Division Executive Council


Division Commander -Bobby Herring

First Lieutenant Commander -Sylvester Martinez

Second Lieutenant Commander -Ron Butler

Northwest Brigade Commander -Lute Lee

Northeast Brigade Commander -Dwayne Achord

Southwest Brigade Commander -Darryl Ross

Southeast Brigade Commander -Billy Watts


Chief of Staff -David Hill

Division Adjutant -Steven Coyle

Judge Advocate -Dick Knadler

Immediate Past Three Division Commanders

2022-2024 -Brian McClure

2020-2022 -George Gremillion

2018-2020 -Randy Jarreau

Division Staff

Division Chaplain -Donald Kimball

Chief of Heritage Operations -Brian McClure

Awards Chairman -Thomas Taylor

Guardian Program Chairman -David Hill

Division Genealogist -J. C. Hanna

Division Webmaster -Charles Jouglard-
EMAIL: [email protected]

Tiger Courier List Operator -Allen Lawrence-
EMAIL: [email protected]

Parliamentarian -Chuck McMichael

Chief of Protocol - Paul Gramling

Division Historian -Bill Tate

Sergeant at Arms -Keith Porter

Color Sergeant -Kevin Adkins

SCV Commander in Chiefs (CIC) From The Louisiana Division

(2024-2026) Walter Donald Kennedy

(2008-2010) Charles E. McMichael

(1939-1940) John Roy Price

(1903-1904) William McLelland Fayssoux

(2018-2020) Paul Gramling, Jr.

(1970-1972) Bernard E. Eble II

(1926-1927) Lucius Lamar Moss

Past Louisiana Division Commanders

(2022-2024) Brian McClure

(2020-2022) George D. Gremillion

(2018-2020) Randall L. Jarreau

(2016-2018) J. C. Hanna

(2014-2016) Thomas E. Taylor

(2012-2014) Ted Brode

(2010-2012) David Hill

(2008-2010) Charles Lauret

(2006-2008) Milton Todd Owens

(2004-2006) Charles E McMichael

(2000-2002) Charles L. Rand, III

(1998-2000) Paul Gramling, Jr.

(1992-1994) Donald Kennedy

(1990-1992) James R. Kennedy

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