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Welcome to the official website of the Louisiana Division of the Sons of Confederate Veterans. We're delighted that you've chosen to explore our platform, demonstrating your keen interest in Confederate history. As passionate advocates for preserving and understanding our shared heritage, we are here to accompany you on your enlightening journey into the past.

Image of our Commander

Bobby G. Herring

Louisiana Division Commander

Sons of Confederate Veterans

Image of Louisiana Commander's Logo

Our Story

The citizen-soldier who took up arms in 1861 was just like most of us, a normal person who, by right of his birth as an American, decided that he had had enough of an intrusive federal government in his life. Like his father and grandfather, who fought in 1776, he took to the battlefield to be free of being dominated by a government that was taking advantage of superior military might to make his life harder. He was a soldier who arguably did more with less than any other group of men in the history of America.

These men are who we revere today. Ordinary men who did extraordinary things in the time of war simply, as one Southern soldier said when asked why he was fighting, "because you are here!" Men who are besmirched by the ignorant and politically motivated on a daily basis. Contained on this website, you can find people, like you and me, who began their research by locating a local camp of the SCV to start their research of an ancestor.

There are links to research for particular units and men who gave their all just to be left alone so that they could live as they liked in a free society. You can also find links that will connect you to organizations specifically for women and children.

SCV National Logo

The Sons of Confederate Veterans (SCV) is a premier historical and heritage organizations in the United States. We are a non-political 501(C) non-profit organization dedicated solely to educating the populace regarding the War for Southern Independence and the Confederate Soldier. We were "charged" in 1896 by General Stephen D. Lee to keep the memory and good name of the Confederate soldier alive, which is what we strive to do. Please delve further into our site and investigate your own history.

How To Join

There are only two fundamental requirements to joining the SCV. You must be a male, age 12 or older, and you must be able to show lineage to someone who served the Confederate military honorably. That's it.Contact any of the men listed in our directory, and he will either help you or point you in the direction you need to proceed. I am honored to serve as Louisiana Division Commander in an organization that has so much meaning to many people. Please continue your search into your history and join the SCV to keep history alive.

To Join our Band of Brothers call 1-800-MY-DIXIE.
The South still needs all her sons.

SCV Membership Application

Charge to SCV

Charge to the Sons of Confederate Veterans

"To you, Sons of Confederate Veterans, we will commit the vindication of the cause for which we fought. To your strength will be given the defense of the Confederate soldier's good name, the guardianship of his history, the emulation of his virtues, the perpetuation of those principles which he loved and which you love also, and those ideals which made him glorious and which you also cherish."

Lt. General Stephen Dill Lee, Commander General,
United Confederate Veterans,
New Orleans, Louisiana, April 25, 1906.


We are not a hate group, nor are we elitists. We are non-partisan in every nature. The main goals of the Sons of Confederate Veterans are to vindicate the Cause for which our Confederate ancestors so bravely fought more than a century ago, the feats that they proudly accomplished, and last but not least, our ancestors will never be forgotten. And that is what we hope to accomplish with this web page.

"The name and service mark of the Sons of Confederate Veterans; is reserved for use only by the officers and members of the Sons of Confederate Veterans. This use is permitted only for authorized promotions, meetings, events, and communications. Impermissible use of the name and service mark includes, but is not limited to, the endorsement or promotion, directly or indirectly, of any political candidate, political party, or other persons or organizations."

The Louisiana Division of the Sons of Confederate Veterans is in no way affiliated with nor endorses any of the organizations or companies referred to on these pages other than the Sons of Confederate Veterans. They are on these pages for the information and awareness of such organizations and their purpose. Any information presented by these organizations and companies does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the SCV.

Please submit additional Louisiana Division history (including revisions) to [email protected]

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