfd. to the 3rd Mv. Cav. and sent from this Post Sept. 22, 1863.

Remarks: Gave himself up at Gettysburg, July 6, 1863.

Smith, James E., Pvt. Sergt. Co. F, 9th La. Inf. En. July 7, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on

all Rolls to Dec., 1861. Present or absent not stated on Rolls to July 1, 1862. On List dated

Baltimore, Aug. 1, 1862, of Confed. Prisoners delivered by the Provost Marshal of Winchester,

Va., to the Provost Marshal of Baltimore, Md. Exchanged City Pt., Va., Aug. 5, 1862. Roll to

Nov. 1, 1862, Present or absent not stated. Rolls Nov., 1862, to Oct., 1864, Present. Roll of

Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled Appomattox Court House, Va., April 10, 1865, age 24 years,

eyes blue, hair black, complexion dark, height 5 ft. 10 in. Res. De Soto Par., La. Born Texas,

occupation farmer, single.

Smith, James G., Pvt. Co. H, 12th La. Inf. En. Feb. 27, 1862, Monroe, La. Rolls Nov., 1862, to

April, 1863, Present. Roll May and June, 1863, Absent, wounded at Baker's Creek, May 16, 1863,

sent to Vicksburg. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured and Paroled Vicksburg, Miss.,

July 4, 1863. Rolls Aug., 1863, to Dec., 1863, Absent, wounded at Baker's Creek, captured at

Vicksburg, July 4, 1863. Rolls May, 1864, to Aug., 1864, Absent, wounded and captured July 4,

1863. Vicksburg, Miss., is now in Jackson Par., La.

Smith, James H., Pvt. Co. E, 6th La. Inf. En. June 4, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on all Rolls

to June, 1863. Roll July and Aug., 1863, Absent, wounded at Winchester, June 14, 1863. Federal

Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Gettysburg, Pa., July 3, 1863. On Hospl. Register, Admitted

Sept. 25, 1863, to U. S. A. Gen. Hospl., West's Bldgs., Baltimore, Md. Paroled U. S. A. Gen.

Hospl., West's Bldgs., Baltimore, Md., Sept. 25, 1863, to be Transfd. to City Pt. Exchanged City

Pt., Va., Sept. 27, 1863. Roll to Oct. 31, 1863, Absent, wounded Gettysburg. Furloughed 60 days

from Oct. 6. Roll Nov. and Dec., 1863, Absent, wounded July 3. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1864, Absent,

wounded, in Hospl., at Livingston. Roll March and April, 1864, Absent, wounded from July 3,

Quarantine Camp Gordonsville. Roll May 1 to Aug. 31, 1864, Present. Record copied from Memorial

Hall, New Orleans, La., by the War Dept., Washington, D. C., May, 1903, born New York,

occupation blacksmith, Res. New Orleans, La., age when enlisted 21, single. Deserted at

Gettysburg, and honorably discharged Feb. 25, 1865.

Smith, James H., Pvt. Co. B, 19th La. Inf. En. Dec. 11, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on Roll to

Dec. 31, 1861. Roll May and June, 1862, Present. Roll July and Aug., 1863, Absent, on detached

service at Chattanooga, since Aug. -, 1862. Rolls Oct., 1862, to Feb., 1864, Present. Rolls

Feb., 1865, to April, 1865, Absent, captured on retreat from Nashville, Tenn., Dec. 17, 1864.

Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Nashville, Tenn., Dec. 17, 1864. Forwd. to Military

Prison, Louisville, Ky., Dec. 20, 1864. Transfd. to Camp Douglas, Ill., Dec. -, 1864. Discharged

from Camp Douglas, June 20, 1865, in accordance with Gen. Orders No. 109 A. G. O., Washington,

D. C., June 6, 1865. Res. Bossier Par., La.

Smith, James J., Pvt. Co. D, 28th (Gray's) La. Inf. En. Monroe, La., May 14, 1862. Federal Rolls

of Prisoners of War, Captured Bayou Teche, La., April 14, 1863. Paroled below Port Hudson, La.,

May 11, 1863. Sent to New Orleans, La., to be exchanged. Roll July and Aug., 1863, Prisoner on


Smith, James L., Pvt. Co. C, 25th La. Inf. En. Monterey, La., March 18, 186-. Roll dated April

2, 1862, Present. Roll May and June, 1862, Absent, sick. Roll Nov. and Dec., 1862, dated Jan.

21, 1863, Dropped from the Rolls Nov. 1, 1862.

Smith, James M., Pvt. Cos. A, G, 3rd (Wingfield's) La. Cav. En. May 13, 1862, Camp Moore, La.

Roll dated Oct. 1, 1862, Present or absent not stated, name appears in column of names Recd.

payment. Roll not dated, Present. Roll of Prisoners of War of furloughed and detailed men C. S.

A., Paroled Shreveport, La., June 7, 1865. Res. Shreveport, La.

Smith, James M., Pvt. Co. C, 28th (Gray's) La. Inf. En. Monroe, La., May 10, 186-. Roll July and

Aug., 1863, Absent, sick in Hospl. Roll of Prisoners of War of Pott's Hospl., Canton, Miss., C.

S. A., Paroled Jackson, Miss., May 15, 1865. Res. Leake Co., Miss.

Smith, James M., Pvt. Co. E, 28th (Gray's) La. Inf. En. Monroe, La., May 10, 1862. Roll July and

Aug., 1863, Deserted.

Smith, James R., Pvt. Co. C, 1st La. Cav. En. Aug. 5, 1862, Sparta, Tenn. Present on Rolls to

Dec. 31, 1862. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1863, Absent, sick. Roll March 1 to June 30, 1863, Absent

without leave.

Smith, Jason J., Pvt. Co. A, 28th (Gray's) La. Inf. En. Monroe, La., May 8, 1862. Appears on

Roll for July and Aug., 1863, Without remarks.

Smith, Jed., Pvt. Co. K, 3rd La. Inf. En. May 17, 1861, New Orleans, La. Present on all Rolls to

Oct., 1861. Roll Nov. and Dec., 1861, Honorably discharged for disability, Dec, -, 1861.

Smith, Jed, Pvt. 2nd Fld. Batty. La. Light Arty. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Paroled Port

Hudson, La., July -, 1863.

Smith, Jefferson P., Pvt. Sergt. Co. K, 8th La. Inf. En. June 19, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present

on Rolls to Aug., 1861. Roll Sept. and Oct., 1861, Absent, sick, at Richmond. Rolls Nov., 1861,

to Aug., 1862, Present, Apptd. 2nd Corpl., July 1, 1862. On List not dated of Prisoners of War,

Captured Sept. 14, 1862. Exchanged Aikens Landing, Va., Sept. 27, 1862. Roll Nov. and Dec.,

1862, Present. Roll Sept. and Oct., 1862, Absent, in Camp Lee Richmond, since Sept. 1, 1862.

Rolls Jan., 1863, to May 19, 1863, Present. Roll to Aug. 11, 1863, Killed in Gettysburg, July 1,

1863, Born Pa., occupation painter, Res. Assumption Par., La., age when enlisted 23, single.

Smith, Jeramiah P., Pvt. Co. D, Cons. Cres. Regt. La. Inf. En. Natchitoches, La., May 5, 1862.

Roll Jan. and Feb., 1864, Present. On Return dated Camp Buckner, Alexandria, Dec. 31, 1864, of

Deceased Soldiers, Killed at the battle of Mansfield, April 8, 1864.

Smith, Jerry P., Pvt. Co. G, 11th Battn. La. Inf. En. May 6, 1862, Natchitoches, La. Present on

Rolls to Oct., 1862. Roll Nov., 1862, to Feb., 1863, Absent on sick furlough from Nov. 12, 1862,

for 30 days, returned as soon as able. Roll March and April, 1863, Present.

Smith, Joe, Pvt. Co. C, 13th La. Inf. Roll dated Camp Moore, La., Sept. 11, 1861 (only Roll on

file), En. Sept. 11, 1861, Camp Moore, La.

Smith, John, Pvt. Co. A, Hampton's Texas Cav. Rolls Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled

Washington, La., June 19, 1865. Res. St. Landry Par., La.

Smith, John, Pvt. Co. -, Ogden's La. Cav. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured near Port

Hudson, La., March 26, 1864. Recd. New Orleans, La., _, 1864.

Smith, John, _ Co. 2nd La. Cav. On Roll not dated of Prisoners of War, Captured by the 19th Army

Corps, and U. S. Forces. Carrion Crow Bayou, Oct. 17, 1863. Remarks: True name unknown, caught

(called us damned Yankees) sent to the rear.

Smith, John, _ Co. -, Reserve Corps La. Roll of Prisoners of War of detachment of different

commands C. S. A., Paroled Alexandria,

Page 618

La., June 9, 1865. Res. Rapides Par., La.

Smith, John, Pvt. Co. H, Cres. Regt. La. Inf. En. Camp Pratt, Sept. 8, 1862. Rolls from Nov.,

1862, to Feb., 1863, Present. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Port Hudson, La.,

April 14, 1863. Sent to New Orleans, La., to be exchanged. Rolls from May, 1863, to Aug., 1863,

Absent, taken prisoner April 14, 1863.

Smith, John, Pvt. Co. F, 11th Battn. La. Inf. En. June 20, 1862, Harrisonburg, La. Present on

all Rolls to Oct., 1862. Also on Rolls of Co. K, Cons. Cres. Regt. La. Inf. Pvt. Co. K. Roll

Jan. and Feb., 1864 (only Roll on file), Present.

Smith, John, Pvt. Co. A, 1st La. Inf. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured near Benton,

Ga., June 30, 1864. Recd. Louisville, Ky., July 17, 1864.

Smith, John, Pvt. Co. B, 1st (Nelligan's) La. Inf. En. Aug. 2, 1861, New Orleans, La. Present on

all Rolls to Sept. 1, 1862. Rolls Nov., 1862, to Nov. 1, 1863, Absent, sick. Roll Nov. and Dec.,

1863, dated Jan. 16, 1863, Dead or Deserter. Record copied from Memorial Hall, New Orleans, La.,

by the War Dept., Washington, D. C., May, 1903, born New Orleans, La., occupation farmer. Res.

Alexandria, La., age when enlisted 30, single. Died from disease, Nov. -, 1862, Winchester, Va.

Smith, John, Pvt. Co. D, 1st (Strawbridge's) La. Inf. En. March 27, 1861, New Orleans, La.

Present on all Rolls to Aug. 31, 1862. Roll Sept. and Oct., 1862, Deserted on march from

Harrodsburg to Knoxville, Oct. 12, 1862.

Smith, John, Pvt. Co. E, 1st La. Inf. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Fort Jackson,

May -, 1862. On List dated Hdqrs., U. S. Forces, Lafourche Dist., Thibodaux, La., Feb. 23, 1863,

of Paroled Prisoners in Lafourche Dist. Remarks: Has not taken the Oath. On List not dated of

Confed. Prisoners in Lafourche Par., La., Paroled and unexchanged. Remarks: Has not taken the


Smith, John, Pvt. Co. I, 1st La. Inf. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Perryville,

Ky., Oct. 9, 1862. Recd. Fort Mc-Henry, Md., Feb. 11, 1863, from City Pt., Va. Transfd. to

Fortress Monroe, Va., and exchanged Feb. 15, 1863.

Smith, John, Pvt. Cos. E, F, 1st (Strawbridge's) La. Inf. En. April 10, 1861, New Orleans, La.

Present on all Rolls to April 30, 1863. Rolls Aug. 31, 1863, to Feb., 1864, Absent, sick in Gen.

Hospl. Roll March and April, 1864, Died in Hospl., Atlanta, Ga., April 5, 1864. Roll Aug. 31,

1864, to Feb. 28, 1865, Absent, sick in Hospl.

Smith, John, Pvt. Co. B, 1st Spec. Battn. (Wheat's) La. Inf. En. April 25, 1861, New Orleans,

La. Rolls June, 1861, to Oct., 1861, Absent without leave since July 24.

Smith, John, Pvt. New Co. D, 1st Spec. Battn. La. Inf. (Wheat's). En. June 9, 1861, Camp Moore,

La. Present on all Rolls to Dec., 1861.

Smith, John, Pvt. Co. E, 4th La. Inf. Regtl. Return Jan., 1862, On furlough, sick.

Smith, John, Pvt. Co. F, 4th La. Inf. En. Feb. 22, 1862, Berwick Bay. Present on all Rolls to

Dec., 1863. On Register of 1st Miss., C. S. A., Hospl., Jackson, Miss., Admitted Aug. 15, 1864.

Transfd. Oct. 13, 1864 to _. Roll Aug. 31, 1864, to Feb. 28, 1865, Absent, Prisoner of War since

Dec. 17, 1864. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Dec. 17, 1864, near Franklin, Tenn.

Recd. Military Prison, Louisville, Ky., from Nashville, Tenn., Dec. 20, 1864. Forwd. to Camp

Douglas, Ill., Dec. 22, 1864. Discharged from Camp Douglas, Ill., June 20, 1865, in accordance

with General Orders No. 109, A. G. O., Washington, D. C., June 6, 1865.

Smith, John, Pvt. Co. G, 5th La. Inf. En. May 20, 1861, Tangipahoa, La. Present on all Rolls to

Aug., 1862. Rolls Sept., 1862, to Aug., 1863, Absent, wounded at Sharpsburg, Sept. 17, 1862.

Roll Sept. and Oct., 1863, Died of wounds received at Sharpsburg, Sept. 17, 1862. Born Germany,

occupation laborer, age when enlisted 32, single.

Smith, John, Pvt. Co. F, 6th La. Inf. En. June 4, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on Rolls to

Aug., 1861, Roll Sept. and Oct., 1861, Detailed as a butcher, Sept. 20, 1861. Roll May and June,

1862, dated Nov. 27, 1862, Killed at battle of Port Republic, June 9, 1862. Born Ireland,

occupation butcher. Res. New Orleans, La., age when enlisted 39, married.

Smith, John, Pvt. Co. G, 6th La. Inf. En. _. Roll Sept. and Oct., 1862, Present, received into

Co., Sept. 7, 1862, formerly of Capt. Miller's Co., Wheats Battn. Roll Nov., 1862, to Feb.,

1863, Present. Roll March and April, 1863, Died April 30, 1863, of wounds Recd. at Battle House,

April 27, 1863. Born Baden, occupation laborer, Res. New Orleans, La., single.

Smith, John, Pvt. Co. G, 7th La. Inf. En. June 7, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on Rolls to

Aug., 1861. Rolls Sept., 1861, to Feb., 1862, Present.

Smith, John, Pvt. Co. H, 7th La. Inf. En. March 2, 1862, Rappahannock, Va. Rolls March, 1863, to

Aug., 1863, Absent, wounded at Fredrickburg, May 4, 1863. Rolls Sept., 1863, to Feb., 1864,

Transfd. to C. S. Navy.

Smith, John, Pvt. Co. I, 7th La. Inf. En. June 7, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present or absent not

stated on Rolls to Aug., 1861. Rolls Sept., 1861, to Feb., 1862, Present. Record copied from

Memorial Hall, New Orleans, La., by the War Dept., Washington, D. C., May, 1903, Born Ohio,

occupation laborer. Res. New Orleans, La., age when enlisted 24, single, died May -, 1862.

Smith, John, Pvt. Co. D, 8th La. Inf. En. June 19. 1861, Camp Moore, La. Record copied from

Memorial Hall, New Orleans, La., by the War Dept., Washington, D. C., June, 1903, Never came

with Co. to Va.

Smith, John, Pvt. Co. A, 9th La. Inf. En. July 7, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Roll to Aug. 31, 1861,

Absent, left sick at Richmond with measles. Roll Sept. and Oct., 1861, Present. Roll Nov. and

Dec., 1861, Absent, sick. Roll dated Feb. 11, 1862, Present or absent not stated. Record copied

from Memorial Hall, New Orleans, La., by the War Dept., Washington, D. C., June, 1903,

occupation farmer, Res. Homer, La., age when enlisted 18, single, died at Culpepper, Va., July

-, 1862.

Smith, John, Pvt. Cos. B, D, 9th La. Inf. On List dated July 2, 1861, attached to a bill for

transportation of Officers and Men of the Stafford Grds., from Alexandria to New Orleans, La.,

En. July 7, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on all Rolls to Dec., 1861. Roll March 1 to June 30,

1862, Present or absent not stated. Rolls July, 1862, to Oct., 1863, Present. Roll April 30 to

Aug. 31, 1864, dated Nov. 2, 1864, Absent, captured May 12, 1864. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of

War, Captured Spottsylvania, C. H., May 12, 1864. Forwd. to Pt. Lookout, Md., from Belle Plains,

Va., May 18, 1864. Transfd. to Elmira, N. Y., Aug. 17. 1864, Paroled Elmira, N. Y., March 10,

1865, sent to James River for exchange. Exchanged Boulwares Wharf, James River, Va., March 15,

1865. Born Ireland, occupation gardener, Res. Alexandria, La., age when enlisted 23, single.

Smith, John, Pvt. Co. C, 10th La. Inf. En. July 22, 1861, _ Camp Moore, La. Roll to Aug. 31,

1861, Discharged in Richmond, Aug. 10, 1861. Born Ireland, occupation laborer, Res.

Donaldsonville, La., age when enlisted 22, single.

Page 619

Smith, John, Pvt. Cos. B and E, 10th La. Inf. En. July 22, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present

on all Rolls to Feb., 1862. Roll Dec. 31, 1863 to March 1, 1864, Absent, wounded, Malvern Hill,

still unfit for duty, at home, Richmond. Roll Sept. and Oct., 1864, Present. Federal Rolls of

Prisoners of War, Captured Wilderness, Va. Forwd. to Pt. Lookout, Md., from Belle Plains, Va.,

May 18, 1864. Released from Pt. Lookout, Md., May 23, 1864, joined U. S. Service (Army) May 25,


Smith, John, Pvt. Co. D, 13th La. Inf. Roll dated Camp Moore, La., Sept. 11, 1861 (only Roll on

which borne), En. Aug. 19, 1861, New Orleans, La., for the War.

Smith, John, Pvt. Co. C, 15th La. Inf. En. July 2, 1861, New Orleans, La. Roll March and April,

1862, Died at Luenburg Hospl. Va., March 9, 1862, occupation brick layer, single.

Smith, John, Pvt. 16th _ Co. A. Federal Rolls Prisoners of War, Captured near Murfreesboro, Va.,

Jan. 5, 1863. Forwd. to City Pt., Va., for exchange, April 6, 1863, from Camp Morton, Ind.

Smith, John, Pvt. Co. F, 21st (Kennedy's) La. Inf. Roll Aug. 12 to Oct. 31, 1861 (only Roll on

which borne), En. New Orleans, La., Aug. 12, 1861. Remarks: Deserted Aug. 17, 1861, at New

Orleans, La.

Smith, John, Pvt. Co. D, 21st (Patton's) La. Inf. En. New Orleans, La., June 18, 1861. Rolls

from Nov., 1861, to Feb., 1862, Present. Roll March and April, 1862, Deserted at Milneburg, La.,

April 26, 1862.

Smith, John, Pvt. Marks Co. 22nd and 23rd La. Inf. En. New Orleans, La., Oct. 22, 1861. Rolls

from Oct. 31, 1861, to Feb., 1862, Present.

Smith, John, Pvt. Co. A, 22nd and 23rd La. Inf. En. Camp Lewis, Dec. 5, 1861. Rolls from Dec.

31, 1861, to Feb., 1862, Present.

Smith, John, Pvt. Co. C, 25th La. Inf. En. Monterey, La., March 18, 1862. Roll dated April 2,

1862, Present. Roll May and June, 1862, Retd. to duty July 1, Rolls Dec., 1862, to Feb., 1863,

Absent, wounded in action before Murfreesboro, Tenn., Dec. 31, 1862. Federal Rolls of Prisoners

of War, Captured Murfreesboro, Tenn., Jan. 5, 1863. Sent to Camp Morton, Ind., March 1, 1863.

Forwd. to City Pt., Va., for exchange. Exchanged April 12, 1863. Rolls April, 1864, to Feb.,

1865, Absent, sick, order Dr. Bass, since April 13, 1864. Roll March and April. 1865, Absent,

Captured Spanish Fort, April 8, 1865. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Spanish Fort,

Ala., April 8, 1865. Recd. Ship Island, Miss., April 10, 1865. Transfd. to Vicksburg, Miss., May

1, 1865. Paroled Camp Townsend, May 6, 1865.

Smith, John, Pvt. Co. E, 28th La. Inf. Rolls Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled Alexandria,

La., June 15, 1865. Res. Winn Par., La.

Smith, John, Pvt. Co. A, 30th La. Inf. En. Algiers, La., Feb. 23, 186-. Roll March and April,

1862, Present. Roll to Aug. 31, 1862, Discharged for disability.

Smith, John, Pvt. Co. K, 31st La. Inf. En. Monroe, La., April 14, 1862. Roll Jan. and Feb.,

1863, Present. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured and Paroled Vicksburg. Miss., July 4,

1863. On List dated Hdqrs., Allen's Brig., Shreveport, La., March 29, 1864, reported in camp for

exchange at Vienna, La., before April 1, 1864. Roll of Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled

Monroe, La., June 9, 1865. Res. Ouachita Par., La.

Smith, John, Pvt. Capt. Castellanos Batty. La. Arty. Roll May and June, 1862 (only Roll on

file), En. _. Dropped from Roll since last muster, missing at departure from New Orleans, La.,

Feb. 5, 1862.

Smith, John, Pvt. Capt. Kean's Batty. (Orleans Indpt. Arty.) La. Arty. En. April 8, 1861, New

Orleans, La. Present or absent not stated on Rolls to Aug., 1861. Roll Sept. and Oct., 1861,


Smith, John, Pvt. Corpl. Co. D, 1st La. Hvy. Arty. (Regulars). En. Oct. 20, 1862, _, La. Present

on all Rolls to Feb., 1863. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured and Paroled Vicksburg,

Miss., July 4, 1863. Rolls Oct. 31, 1863, to Dec., 1863, Absent, Paroled without leave, since

fall of Vicksburg, went to La. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1864, Deserted at Vicksburg, after the fall

of the City. went to West, La.

Smith, John, Musician, Co. F, 1st La. Hvy. Arty. (Regulars). En. March 9, 1861, New Orleans, La.

Present on all Rolls to Feb., 1862.

Smith, John, 1st Mate Queen of the West. Federal Rolls Prisoners of War, Captured Grand Isle,

La., April 14, 1863. Paroled below Port Hudson, La., May 11, 1863.

Smith, John, Pvt. Hamilton's Co. British Grd. Battn. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into

service of the State of La., within the limits of the city and fortifications of New Orleans.

Smith, John, Pvt. Co. H, Miles Legion La. Roll to June 30, 1862 (only Roll on which borne), En.

New Orleans, La., April 3, 186-. Remarks: Deserted in the city of New Orleans about and before

its evacuation.

Smith, John, Pvt. Capt. Mooney's Co. (Saddlers Grds.) La. Mil. On Roll dated Dec. 2, 1861, for

active service within the State.

Smith, John, _ Co. H, 1st Regt. 3rd Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll dated March 5, 1862, ordered

into service of the State of Louisiana.

Smith, John, _ 2nd Regt. 3rd Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On List dated April 9, 1862, towards the

formation of the Sanatary Corps.

Smith, John, Sergt. Co. B, 3rd Regt. 1st Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into

service of the State of Louisiana.

Smith, John, Pvt. Co. C, 3rd Regt. 1st Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into

service of the State of Louisiana.

Smith, John, Pvt. Co. D, 3rd Regt. 1st Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into

service of the State of Louisiana.

Smith, John, Pvt. Co. I, 3rd Regt. 1st Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll not dated. ordered into

service of the State of Louisiana.

Smith, John, Pvt. Co. D. 4th Regt. 1st Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into

service of the State of Louisiana.

Smith, John A., Pvt. Co. B, 11th La. Inf. En. Aug. 18, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on Roll to

Oct. 31, 1861.

Smith, John A., Pvt. Co. A, 11th Battn. La. Inf. En. May 3, 1862, Mansfield. Present on all

Rolls to April, 1863.

Smith, John A., Pvt. Co. A, 14th (Austin's) Battn. La. Shp. Shooters. En. Aug. 19, 1861, Camp

Moore, La. Rolls July, 1862, to April, 1863, Present.

Smith, John A., Sergt. Co. A, 2nd Battn. La. Hvy. Arty. Roll of Prisoners of War, C. S. A.,

Paroled Monroe, La., June 8, 1865. Res. Union Par., La.

Smith, John A. B., Corpl. Pvt. Co. C, 6th La. Inf. En. May 28, 1861, New Orleans, La. Roll July

and Aug., 1861, Present, promoted 2nd Corpl. July 10, 1862, at Fairfax Station, Va. Roll Sept.

and Oct., 1861, Absent, detached as Teamster. Rolls May, 1862, to Oct., 1862, Absent, sick, in

Hospl. Roll Nov. and Dec., 1862, Deserted. Born Georgia, occupation farmer, Res. St. Landry,

La., single.

Smith, John B., Pvt. Co. C, 13th Battn. La. (Partisan Rangers). En. Dec. 1, 1862, Providence.

Roll Jan. 1 to April 30, 1863, Absent, sick. On List dated Provost Marshal's Office, Port

Hudson, La., April 17, 1864, of Prisoners and Refugees Forwd. to Brig. Gen. Bowen, Provost

Marshal Gen., Dept. of the Gulf, from Pt. Hudson. On List dated New

Page 620

Orleans, La., April 21, 1864, of Deserters from Confed. Army sent down from Red River. Name

appears as signature to an Oath of Allegiance subscribed and sworn to at New Orleans, La., April

25, 1864. Res. Ouachita Par., La., complexion fair, hair brown, eyes blue, height 5 ft. 7 in.

Remarks: Deserted Regt. at Harrisonburg, March 17, 1864.

Smith, John B., Pvt. Co. C, 2nd Battn. La. Hvy. Arty. Roll of Prisoners of War, C. S. A.,


Natchitoches, La., June 8, 1865. Res. Alexandria, La.

Smith, John Barker, Pvt. Co. F, 28th (Gray's) La. Inf. En. Vernon, La., May 5, 1862. Roll Jan.

and Feb., 1863. Present. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured at Bayou Teche, La., April

14, 1863. Paroled below Port Hudson, La., May 11, 1863. Roll July and Aug., 1863, Prisoner and


Smith, John C., Pvt. Co. I, 1st (Strawbridge's) La. Inf. En. May 10, 1861, New Orleans, La. Roll

to June 30. 1861, On extra duty as Carpenter building bridges Big Bayou, June 11, 1861. Rolls

July, 1861, to April 30, 1862, Present.

Smith, John D., Pvt. Co. I, 8th La. Inf. En. May 26, 1861, New Orleans, La. Present on Rolls to

Oct., 1861. Roll Nov. and Dec., 1861, Died Dec. 16 at Hospl. in Richmond, Va.

Smith, John E., Pvt. Co. D, Wells' Tex. Cav. Rolls of Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled at _,

June _, 1865. Res. Panola Co., Tex.

Smith, John E., Corpl. Robinson's Co. 1st La. Cav. En. Jan. 23, 1862, New Orleans, La. Rolls

May, 1862, to Dec. 31, 1862, Present. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1863, Absent on furlough. Roll March 1

to June 30, 1863, Present. Roll of Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled Gainesville, Ala., May

12, 1865. Res. New Orleans, La.

Smith, John E., Pvt. Co. A, 1st Spec. Battn. (Rightor's) La. Inf. En. April 15, 1861, New

Orleans, La. Present on Rolls to Aug., 1861. Regtl. Return Jan., 1862, Discharged from service

Camp Rightor, Jan. 2, 1862.

Smith, John E., Pvt. Co. D, 28th (Gray's) La. Inf. Roll dated May 15, 1862 (only Roll on which

borne), En. Monroe, La., May 11, 186-.

Smith, John E., Pvt. Co. E, 28th (Gray's) La. Inf. En. Monroe, La., May 10, 1862. Roll July and

Aug., 1863, Deserted. Roll of Prisoners of War of detachments of different commands, C. S. A.,

Paroled Alexandria, La., June 15-16, 1865. Res. Winn Par., La.

Smith, Jno. F., Pvt. Beauregard Batty. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Salisbury, N.

C., April 12, 1865. Recd. Louisville, Ky., from Nashville, Tenn., May 5, 1865. Transfd. to Camp

Chase, Ohio, May 2, 1865 (as on Federal Boll).

Smith, John F., Pvt. Sergt. Co. F, 2nd La. Cav. En. June 18, 1862, Bienville, La. Rolls Jan.,

1863, to Aug., 1863, Present. Roll of Prisoners of War of detachments of different commands, C.

S. A., Paroled Natchitoches, La., June 15, 1865. Res. Bienville Par., La.

Smith, John F., Corpl. Co. H, 1st La. Hvy. Arty. (Regulars). En. May 28, 1861, New Orleans, La.

Roll July 6 to Aug. 31, 1861, Present. Apptd. Corpl., Aug. 16, 1861. Rolls Sept., 1861, to Feb.,

1862, Present.

Smith, John G., Pvt. Hopkins' Cav. Rolls of Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled Alexandria, La.,

June 5, 1865. Res. New Orleans, La.

Smith, John G., Pvt. Co. -, 15th Battn. Sharp Shooters (Weatherly's) La. En. _. Federal Rolls of

Prisoners of War, Captured Lick Creek, Ark., April 27, 1863. Recd. at Military Prison, Alton,

Ill., May 7, 1863. Exchanged City Pt., Va., June 12, 1863.

Smith, John Godbold, Pvt. Co. D, 19th La. Inf. En. Dec. 11, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on

Rolls to Dec. 31, 1861. Rolls May, 1862, to Aug., 1862, Absent on sick furlough, sent from

Hospl., Jackson, furlough unlimited. Rolls Jan., 1863, to Oct., 1863, Present. Roll Nov. and

Dec., 1863, Absent. supposed to have been killed Missionary Ridge, Nov. 25, 1863. Rolls Jan.,

1864, to April, 1865, Absent, missing since Battle of Missionary Ridge, Nov. 25, 1863, taken

prisoner. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Missionary Ridge, Nov. 25, 1863. Forwd. to

Military Prison, Louisville, Ky., from Nashville, Tenn., Dec. 5, 1863. Sent to Rock Island

Barracks, Ill., Dec. 9, 1863. Transfd. Feb. 15, 1865, for exchange. On Register of Prisoners of

War, Surrendered Citronelle, Ala., May 4. 1865. Paroled May 30, 1865, Mobile, Ala. Res.

Natchitoches, La., height 6 ft. - in., age 22 years, complexion dark, eyes dark, hair dark.

Smith, John H., Pvt. Co. E, 28th (Gray's) La. Inf. Roll July and Aug., 1863 (only Roll on which

borne), En. Monroe, La., May 10, 1862. Remarks: Paroled prisoner.

Smith, John H., Pvt. Co. C, 31st La. La. En. Delhi, La., April 21, 186-. Roll Jan. and Feb.,

1863, Present. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War. Captured and paroled Vicksburg, Miss., July 4,

1863. On List dated Hdqrs. Allen's Brigade, Shreveport, La., March 29, 1864, Reported in camp

for exchange at Vienna, La., before April 1, 1864.

Smith, John H., Sergt. 5th Co. Battn. Washington Arty. La. En. March 6, 1862, New Orleans, La.

Roll to April 30, 1862, Absent on outpost duty. Rolls May, 1862, to June, 1863, Present. Roll

July 1 to Oct. 31, 1863, Absent, sick, Descriptive Roll furnished. Rolls Nov., 1863, to April,

1865, Present. Roll of Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled at Meridian, Miss., May 10, 1865.

Res. New Orleans, La.

Smith, John H., Pvt. Co. I, 1st La. Hvy. Arty. (Regulars). Roll March and April, 1865 (only Roll

on which borne), En. Jan. 25, 1865, Cahaba. Remarks: Absent in arrest since March 26, 1865.

Smith, John H., Pvt. Co. B, 3rd Regt. 1st Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered

into the service of the State of Louisiana.

Smith, John J., Pvt. Co. D. 6th La. Inf. En. June 4, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Roll July and Aug.,

1861, Absent at Hospl., Warrenton, Va. Roll Sept. and Oct., 1861, Present. Roll May and June,

1862, Absent without leave. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Woodstock, June 26,

1862. Exchanged Aikens Landing, Aug. 5, 1862. Roll July and Aug., 1862, Deserted. Born

Pennsylvania, occupation laborer, Res. St. Joseph, La., age when enlisted 21, single.

Smith, John J., Sergt. 3rd Lt. Co. A, 20th La. Inf. En. Dec. 21, 1861, Camp Lewis. Present on

Roll to Dec. 31, 1861. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1862, Present or absent not stated. Roll March and

April, 1862, Absent with leave, sick. Roll May and June, 1862, Present. Roll July 1 to Sept. 30,

1862, Elected Jr. 2nd Lt., Aug. 25, 1862. Rolls Dec. 31. 1862, to Feb., 1863, Killed in action

at Murfreesboro, Dec. 31, 1862.

Smith, John J., Pvt. Co. C, 25th La. Inf. En. Monterey, La., March 18, 186-. Roll dated April 2,

1862, Present. Roll May and June, 1862, Present, detailed as Nurse for Hospl., in camp. On

Receipt dated Nov. 15, 1862, given by Maj. F. W. Hoadley, C. S. A., Acting Agent for Exchange,

to Capt. E. Morgan Wood, Agent for the U. S., for Prisoners of War received near Vicksburg,

Miss., on board Steamer Maria Denning, Nov. 15, 1862. Roll to Dec., 1862, Absent, left sick on

Wild Cat Mountain in Kentucky. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1863, Absent at home in Concordia Par., La.,

in sick furlough since

Page 621

Dec. 12, _, by order Post Surgeon at Canton, Miss.

Smith, John J., Pvt. Co. I, 26th La. Inf. En. Thibodaux, La., March 15, 1862. Roll Sept. and

Oct., 1862, Present. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured and paroled at Vicksburg,

Miss., July 4, 1863. On List dated Parole Camp, Enterprise, Miss., Nov. 8, 1863. Forwd. to

Richmond for exchange Nov, 10, 1863. Roll to Dec. 31, 1863, Absent without leave since Dec. 18,


Smith, John L., Pvt. Co. K, 3rd Regt. 1st Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered

into the service of the State of Louisiana.

Smith, John M., Pvt. Sergt. Co. H, 5th La. Inf. En. June 4, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present or

absent not stated on Rolls to Oct., 1861. Roll Nov. and Dec., 1861, Present. Roll Jan. and Feb.,

1862, Present, promoted from Pvt. to 1st Corpl., Feb. 10, 1862. Roll July and Aug., 1862,

Present. Roll Sept. and Oct., 1862, Killed at Sharpsburg, Sept. 17, 1862.

Smith, John M., Pvt. Co. I, 28th (Gray's) La. Inf. En. Monroe, La., Aug. 7, 1862. Federal Rolls

of Prisoners of War, Captured Bayou Teche, La., April 14, 1863. Paroled below Port Hudson, La.,

May 11, 1863. Sent to New Orleans, La., to be exchanged. Roll July and Aug., 1863, Taken

Prisoner by the enemy, April 14, 1863, and paroled. Roll of Prisoners of War of furloughed and

detailed men, C. S. A., Paroled Shreveport, La., June 7. 1865. Roll of Prisoners of War of

divers companies and regiments unattached, C. S. A., Paroled Monroe, La., June 15, 1865. Res.

Jackson Par., La.

Smith, John M., Pvt. 5th Co. Battn. Washington Arty. La.

Smith, John M., Pvt. Co. D, 1st Ala. Arty. Rolls of Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled at

Meridian, Miss., May 10, 1865. Res. Choctaw Co., Ala.

Smith, John P., Pvt. Co. A, Cons. Cres. Regt. La. Inf. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1864 (only Roll on

which borne), En. New Orleans, La., March 10, 1862. Remarks: Discharged at Alexandria. La., by

order of Maj. Gen. Taylor, Feb. 16, 1864. Discharge and final statement given.

Smith, John P., Pvt. Cos. G, E, 13th and 20th La. Inf. Also borne on Rolls of New Co. B, 20th

La. Inf., Pvt., as Smith, John. En. July 18, 1861, New Orleans, La. Present on all Rolls to

April, 1863. Rolls Oct., 1863, to Aug. 31, 1864, Absent, Prisoner of War, captured Battle of

Chickamauga, Sept. 20, 1863. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, captured Chickamauga, Ga., Sept.

20, 1863. Recd. Military Prison, Louisville, Ky., Oct. 1, 1863. Forwd. to Camp Douglas, Ill.,

Oct. 2, 1863. Released from Camp Douglas, Ill., Dec. _, 1863. Entered into U. S. Navy.

Smith, John P., Pvt. Sergt. Co. B, 16th Battn. La. Inf. (Confed. Grds. Response Battn.) La. Inf.

En. March 10, 1862, New Orleans, La. On List not dated, wounded at Shiloh, April 6-7, 1862. Roll

to April 30, 1862, Present, promoted to 3rd Sergt. April 25, 1862. Rolls June 30, 1862, to Dec.,

1862, Absent, sick, in Hospl., Jackson, Miss. Rolls Jan., 1863, to Aug., 1863, Present.

Smith, John P., Pvt. Co. C, 21st (Kennedy's) La. Inf. Roll July 18 to Oct. 31, 1861 (only Roll

on which borne), En. New Orleans, La., July 18, 1861. Remarks: Present.

Smith, John R.,Volunteer, Aid, no commission. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, taken at Fts.

St. Phillip and Jackson, La., April 28, 1862.

Smith, John T., Pvt. Co. G, 8th La. Inf. On List not dated of Minden Blues who came down on

Steamer Eleanor, from Adkins Landing, Red River, to New Orleans, La. Arrived June 14, 1861. En.

June 23, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Rolls July, 1861, to Oct., 1861, Absent, sick, at Culpepper. Roll

Nov. and Dec., 1861, Present. Record copied from Memorial Hall, New Orleans, La., by the War

Dept., Washington, D. C., June, 1903, born Georgia, occupation merchant, Res. Minden, La.,

single. Died Jan. _, 1862.

Smith, John W., Pvt. Co. D, 13th Battn. La. (Partisan Rangers). En. Aug. 12, 1862, Monroe, La.

Rolls Nov., 1862, to April 30, 1863, Absent, sick.

Smith, John W., Pvt. Co. C, 1st La. Cav.

Smith, John W., Pvt. Co. H, 27th La. Inf. En. Camp Moore, May 15, 1862. Rolls from May, 1862, to

Oct. 31, 1862, Present. Roll Nov. and Dec., 1862, Deserted at Camp McIntosh, Dec. 12, 1862.

Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured and paroled at Vicksburg, Miss., July 4, 1863.

Smith, Jones P., 1st Sergt. Capt. A. C. S. Co. L, Field and Staff, 12th La. Inf. En. Aug. 13,

1861, Camp Moore, La. Roll to Oct. 31, 1861, Present, promoted to Qr. Master Sergt. Aug. 27,

1861. Rolls Nov., 1862, to Aug., 1863, Present.

Smith, Joseph, Pvt. Co. H, 6th Ark. Cav. Rolls Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled _, June _,

1865. Res. Phillips Co., Ark.

Smith, Joseph, Pvt. Co. H, Cres. Regt. La. Inf. En. Camp Pratt, Oct. 4, 1862. Rolls from Nov.,

1862, to Feb., 1863, Present. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Bayou Teche, La.,

April 14, 1863. Paroled below Port Hudson, La., May 11, 1863. Sent to New Orleans, La., to be

exchanged. Rolls from June, 1863, to Aug., 1863, Absent, taken Prisoner April 14, 1863.

Smith, Joseph, Pvt. Wade's Batty. Rolls of Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled Monroe, La., June

17, 1865. Res. Natchez, Miss.

Smith, Joseph, Pvt. Co. G, 1st La. Inf. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured (gave

himself up to picket), May 14, 1864. Recd. Memphis, Tenn., May 17, 1864. Released from Memphis,

Tenn., Amnesty Oath, May 28, 1864. Res. Chicago, Ill., complexion dark, hair dark, eyes hazel,

height 5 ft. 5 in., age 47 years.

Smith, Joseph, Pvt. Cos. H, G, 1st (Strawbridge's) La. Inf. En. April 25, 1861, New Orleans, La.

Present on all Rolls to April, 1864. Roll Aug. 31, 1864, to Feb. 28, 1865, Discharged May 1,

1864, for reason of being over age.

Smith, Joseph, Pvt. Co. E, 3rd La. Inf. En. May 17, 1861, New Orleans, La. Present on Roll for

Nov. and Dec., 1861.

Smith, Joseph, Pvt. Co. E, 7th La. Inf. En. June 7, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on all Rolls

to Dec., 1861. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1862, Detached, Bridge Builder. Roll to June 30, 1862,

Present, with remarks: Captured Strausburg, June 2, 1862. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War,

Captured _, 1862. Exchanged Aikens Landing, Va., Aug. 5, 1862. Rolls Jan., 1863, to Feb., 1864,

Present. Roll April 30, 1864, to Aug. 31, 1864, dated Nov. 2, 1864, Absent, wounded at

Wilderness, Va. Reported dead. Born Pennsylvania, occupation carpenter, Res. New Orleans, La.,

age when enlisted 30, single.

Smith, Joseph, Pvt. Co. C, 8th La. Inf. En. June 19, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Roll July and Aug.,

1861, Present. Roll Sept. and Oct., 1861, Present, promoted from 2nd Corpl. to 1st Corpl., Sept.

1, 1861. Roll Nov. and Dec., 1861, Present. Apptd. Sergt. from Corpl., Dec. _, 1861. Roll Dec.

31, 1861, to April 30, 1862, Present. Rolls June 30, 1862, to Aug., 1862, Absent, sick. Roll

Sept. and Oct., 1862, Deserted. On Roll dated Fort Mifflin, Pa., April 30, 1864, of Prisoners of

War who escaped Oct. 2.

Smith, Joseph, Corpl. Sergt. Co. D, 8th La. Inf. Record copied from Memorial Hall, New Orleans,

La., by the War Dept., Washington, D. C., June, 1903, En. June 19, 1861. Camp Moore, La., for

the War. Born Ireland,

Page 622

occupation laborer, Res. New Orleans, La., age when enlisted 30, married. Deserted in summer of

1862; joined Navy.

Smith, Joseph, Pvt. Co. B, 21st (Kennedy's) La. Inf. Roll July 15 to Oct. 31, 1861 (only Roll on

which borne), En. New Orleans, La., July 15, 1861. Remarks: Deserted July 20, 1861.

Smith, Joseph, Pvt. Jones' Co. 22nd and 23rd La. Inf. On Roll dated Fort Jackson, La., March 29,

1862 (only Roll on which borne), En. New Orleans, La., March 6, 1862. Remarks: Present.

Smith, Joseph, Pvt. Co. F, 27th La. Inf. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured and paroled

at Vicksburg, Miss., July 4, 1863. Roll of Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled Natchitoches,

La., June 10, 1865. Res. Winn Par., La.

Smith, Joseph, Pvt. Co. F, 27th La. Inf. En. Camp Moore, La., April 4, 1862. Rolls from May 1,

1862, to Dec., 1862. Present. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured and paroled at

Vicksburg, Miss., July 4, 1863. On List dated Hdqrs. 27th Regt. La. Vols., Shreveport, La.,

April 1, 1864, Reported for exchange at Shreveport, La. Roll of Prisoners of War, C. S. A.,

Paroled at Monroe, La., or Natchitoches, La., June 12, 1865. Res. Winn Par., La.

Smith, Joseph, Pvt. Co. A, 28th (Thomas') La. Inf. En. Opelousas, La., April 6, 1862. Rolls from

Aug. 31, 1862, to Feb. 28, 1863, Present. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured and

paroled at Vicksburg, Miss., July 4, 1863. Roll of Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled

Washington, La., June 22, 1865. Res. St. Landry Par., La.

Smith, Joseph, Pvt. Co. K, 4th Reget. 1st Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered

into the service of the State of Louisiana.

Smith, Joseph C., Pvt. Co. K, 8th La. Inf. En. June 19, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on all

Rolls to Dec., 1861. Roll July and Aug., 1862, Died _ (illegible). Record copied from Memorial

Hall, New Orleans, La., by the War Dept., Washington, D. C., June, 1903, born Louisiana,

occupation carpenter, Res. Donelson, age when enlisted 28, married. Died of wounds, Sept. _,


Smith, Joseph H., Pvt. Co. H, 19th La. Inf. En. Dec. 11, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on all

Rolls to Dec., 1863. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1864, Present. Re-enlisted Dalton, Ga., Jan. 20, 1864.

Rolls April 30, 1864, to Aug. 31, 1864, Present. Roll Sept. 1, 1864, to Feb. 28, 1865, Absent on

furlough, order Gen. Hood, since Jan. 26, 1863. Roll of Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled at

_, June _, 1865. Res. De Soto Par., La.

Smith, Joseph M., Pvt. Co. D, 11th La. Inf. En. Aug. 13, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on Roll

to Oct. 31, 1861.

Smith, Joseph M., Pvt. Co. B, 14th (Austin's) Battn. La. Shp. Shooters. En. Aug. 13, 1861. Camp

Moore, La. Present on all Rolls to April, 1864. Rolls Aug. 31, 1864, to April 30, 1865, Absent,

Prisoner of War since Dec. 16, 1864. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured near Nashville,

Tenn., Dec. 16, 1864. Forwd. to Military Prison, Louisville, Ky., Jan. 2, 1865. Transfd. to Camp

Chase, Ohio, Jan. 6, 1865.

Smith, Joseph S., Pvt. Co. D, 9th La. Inf. En. March 3, 1862, Bellevue, La., for the War. Record

copied from Memorial Hall, New Orleans, La., by the War Dept., Washington, D. C., June, 1903,

occupation farmer. Res. Livingston, age when enlisted 24, single. Died at Gordonsville, May _,


Smith, Joseph S., Pvt. Co. A, 28th La. Inf. Rolls of Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled

Washington, La., June 21, 1865. Res. St. Landry Par., La.

Smith, Josephus, Pvt. Co. K, 28th Tex. Cav. Rolls of Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled

Shreveport, La., June 17, 1865. Res. Panola Co., Tex.

Smith, Joshua, Pvt. 1st Fld. Batty. La. Arty. Roll of Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled

Franklin, La., June 10, 1865. Res. St. Mary Par., La.

Smith, Joshua A., Pvt. Co. K, 17th La. Inf. En. Sept. 30, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Roll to Nov. 1,

1861, Died Oct. 31, 1861.

Smith, L., Pvt. Co. B, 2nd La. Cav. Roll of Prisoners of War of detachments of regiments in C.

S. A., Paroled Natchitoches, La., June 10, 1865. Res. Natchitoches Par., La.

Smith, L., Pvt. Co. F, 1st La. Reserves. Roll Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled at _, June _,

1865. Res. De Soto Par., La.

Smith, L., Pvt. Co. A, 21st (Kennedy's) La. Inf. Roll July 9 to Oct. 31, 1861 (only Roll on

which borne), En. New Orleans, La., July 9, 186-. Remarks: Deserted New Orleans, July 10, _.

Smith, L., Pvt. Co. C, 27th La. Inf. On List dated Hdqrs. 27th Regt. La. Vols., Shreveport, La.,

April 1, 1864, Reported for exchange at Shreveport, La.

Smith, L., Pvt. Co. G, 2nd Regt. 2nd Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll dated Feb. 27, 1862,

ordered into the service of the State of Louisiana.

Smith, L., Sergt. Co. A, 4th Regt. 1st Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into

the service of the State of Louisiana.

Smith, L. B., Corpl. Co. C, 4th La. Inf. En. May 25, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on Rolls to

Dec., 1861. On Register of C. S. A. Gen. Hospl., Shreveport, La., Admitted Oct. 11, 1864.

Transfd. Oct. 12, 1864, to Mt. Lebanon.

Smith, L. G., Pvt. Co. B, 18th La. Inf. En. Jan. 30, 1863, Camp Lake View. Roll to Feb., 1863,

Absent, sick, in Hospl. at New Iberia, La., since Feb. 18, 1863. Rolls May, 1863, to Aug., 1863,


Smith, L. H., Pvt. Co. G, 4th La. Inf. En. Oct. 1, 1861, Camp Neafus. Present on all Rolls to

Dec., 1861. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1862, Present or absent not stated. Rolls Sept., 1862, to Dec.,

1862, Present. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured near Clinton, La., May 31, 1863,

Paroled New Orleans, La., _, 1863. Exchanged City Pt., Va., July 6, 1863. Roll Aug., 1863,

Absent, taken Prisoner at Port Hudson, La., was absent without leave. Roll Sept. and Oct., 1863,

Absent; said he has taken Oath near Baton Rouge. Roll Nov. and Dec., 1863, Present or absent not

stated. Roll May 1 to Aug. 31, 1864, Absent, captured near Port Hudson, La. Absent without

leave. Roll Aug. 31, 1864, to Feb. 28, 1865, Absent. Prisoner since Dec. 17, 1864.

Smith, L. J., Pvt. General Hospl. Rolls of Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled New Iberia, La.,

June 11, 1865. Res. St. Martin Par., La.

Smith, L. L., Pvt. Co. D, Confederate Grds. Regt. La. Mil. Roll March 8 to April 30, 1862 (only

Roll on file), En. New Orleans, La., March 3, 1862. Remarks: Present. Note: Transfd. by Thos. O.

Moore, Gov. of the State of Louisiana, to Maj. Gen. M. Lovell, C. S. A., for local defense of

the City of New Orleans, March 3, 1862.

Smith, L. P., Pvt. Co. B, 26th La. Inf. Roll of Prisoners of War of detachments of different

commands. C. S. A., Paroled Alexandria, La., June 10, 1865. Res. Rapides Par., La.

Smith, L. S., Surgeon, Co. -, 9th La. Inf. On Report of sick and wounded, July 27 to 31, 1861,

Camp Pickens, Va.

Smith, Lafayette W., Pvt. Co. E, 19th La. Inf. En. Dec. 11, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on all

Rolls to Oct., 1863. Roll Nov. and Dec, 1863, Absent on furlough from Hospl., date not known.

Roll Jan. 1 to April 29, 1864, Present. Re-enlisted Dalton,

Page 623

Ga., Jan. 20, 1864. Roll May 1 to Aug. 31, 1864, Absent, sick. Absent since May 12, 1864. Roll

Sept. 1, 1864, to Feb. 28, 1865, Died Selma, Ala., of pneumonia; date not known.

Smith, Laurence, Pvt. Co. A, Chalmette Regt. La. Mil. Also on Rolls of Cos. A, B, 13th La. Inf.,

Pvt., 1st Corpl., as Smith, Lawrence C. En. Camp Moore, La., Sept. 11, 1861. Roll June 30 to

Oct. 31, 1862, Present. Rolls Dec., 1862, to April, 1863, Absent, wounded in action at

Murfreesboro, Dec. 31, 1862. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Stones River, _, 1862.

On Hospl. Register, Admitted Feb. 1, 1863, to No. 12 U. S. A. Gen. Hospl., Nashville, Tenn.

Transfd. to No. 7 U. S. A. Gen. Hospl., Louisville, Ky., Feb. 15, 1863. Forwd to Camp Morton,

Ind., Feb. 25, 1863. Exchanged City Pt., Va., April 12, 1863, Roll of Prisoners of War, C. S.

A., Paroled at Meridian, Miss., May 14, 1865. Res. New Orleans, La.

Smith, Lemuel F., Pvt. Sergt. Co. F, 19th La. Inf. En. Dec. 11, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on

Roll to Dec., 1861. Rolls May, 1862, to Aug., 1862, Present, promoted from Pvt. to 4th Corpl.,

June 20, 1862. Rolls Oct. 31, 1862, to Dec., 1863, Present. Re-enlisted Jan. 20, 1864, Dalton,

Ga. Present on Rolls to April, 1865. Rolls of Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled Meridian,

Miss., May 13, 1865. Res. Mansfield, La.

Smith, Leo., Pvt. Co. K, 13th La. Inf. Also borne on Rolls of Cos. A, B, Pvt., 20th La. Inf., as

Schmidt, Lorenz. En. Dec. 21, 1861, Camp Lewis. Present on all Rolls to June, 1862. Roll June

30, 1862, to Nov. 1, 1862, Absent, sick. Rolls Nov., 1862, to April, 1863, Present. Rolls Oct.

31, 1863, to Feb. 28, 1865, Absent, missing since Battle of Chickamauga, Ga., Sept. 20, 1863.

Smith, Leo H., Pvt. Co. F, 11th La. Inf. Roll Aug. 18 to Oct. 31, 1861 (only Roll on which

borne), En. Aug. 19, 1861, New Orleans, La. Remarks: Present.

Smith, Leon G., Pvt. 1st Sergt. Co. D, 13th Battn. La. (Partisan Rangers). En. Aug. 13, 1862,

Monroe, La. Roll Nov. and Dec., 1862, Present. Roll Jan. 1 to April 30, 1863, Present. Apptd.

1st Sergt., Jan. 1, 1863.

Smith, Leonard, Pvt. Co. G, 7th La. Inf. En. June 7, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Rolls July 4, 1861,

to Aug., 1861, Present. Rolls Sept., 1861, to Feb., 1862, Present or absent not stated. Roll

Jan. and Feb., 1863, Present. Returned to Co., Jan. 27. Rolls March, 1863, to Aug., 1863,

Present. Roll Sept. and Oct., 1863, Absent, wounded, furloughed. Rolls Nov., 1863, to Feb.,

1864, Absent, wounded. Roll April 30 to Aug. 31, 1864 (last on which borne), Absent, wounded,

Sept. 12, 1863.

Smith, Leonidas E., Pvt. Co. D, Miles' Legion La. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured

Natchez. Miss., July 4, 1863. Sent to Memphis, Tenn., July 17, 1863. Recd. Gratiot St. Military

Prison, St. Louis, Mo., July 26, 1863. Forwd. to Camp Morton, Ind., Aug. 7, 1863. On Roll of

Prisoners of War at Camp Morton, Ind., who desire taking the Oath of Allegiance. Remarks:

Conscripted July 11, 1862, Lafayette Par., La. Desires to take the Oath, return to Louisiana,

remain a loyal man. Recommended. Roll dated Hdqrs. Camp Morton, Ind., March 15, 1865, of

Prisoners of War paroled at Camp Morton, Ind., and Forwd. to Pt. Lookout, Md., via Baltimore &

Ohio R. R., for exchange. Exchanged at Boulware's and Cox's Wharf, James River, Va., March 23,


Smith, Leonidas G., Sergt. Co. E, 12th La. Inf. En. Aug. 18, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Roll to Oct.

31, 1861, Promoted to the Office of Sergt. Major, Sept. 1, and discharged Oct. _, 1861.

Smith, Leopold, Pvt. Co. C, 8th La. Inf. En. June 16, 1862, St. Martin, La. Present on Rolls to

Aug., 1862. Roll Jan. 1 to Sept. 30, 1862. Detailed order of Col. Kelly, June 13; returned to

Co. Aug. 13, 1862. Roll Sept. and Oct., 1862, Present. Roll Nov. and Dec., 1862, Present,

detailed as Hospl. attendant. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1863, Absent, sick, in Richmond. Roll Feb. 28

to May 14, 1863, Transfd. to Gen. Hospl. in Louisiana. Record copied from Memorial Hall, New

Orleans, La., by the War Dept., Washington, D. C., June, 1903, born Louisiana, occupation

farmer, Res. New Iberia, La., age when enlisted 25, married. Detailed with the Surgeon of the

Regt. and then Transfd. as Asst. Surgeon in Louisiana.

Smith, Lewis, Pvt. Co. F, 11th Battn. La. Inf. En. June 30, 1862, Harrisonburg, La. Present on

all Rolls to Oct., 1862.

Smith, Lewis, Pvt. Co. F, 16th La. Inf. En. March 25, 1862, Corinth, Miss. Roll May and June,

1862, Present. Roll July 1 to Nov. 1, 1862, Discharged and final statement rendered July 3,


Smith, Lewis, _ Co. -, 22nd and 23rd La. Inf. On Roll dated Office Provost Marshal, Harrisburg,

July 29, 1863, of Prisoners of War Forwd. from Harrisburg, Pa., to Philadelphia, Pa., July 29,


Smith, Lewis, Pvt. Co. -, 1st Native Grds. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into active

service of the State of Louisiana.

Smith, Lewis E., Pvt. Co. B, 13th La. Inf. En. Sept. 1, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Roll June 30 to

Oct. 31, 1862, Absent with Division Wagons. Rolls Jan., 1863, to Dec., 1863, Present on extra

duty as Regtl. Teamster. Rolls Jan., 1864, to Feb., 1865, Present. Brigade Teamster, order of

Gen. Gibson.

Smith, Lewis F., Pvt. Co. D, 11th Battn. La. Inf. En. May 3, 1862, Mansfield, La. Present on all

Rolls to April, 1863.

Smith, Loran, Pvt. Co. A, 20th La. Inf. En. _. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured

Chickamauga, Ga., Sept. _, 1863. Forwd. to Military Prison, Louisville, Ky., Oct. 1, 1863.

Transfd. to Camp Douglas, _, 1863. En. in U. S. Navy.

Smith, Loran, Pvt. Co. A, 26th La. Inf. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Chickamauga,

Ga., Sept. 20, 1863. Forwd. to Camp Douglas, Ill., _, 1863. Enlisted in U. S. Navy, Dec., 1863.

Smith, Louis, Pvt. Co. K, Cons. 18th Regt. and Yellow Jacket Battn. La. Inf. Roll Jan. and Feb.,

1864 (only Roll on file), En. Sept. 21, 1862, Assumption Par., La., for the War. Absent, sick,

in Par. of St. Martin.

Smith, Louis, Pvt. Co. C, 3rd Regt. 1st Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered into

the service of the State of Louisiana.

Smith, Louis F., Pvt. Co. B, Cons. Cres. Regt. La. Inf. En. Mansfield, May 3, 1862. Roll Jan.

and Feb., 1864, Present. Roll of Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled _, June _, 1865. Res. De

Soto Par., La.

Smith, Lovely, Pvt. Co. K, 19th La. Inf. En. Dec. 15, 1861, New Orleans, La. Present on Roll to

Dec. 31, 1861.

Smith, M., Pvt. Co. H, Cres. Regt. La. Inf. Roll Nov. and Dec., 1862 (only Roll on which borne),

En. Camp Pratt, Nov. 8, 1862. Remarks: Deserted Dec. 9, _.

Smith, M., Pvt. Co. G, 11th La. Inf. En. Aug. 18, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Roll to Oct. 31, 1861,

Discharged Aug. 25, 1861.

Smith, M., Pvt. Co. F, 22nd (Cons.) La. Inf. En. Vicksburg, Miss., Jan. 14, 1863. Rolls from

March, 1864, to Oct., 1864, Present. Roll of Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled Meridian,

Miss., May 12, 1865. Res. Monroe, Ouachita Par., La.

Page 624

Smith, M., Pvt. Capt. Fenner's Batty. La. Lt. Arty. En. May 16, 1862, Jackson, Miss.

Present on all Rolls to Dec., 1863. Roll of Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled at Meridian,

Miss., May 10, 1865. Res. New Orleans, La.

Smith, M. A., _ Co. D, 18th La. Inf. Also on Rolls of Co. F, Cres. Regt. La., Pvt. En. New

Orleans, La., March 8, 1862. Present on Rolls to June, 1862. Roll July and Aug., 1862, Present.

Transfd. from Cres. Regt. to Co. D, 18th La. Inf., Aug. 1, 1862. Rolls Nov., 1862, to Aug.,

1863, Present. Detailed as Ambulance Driver, Nov. 9, 1862. order Col. A. W. Bosworth and Lt.

Col. Soule.

Smith, M. H., Pvt. Co. F, 12th La. Inf. Roll dated Memphis, Tenn., March 17, 1862 (only Roll on

file), En. _.

Smith, M. M., Pvt. Co. K, 4th La. Inf. En. March 1, 1864, Mobile, Ala. Present on all Rolls to

Feb. 28, 1865. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured Spanish Fort, Ala., April 8, 1865.

Received Ship Island, Miss., April 10, 1865. Transfd. to Vicksburg, Miss., May 1, 1865. Paroled

Camp Townsend, May 6, 1865.

Smith, M. R., Pvt. Corpl. Cos. G, O, Cons. Cres. Regt. La. Inf. En. New Orleans, La., March 8,

1862. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1864, Present. Roll of Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled

Natchitoches, La., June 6, 1865. Res. New Orleans, La.

Smith, Marion, _ Co. -, 27th La. Inf. On Abstract, not dated, of bounty money paid by Col. I. D.

Marks, 27th Regt. La. Vols., Feb. 19, 1863.

Smith, Marshall J., Col. Co. -, Crescent Regt. La. Inf. En. _. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of

War, Captured Port Hudson, La., July 9, 1863. Recd. New Orleans, La., on board Steamer General

Banks. July 16, 1863. Forwd. to Ft. Lafayette, N. Y. Harbor, Dec. 26, 1863. Sept to Ft. McHenry,

Baltimore, Md., Feb. 11, 1864. Transfd. to Ft. Delaware, Del., June 16, 1864, thence to Hilton

Head, S. C., June 25, 1864.

Smith, Martin, Pvt. Co. E, 28th (Gray's) La. Inf. En. Monroe, La., May 10, 1862. Roll July and

Aug., 1863, Deserted. Roll of Prisoners of War of detachments of different commands, C. S. A.,

Paroled Alexandria, La., June 13, 1865. Res. Rapides Par., La.

Smith, Martin, Pvt. Capt. Moody's Co. (Madison Lt. Arty.) La. Arty. Roll dated April 6, 1861,

Richmond. Va. (only Roll on which borne), En. Feb. 14, 1861, Monroe, La. Remarks: Deserted.

Smith, Martin L., Colonel, 21st (Patton's) La. Inf.

Smith, Martin Luther, Pvt. Co. E, 12th La. Inf. En. Aug. 13, 1861, Camp Lewis. Present on Rolls

to Oct. 31, 1861.

Smith, Mathew, Pvt. Co. E, 3rd La. Cav. (Harrison's). Roll of Prisoners of War of detachments of

different commands, C. S. A., Paroled Alexandria, La., June 26, 1865. Res. Catahoula Par., La.

Smith, Melanithon, Col. Comdg. Arty. Brigade, Maury's Division. Rolls of Prisoners of War, C. S.

A., Paroled Meridian, Miss., May 10. 1865.

Smith, Michael, Pvt. Co. E, 1st Spec. Battn. (Rightor's) La. Inf. En. May 5, 1861, Pensacola,

Fla. Present on all Rolls to Feb., 1862.

Smith, Michael, Pvt. Co. A, 1st (Strawbridge's) La. Inf. En. March 30, 1861, New Orleans, La.

Roll April 9 to June 30, 1861, Detached service, Quarter Master's Dept. Roll July and Aug.,

1861, Present. Rolls Sept., 1861, to Dec., 1861, Orderly to Major Gen. Bragg. Present. Roll to

April 30, 1862, Discharged and final statement given, April 1, 1862.

Smith, Michael, 3rd, Pvt. Co. F, 1st (Strawbridge's) La. Inf.

Smith, Michael, Corpl. Co. K, 6th La. Inf. En. June 4, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on Rolls to

Oct., 1861. Roll May and June, 1862, Present. Roll July and Aug., 1862, Present or absent not

stated. Rolls Sept., 1862, to April, 1863, Absent, wounded at Bristow, Aug. 25, 1862. Roll May

and June, 1863, Absent, sick, at Mobile. Roll July and Aug., 1863, Present, wounded at Battle of

Bristow Station, Aug. 27, 1863. Roster not dated, 1st Corpl., May 3, 1861, to Oct. 30, 1863.

Remarks: Honorably discharged. Record copied from Memorial Hall, New Orleans, La., by the War

Dept., Washington, D. C., May, 1903, born Ireland, occupation laborer, Res. New Orleans, La.,

age when enlisted 34, married. Discharged Sept. 1, 1863, disabled from wounds.

Smith, Michael, Pvt. Co. B, 11th La. Inf. Roll dated Aug. 19, 1861, (only Roll on which borne).

En. Aug. 19, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present or absent not stated.

Smith, Michael, _ Wencks Co. 3rd Regt. 2nd Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On List dated New Orleans,

La., April 7, 1862, detailed for Sanitary Corps.

Smith, Michael, Pvt. Co. F, 4th Regt. 3rd Brig. 1st Div. La. Mil. On Roll not dated, ordered

into the service of the State of Louisiana.

Smith, Milton J., Pvt. Co. L, 12th La. Inf. En. Aug. 13, 1861, Camp Moore, La., for twelve

months. Roll to Oct. 31, 1861, Absent, furloughed from Oct. 13 to Nov. 13, 1861 (inclusive).

Smith, Milton J., Corpl. Co. E, 31st La. Inf. En. Monroe, La., May 11, 186-. Roll Jan. and Feb.,

1863, Present. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured and paroled Vicksburg, Miss., July 4,

1863. On List dated Hdqrs. Allen's Brigade, Shreveport, La., March 29, 1864, Reported in camp

for exchange at Vienna, La., before April 1, 1864. Roll of Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled

_, June _, 1865. Res. Claiborne Par., La.

Smith, Mitchel, Jr. 2nd Lt. 2nd Lt. Co. I, 22nd (Cons.) La. Inf. En. _. Rolls from Jan., 1864,

to April, 1864, Present, sick, in camp. Roll May and June, 1864, Absent, sick, in Hospl. at

Greenville, Ala., since June 23, 1864. Roll July and Aug., 1864, Absent on sick furlough since

July 3, 1864. Roll Sept. and Oct., 1864, Resignation accepted Oct. 13, 1864. On Roster dated

March _, 1865. Apptd. 2nd Lt., April 16, 1863. Resigned Oct. 13, 1864.

Smith, Mitchell, Pvt. Jr. 2nd Lt. Co. A, 21st (Patton's) La. Inf. En. New Orleans, La., June 19,

1861. Rolls from June, 1861, to Feb., 1863, Present. Federal Rolls of Prisoners of War, Captured

and paroled Vicksburg, Miss., July 4, 1863. Roll to Oct. 31, 1863, Present. Roll Nov. and Dec.,

1863. Absent without leave since Dec. 28, 1863.

Smith, Morris R., 2nd Corpl. Co. O, Cons. Cres. Regt. Inf. Rolls Prisoners of War, C. S. A.,

Paroled Natchitoches, La., June 6, 1865. Res. New Orleans, La.